Category: Diabetes & Complications

What are the health benefits of Chanca Piedra?-Phyllanthus Niruri


Chanca Piedra or Phyllanthus Niruri is also known as ‘Stonebreaker’ or ‘Seed under leaf’ is a tropical plant or herb found in Amazon rain forests and along the coasts. It spreads like common weeds. It is a naturally occurring herb and was first called Quebra Pedra in Brazil where the people made its tea or added it to the juices. It is considered as a biologically active plant which has excellent antioxidant and antibacterial activity.

Chanca Piedra or Phyllanthus Niruri

The whole plant is used to make medicines. Chanca Piedra has numerous health benefits as it is rich in different types of chemicals which helps in relieving fever and spasms. The herb also acts as a powerful pain killer/ pain reliever. It is considered as an anti-inflammatory and a pain blocker similar to morphine but without side effects.

Modern sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits have led to various diseases like diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. These ailments strain the liver and kidney further leading to deficiency of minerals like magnesium from the body. Chanca Piedra helps in tackling all these problems naturally.

What are the Health Benefits of Chanca Piedra?-(Phyllanthus Niruri)

  • The herb Chanca Piedra has been used by people of Amazon since ages, to treat and remove gallstones and kidney stones. That is why it is given the name ‘Stone Breaker/Stone Crusher’ because of its lithotriptic(stone breaking and expelling) properties.

Herbal Remedy for Kidney Stone

Useful in Kidney Stones

  • It reduces the levels of urinary calcium that leads to stone formation in the kidneys or bladder. The herb when consumed in the form of medicine helps to soften (gelatinize) the kidney and gallstones allowing them to change shape so that it can come out of the ureter smoothly and painlessly.
  • These stones can be extremely painful for the patient. Just by increasing the intake of water and consuming Chanca Piedra on regular basis, the patient can find relief in it. The herb relaxes the ureter for easier and less painful passing of stones. The alkaloid present in the leaves and stem of Chanca Piedra herb has antispasmodic property.Thus, the herb serves as a relaxing agent for smooth muscles and also helps in expelling stones out of the system.

Urinary Tract infections

Useful in Urinary Tract infections

  • It is mainly used to treat Urinary Tract infections that causes pain and swellings inflammation, and discharge from urethra or vagina. The herb helps to increase the volume of urine and acts as a deterrent against different types of viruses and bacteria. The herb is known for its diuretic qualities and is very effective in relieving edema and urine retention.

Useful in Digestive Disorders

  • The plant is used for treating digestive tract disorders including gas or bloating, loss of appetite, stomach pain, intestinal infections, constipation, and dysentery. It works as a mild laxative.

How to Take

  • Consuming a cup of Chanca Piedra daily helps in stimulating the appetite and get rid of infections in the digestive tract. Good digestion improves nutrient absorption in the intestines and also leads to efficient excretion of wastes. It also helps to expel worms (anti-parasitic) out of a body. The herb in a way boosts the overall immunity of the body.

Herbal Remedies for liver disorders

Useful in Liver Disorders

  • The herb is known to be used as a liver tonic to manage liver problems like jaundice. The herb has strong hepatoprotective properties. Consuming the herb helps to stimulate bile production in the liver, which in turn, speeds up the elimination of all harmful substances in the body. Thus, it aids the liver in its proper functioning and eliminating toxins out of the body.
  • The herb has the ability to protect the liver due to the presence of phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin in it. It helps to treat fatty liver. The herb is widely used in preparing medicines for treating the deadly disease called Hepatitis B especially for children. It is the most effective, natural, non-toxic remedy for HBV (Hepatitis B Virus).

diabetes herbal remedies

Useful for Diabetic Patients

  • Chanca Piedra is very useful for diabetic patients as it helps in reducing insulin resistance and also reduces the risk of heart diseases. It plays an important role in keeping the blood sugar level under control by inhibiting glucose absorption and enhancing glucose storage. The herb also keeps the blood pressure normal. Chanca Piedra is a natural choice for people who do not want to take pills for hypertension.

