August 9, 2022
Ayurvedic Management for CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME
Cauda equina syndrome is a medical condition where collections of nerve roots are compressed causing certain signs and symptoms. Electrical signals throughout the body are sent by nerves. Roots of these nerves collect at the bottom of the spinal cord in the shape of a horse’s tail. In the case of Cauda equina syndrome, there is a sort of sensation in your urinary bladder and legs. Compressed nerve roots result in weakness of the bladder causing incontinence of urine, pain, and other associated symptoms. If left untreated, Cauda equina can result in permanent paralysis of the part or damage. Early medical intervention can prevent permanent damage to the nerves. This article contains all the information about Cauda equina syndrome and its Ayurvedic treatment and management.
Pain in my lower back is a very common complaint nowadays. Millions of people suffer from it and causes can be different. One of the rare causes of lower back pain is Cauda equina syndrome. Conventionally Cauda equina syndrome is classified as a surgical medical emergency where the spinal nerve roots are compressed causing symptoms. It is necessary and vital to get immediate medical intervention to prevent any permanent damage to these nerve roots like paralysis or incontinence. Cauda equina literally means horse’s tail in latin language and Cauda equina syndrome is a condition where the roots of the collection of nerves are compressed in the lumbosacral spine of the spinal cord. These nerves are responsible for receiving and sending the messages from and to the feet, legs and pelvic organs of a person.
The Ayurvedic approach of nerve problems is wholesome and it looks for overall health. The three different doshas or functional energies, i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha are responsible for overall health. The functioning of the nervous system is mainly based on Vata dosha. Nerve problems are caused by an imbalance in Vata dosha.
There are different signs and symptoms of Cauda equina syndrome
- Different types of sensation or numbness in back of the hips, legs, or inner thighs
- Pain in legs or lower back
- Weakness in both or one leg resulting in difficulty to get up from sitting position or stumbling
- Difficulty in urination like retention, i.e. problem in eliminating or incontinence, i.e. difficulty in holding it back. It can be with bowel function as well
- Sudden sexual dysfunction
Adults are more commonly affected by Cauda equina syndrome than children. However children having spinal injury or spinal birth defect can get this syndrome. Some of the most common causes of this ailment are
- Stenosis, i.e. spinal canal narrowing
- Lumbar area’s severely ruptured disk
- Malignant tumor or spinal lesion
- Fracture, infection, hemorrhage or inflammation
- Birth defect in a childlike arteriovenous malformation which means abnormal connection of the blood vessels
- Severe injury to the lumbar spine by fall, car crash, stabbing or gunshot
Diagnosis of Cauda equina syndrome consists of several steps like your doctor will go for medical history which includes symptoms, your activity and general health. Further physical examination is done to check the stability, reflexes, strength, sensation, motion and alignment. Other tests like certain blood tests, MRI, CT scan, and Myelogram are also done. All these procedures will help in diagnosing the condition correctly.
Conventional treatment of Cauda equina syndrome is majorly surgery which is done promptly after the diagnosis to release the pressure on the nerves. High doses of corticosteroids are also given as per the cause of the condition. If there is infection, antibiotics are given.
Ayurvedic Ttreatment aims at treating the cause of the condition which in Ayurveda is considered to be the vitiation of the doshas, especially Vata dosha. There are many herbs present in the Ayurveda which can pacify the Vata dosha and treat the ailment effectively.
Planet Ayurveda being a herbal pharmaceutical company deal in the production of herbal products and medicines that are eventually used to treat various health ailments. All the medicines and products are prepared using authentic and pure herbs and natural compounds that are tested through several processes. For Cauda equina syndrome Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal remedies.
Products List
- Trayodashang guggul
- Ashwagandharisht
- Boswellia curcumin
- Mahavat Vidhwansan Ras
- Dashmularisht
- Agnitundi vati
Products Description
1. Trayodashang Guggul
It is a famous Ayurvedic formulation prepared using Shuddh guggul (Commiphora mukul), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) etc. Trayodasanga guggulu helps in treating pain and weakness in joints and it is a wonderful remedy to treat hemiplegia.
Dosage– Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water
2. Ashwagandharisht
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is the herb primarily used in this herbal formulation. Ashwagandharishta helps in treating weakness, gives strength to the body and also helps in relieving pain in body parts.
Dosage– Take 2 teaspoons twice daily after meals with plain water.
3. Boswellia Curcumin
This Ayurvedic formulation is combination of two medicinal herbs, i.e. Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (Curcuma longa) in standardized form. Boswellia curcumin is known as herbal pain killer which helps in treating all types of pain in the body along with treating the inflammation as well.
Dosage– Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water
4. Mahavat Vidhwansan Ras
It is a classical Ayurvedic preparation which is made from Shuddh parad (Processed mercury), Shuddha gandhak (Detoxified sulfur), Vang bhasma (Calcified tin metal), Nag bhasma (Calx of lead), Lauh bhasma (Calx of iron) etc. Maha Vata Vidhwansan Ras is used to treat urinary incontinence or other urinary complaints, and also help in pacifying the Vata dosha.
Dosage– Chew 1 tablet twice daily after meals
5. Dashmularisht
It has amazing medicinal qualities like anti inflammatory, analgesic, anti arthritic etc which helps in treating symptoms of Cauda equina syndrome effectively. Dashmularishta is prepared using Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) etc.
Dosage– Take 2 teaspoons twice daily after meals with plain water
6. Agnitundi Vati
These Ayurvedic tablets help in re-igniting the Agni (Digestive fire) in the body which burns the ama dosha which is responsible for many ailments. Agnitundi vati helps in treating the digestive ailments also like indigestion, loss of appetite or constipation. It is prepared from a combination of Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Cumin (Cuminum cyminum), Leadwort (Plumbago auriculata) etc.
Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily after meals with plain water
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Cauda equina syndrome is a medical emergency and one must contact a doctor immediately if you notice any of the symptoms. Early medical intervention and use of correct medicine is the key.