March 7, 2017
Ayurvedic Treatment of Herditary Moto and Sensory Neuropathy
Neuropathy is a disease which is caused due to malfunctioning of nerves in human body. The nerves that are affected mostly are sensory nerves, motor nerves and autonomic nerves. Sensory nerves as the name suggest sensory it controls sensations in body like tingling sensation, pain, weakness in the hands and feet, numbness in body. These nerves carries sensory information towards the central nervous system. Motor nerves carry impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland, allow power and movement in the body. Autonomic nerves controls the systems of the body.
As the name suggests hereditary it is inherited from the parents as it is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. HMSN is caused by a gene mutation located on chromosome 15, one of the 22 autosomal pairs of chromosomes. HMSN is also known as Charcot – Marie – Tooth Disease which is progressive disease of the nerves with weakness, numbness more in the legs than the arms. When it is inherited from parents the gene is expressed in children. HMSN are of two forms either hypertrophic demyelinated nerves or complete atrophy of neural tissues in body.
1. Hypertrohic conditions which causes neural stiffness and demyelination of nerves.
2. Complete Atrophy which causes the breakdown of axons and neural cell bodies.
- Hereditary Motor Neuropathy- is neuropathy associated with distal weakness without sensory loss in body.
- Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy – is neuropathy associated in which distal weakness may also occur.
Symptoms may appear shortly after birth or during first year of life. Mostly appear in teenagers.
- Lack of muscle strength in body
- Loss of mobility
- Developmental abnormalities in the spine, hand and feet
- Mild to moderate cognitive impairment
- Babies with HMSN have difficulty in sitting and crawling
- Children with HMSN experiences delay in motor development. Handgrip strength is weak, children are hypersensitive to touch, language development is delayed and learning capacity is affected
- At the end of teenage or beginning of adulthood may experience anxiety, agitation, depression, visual or auditory hallucinations, high risk of respiratory failure and bronchopneumonia
- Fatigue experiences
- Pain in body
- Lack of feeling, lack of reflexes, lack of sight and hearing.
- Patients may suffer from hammer toes, foot drop, high arched feet, foot deformities and scoliosis.
Patient are diagnosed through
- a physical evaluation that looks for muscle atrophy, weakness and sensory responses.
- Electromyography EMG and motor nerve conduction test can be done of patient.
- Patient can go through genetic testing.
- Males are mostly prone to this disease than females.
HMSN is classified into seven groups which are mentioned below
- HMSN1 other name is Chacot-Marie – Tooth Disease type 1A and 1B, it is hypertrophic demyelinating type in which patient experiences weakness, atrophy in the lower legs and later develop weakness in hands
- HMSN2 OTHER NAME IS Charcot-Marie – Tooth disease type2 symptoms similar to type1, onset in adolescence.
- HMSN3 other name Deierine-sottas disease (Charcot-Marie-Tooth type3) which has onset in infancy ,result in delayed motor skills.
- HMSN4 which is spinal type causes muscle weakness.
- HMSN5 other name Charcot-Marie – Tooth which occurs between 5-12 yrs lower legs are affected, atrophy followed by upper extremities.
- HMNS6 other name Charcot – Marie-Tooth type6 which causes muscular weakness and atrophy, vision loss.
- HMNS7 other name Retinitis pigmentosa which causes later onset with muscular weakness and atrophy in lower extremities.
There is not any proper treatment in allopathy, to get relief from this disease physical therapy, stretching, braces and orthopedic surgeries to prevent injuries and deformities. Physiotherapy, neurology, and occupational therapies can be taken by patients suffering from this disease.
As we know Ayurveda is world’s oldest holistic healing system it treats the patient whole body. It treats the disease from its origin and has good results on body. It balances the tridoshas ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha) in body which are the root cause of diseases. It keeps the mind, body and spirit in good harmony with nature. Ayurvedic medication heals HMSN disease by curing the inflammation, degeneration of peripheral nerves. The herbs used for this disease act on the central nervous system and nerve cells which improves neuromuscular coordination and preserve functioning of muscles in the body.
Planet Ayurveda’s main aim is to make the planet people to remain disease free and live a healthy and happy life. So here are some products mentioned below for the treatment of HMSN disease.
1. Ashwagandha Capsules
also known as Withania Somnifera is a great medicinal plant acts as adaptogenic tonic. As the name is withania sominfera which are responsible for multiple actions on body. This herb has withanolides, alkaloids and glycosides in its roots. Use of Ashwagandha capsules gives strength to back muscles, it relieves the muscles. As it is nervine tonic it enhances the physical and mental stamina of body. It can be given to growing adults as well as to old age persons.
Dosage – 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
2. Boswellia Curcumin
It is very beneficial for maintaining the joint health as it support the overall health of the body. It is a combination of boswellic acids and curcuminoids in it which inhibits leukotriene biosynthesis, inhibits 5- lipoxygenase, inhibits topoisomerase I etc. It decreases inflammation and promotes circulation to the joints in body.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
3. Vrihat Vaat Chintamani Tablet
The minerals and herbs used in the preparation of this tablet are beneficial for balancing Vata Dosha in HMSN disease. This tablet is formed by the combination of various bhasma which has very good action on treatment of vata dosha in body which causes diseases like paralysis, hemiplegia, tremors etc.
Dosage – 125mg once or twice a day, before or after meals or as directed by ayurvedic doctor. It is traditionally administered along with honey, Musta Kashaya.
4. Brahmi Capsules
Brahmi is a creepy herb that grows in branches used for a healthy and strong body. Brahmi is the best brain tonic used since ancient times. It increases memory power of people. Brahmi has an active compound Bacosides which acts on the degrading cells of brain. It also regenerates brain cells.
Dosage – 1-2 capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.
5. Shilajit Capsules
act as a best carrier of energy and provides proper nutrition to body. In HMSN patients it increases energy in body, acts as memory increaser, sharpens intelligence, helps in mood disorders symptom. Shilajit contains triterpenes, fulvic acid, humic acid and minerals in it.
Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily, with plain water or milk after meals.
The combination of all these medication is helpful in fighting with the signs and symptoms of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy patients to live a long, strong and healthy life and get a respectful behavior in society and to live life independently without getting dependent on others.