Month: May 2022

How to Treat Hyponatremia ( Low Blood Sodium) in Ayurveda


Hyponatremia is the medical condition when the level of serum sodium goes below 135 mEq/L. It is a medically important and common imbalance of electrolyte which can occur due to various situations or medical illnesses like renal failure, heart failure, pneumonia, liver failure etc. Hyponatremia can be mild to severe in form depending upon the level of sodium decreased in serum. In this write up we will learn all about Hyponatremia and its management through herbal remedies.


There are various electrolytes present in the body and sodium is one of them. It is an essential one which helps to maintain the water balance around and inside the cells of the body. This water balance maintained by sodium is important for nerve functioning and proper muscle function along with maintaining normal blood pressure. The insufficiency of sodium in blood is termed as hyponatremia.

This imbalance is caused due to either too much water (diluting the sodium) or too less sodium creating an imbalance. The normal level of sodium in blood should be around 135-145 mEq/L. However when the sodium goes down to range below 135 mEq/L, the condition is hyponatremia.

When this level of sodium decreases in the cells, too much water starts to move inside the cells resulting in their swelling up. To be noted, this is not a minor change but a major one which can alter almost all the other functions of the body resulting in various signs and symptoms. Various diseases affecting the liver, kidneys, heart, or certain medicines can cause this condition. However the condition can usually be reversed with proper treatment and the patient gets back to being healthy.



Signs and symptoms in patients suffering from hyponatremia can differ depending upon the speed of depletion of sodium. If the sodium level in blood falls slowly and gradually then the patient is likely to not experience any of them, however if the depletion occurs at a faster rate then the complaints are severe. Some of the common signs and symptoms seen are

  • Fatigue
  • Lack of energy or lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Spasm or cramps in muscles
  • Changes in mental status
  • In severe cases the patient can have seizures, loss of consciousness and coma


Low sodium or hyponatremia, i.e. low sodium level in blood can occur due to various reasons. The basic cause behind it can be losing a lot much water and electrolytes. Some of the major causes for hyponatremia are:

  • Severe diarrhea or vomiting
  • Intake of diuretics
  • Intake of antidepressants or other certain medications
  • Kidney failure or other kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Dehydration
  • During exercise drinking water in large quantity
  • Congestive heart failure or other heart ailments
  • Adrenal gland disorder affecting its ability to maintain a balance of potassium, sodium and water in the body
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes insipidus in which the body does not make the antidiuretic hormone
  • Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone syndrome resulting in retention of water in the body
  • Polydipsia i.e. excessive thirst leading to drink too much water
  • Cushing syndrome


Hyponatremia can easily be detected by a simple blood test which will indicate the low levels of sodium in the blood. Medical history presenting the signs and symptoms will make your doctor doubt hyponatremia further on blood tests. Even if the patient does not have signs and symptoms regular metabolic panels will show it up. On discovering the low level of sodium in your blood further urine tests are advised to check its level in urine. The Results of the urine test will help to determine the exact cause behind hyponatremia.

If the level of sodium in urine is high, it means there is increased loss of sodium from your body and if the level is low in urine as well, this indicates the low intake or there is too much water in the body.


Treatment for hyponatremia depends upon the cause of it. However the certain measures taken conventionally are:

  • Decreasing the intake of fluid
  • Treatment of underlying cause like liver, kidney, heart or brain disease
  • Cutting off the diuretics or adjusting the dosage
  • Intravenous infusion of sodium solution
  • Other symptomatic treatment is given for weakness, headache, nausea etc.

Ayurveda here can help in treating the underlying condition and maintaining the level of the sodium in the body naturally. There are certain herbs and compounds which help in making a balance between electrolytes in the body. Ayurveda is the holistic science which not only treats the presenting complaints but also deals to eradicate the root cause behind it.


Planet Ayurveda is a very well known herbal pharmaceutical company that indulges in the production of herbal medicines and products. All the production is under the strict supervision of the MD Ayurveda doctors and classical Ayurvedic literature is the base of the production. No dye, chemicals, fillers, preservatives, colors, and yeasts are used in any herbal medicine which enhances their efficiency. For hyponatremia, Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal remedies that helps in management of the ailment.

Product List

  1. Chitrakadi vati
  2. Lavan bhaskar churna
  3. Brahmi capsule
  4. Neuroplan syrup

Product Description

Herbal Remedies for Hyponatremia

Herbal Remedies for Hyponatremia

1. Chitrakadi vati

It is classical Ayurvedic formulation prepared from various herbs like Pippali (Piper longum), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Chavya (Piper chaba) etc. Chitrakadi vati helps in treating diarrhea and hence prevents dehydration. These tablets also improve the function of the liver.

