Category: Skin Health

Natural Treatment of Microfilaria or Elephantiasis or Lymphatic Filariasis


Microfilaria or Elephantiasis or Lymphatic filariasis is a condition developed by parasitic worms and can transfer from one person to another through mosquitoes. Swelling in the legs, breasts or scrotum can be observed in the patients of Microfilaria. This disease is more common in tropical and subtropical areas of the world such as Southeast Asia and Africa. Over 120 million people are affected with Microfilaria the entire world. Today we will discuss this disease in detail and its management with Ayurveda.


The symptoms of microfilaria may vary from person to person depending upon the severity of the disease. But the most common sign and symptom of microfilaria is the swelling of the body parts. The swelling can occur more frequently in the areas of

  1. Arms
  2. Breasts
  3. Genitals
  4. Legs

The legs are the most affected body areas affected with microfilaria. The sensation of pain and mobility issues can be faced due to swelling and enlargement of the body parts while suffering through this disease.

Microfilaria or Elephantiasis

The Skin is Also Affected and May Be

  1. Pitted
  2. Darker than normal
  3. Ulcerated
  4. Thick
  5. Dry

Fever and chills are also some signs and symptoms of the microfilaria.


Microfilaria is a disease caused by parasitic worms spread through mosquitoes. The major worms involved in the development of microfilaria are:

  1. Brugia timori
  2. Wuchereria bancrofti

These worms affect the body’s lymphatic system which plays a crucial role in excreting harmful toxins and free radicals from the body. But due to infection by the worms, the lymphatic system gets blocked and becomes less efficient in excreting waste substances which further leads to a backup of lymphatic fluid resulting in swelling.


The Treatment of Microfilaria is very effective and easy with Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurvedic medicines are formulated with herb extracts which show their action in a natural and permanent way by treating the disease from its root cause without giving any side effects in the patient’s body.


Similarly, by following Basic Fundamentals of Ayurveda, PLANET AYURVEDA formulated some marvelous remedies to help the patients suffering from Microfilaria. All these remedies are totally natural and processed with standardized extract of herbs. No preservative, color, flavor, binder, filler or any artificial material is introduced in these remedies which can interfere with its natural action. Planet Ayurveda’s all herbal remedies are prepared under strict guidance of a team of expert Ayurvedic M.D. doctors having a vast experience of herb usage, Consumption of these remedies will provide you a huge relief from Microfilaria. Take a look at these wonderful effective remedies.




Kaishore Guggul tablets are formulated with best quality extracts of herbs including Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), etc. All these herbs are very beneficial in treating various disorders of the body such as microfilaria, skin disorders, pancreatic disorders, and strengthening the immune system.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with lukewarm water after meals.


Planet Ayurveda’s Curcumin capsules are formulated with standardized extract of Curcumin (Curcuma longa) which is a powerhouse of antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal properties. Consumption of these capsules will help you in getting rid of microfilaria and preventing numerous body diseases. Inflammation in the whole body can be reduced with curcumin capsules very effectively.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with normal water after meals.


High quality extract of Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) herb is processed in preparing Manjishtha capsules in the house of Planet Ayurveda. These capsules are very helpful in protecting the body from a variety of disorders such as congestion, cold, cough, skin diseases, blood disorders, wounds, diabetes, vaginal disorders, etc. Microfilaria can be treated in a complete natural manner with these capsules.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with normal water after meals.


Gandhak Rasayan tablets by Planet Ayurveda are prepared with pure quality extract of Shuddha Gandhak (Purified sulphur). This herb is very advantageous in supporting healthy skin, maintaining the health of the female reproductive system and rejuvenating the whole body’s cells and tissues. These capsules will detoxify your blood by removing harmful toxins and free radicals from the body.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with normal water after meals.


It is made up blend mixture of extract of 13 herbs like Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Khadir (Areca catechu), Haridra (Curcuma longa), etc. Use of this syrup will enhance your overall health and treat numerous disorders which can interfere with normal functioning of the whole body symptoms. Use this syrup with other herbal remedies to treat microfilaria in a paced manner.

Dosage: 1-2 teaspoonful twice daily or as prescribed by the physician.


Neemi ointment is a pure herbal formulation for topical use. It is a wonderful remedy for treating various skin disorders including pimples, acne, boils, bacterial or fungal infections in a natural way. Use this oil to enhance the health and appearance of your skin and protect it from a wide range of disorders from which microfilaria is the one.

Dosage: Mix Neemi ointment with Kushtha 7 oil. Apply this paste over the affected area twice daily or as per directed by the physician.


Kushtha 7 oil is prepared with the best quality extract of Bakuchi oil, Tuvrak tail, Brihatmarichyadi tail, Karanj tail, etc which are helpful in itching, psoriasis, microfilaria, skin disorders, eczema and blood disorders. This oil will provide you with external relief and make the skin appearance good and attractive.

Dosage: Mix Kushtha 7 oil with Neemi ointment. Apply this paste over the affected area twice daily or as per directed by the physician.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or call at +91-172-5214040


Treatment of microfilaria is mandatory to be taken at the correct time as this disease may make your skin appearance worse and ugly. You can easily treat microfilaria by using the above mentioned herbal remedies which will treat you by keeping your body natural and without showing any side-effects. These medicines can be consumed by any person of any age as they are 100 percent natural and safe for consumption.

Adult Still’s Disease Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment By Ayurveda


Adult Still’s disease as the name suggests is a disease that affects adults and is an uncommon inflammatory problem that can impact the whole body. The reason for the problem is obscure. Affected people might develop a classical triad of high fevers, a pink or salmon-hued rash, and joint aches. The other features may include muscle aches, sore throat, and other symptoms related to systemic inflammatory conditions. In the text below we shall see this condition in detail and we shall also see its management in the contemporary system of medicine and traditional system of Ayurvedic management. Let’s see !!

Adult Still’s Disease


Adult Still’s disease is an uncommon kind of inflammatory arthritis characterized by rash, joint pain, and high-grade fever. Certain individuals have just one episode of Adult Still’s disease whereas, in others, the condition continues or repeats. This inflammation can destroy the affected joints, especially the wrist joints. Adult Still’s disease is also known as Wissler-Fanconi syndrome. The correlation of Adult Still’s disease can be best established with Yamagata. We shall see its details further in this article. Now let’s see the causes, classification, features, management, and Ayurvedic aspect of the condition.

Causes of Adult Still’s Disease

There is no cause found to date that causes Adult Still’s disease.

Researchers believe that the condition might be due to two types of patterns:

  • An extreme that debilitates the patient with patterns of fevers, pain, and other systemic discomforts
  • A less severe pattern whose main symptoms are chronic joint pain and arthritis.

Signs and symptoms

  • Joint pains
  • High-grade fever – 102 F
  • Salmon pink maculopapular or macular rash
  • Enlarged liver and spleen
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Sore throat
  • Neutrophil-predominant elevated white blood cells
  • Extreme fatigue and muscle pain
  • A less common feature is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs and heart


  • The exact cause of Adult Still’s disease is unknown. Though it possibly involves interleukin-1.


  • The diagnosis is completely based on clinical manifestation rather than serological findings.


  • Anti-inflammatory medications are used to treat inflammation.
  • Steroids for overall systemic symptoms and inflammation.
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Antirheumatic drugs


  • Joint destruction
  • Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
  • Fulminant hepatitis
  • Intravascular disseminated coagulation
  • Aseptic meningitis
  • Sensorineural loss of hearing

Ayurvedic Aspect And Management of Adult Still’s Disease 

  • The correlation of Adult Still’s disease can be established with Yamagata. The word ‘Amavata’ is composed of two components – ama and vata.

  • The vata component is one of the doshas that governs all the functions of the body and also governs pitta and kapha dosha. Generally, vata dosha, when within its normal limits, does a number of functions such as distribution of the essential nutrients, elimination of toxins, and other important functions. All the normal functions are hampered when the vata dosha is vitiated. Vitiated vata dosha results in a number of symptoms that occur due to hampering of the functions performed by the vata dosha. Vitiated vata dosha results in many painful conditions.

  • Ama, another component can also cause blocks due to its sticking property. Ama is related to a metabolic toxin that originates from errorful metabolism at the cellular and gut levels. Formation of ama is due to weak digestion which results in indigestion which results in the unprocessed or vicious food essence which gets into the bloodstream being distributed to nourish the tissues. From this, the first dhatu that is rasa dhatu is inaccurately formed and is unprocessed. This contaminated and vicious Sahara rasa (essence) is called ama. Over time, if this condition is not managed the ama gets deposited in the body and causes a number of diseases.

  • Amavata is a disease that results due to imbalanced or vitiated vata and ama (vicious food essence). This occurs due to faulty dietary habits and activities, a sedentary lifestyle, weak digestion, and excessive intake of incompatible food such as oil-rich unctuous consumables. Amavata is a condition that afflicts the joints, bones, and soft tissues. From the above text, it comes out to be a disorder due to metabolic disturbance which has its origin in a weak digestive power.

  • Symptoms include body aches, lethargy, heaviness, and stiffness in the knees, back, fingers, and joints. Joints make cracking sounds and there is inflammation of the joints. Other symptoms include fever, fatigue, indigestion, fullness in the abdomen, constipation, lack of sleep, altered sleep, and others.

  • Management protocol includes correcting the digestion and metabolism, immunomodulation, and managing the damage caused to the musculoskeletal system with panchakarma therapy and herbal formulations. Decoction of shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Goku (Tribulus Terrestris), and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) are helpful in good digestion. Pippalyadi kwath, shunthi churna, panch shama churna, panchkol churna, Vaishnava churna, maharasnadi kwath, Amrit guggul, yograj guggul, amavatari rasa, simhanada guggulu, ajmodadi churna and many others are beneficial in Adult Still’s disease.