Useful in Respiratory Problems

  • Chanca Piedra is a natural treatment for cough, sore throat and treats breathing problems caused by diseases like tuberculosis, bronchitis, and asthma. The Chanca Piedra tea is a very effective remedy for a persistent cough as it fights against the viruses and bacteria causing cough. It is also recommended to treat swollen tonsils, colic, flu, swine flu, malaria etc. It helps in reducing fever effectively. It is also being used for other conditions like treating tremors, itching, typhoid, dizziness.

Useful in Joint Pain

  • Chanca Piedra is very useful in treating joint soreness. It is also known to stop abnormal gene mutations and could possibly be used to prevent cancer from spreading.

Useful in Weight loss

Chanca Piedra is an excellent herb for weight loss. The stone-breaker herb also has the capabilities of lowering cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is one of the major reasons for getting gallstones.
To prepare Chanca Piedra tea, one needs to boil 2 heaped spoons of the herb or 5 g of dried herb in 500 ml water for 10 minutes. The tea can be taken 2 to 3 times a day (125 ml at a time) to cleanse kidneys and liver.

How Chanca Piedra Works?

  • The herb is available as a dried herb in stores. Tea can be prepared from it. The herb is also available in tincture form, as water extracts and encapsulated at some outlets. The best one is 50% methanol extract of Chanca Piedra due to its high potency.Chanca Piedra is a powerhouse herb that could improve the health and quality of life naturally. It should be included in the diet regardless of any ailments. It has curative and preventive abilities and is very beneficial in maintaining normal liver, digestive, and kidney function


  • The herb should not be used if one is planning to undergo surgery as it might slow blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding. It might also interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should also avoid consuming Chanca Piedra in large quantities.

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What are the benefits of Cinnamon in Diabetes?


Cinnamon is an aromatic, very delicious spice derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum tree. The spice has been used in medicines since ages. It has also been used as a food preservative in older times. Cinnamon lends a complex, sweet flavor without the spike in blood sugar level. The compound cinnamaldehyde is responsible for its health benefits. According to Ayurveda, Cinnamon is an excellent herb to pacify Kapha and balance Vata and Pitta. It is known as twak in Sanskrit and daalchini in Hindi.

Treatment of Diabetes in Ayurveda

What are the Types of Cinnamon?

There are four types of Cinnamon being commercially used. These include Ceylon, Cassia, Saigon and Korintje but most popular are

  • Ceylon and Cassia. Ceylon Cinnamon is grown in South America, Southeast Asia and West Indies.
  • Cassia Cinnamon is grown in Central America, China and Indonesia.
  • Ceylon Cinnamon is considered true or Mexican cinnamon. They are soft and brittle and are rolled tightly.

Cinnamon contains phytochemical that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anticancer and anti-diabetic properties.

Is Cinnamon Good For Diabetes?

  • Cinnamon is a miraculous herb in preventing and fighting diabetes (Type 2 only where pancreas still produce insulin but cells become resistant to it).
  • Treatment for diabetics is a lifelong blood sugar monitoring, healthy eating, regular exercise and at times insulin therapy.
  • The key hormone Insulin regulates metabolism and energy use. It also transports blood sugar from the blood stream to our cells. When an individual’s cells become resistant to the effects of Insulin, it leads to Type 2 diabetes.

How Cinnamon Works?

