Can women use Shilajit?


Your daily routines are going to make you get tired and fatigued by evening. The ladies going for some jobs just want to fly home and hit the bed instantly, better wait, who is going to take care of her hubby and the kids. They just can’t retire so soon and become irritable and stressful. But not anymore, Ayurveda has found a cure for you. When you have tried so many tonics that you never got the instant energy, why not give a chance to nature?

Nature bestows a lot of things to the human race and we should avail all these benefits. One such thing is Shilajit, a strong natural super food that is what the doctor ordered. It will definitely solve all the problems the female’s faces.

Shilajit for women health

  • Do you feel fatigued all the time?
  • Are you tired of feeling exhausted always?

As a lady, you should, wait, we have a solution to relieve you from all this mess, Shilajit, a gift that is natural.  It’s a Sankrit word that means ‘destroyer of weakness’ or ‘conqueror of mountains’.  All ladies can enjoy its various benefits like strong hair, a radiant & glowing skin, a balanced sexual health and anti-aging.

Many more benefits can also be enjoyed and the females will never feel tired again. It is available as a black tar substance, is quite rare and oozes out from the Himalayas and Tibetans mountains, which is extracted in summers only. We will discuss how it makes a difference to the females health in doing daily chores.

Irrespective of the lady’s gender, age, it provides you the energy that makes you become enthusiastic. Whether you want to conceive, or you are a working lady or just need to boost your energy level, it will give you the unexpected benefits. It will make you an extrovert from an introvert lady. Here are the benefits it provides:

What are the basic benefits of Shilajit?

The Ultimate Energy Booster:-

  • Whatever you do, work in office, a housewife or a sports lady, in every field you need energy to do your daily chores. Shilajit boosts our energy fuel, called ATP. With the passage of time our cells start feeling tired out and become lethargic. All our physical movements become restricted. This is where Shilajit steps in, regenerates these lethargic cells and gets more energy from the food that we eat daily.

It heals Infertility and Strengthened Sexual Health:

  • Female fertility is to be able to conceive a child. Since centuries, Shilajit has proved to produce miracles by helping childless couples and infertile couples to conceive a child. It has certain kind of proteins, fatty acids, amino acids, fulvic acid and carotenoids.
  • All these combined makes them butcher the toxins and clean the re-productive organs, they throw out the toxins that were responsible for making the females in-fertile.

Puts an End To Irregular Menstrual Cycles-Irregular Menstrual system consists of

  • Missed periods
  • Bleeding continues in between the 2 periods
  • Heavy bleeding during the periods
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen

Shilajit helps in encouraging the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)that is present in a gland belonging to brain. FSH controls the menstrual cycle and enhances the ovaries to produce healthy eggs.

Health Benefits of shialjit

The Best Drug for Mood Changes:

  • Nobody wants to be in a bad mood for long, as it can lead to depression attack. Everybody goes through this phase at one time or another. A practical way to find the reason behind it is to try to find the root cause.
  • If you need some extra help, Shilajit is there to help you. You might had a very bad day, have a capsule of Shilajit before you hit the bed, it brings you back to happiness the next morning.

Strong Nails and Lustrous Hair:

  • Everybody loves to have shiny hair like a star, smooth as silk mop of hair that is praised by all. ‘ neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride’ all the females take good care of the hair that grows on their scalps.
  • No matter how old the lady is, even she would love to keep her hair in certain style. The females also love having strong nails that can be cut in different styles and beautified with the nail polish. Shilajit has abundance of zinc, iron and lots of vitamins like A, B, C, D and E. They will certainly get the results they are seeking.

A Good Night’s Sound Sleep:

  • Insomnia is spreading like a jungle fire these days, due to hectic pace that this world is growing at. You need to have lots of energy to cope with it. Stress level are rising, giving you sleepless nights.
  • Your next day chores are disturbed by not getting the enough sleep. Nothing seems to go right. You just lie on the bed and turning to different sides the whole night, need help? gat a capsule of a shilajeet and enjoy a sound sleep in a natural way. It will also help in reducing your stress level

Antioxidant Strength:

  • These days nobody is perfect, and have many bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, pollution in the atmosphere, radiation and ultra violet rays of the Sun, proving its nefariousness to us. An active content of Shilajit is Fulvic acid, which helps in neutralizing the free radicals that are lurking out there to strike a disease on our body.

Strengthens the Immune System:

  • Every part of female body drives some nutritious thing, when you eat food, but if you take Shiajit along your breakfast, it rejuvenates you. It helps in saving you from environmental assaults and ambushes. If your immune system is weak, you become more prone to acquire a disease. Shilajit strengthens your immune system that produces healthy enzymes that are ready to combat with free radicals. It prevents you from many diseases, if you acquire one it gives you the strength to fight it.

Does it has any other benefits?

It has many other benefits like

  • Rejuvenates the brain cells for brain health.
  • Controls healthy blood sugar level.
  • Balances the fluids and electrolytes of the body.
  • Boosts body’s metabolism and many more.

Just buy a jar and try it out in a practical way, come on better be a sport.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit

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