Ayurvedic Treatment for Hygral Fatigue


In today’s world, good appearance is much required for impressing society in the first attempt. In looking good, hairs play an important role. Hairs not only reflect one’s public identity but also affect the thinking of that individual. Having healthy and well managed hairs boosts the confidence of the person and enhances the personality. But some unwanted conditions can interfere with the hair health and harm our hair. One of those unwanted conditions is Hygral fatigue, in which our hairs become damaged. In this article, we will study Hygral fatigue and how to correct this.

Hygral Fatigue


Hygral fatigue can be defined as a condition in which hair follicles become damaged due to entering and exiting the enormous moisture into the hair cuticle. Wet hairs swell with moisture and contracts when it dries. For good understanding of Hygral fatigue, read the three layers of the hairs, which are:

  1. Cuticle: Hair cuticle is the outer layer of the hairs formed by dead cells that overlap such as the fish scales. This helps in locking moisture into the hairs and gives protection to the medulla and inner cortex.
  2. Cortex: Cortex is the thickest layer of the hairs and provides color, texture and strength to hair follicles.
  3. Medulla: Medulla is the innermost and soft layer of hair follicles and it can be seen in all hairs.

Water enters and causes hygral fatigue by overcoming the cortex and the protective cuticle. The hairs having cuticle cells placed widely can be easily susceptible to hygral fatigue. This disease is more common in persons having high porous hairs.

Symptoms of Hygral Fatigue

Under a microscope, hair going through hygral fatigue undergoes certain physical changes, which includes:

  1. Damage and raising of cuticle cells
  2. Degeneration of hair shaft (Weathering)
  3. Exposure of cortex of hair follicle
  4. Loss of the protective layer covering the hair

Some Major Symptoms Observed in the Hairs Undergoing Hygral Fatigue are:

  1. Brittleness
  2. Dullness
  3. Frizziness
  4. Tangling
  5. Gummy texture
  6. Continuous hair breakage

Cause of Hygral Fatigue

Prolonged swelling and unswelling of the hair follicles due to enormous moisture can cause hygral fatigue. Some of the factors responsible for occurrence of hygral fatigue are:

  1. Genetic Factors: Genetic factors play an important role in determining how porous the hair is. Having low hair porosity have tightly packed cuticle cells which can raise trouble for the water to enter the hair follicle. While high porosity of the hairs allows the water to enter and exit follicles easily.
  2. Over-moisturizing Hair: Excessive moisturisation of the hairs by over-using conditioners and shampoos may cause hygral fatigue, mainly in the case of porous hairs.
  3. Damaged Hairs: Damaged hairs are generally more porous than undamaged hairs because the protective cuticle layer is broken in damaged hairs. Chemical treatment, high heat, harsh grooming and several environmental factors can damage your hairs.
  4. Loss of Protective Oils: Hairs are hydrophobic in nature which means they repel water. But overuse of an oily substance, 18-methyl eicosanoic acid (18-MEA) can decrease its water-repellent properties due to which hygral fatigue can take place.
  5. Loss of pH Balance: Using alkaline products in excess amounts can disturb the balance of the pH levels in the hairs and cause hygral fatigue.

Correction of Hygral Fatigue with Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda

There is no exact treatment of Hygral fatigue as once the hairs get damaged, can’t be undo. But a special care given to the hairs can help in preventing the further damage to the hair and also the number of hair problems. You can make your health better by using the following herbal remedies of PLANET AYURVEDA along with adopting some healthy habits of hair care. These remedies are totally free from any artificial material and completely natural. As these remedies are prepared from natural herbs, they don’t possess any side-effect and treat the disease from its root cause. Take a look at these herbal remedies by Planet ayurveda.

  1. Kaishore Guggul
  2. Gandhak Rasayan

Herbal Remedies for Hygral Fatigue

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Products Description

1. Kaishore Guggul

Planet Ayurveda’s Kaishore Guggul tablets are formulated by standardized extracts of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Danti (Baliospermum montanum), Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) and many other herbs. These capsules are very beneficial for the health of hairs and provide nourishment to the hairs. Along with hair benefits, these tablets also prevent numerous diseases such as Rheumatic fever, Muscle cramps, Inflammatory disorders, Fibromyalgia, Joint pain and many other disorders.

Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.

2. Gandhak Rasayan

Pure quality extract of Shuddha Gandhak (Purified sulphur) is used in preparing Gandhak Rasayan tablets in the house of Planet Ayurveda. These capsules are very helpful in treating the hair problems and also the skin diseases such as ringworm, itching, scabies, and many fungal infections. Use these tablets to get rid from the hygral fatigue and give strength to your hairs.

Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.

Other Measures to Treat Hygral Fatigue

  1. Use hair products such as shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, oil of high quality.
  2. Wash your hairs daily to clean out any dust particles from them which can damage the hairs.
  3. Cut out damaged hairs because hairs can’t heal themselves. Once the hair is damaged, it can’t be repaired but can be replaced only with the growth of new hair only.
  4. Wear a swim cap during swimming as the pool contains harmful bacteria and the chlorine used in the swimming pools can harsh your hairs.
  5. Comb your hairs wisely after taking a bath
  6. Use shampoo of pH level of around 5.5 i.e. similar to the pH value of the scalp because high alkaline shampoos can spoil the protective layer of the hairs.
  7. You can use coconut oil as a pre-wash which is observed to reduce the protein loss.

Contact Planet Ayurveda to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website – www.PlanetAyurveda.com


As we read above the hygral fatigue is the condition which can spoil your hairs permanently. So, it is mandatory to take proper treatment of hygral fatigue at the correct time. You can use the above-mentioned herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda and also some preventable measures to recover your hairs health in a fast manner. Above given herbal remedies are completely natural and safe for use as they possess no side-effects.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit - www.planetayurveda.com, www.alwaysayurveda.com

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