Dosage– Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water

2. Lavan bhaskar churna

The chief ingredient of this churna is Rock salt, Black salt, Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), Peepal (Ficus religiosa), Black cumin (Nigella sativa), Anardana (Punica granatum), Black pepper (Piper nigrum), Piplamool (Piper longum) etc. Lavan bhaskar churna helps to fill the sodium deficiency in the blood that is too naturally. It also helps to relieve gastric issues like constipation, gas, bloating etc.

Dosage– Take 1 tsp twice daily with buttermilk or plain water

3. Brahmi capsule

Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) in standardized form is used to prepare these herbal capsules. Brahmi is known as the brain tonic and hence these capsules help to treat the ailments of the nervous system like confusion, weak memory, seizures and irritability.

Dosage– Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water

4. Neuroplan Syrup

This multi herbal syrup as the name suggests helps to maintain a good nervous system balance and help to treat its ailments as well. In hyponatremia, Neuroplan syrup helps to treat seizures, loss of consciousness, confusion, and other brain related symptoms. It is prepared from Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus) etc herbs.

Dosage– Take 2 teaspoon twice daily after meals with plain water


Hyponatremia is a common ailment that can affect people of any age or gender. However people suffering from kidney, liver, heart or brain disease are more prone to it also the severity of symptoms depends upon the level of the sodium. Some patients even might not have any complaints while others can have serious conditions. Herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda help in refilling this deficiency of sodium and maintain the balance of electrolytes in the body naturally.

Kaf Kuthar Rasa Benefits & Ingredients


Rasaaushdhis are miraculous herbomineral formulations, used to treat a variety of ailments. The processing of rasaaushdhis is superior and of standard level, as mentioned in rasagranthas. Ayurvedic texts are loaded with broad knowledge of raaaushdhis, the formation of rasaaushdhis, the indications and anupana. It is important to follow the exact principles mentioned in the texts to get proper results. The Kaf Kuthar rasa of Planet Ayurveda is best with cent percent benefits. This article contains information about Kaf Kuthar rasa, its indications, and its way of formation.


The detailed description of Kaf Kuthar rasa is explained in various ayurvedic texts. It is mentioned in Sanskrit texts like Rasa Raj Sundram and in Marathi texts like Aushadh guna dharma shala. The Kaf Kuthar rasa is blended with plenty of herbs and minerals each having distinct properties. This is a herbomineral combination used to deal with lung issues, cough problems and a variety of ailments. It is pungent and the mode of action is good. It corrodes the excessive cough in the chest, drains out the excessive cough and balances the status of vitiated Kapha in the body. Rasachikitsa is best and rasaaushdhis are the most potent combinations. The qualities like quicker actions, less quantity- better effect, long life, and high potency make the rasaaushdhis the top class herbal remedies. The Kaf Kuthar rasa of Planet Ayurveda is the best and cent percent result oriented. The formulation of rasa aushdhi is a very important process, the authenticity of the combination depends on the way of formation.

Kaf Kuthar Ras


The chief ingredients of this herbo-mineral formulation are as below –

  1. Shuddh parad – Calcined and purified mercury
  2. Shuddha gandhak – Calcined and purified sulphur
  3. Sonth – Zingiber officinale
  4. Marich – Piper nigrum
  5. Pippali – Piper longum
  6. Tamra bhasma – Calcined and purified copper
  7. Loha bhasma – Calcined and purified iron
  8. Kateli – Solanum surattense
  9. Kutki – Picrorhiza kurroa
  10. Dhatura – Datura stramonium