  • Cinnamon works wonder in reducing insulin resistance naturally and gradually and thus helps the hormone to do its job smoothly. The high levels of blood sugar in diabetic patients
  • (Type 2 diabetes) leads to the formation of harmful substances called Advanced Glycation End products (AGE). This leads to cellular damage. Cinnamon has compounds like epicatechin, catechin and procyanindin B2 that inhibits the formation of AGEs and thus prevents further damage to the cells.
  • Cinnamon stimulates the release of insulin from pancreatic cells and improves the activity of insulin receptors along with improving the glucose uptake by the cells.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

How to use

  • Type 2 diabetes people are advised to take at least 1 gram of cinnamon daily. It could be sprinkled on foods for added flavor or boil some cinnamon sticks in water for 20 minutes and then let it cool for some time as while cooling, the cinnamon releases all its magical compounds.
  • The water will turn golden red. The tea needs to be strained and enjoyed warm. One may also mix 3 spoons of cinnamon powder to one liter of water and heat it for 20 minutes. Strain and consume the mixture daily.

Manage Blood Sugar Levels

  • Cinnamon has the ability of lowering blood sugar levels naturally. It has anti diabetic properties. It decreases the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream after a meal. It interferes with the digestive enzymes which slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract.
  • It blocks certain enzymes called alanines which allow glucose to be absorbed by blood. These enzymes or biological catalysts break down the complex carbohydrates into glucose, so when they are blocked or inhibited, the after-meal glucose level (postprandial) gets reduced naturally.
  • A compound in cinnamon called Methylhydroxychalcone Polymer (MHCP) act on cells by mimicking insulin, which improves glucose uptake by cells. It has been shown that consuming Cinnamon can lower the fasting blood sugar levels 20 %.

Useful in cholesterol

  • Cinnamon also reduces the plasma glucose levels, bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides and increases good cholesterol (HDL).

Stress Management

  • The antioxidant properties of cinnamon help to reduce the oxidative stress on the diabetic patient’s body which happens due to side effects of anti-diabetic medicines being taken by the patients over long period of time.
Stress Management


Useful in Erectile Dysfunction

  • Along with controlling diabetes, this spice supports sexual function in males and improves erectile dysfunction. It is one of the best remedies for erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients. The cinnamon oil is diluted with sesame oil and applied over the penis for 10 minutes before the bath to improve blood circulation and for longer erections.

Erectile Dysfunction

Ceylon cinnamon contains less quantities of a compound called coumarin so it is the best type of cinnamon for diabetic patients.

Useful in cardiovascular disease

  • One of the complications of diabetes is cardiovascular disease. This can be averted with regular intake of cinnamon in small quantities. The compound called Cinnamaldehyde stops the progress of hypertension or high blood pressure in Type 2 diabetic patients.

cardiovascular disease

Diabetic patients are prone to many metabolic problems due to their existing conditions or as a result of the medicines they are taking. They may get inflammation in various parts of their body. The anti-inflammatory effects of cinnamon helps to reduce pain and swelling.

Useful in Alzheimer’s disease

  • Cinnamon is also known to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease often associated with diabetes. The cinnamon extract decreases the ability of proteins like beta amyloid and tau to form plaques and tangles leading to Alzheimer (type 3 diabetes).

Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

How to Take Cinnamon

  • It is advised to take Cinnamon after consulting with the physician as they can provide the best combination according to one’s body constitution. Cinnamon might interact with other medicines, so it should be taken carefully under doctor’s supervision.
  • Cinnamon can be added in food, smoothies and tea or may be taken as cinnamon essential oil in foods. Cinnamon goes well with peanut butter and sugar free jab on toast for diabetic patients. It can be added in oatmeal for a healthy breakfast.
  • One may take cassia cinnamon in capsule forms (500 mg) twice a day.


  • The recommended and effective dose to be taken by a diabetic patient should not exceed 2 teaspoons a day.

Avoid Cinnamon

  • People with liver problems should avoid taking Cinnamon in excess. Some people are also allergic to the compound cinnamaldehyde which can cause mouth sores and breathing problems.
  • Consuming too much cinnamon may lead to a condition called hypoglycemia (Low blood glucose) wherein the person feel tired and dizzy. Eating dry cinnamon may permanently damage lungs.


  • Cinnamon should be used by all in small quantities to prevent elevated glucose levels and blood lipid levels. A healthy diet with an active lifestyle helps to keep one fit and free from illness.