July 23, 2024
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Nephrotic Syndrome
Kidneys in the human body are complex structures which help in removing waste products from the body. It helps in the purification of waste products from the blood and ultimately produces urine. This purification process helps maintain levels of many substances in the blood. The kidneys also help in maintaining the blood pressure of the body. Kidneys are the main part of the urinary system which filters the fluid in the body and in this way, it helps in maintaining levels of water, minerals and salts in the body. Kidneys also play a major role in the production of active forms of Vitamin D which further helps in maintaining bone health. Here, in this article, we are going to study one of the kidney disorders i.e. Nephrotic Syndrome. As the name describes, it is a syndrome which means a group of symptoms. Nephrotic syndrome can be described as a group of symptoms produced when the kidneys in the body are not working properly. Now, we are going to study in detail about Nephrotic syndrome. Let’s start!
Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder in which there is a loss of a large amount of proteins through the urine. Kidneys are complex structures which contain a large amount of blood vessels (Glomeruli) which help in filtering the waste and excess water from the blood. These Glomeruli help in retaining the proteins and cells from the blood as they are used by the body to function normally. In Nephrotic Syndrome these small blood vessels are damaged which affects the normal process of filtration. Damaged glomeruli are unable to filter proteins in the blood and result in leakage of proteins into the urine. This massive loss of proteins in the urine leads to hypoalbuminemia and many other complications. This disease leads to many other serious health issues. Nor in this article, do we elaborate on a detailed study of its causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, diets, home remedies and Ayurvedic overview of this disease. Also study of its Ayurvedic management and Herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda. Let’s start!
Damage to the glomeruli is the primary cause of nephrotic syndrome. There are many other diseases which ultimately lead to nephrotic syndrome. Here are some of the common diseases that cause nephrotic syndrome
- Amyloidosis is a condition when protein amyloid builds up in the body’s organs and tissues
- Diabetes-related nephropathy is a condition in which diabetes leads to damage nerves of the kidneys
- Lupus is an autoimmune condition in which there is inflammation and pain in the whole body including the kidneys
- Membranous nephropathy is a condition when the immune system of the body attacks the membranes of the kidneys which helps in the filtration process
- Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis affects glomeruli and causes scarring on it
- Some medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory disease
- Any allergic reaction
- HIV, Hepatitis B and C infections
- Genetic disorders
The cause (निदान) of Nephrotic syndrome according to Ayurvedic texts are as follows
नवान्न्पानम् गुडवेकृतं च प्रमेहहेतुः कफकृच्च सर्वम् ||
The above text of Charak Samhita denotes that Nephrotic Syndrome is caused by consuming excess dairy products like milk ( दधिनि ), not exercising or not doing any physical work (आस्यासुखम् स्वप्नसुखम्), consuming heavy (that increases Kapha) food, jaggery (गुडवेकृतं) and consumption of new grains ( नवान्न्पानम्).
Some of the common and primary signs of nephrotic syndrome are as follows
- Edema
- Weight gain
- Foamy urine
A Nephrotic syndrome is a group of many types of symptoms that can be included as follows
- Swelling that includes the face, ankles, feet, eyes and abdomen
- Weight gain or weight loss due to fluid retention
- Frothy urine due to excess loss or proteins through urine
- Fatigue
- Muscle wasting
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain
According to the above text, in the condition of Nephrotic Syndrome the urine of the patient becomes frothy, concentrated and dense.
Diagnosis of the Nephrotic syndrome can be done by following tests
- Complete Blood Count which helps in finding the levels of protein and albumins
- A Urine test helps in finding out levels of proteins, blood and sugar in the urine. Also, it helps in estimating Albumin loss and sodium concentration
- Kidney biopsy
A Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms in which the kidney is directly affected. Due to damage to the Glomeruli, the kidney is unable to filter blood properly and as a result of this large amount of protein is excreted through urine. Damaged glomeruli lead to increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane due to which protein excretion is high in the urine. In Ayurveda, there is no direct correlation of nephrotic syndrome to any specific disease or Roga. However, on comparing the main characteristics of a nephrotic syndrome like albuminuria and hyperlipidemia associated with oedema can be compared to Prameha and specifically to Sandrameha because albuminuria makes urine concentrated and dense. The dosha involved in this disease is Kapha, Vata dominating Tridosha and Dushyas are mutra, udaka, ojas and rasa. However, there is no direct correlation of nephrotic syndrome in Ayurveda but any disease can be managed by relating its symptoms and pathogenesis. Sandrameha is a subtype of Kaphaja prameha. Now let’s start a detailed study about the Ayurvedic management of Nephrotic syndrome.
