October 10, 2019
10 Natural Remedies for Diabetic Neuropathy
What is Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic Neuropathy is one of the most common yet serious complications of Diabetes disease. Diabetes develops due to the inability of the body to produce a sufficient amount of insulin for processing the sugars present in the blood.
People affected by Diabetic Neuropathy suffer from a kind of nerve damage that can result from Diabetes.
The occurrence of Diabetic Neuropathy is, therefore, linked to the high levels of blood sugar (glucose) in the body. As a result, the nerves throughout the body get injured or damaged. In most cases, Diabetic Neuropathy affects the nerves in the legs and feet; causing pain, numbness, and a tingling sensation.
Diabetic Neuropathy is mainly of four types:
Peripheral Neuropathy:
It is the most common type of Diabetic Neuropathy that first affects the feet and legs, then the hands and arms.
Autonomic Neuropathy:
It affects the autonomic nervous system which controls the heart, eyes, bladder, stomach, intestines, and sex organs.
Radiculoplexus Neuropathy:
It affects the nerves in the thighs, hips, buttocks or legs; and occurs mostly in Type 2 Diabetes patients and older adults.
Mononeuropathy or Focal Neuropathy
It affects the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord and may affect any part of the body such as leg, the middle part of the body (torso), etc.
Causes of Diabetic Neuropathy
It is generally believed that uncontrolled high blood sugar can lead to Diabetic Neuropathy, causing damage to the nerves and disrupting their ability to transmit signals to the body parts.
The nerve damage, which is a key characteristic of Diabetic Neuropathy, is caused by a combination of factors. These factors include:
- Diabetes (or high blood sugar level)
- Genetic factors related to Diabetes
- Nerve inflammation caused by an autoimmune response
- Obesity
- Kidney disease
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol intake.;
Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
The symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy may be mild in some cases, but painful or debilitating in others. The common symptoms associated with the condition in general are:
- Pain and numbness in legs and feet
- Tingling in the lower part of legs or feet
- Burning sensation in hands/feet
- Increased sensitivity to touch
- Muscles weakness
- Loss of sensation in the lower legs and feet
- Loss of reflexes, particularly in the ankle
- Change in the bone structure in the feet
- Loss of balance and coordination
- Serious foot problems, like ulcers, infections, and pain in joints/bones.
Some other symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy, depending on the type of ailment, usually include problems related to the digestive system, urinary tract disorders, blood vessels, heart weight loss, pain in lower back or pelvis, chest/abdomen pain, eyesight problems, and paralysis on one side of the face.
10 Natural Remedies for Diabetic Neuropathy=
Proper diet, healthy lifestyle, and tight blood sugar control form the core of Natural Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy. Diabetic patients, in particular, can effectively Manage Diabetic Neuropathy, by keeping their blood sugar levels in check.
If you are suffering from Diabetic Neuropathy, you should try the following 10 natural remedies:
Balanced diet
You should eat a healthy and balanced diet to balance the blood sugar levels and manage nerve damage resulting from Diabetic Neuropathy. Such a diet should include non-starchy vegetables, a moderate quantity of fruits, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates like whole-grain bread/pasta and oatmeal, and good fats like those from olive oil, nuts, or fish.
Foods rich in Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that plays an important role in maintaining the normal function of the nervous system. Hence, you should increase the intake of Vitamin B12-rich foods like dairy products, eggs, red meat, organ meat in small quantities, shellfish, breakfast cereals containing B12, and nutritional yeast that has B12.
Mega-3 fatty acids
A diet with an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids can help you manage the symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy naturally as they are important fats that can lower the risk of heart disorders. An increase in the levels of Omega-3 fatty acids is believed to be beneficial for the membranes of nerves affected due to Diabetic Neuropathy.
The use of turmeric is also helpful in managing Diabetic Neuropathy. Turmeric has a component called ‘Curcumin’ which is known for its ability to modulate pain sensations, suppress inflammation, manage the pain resulting from nerve damage, and prevent oxidative damage to nerves.
Black pepper
Black pepper is also an effective natural remedy for Diabetic Neuropathy. It contains a chemical called ‘Capsaicin,’ which has the capability to stimulate the nerves that signal pain. The typical application of creams containing Capsaicin can reduce chronic neuropathic pain by desensitizing the nerves to pain.
Ashwagandha’ herb
The Ashwagandha herb (Withania Somnifera) can keep your Diabetes in control, thereby managing the Diabetic Neuropathy symptoms in a natural manner. Taking a small amount of Ashwagandha with milk can lower blood glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance. It can also provide relief from the burning and tingling sensation in hands/feet.
Regular Exercise routine
To manage Diabetic Neuropathy naturally and to stay healthy, it is essential that you should increase your physical activity by doing moderate exercise on a regular basis. Exercise can improve the flow of blood in the body, thereby providing oxygen and nutrients to the legs.
Control your Diabetes
It is difficult to manage Diabetic Neuropathy unless you control your Diabetes by ensuring that your blood sugar levels are within your target range. For keeping the blood sugar levels in check, you should plan your meals properly, do exercise, and try meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress.
Look after your feet
Taking proper care of the feet can reduce the complication of Diabetic Neuropathy. If you are prone to foot problems, you must keep your feet clean, moisturize them to avoid cracks, use covered footwear to protect against injuries, and get your feet examined regularly for preventing callus formation, cuts/breaks, and lesions.
Quit Smoking
If you want to manage Diabetic Neuropathy, you must quit smoking because it affects blood circulation. Smoking can aggravate the symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy, causing the narrowing of blood vessels, increase pain/numbness, and increase the risk of foot problems reacted to the condition.
Overall, managing blood sugar levels with the help of some dietary and lifestyle changes is the most important Natural Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy. However, depending on the type of Diabetic Neuropathy you suffer from, it is advisable to consult an expert Ayurveda practitioner to benefit effectively from the natural remedies.