January 22, 2025
Ayurvedic Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis with Herbal Remedies
Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Another type of IBD is Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic condition that happens when there is inflammation in the colon. Most people with UC experience symptom flare-ups followed by remission without symptoms. Signs and symptoms include diarrhea, bloody stools, abdominal cramping, and weight loss. Here we will discuss its Ayurvedic point of view and treatment.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in which the abnormal reactions of the immune system cause inflammation and ulcers on the inner lining of your large intestine with relapsing nature. Ulcerative colitis incidence rate is 9 to 20 cases per 100,000 persons per year. No male or female predominance exists in UC. It affects the age group of 15-35 years and is less common in 50-75 years.
Ulcerative colitis is classified based on where the inflammation is in the colon. The inflammation usually starts in the rectum, which is close to the anus. The inflammation can spread and affect all or part of your colon. Types include:
- Ulcerative Proctitis: In this type, inflammation affects the sigmoid colon and rectum. This condition mainly affects less than six inches of the rectum, and it is not associated with any risk of cancer.
- Left-sided Colitis: Inflammation affects the left side of your colon. Inflammation begins at the rectum and extends as far into the colon as the splenic flexure, which is a bend in the colon near the spleen. Left-sided colitis also includes proctosigmoiditis, which affects the rectum and the lower segment of the colon located right above the rectum known as the sigmoid colon.
- Pancolitis: Inflammation affects your entire colon. Continuous inflammation begins at the rectum and extends beyond the splenic flexure.
The cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown. People with this condition have problems with their immune system. However, it is not clear if immune problems cause this illness. Stress and certain food can worsen the situation like:
- Beverages with alcohol
- Caffeinated drinks
- Dairy products
- Insoluble fiber food (raw vegetables, nuts, whole grain, fruits with skin on)
- Greasy food
- Spicy food
Main symptoms of ulcerative colitis are
- Bloody diarrhea
- Pus in stool
- Rectal bleeding
Other Symptoms Include
- Pain in the abdomen
- Rectal pain
- Urgency
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Joint pain and swelling
- Red burning and itchy eyes
- Painful bumps
- Rashes on the skin
- Ulcers on the skin
Ulcerative colitis can increase the risk of developing other conditions. These conditions include:
- Anemia
- Colon cancer
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
- Growth and development issues in children
Some emergency complications that require immediate treatment in ER include:
- Dehydration
- Perforation
- Severe Bleeding
- Toxic Megacolon
The initial diagnostic workup for ulcerative colitis consists of a complete history and physical examinations with assessment of signs and symptoms, laboratory tests, and endoscopy. Specific testing may include:
- Complete Blood Cells Count: It may show anemia and thrombocytosis (increased platelet count).
- Kidney Function Test (KFT) and Electrolyte studies: Chronic diarrhea may be associated with hypomagnesemia and hypokalemia kidney injury.
- Inflammatory Markers: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein.
- Endoscopy: To evaluate the rectum, distal large intestine, or entire colon and end of the small intestine (colonoscopy) for ulcers and inflammation.
Some other tests may include:
- Stool calprotectin
- Barium anemia
Tests of the small intestine are needed to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, including:
- CT Scan
- Upper endoscopy or capsule endoscopy
- MR Enterography
Ulcerative colitis treatment usually involves surgery or drug therapy. The type and category of medication depend upon the severity of the condition. It takes time to find the medication that helps because the medication that works well for some people may not work well for other patients.
The first step in the treatment of ulcerative colitis is anti-inflammatory drugs as they help many patients with their condition. These medications include:
- Oral-5-aminosalicylates
- Corticosteroids
These medicines also reduce inflammation. They do so by suppressing the immune system response that starts the process of inflammation. These medicines include:
- Azathioprine and Mercaptopurine
- Cyclosporine
This class of therapies targets proteins made by the immune system. Types of biologics used to treat ulcerative colitis include:
- Infliximab, Adulimumab, golimumab
- Vedolizumab
- Mirikizumab
- Risankizumab
Other Medications
Additional medications are required to manage specific types of symptoms of ulcerative colitis. These medications include:
- Antidiarrheal
- Antispasmodic
- Iron supplement
- Pain relievers
If medications are not working, then surgery is the option. 30% of ulcerative colitis patients need surgery at some point. There are two types of surgery, and they both involve proctocolectomy:
- Proctocolectomy and ileal pouch
- Proctocolectomy and ileostomy
The major symptoms of ulcerative colitis are diarrhea, rectal bleeding, passing of mucus, pain in abdomen. According to ayurveda these symptoms are correlated with Atisara (Diarrhea), some sub types of Atisara have similar symptoms. These symptoms can be correlated with Pittatisara (Diarrhea due to excess pitta) and Raktatisara (Diarrhea with blood) i.e Chronic stage of Pittatisara. According to Acharya Charak Raktatisara (Diarrhea with blood) can be caused due to intake of pitta vitiating drinks and food by the patient suffering from Pittatisara (Diarrhea due to excess pitta). Patients with Pittatisara have tendencies to develop Raktatisara if they do not follow pathya ahara vihara (Favorable food and routine). Due to an increased amount of blood in stool this condition is correlated with active ulcerative colitis.
