November 24, 2020
Ayurvedic Aspect of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Lou Gehrig’s disease also known as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive fatal neurological disorder that impacts the wellbeing of a person both physically and mentally. In this disease, both lower and upper motor neurons get degenerated that lead their way to muscle atrophy and numerous other associated symptoms. Let’s discuss in detail about ALS and its management with Ayurvedic herbs and herbal formulations.
Ayurvedic Aspect of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
In Ayurveda, the main cause of all the diseases is imbalance in any or all of the tridoshas. We can correlate Lou Gehrig’s disease with vata vyadhi.
The Main Causes of Vata Vyadhi is
- Ruksha, sheeta and alpaahara sewan
- Katu, tikta, kashay rasa sewan
- Ratri Jagran (Awakening at night)
- Suppression of adharneeya vega (Natural urges)
- Adhyashana (overeating)
The Symptoms of Vata Vyadhi includes
- Sankocha of maspeshi (Constriction of muscles)
- Anga shaithilya (Weakness)
- Gati vaishamya (Irregular body movements)
- Spandan (Throbbing sensation)
- Ayasa (lethargy)
- Gatra suptata (Numbness)
- Khalli (cramps)
- Pralapa (delirium)
- Panguta (Paralysis)
The Treatment of Vata Vyadhi comprises of
1. Shodhana chikitsa
- Snehana (oleation therapy)
- Swedana (sudation therapy)
- Virechana (purgation therapy)
- Basti (Medicated enema)
- Nasya and dhoomrapaan (Nasal drops and medicated smoking)
2. Shamana chikitsa
In this, the treatment is done with vata shamak herbs like Rasna, Ashwagandha, Dashmool herbs, bala etc. Rasayan therapy is also given to patients suffering from Vata vyadhi. Herbs included in Rasayan therapy are Shilajit, Shivagutika, Bala Rasayan etc.
Definition of ALS
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a motor neuron disease which attacks the nerve cells that control the voluntary muscle action like movement of arms, legs, hands and face. It gradually progresses and restricts the functions of motor neurons and causes symptoms like difficulty in grip holding, weakness of voluntary muscles and muscle twitching etc.
Causes of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
The exact cause of ALS is unknown but there are some factors which are responsible for causing Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Mutations in the genes.
- Activation of calcium dependent enzymatic pathways.
- Premature ageing leads to damage of neuron cells.
- Age of 47 years or above
- Family history of motor neuron disease.
- Smoking
- Exposure to environmental toxins.
- Metals and chemical exposure
- Trauma due to some injury.
- Viral infections
Symptoms of ALS
The symptoms go unnoticed at initial stages and vary according to its progression at the later stages.
Initial stage Symptoms
Symptoms may vary depending upon its onset:-
- Difficulty in holding the grip.
- Weakness in the shoulder, ankle or hip
- Widespread twitching of the muscles (fasciculation)
- Muscle cramping
- Wasting of muscles with weight loss
- Increasingly slurred speech (dysarthria)
- Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)
- Difficulty in breathing
- Dyspnoea (Shortness of breath)
- Waking up frequently during the night because the brain is temporarily starved of oxygen when lying down
As the disease progresses, the patient may suffer from following symptoms
- Muscle weakness and atrophy
- Spasticity
- Excessive salivation
- Restricted body movement
- Excessive yawning
- Difficulties with concentration, planning and use of language.
- Fronto-temporal dementia
At later stages, it may produce complications like
- Significant shortness of breath due to muscle paralysis
- Paralysis of the body.
- Difficulty in speaking
- Dementia
- Eating problems.
Secondary or other associated Symptoms
Due to the emotional stress, ALS leads to numerous psychological symptoms.
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
The diagnosis of this disease is difficult as it mimics with other neurological conditions.
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Nerve conduction study- This study is done to rule out the nerve damage by measuring its ability.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI helps us in finding the spinal tumors and damage to the neurons.
- Blood and Urine Tests
- Spinal tap (lumbar puncture)
- Muscle biopsy
Treatment of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
As per the modern scientific studies, it is a fatal disease, and only symptomatic management is done. There is no cure for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
As per Ayurvedic medicine science, We can manage Lou Gehrig’s disease by working on the causes as well as its symptoms with Ayurvedic remedies and herbal formulations.
Herbal remedies for ALS by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a trusted and renowned organization that offers a wide variety of herbal products worldwide. These products are prepared using the pure herbs and following the strict Ayurvedic principles under the guidance of Ayurvedic experts. Below are the herbal formulations available in the house for the management of Lou Gehrig’s disease
Herbal Products
- Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
- Brahmi capsules
- Ashwagandha capsules
- Shilajit capsules
- Gotukola capsules
Products Description
1.Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
This is herbo-mineral formulation prepared using Aloe vera juice extract, Swarna bhasma, Loha bhasma, Rajata bhasma, Pravala bhasma, etc. This also helps in pacifying the Vata Dosha and helpful in treating pain and controlling tumors. It promotes mental health and supports the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. It also helps to treat pain, control tumors, and balance Pitta and Vata Doshas in the body.
Dosage: One tablet two times daily after meals with plain water
2. Brahmi Capsules
Brahmi capsules are prepared using the standardized extract of Bacopa monnieri. This is considered as an aphrodisiac tonicPromotes good mental health and reduces inflammation. This alleviates the free radicals from the body and boosts the immune system. Brahmi calms the mind and reduces all psychological symptoms.
Dosage: Two capsules twice a day after meals with plain water
3. Ashwagandha Capsules
This is a safe herbal formulation that contains a standardized extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It helps in balancing the Pitta and Vata Dosh and strengthens the voluntary muscles. Ashwagandha promotes the nerves function and is helpful in relieving symptoms like muscle cramping, twitching of muscles, etc.
Dosage: One capsule two times a day after meals with plain water
4. Shilajit Capsules
These capsules are prepared using the extract of Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabinum). In ancient texts, Shilajit herb is known as Rasayan due to its rejuvenating property. It helps in restoring the neuron functions and enhancing the stamina and metabolism of the body. This removes all the toxins from the body and increases the immunity.
Dosage:1-2 capsules once or twice daily after meals with plain water.
5. Gotukola Capsules
This herbal formulation is prepared using Centella asiatica’s standardized extract. These capsules maintain the normal functioning of the brain and heart. Gotu Kola pacifies all the tridosha in the body and promotes the functions of voluntary neurons and aids in relieving systems like restricted muscle movements, weakness, difficulty in holding grip, etc.
Dosage: Two capsules twice a day after meals with plain water.
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4030 (India), +91-172-521-4030 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604.
Therefore, we can conclude that the above provided information is relevant and presented in an effective way. Lou Gehrig’s disease is a fatal disease which only can be managed well with Ayurvedic herbs and herbal formulations. These herbal formulations work well on the brain and nervous system, slow down the progression of the disease, and also aids in the prevention of various other diseases.