Herbal Remedies for Adult Still’s Disease by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is an eminent GMP-certified, ISO 9001:2015 certified and US-FDA registered Ayurvedic Company, which adheres to the objective of manufacturing quality Ayurvedic products as mentioned in a number of ancient texts of Ayurveda. Formulations are manufactured without additives and preservatives and other kinds of chemicals or artificial flavoring agents which can have a number of side effects on the human body. Products manufactured at Planet Ayurveda are pure and devoid of any kind of adulteration. The products are purely organic, vegetarian, gluten-free, and halal-certified. Planet Ayurveda presents its product that effectively manages the condition of Adult Still’s disease.

Following is the list of formulations that are helpful in managing Adult Still’s Disease 

Product List

1. Yograj Guggul

2. Boswellia Curcumin

3. Panchtiktaghrit Guggul

4. Amar Sundra Vati

5. Aamvatantak Churna

6. Maha Rasnadi KwathHerbal Remedies for Adult Still’s Disease

Herbal Remedies for Adult Still’s Disease

Product Description

1. Yograj Guggul

Yograj Guggul is a classical Ayurvedic proprietary medicine. It is a helpful formulation for musculoskeletal and neurological system disorders. It contains the herbs Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), guggul (Commiphora mukul), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), ela (Elettaria cardamomum), viding (Embelia ribes), gokshur (Tribulus Terrestris), shunthi (Zingiber officinale),  bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), etc. The herbs of the formulation possess properties that enhance muscle and bone health. Of its anti-inflammatory property, Yograj Guggul is best to manage Adult Still’s disease.


2. Boswellia Curcumin

Boswellia Curcumin is a product of Planet Ayurveda which is enriched with the goodness of shallaki (Boswellia aristata) and Haridra (Curcuma longa). The herbs have healing properties and also possess analgesic effects which make them an effective formulation for Adult Still’s disease. It regresses the inflammation, heals the damaged joint and also alleviates the pain, and reduces fever.


3. Panchtiktaghrit Guggul

Panchtiktaghrit Guggul is a classical herbal formulation that is enriched with the goodness of herbs including neem (Azadirachta indica), giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), vasa (Adhatoda vasica), guggul (Commiphora mukul), patola patra (Trichosanthes dioica), kantkari (solanum xanthocarpum) and many others. The product possesses antipruritic, depurative, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-rheumatic, and many other properties. With these numerous properties, it is best in managing the condition of Adult Still’s disease.


4. Amar Sundra Vati

Amar Sundari Vati is a classical ayurvedic formulation which is a marvelous herbomineral blend that helps in improving digestion and acts as an analgesic.

The components of the product are vidang (Embelia ribes), shudra parade (purified mercury), shuddha gandhak (purified sulfur), shuddha vatsanabha (purified Aconitum ferox), pippali (Piper longum), amla (Embelia officinale), haritaki (Terminlaia chebula), bibhitaki (Terminalia Billerica), ela (Elettaria cardamomum) and various others. With its analgesic, healing, and blood cleansing properties, Amar Sundari Vati is an exemplary medicine in managing Adult Still’s disease as it alleviates pain, manages rash, and heals damaged bone tissue.


5. Aamvatantak Churna

Aamvatantak Churna is known to pacify kapha and vata doshas, which are the culprit of Adult Still’s disease. The product contains ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), suranjaan (Colchicum autumnale), Haridra (Curcuma longa), methi (Trigonella foenumgraecum), gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus) and sonth (Zingiber officinale). Aamvatantak Churna clears aam and relieves the patient from stiffness and eases the movement of the limb. As the name of the formulation suggests it is a formulation that ends the condition of amavata. It removes the ama which eventually clears the blockage and helps in proper digestion. And pacifying the vata dosha helps in managing Adult Still’s disease.


6. Maha Rasnadi Kwath

Maha Rasnadi Kwath is a classical Ayurvedic product that is effective in musculoskeletal disorders particularly helps in bone and joint issues. The formulation contains the herbs bala (Sida cordifolia), eranda (Ricinus communis), devdaru (Cedrus deodara), kachoor (Curcuma zedoaria), vacha (Acorus calamus), badi harad (Terminalia chebula), vasa (Adhatoda vasica), sonth (Zingiber officinale), pippali (Piper longum), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), atees (Aconitum heterophyllum), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), amaltas (Cassia fistula), punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) and many others. All the herbs pacify the vata dosha and possess anti-inflammatory properties which help in managing the painful condition of Adult Still’s disease.




Adult Still’s Disease is a type of Still’s disease that is a rare autoinflammatory systemic condition. The condition causes joint pain, high fever, macular rash, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, inflamed lymph nodes, and other features. In the modern system of medicine, corticosteroids, anti-rheumatic, immunosuppressants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used which exhibit a number of side effects. Whereas in Ayurveda, the condition is related to the disease ‘Yamagata’ as mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts. As Yamagata occurs due to weak digestive fire, ama production and vitiation of vata and kapha dosha thus managing these issues eventually results in better condition of the patient as the abnormal things are rectified from the root with herbal remedies. The products mentioned above are really useful in managing the condition of Adult Still’s disease with promising and productive outcomes.