According to Ayurveda Impaired Jatharagni (digestive fire) causes various kinds of gastrointestinal disease. According to Acharya Charak:
- Intake of sour, salty, alkaline,pungent, hot and irritant things
- Exposure to scorching sun, fire, hot wind
- Stress
- Anger
- Envy
All of them cause Pittatisara. According to Acharya charak intake of pitta vitiating factor by pitta prakriti patients can cause raktatisara.
According to Acharya Sushruta
Understanding Pittatisara and Raktatisara According to Acharya Sushruta :
- Intake of heavy, excessive fatty food
- Incompatible food
- Heavy food before digestion of previous
- Improperly cooked
- Contaminated food or drinks
- Suppression of natural urges
- Worm infestation
According to Acharya Madhavkar
Continuous and excessive intake of pitta increasing diet by pitta Prakriti patients can cause Raktatisara.
Samprapti Ghatak
- Dosha: pitta dominant Tridosha
- Dusya(involved tissue): Rasa (Plasma), Rakta (Blood)
- Strotas(channel involved): PurishaVaha srotas (Channel that transport faeces), UdakaVaha srotas (Channel that transport water), Annavah satotas (Channel that transport food and liquid)
- Sroto Dushti: Ati Pravarti (Excessive flow)
- Agni: jatharagni (Digestive fire), Dhatvagni (Bodily tissue fire)
- Utbhavasthana(placed involved): Pakvashya (Large intestine)
According to Acharya Charak
- In Pittatisara patients:
- Green, yellow, blue, black coloured stool
- Thirst
- Burning sensation
- Sweating
- Fainting
- In Raktatisara patients:
- Bloody diarrhea
- Pain in abdomen
- Burning sensation in abdomen
- Inflammation in Anorectum
According to Acharya Sushrut
- In Pittatisara patients:
- Hot faeces with bad smell
- Thirst
- Fainting
- Fever with sweating
- Ulceration in rectum and anus
- Burning sensation in abdomen
- In Raktatisara patients:
- Inflammation in Anorectum
- Bloody diarrhea
- Burning sensation
- Fever
According to Acharya Vaghbata
- In Pittatisara patients:
- Yellow, black, turmeric-like or green feces
- Foul smell from stool
- Fainting
- Perspiration
- Pain in abdomen
- Ulceration in abdomen
Continuous and excessive intake of pitta-increasing diet by pitta Prakriti patients can cause Raktatisara (Diarrhea with blood).
Agnimandya (Low digestive fire) is the root cause of this disease. In any kind of Atisara (Diarrhea), Ama (Undigested food) and Pakva conditions should be determined first. This is the first-line treatment of Atisara. Keeping in mind the strength of the patient:
In Amavastha
- Langhan (fasting)
- Yavagu (thick gruel) is made with Deepan (Enhance digestive fire) and Pachan (Digestion) drugs like Shunthi, Chitrak, etc.
Grahi drugs should be avoided in Amavastha (Undigested food) because it can cause Pliha Vridhi (Splenomegaly), Pandu (Anemia), Anaha (Constipation), Prameh (Diabetes), Ghrani (IBS), Arsh (Piles), Shula (Pain), etc.
In Pakva condition
In this condition, Grahi (Absorb and retain fluids) medication can be given. Along with this, Shaman Chikitsa (Pacifying therapy) and Shodhan Chikitsa (Purifying therapy) are indicated.
In Raktatisara condition
Basti karma is indicated for Raktatisara. Pichha basti is considered to be the best treatment.
Shaman Chikitsa
Some Ayurvedic preparations mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts for Raktatisara and Pittatisara are:
- Churan (Powder)
- Madhukadi Powder: Powder of Madhuk, Katfal, Lodhra, Dadim. Take all their ingredients in equal parts with honey followed by Tandulodak (rice water). It is very helpful in Pittatisara.
- Nagkesar Powder: Intake of 6gm of Nagkesar powder with Makhan or honey 2 times a day on an empty stomach. It has Raktastambhak properties, so it is helpful in Raktatisara.
- Nilopladi Yoga: Take 3gm of Nilotpala, Mochrasa, Lajjalu, and Padhmakesar with goat’s milk. A diet of rice and milk is advised after the digestion of the drug.
- Ghrita Preparations
- Shatavri Ghrita: Take Shatavari Ghrita with milk. A milk diet helps to overcome bloody diarrhea. It is helpful in Pittatisara, Raktatisara, and Ghrani. It is Balya (Increasing strength), Medhya (Intellect and cognitive power), and Rasayana (Rejuvenating). It also helps to heal ulcers.
- Nyogradi Ghrita: Take Nayogradi Ghrita with honey and sugar. It helps in Raktatisara.
