Alternative Treatment For Atopic Dermatitis


Skin is the largest organ of the body. It helps in protecting our body from different types of pathogens and from dehydration. Skin plays a key role in regulating the body. The main function of the skin is protection, absorption, secretion, excretion, regulation and sensation. Due to unhealthy lifestyle and stress, related disorders increase day by day and lead to some health problems. Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin disorders. Most of the cases have been seen in children below 5 years but also seen in adults too. It is mainly associated with allergies like asthma or rhinitis. In this article we are going to discuss alternative treatment for Atopic dermatitis and its ayurvedic treatments.

Atopic Dermatitis


Atopic dermatitis also known as Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by erythema, scaling, pruritus, lichenification, and papulo-vesicles. The eczematous lesions are mostly seen in neck, face and extensor skin surfaces. Atopic dermatitis can affect any age group but it mostly affects the children. The word Atopic is related to allergy and hypersensitivity which is connected with asthma, rhinitis or inhaled allergens.

In Ayurveda, symptoms of Atopic dermatitis or Eczema are correlated with Vicharchika . Vicharchika is a skin disorder and the main region of this disease is vitiation of the Tri doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. It affects the blood and skin.


The following types are

  • Allergic contact eczema
  • Contact eczema
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Nummular eczema
  • Seborrheic eczema
  • Stasis dermatitis


The following signs and symptoms are

  • Dry skin
  • Severe itching at night
  • Red or brownish-gray patches all over the body
  • Small bumps
  • Cracked, thickened and scaly skin
  • Sensitive skin due to excessive scratching


The main causes of atopic dermatitis are

  • It is related to the mutated gene that causes epidermal layer impairment. Due to this infections easily penetrate the skin barrier and lead to eczema.
  • Some skin irritants that can trigger the atopic dermatitis are some chemicals in certain skincare products, formaldehyde, pollen and many others.
  • Overactive immune system
  • Imbalanced hormones
  • Certain medications


The following complications of Atopic Dermatitis are

  • Asthma
  • Hay fever
  • Severe itching
  • Scaly and rough skin
  • Skin infections
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Irritant hand dermatitis


Below tips that help or minimize the effect of atopic dermatitis

  • Moisturize skin twice a day
  • Avoids triggers that worsen the conditions
  • Take frequent bath and shower
  • Take a bleach bath once a week
  • Use only gentle soap
  • Dry yourself carefully


There is no diagnostic method to diagnose Atopic dermatitis. It can easily be diagnosed on the basis of physical examination of skin along with some other blood.

Herbal Remedies For Atopic Dermatitis

Planet Ayurveda is a globally recognized firm that provides pure, different and best herb remedies to the patient because it extracted raw materials from the organic herb and makes 100% genuine products with no side effects and gives best overall results since the last 20 years. All products of planet ayurveda are purely vegetarian and naturally extracted from the herb and medicinal plant from the mountains of Himalaya and other regional parts of the earth. Atopic dermatitis is mainly due to the imbalanced tridosha in our body and this herbal formulation by planet ayurveda gives best results to overcome this. Planet Ayurveda strictly follows the government guidelines for making their product best. Planet Ayurveda is a G.M.P certified herbal supplements manufacturing company. We also organize medical camps across India and abroad and believe in medical tourism to spread the message of living close to nature that makes your life healthy and fit too. The following ayurvedic remedies for atopic dermatitis are

  1. Gleaming skin, hair, nails formula
  2. Navkarshik Churna
  3. Gandhak Rasayan
  4. Lippu Oil
  5. Vetpalai Thailum
  6. Mandarin Orange Soap


Product’s Description

1. Gleaming skin, hair, nails formula

This  is a polyherbal formulation by planet ayurveda. This capsule contains Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Pit papda (Fumaria officinalis), sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis). It helps to remove the toxins from the body and also clears the blocked passages in the arteries or veins. It has anti-ageing, antioxidants, immune booster properties. It is also useful in curing acne, pimples, dark circles, blemishes, age spots, freckles, and also nourishes. It fights against skin disorders like impetigo, psoriasis, ringworm, eczema and many others. Thus it is useful in atopic dermatitis.

Dosages: – one to two capsules twice a day with Luke warm water after meals.

2. Navkarshik Churna

It is a best polyherbal remedy that contains Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica),Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) Daru-haldi(Berberis aristata). This herbal formulation provides quick relief and works at the root cause of the disease. It acts as a good blood purifier, removing excess toxins from the body. It also helps in breaking the uric acid crystals and maintains good metabolism, balances the imbalanced doshas mainly Pitta dosha. It gives best results in atopic dermatitis.

Dosage: – Half to one teaspoon twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

3. Gandhak Rasayan

It is a classical herbal formulation for all types of skin disorders. It improves the immune system of the body and also removes the excess toxins from the body and gives shine to the skin. Gandhak Rasayan gives relief in skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. It has good results in Atopic dermatitis too.The main ingredient of gandhak rasayan is purified sulfur.

Dosage: – one to two tablets twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

4. Lippu Oil

This is herbal oil for skin abnormalities. The main ingredient of this lippu oil is Pongamia pinnata, Oleum cocos nucifera. Lippu Oil is best for skin problems like dry skin, Lichen Planus, Hyper Melanesia, Ichthyosis and Eczema. It gives relief from eczema by lowering the eczemoid reactions, reduces the excess thickening of the skin and controls itching sensations. So it is good to use in Atomic dermatitis or any other skin problems.

Dosages: – Apply it on the affected part of the body after taking a bath.

5. Vetpalai Thailum

It is a traditional herbal oil used in the management of skin problems like  psoriasis, eczema, hyper pigmentus etc. Vetpalai Thailam of Siddha herbal medicine prepared from Vetpalai leaves (Wrightia tinctoria) and Coconut oil. Vetpalai (Wrightia tinctoria) leaves contain flavonoids along with other ingredients and helps to cure skin patches effectively and is safer to use regularly for all age groups of people. It also acts as anti-inflammatory and balances the aggravated doshas which help to cure disease faster, thus used in Atopic dermatitis.

Dosages: – Apply on the affected areas of the skin at night.

6. Mandarin Orange Soap

Mandarin Orange soap is herbal soap with natural ingredients enriched with the goodness of the Lemon Peel and Orange Peel extracts to heal the skin and remove infections. It contains essential oils and skin care ingredients. The orange peel and lemon peel extracts absorb the excess oil, remove dead skin cells from the body and help in closing or tightening the pores. It also protects against wrinkles. It also has the anti-ageing, antioxidant properties. Thus it should be used in any skin disorders.

Dosage: – Use daily as a bathing bar.


Ayurveda gives best results over the years. All ayurvedic remedies always give good results and treat the disease by its root cause and all these medicines don’t have  any side effects. Ayurveda is an ancient technique to treat patients with natural herbal plants. So the above-mentioned medicines of planet Ayurveda are best to treat atopic dermatitis because all the medicines are free from any added preservatives and other added salt that harm your health and lead to any chronic infections. Planet Ayurveda is always dedicated to the promotion of natural herbs and bringing their benefits to the patients and gives them relief. Planet Ayurveda yearns to make herbal wellness a part of every home in the world. All ayurvedic medicines are purely vegetarian and made up from 100% naturally occurring organic herbs and medicinal plants. We always want to spread awareness about how to live healthier lives, not only for our medications but also by sharing the knowledge of Ayurveda through our websites and through our treatments. For more details of our product, you can check our website  and for any queries you can send your queries to our email id

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit

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