Brief Explanation

  1. Shuddh parad (Calcined and purified mercury) – The Rasayogas of ayurvedic formulations have detoxified parada as the chief ingredient. It is mentioned in various classical texts that the origin of Parada is divine and authentic, it is mentioned as Shiva-virya. It is a prominent member of kajjali formation and enhances the action of every ingredient. It is an important combination of metallic and non-metallic formulations.
  2. Shuddha gandhaka (Calcined and purified sulphur) – The detoxified Gandhak is also important as the parada in kajjli formation. Gandhaka is anti-inflammatory, promotes immunity, and prevents the body from allergies. It acts on various body infections and boosts up the immune response. It is one of the best antioxidants and pacifies the vitiated triple doshas. It is important to detoxify the gandhak so as to increase its disease-oriented properties.
  3. Shunthi (Zingiber officinale)– Shunthi is a rhizome belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. This herbal remedy is mentioned in different texts of Ayurveda, Sidha and Yunani. It is mentioned under various names. The actions of shunthi (dry ginger) are antiemetic, antiflatulent, antispasmodic, expectorant and circulatory stimulant. The specific modes of action of dried ginger are on ailments like rheumatism, cough, and dyspnoea. The fresh rhizomes are very useful in constipation, edema, colic pain and throat infections.
  4. Maricha (Piper nigrum)– Maricha is explained right from the writings of Charaka and Sushruta. It is described in almost every ayurvedic text as an important kapha naashak herb. It is pungent in taste, light, sharp and hot in effect.  Also, Marich is a stimulant, anti-asthmatic and prevents excessive coughing. It can be beneficial in fevers, dyspepsia, flatulence, ingestion, and mucous membranes.
  5. Pippali (Piper longum) – Pippali belongs to the Piperaceae family. It is best to manage respiratory problems like cough, bronchitis, and asthma and show the sedative actions. Pippali is hot in properties and hence it can be useful to pacify the obstruction.
  6. Tamra bhasma (Calcined and purified copper) – the Tamra bhasam or copper ash is the refined, detoxified, superfine form of the copper mineral. It is mentioned in the classical text as a potent mineral formulation to cure cough and respiratory issues. The properties of copper ash are ushna(hot in potency), katu(pungent), kshaya(astringent), amla(sour) and tikta(bitter). Copper bhasma is anti-aging and promotes longevity as mentioned in classical texts.
  7. Loha bhasma (Calcined and purified iron)– Loha bhasam is the iron ash. It is a refined and detoxified form of iron based on classical texts. In broad aspects, It promotes strength, promotes glow and rejuvenates the health status. More precisely it promotes immunity, promoting the count of RBC and Haemoglobin in the body. It improves immunity and hence cures cough or respiratory disorders.
  8. Kateri (Solanum surattense)– It is mentioned in ayurvedic texts as the name Kantkaari. It is beneficial in the problem of bronchial asthma as it is evident that it depletes histamine in lung tissue. It is a stimulant, expectorant, diuretic and laxative. Also, Kateri is useful in the management of cough, bronchitis and asthma and may prevent enlargement of the liver and spleen and drain out the stones.
  9. Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) – Kutki is a herbal plant found in the alpine Himalayas. It is useful in the management of a variety of ailments. The actions of kutki are stomachic,anti-diarrheal and hepatoprotective. Used in hepatitis and amoebiasis.
  10. Dhatura (Datura stramonium)– Dhatura is also called Thorn apple, jimsonweed and stramonium. The chief actions of Dhattura are spasmolytic and antiasthmatic. Also, it acts as an anticholinergic and nerve sedative. Dhatura can produce atropine-like effects and hence it can control bronchial asthma.

Method of Preparation

Take Parad, gandhak, sonth, marich, pipali, tamra bhasma and loha bhasma in equal quantities. Make kajjali of parad and gandhak. Add trikatu powder to the above mixture. Mix it properly with the juice of Kateli for 6 hours. Give 1-1 bhavna of Kutaki kwath and juice of leaves of Dhatura. Make tablets of 1-1 Ratti.

Therapeutic Uses & Key Benefits

  • Chest congestion — Due to the hot potency and pungent nature of the ingredients the Kaf Kuthar rasa drains out the aggravated cough from the lungs. It drains out the phlegm and hence manages breathlessness and fever associated with a respiratory infection.
  • Analgesic– Kaf Kuthar rasa acts as a painkiller and is anti-convulsive due to the presence of Tamra bhasma. It helps to reduce the pain and drain out the toxins.
  • Expectorant – The presence of Dhatura, load kapha kuthar rasa with expectorant properties. Hence help to drain out the Kapha.
  • Stimulant – The presence of Kateri helps in draining out the cough and hence stimulants in draining cough.
  • Improve digestive fire– The presence of ginger and piper improves the digestive fire and acts as Deepan dravyas.
  • Scrape the mucus– Kutki helps to scrap the excessive cough and hence promotes the ease of respiratory problems.
  • Strength booster–  Lohabhasam (iron ash) boosts up the overall strength of the body. It pacifies the weakness.
  • Rejuvenate health– Kajjali (a preparation of gandhak and parada) enhances the action of all other herbs and minerals. Also, it improves to enhance the growth of healthy cells and promotes longevity. So it acts as a rejuvenator.

Contraindications/ Side Effects

Avoid the use of rasa aushadhis without the consultation of an ayurvedic physician. Keep out of the reach of children.


Rasa aushadhis are result-oriented herbo-mineral formulations that are best due to the mode of action. They penetrate the body channels and work on the root cause of the problem. The Kaf Kuthar rasa of Planet Ayurveda is the best and result-oriented formulation. The herbs and minerals used in preparation are authentic and derived from natural sources. The Kaf kuthar rasa is free from synthetic additives, hence can treat a variety of ailments. In case of any query kindly visit For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id