- Kwath (Decoction)
- Cold decoction of Shalmali Vrinta with Yashtimadhu with honey. It helps to cure Pittatisara and Raktatisara.
- Dadimadi Kwath: Take bark of Dadim and Kutaj fruit. It helps to cure bloody diarrhea.
- Dhanya Panchak Kwath: It is used for pain in the abdomen and for controlling diarrhea.
- Take Bilva Majja with Fadita followed by honey. It is helpful in Raktatisara.
- Kshir (Medicated Milk)
Kutaja Kshira: Take goat’s milk and water in equal proportions. Add Yavkuta powder of Kutaj bark (12 gm) and boil it. Let all the water evaporate. The remaining portion is Kutaja Kshira. Intake of 6gm of this Kshira (Milk) is helpful in Raktatisara.
Shodhan Chikitsa
In Shodhan Chikitsa, Basti is indicated for Raktatisara:
- Anuvasana Basti
- Piccha Basti
Pathya (To be taken)
- Dairy Products: Cow’s ghee, Goat’s milk
- Fruits: Banana, apple, ripened papaya, bael fruit, muskmelon, watermelon
- Vegetables: Potato, carrot, turnip, gourd
- Pulses: All types of millets, moong dal with skin removed, rice
- Oils: Cow’s ghee, mustard oil, olive oil, rice bran oil
- Juices: Pomegranate juice, rose petal juice, marigold petal juice, coconut water, coriander leaves juice
- Nuts: Overnight soaked nuts
Apathya (Not to be consumed)
- Dairy Products: Milk, tea, ice cream, butter, and all others
- Spices: Red chili, green chili, white salt
- Fruits: All citrus fruits like orange, grapes, lemon, mango, pineapple
- Vegetables: Peas, beans, garlic, brinjal, onions, cauliflower, ladyfingers, cucumber
- Pulses: Kidney beans, black beans, black grams, chickpeas, red, black, yellow lentils
- Oils: Hydrogenated oils, coconut oil, palm oil, soybean oil
- Others: Aloe vera juice, pickles, fried food, baked food, alcohol, Triphala
Planet Ayurveda is a well established brand. It is a GMP certified and US-FDA registered company. Planet ayurveda uses best quality herbs and prepares medications by following proper ayurvedic principles. All these medicines are prepared under the supervision of MD scholars. Planet ayurveda has 100% pure medicine with no side effects. They have the best combination of herbs for ulcerative colitis and one of them is the Ulcerative Colitis Care Pack. These are safe to use as they have no side effects.
- Arjuna Capsules
- Vatsakadi Churna
- Pitta Balance
- Kutajghan Vati

Products Description
1. Arjuna Capsules
It is in the form of capsules prepared using standardised extract of Arjuna’s (Terminalia arjuna) tree bark is a standardized extract and it is used to make this formulation. It acts as analgesics, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antidiarrheal. It is rich in minerals like magnesium, copper, zinc, and calcium. It helps to maintain tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). It is helpful in healing ulcers and increasing red blood cells in the body. So it is very beneficial in ulcerative colitis.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day with water after a meal.
2. Vatsakadi Churna
It is a powder that is a blend of many herbs. It consists of Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica),Dhania (Coriandrum sativum), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgrea), Nagarmotha (Cyperus scariosus), Choti Elaichi (Cardamom), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Anar (Pomegranate) and Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans). It works on the intestines. Kutaj It has been used to relieve dysentery, Bilva helps in relieving the digestive system disorders, Saunf has phytoestrogens which help in digestion, Choti elaichi is also good for the digestive system. It acts as a mouth refresher and helpful in respiratory disorders, Jaiphal acts as a stimulant, analgesic and moreover it is the best for the digestive system. Thus, all these herbs work amazingly in ulcerative colitis.
Dosage: 1 tsp twice a day with water after a meal.
3. Pitta Balance
It is in the form of a capsule. It consist of Praval pishti (Mentha spicata), Jahar mohra pishti (Serpentine stone), Akik pishti (Silicon dioxide), Kamdhenu ras (samadera indica), Mukti pishti, Giloy satva (tinospora indica). Our body consists of vata, Pitta and kapha. Pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism of the body. In this formulation there is a calcium compound which helps in controlling bleeding and provides a cooling effect on the body. In ulcerative colitis it is very important to balance the pitta as it is primarily caused due to imbalance of pitta dosha in the body.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day with water after a meal.
4. Kutajghan Vati
It is in the form of tablets. It consists of the purest extract of Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) herb. Diarrhea and Dysentery can be cured by Kutajghan herbs. It is very useful in the functioning of the intestine. Thus it helps in managing ulcerative colitis.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day with water after a meal.
Ulcerative Colitis is a disease that can be managed very well with Ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment provides various oral medications and panchkarma therapies like Piccha Basti and Planet Ayurveda’s Ulcerative Colitis Care Pack has been proved useful in alleviating symptoms and to reducing serious conditions. Ayurvedic treatment provides a better quality of life for patients.