- Fruits like apples, papaya, pomegranates, jamun, pears and other fibre fruits
- Vegetables like pumpkin, cabbage, ginger, lettuce, broccoli, carrot, bottled gourd, bitter gourd and cauliflower
- Black pepper, fennel, cardamom, coriander, mint and cumin should used in species
- Avoid milk and milk products
- Pulses like split pigeon peas, split chickpeas, kidney beans, yellow moong lentils and green grams
- Whole grains and millet can be used
- Decoction of turmeric
- Powder of seeds like pumpkin seeds, cucumber seeds, melon seeds and watermelon seeds can be taken
- Sprouts of green gram and black gram are good sources of proteins and fibres
- Mushrooms are known as a good source of plant proteins
In Ayurvedic texts, the line of treatment for Nephrotic syndrome is as below
संबृहणं तत्र कृशस्य कार्यम् संशोधनम् दोषबलाधिकस्य ||
According to the above text of Charaka Samhita, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may be obese or emaciated. So the line of treatment in both types of patients is different. Nourishing therapy to increase strength is given to weak or emaciated patients. In obese patients, the Doshas vitiated are expelled by Sanshodhan Chikitsa. Following are some of the Ayurvedic herbal formulations that can be given in the case of Nephrotic Syndrome
- Madhvasav
- Dantyasav
- Amla juice mixed with honey and turmeric
- Decoction of Patha (Cissampelos pareira), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and Dhanvana (Grewia tiliaefolia) with honey.
Planet Ayurveda offers a wide range of herbal medicines formed from all-natural herbs. All these herbal formulations are made up of highly efficient herbs with natural extracts. These formulations of Planet Ayurveda come in various forms like powders, tablets, capsules, decoctions etc. Planet Ayurveda promotes Ancient Ayurveda by using natural herbal in the formation of medicines that are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Here we are going to study one of the best herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda which is the Nephrotic Syndrome care pack which is very useful treatment of the nephrotic syndrome in ayurveda & it is very effectively. This care pack consists of Mutrakrichantak churna, Curcumin capsules, Chandanadi Vati and Phyllanthus Niruri. Let’s start a detailed study of these products
- Mutrakrichantak Churna
- Curcumin Capsules
- Chandanadi Vati
- Phyllanthus Niruri
This herbal formulation consists of ingredients like Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) and many more. These ingredients are very effective in the management of nephrotic syndrome. These herbs work as a function of kidney-supporting. It helps in relieving the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome.
Dosage : 1 teaspoonful twice a day with warm water
These capsules contain an active ingredient Curcumin (Curcuma longa) present in turmeric which is a very common and useful ingredient used in India. It helps in balancing all three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Turmeric is very useful in the management of nephrotic syndrome. It also helps in improving the immunity of the body.
Dosage : 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.
This herbal formulation contains Shveta Chandana (Santalum album), Maricha (Piper cubeba), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and many more. It is a classic herbal formulation which helps in the management of all types of urinary problems. It also helps in managing urinary infections and nephrotic syndrome.
Dosage : 2 tablets thrice a day after meals with warm water.
These herbal capsules contain the extract of Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri). These capsules are very effective in dealing with symptoms of nephrotic syndrome. It contains prophylactic activity and helps in controlling nephrotic syndrome.
Dosage : 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.
Nephrotic syndrome is a group of various symptoms which occurs due to improper functioning of the kidneys. If diagnosed and proper treatment is given to the patient it helps in managing nephrotic syndrome. But it can lead to many serious issues if not treated properly. It can also lead to loss of life if not managed properly. So, it is necessary to take proper care of kidneys to avoid such types of conditions and their complications. In Ayurveda, there are a number of Ayurvedic herbs that are very useful in the management of nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic Care Pack by Planet Ayurveda contains herbal formulations that are based on ancient Ayurveda texts and are very effective in the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome.