Category: Anti-Aging

Ayurveda relation of Hemapheresis with Raktashodhana


Hemapheresis is the process of selective collection of any blood component, with the use of automated equipment. In this process components of blood ie: RBC, WBC, plasma and platelets are removed from the patient ‘s body to achieve patient health and provide relief in symptoms. These diseases are not completely prevented but the symptoms and conditions are manageable. Let’s discuss Hemapheresis in detail about Hemapheresis.



In the process of hemapheresis there is a removal of whole blood from the body of the donor. It is the process by which one or more components are withdrawn from the blood and returned by transfusion of remaining blood to the donor. Hemapheresis is considered as a supportive treatment for auto-immune and blood disorders. In auto-immune disorders the body produces antibodies which attack its own immune system and create infection in the blood. Ayurveda produces some of the great herbs and therapies which are very effective in cleansing the blood, in which leech therapy is very important. Rakta shodhana and Rakta mokshana are the procedures that are involved in hemapheresis. The blood is alive, contains living cells and is the fluid of health, transporting disease fighting substances to the tissue and waste to kidneys. The components of blood ie. red blood cells and white blood cells are responsible for nourishment and cleansing the body, blood also carries the oxygen to all body parts. When the body grows, it faces toxins, environmental pathogens and contaminated food by which the blood gets infected which causes the blood disorders.

Process of Hemapheresis

In this process the blood is taken from the donor’s body and then blood is removed from the donor’s body through a needle. Removed blood is mixed with the anticoagulant and separated in separators which works on the centrifugation process. Where the desired component is separated and the blood is returned to the donor’s body results in the filtered plasma.

The components which are separated are

  • Leukocytes (leukapheresis)
  • Plasma (Plasmapheresis)
  • Platelets (Plateletpheresis)

Leukapheresis: White blood cells (leukocytes) are removed from the patient’s body if the patient is suffering from a disease like thrombosis.


Plasma is the important component of the blood and contains antibodies and antigen- antibody complexes which may contribute to effects of autoimmune disorders. Plasma removal helps in reducing the circulating antibodies and immune complexes. In case a large amount of plasma is removed, the plasma from a healthy donor is given to the patient which is called plasma exchange.
Plateletpheresis: This is very rare like: Myeloproliferative disorders, platelet count can be very high. Removal of platelets is helpful in Platelet removal and can help to avoid complications of thrombosis and bleeding.

Indications of Hemapheresis

Indications of Hemapheresis are

  • Malaria
  • Leukocytosis
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Liver transplantation
  • Familial cholesterolemia
  • Lung transplantation
  • Wilson disease
  • Hemolytic disease of foetus
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Thrombocytosis
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Aplastic anaemia
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Systemic amyloidosis
  • Burn with circulatory shock
  • Acute liver failure
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • ABO- Incompatible hematopoietic solid organ transplantation
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • Auto-immune hemolytic anaemia
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Coagulation factor inhibitors
  • ABO- Incompatible hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Ayurvedic Overview of Hemaphereis

In Ayurveda blood is known as rakta and a very important component of the human body, disorders of blood cause prolonged and chronic disease. Acharya Shusruta who is known as father of surgery considered Rakta as a fourth dosha, mainly three doshas are the base of the body ie. Vata, Pitta and Kapha but Acharya Shusruta has also described Rakta as a fourth dosha. In Ayurvedic perceptive when doshas contaminates the blood it results in blood disorders which in ayurveda is called as Rakta Pradosaja Vikara, and there are many rakta-pradosja vikara and their modern co-relation which are as follows

  • Pleeha (Splenomegaly)
  • Vidhradi (Abscess)
  • Pama (Scabies)
  • Kamala (Jaundice)
  • Neelika (Hyperpigmentation)
  • Arsha (Piles)
  • Asya paka (Stomatitis/ Mouth ulcers)
  • Mashaka (Elevated moles)
  • Shwitra (Leucoderma/vitiligo)
  • Charamadala (Dermatitis)
  • Kotha (Urticaria)
  • Tilkalka ( Black Moles)
  • Vyanga (Freckles)
  • Visarpa (Herpes)
  • Indralupta (Alopecia)
  • Asru Dhara (Menorrhagia)
  • Kushtha (Leprosy)
  • Guda pak (Inflammation of anal canal)
  • Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders)
  • Vatashonit (Gout arthritis)
  • Medhra paka (Inflammation of penis)
  • Arbuda (Tumours)
  • Piplu (Port wine mark)
  • Gulma (Abdominal tumours)

Ayurveda Relation of Hemapheresis with Raktashodhana

Hemapheresis is related with Rakta Shodhana (purifying blood) and Rakta mokshana in Ayurveda and raktashodhana is the process which is used to purify the blood by using various herbs. There is also another process by which the vitiated Rakta is balanced which is known as Raktamokshna (bloodletting). Now we do not have to confuse rakta shodhana and rakta mokshana, both the processes are quite different. Purifying the blood through the herbs and natural remedies is called Rakta shodhana and where the toxins are very high and Rakta shodhna is not enough, in that case Rakta mokshana is used. Herbs which are used in Rakta shodhana are as follows

Effective Herbs to Purify the Blood

  • Guduchi
  • Haridra
  • Manjishtha
  • Neem
  • Sariva

Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia)

Guduchi is very useful in the aggravation of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) , has anti- inflammatory properties and gives relief from the pain. This herb plays a great role in conditions of worm infestation, gives relief in jaundice, and increases the blood cells. Guduchi is very effective in chronic fever, in skin disorders and also reduces the weakness.

Haridra (Curcuma Longa)

The herb pacifies the Tridoshas and purifies the blood and is useful in preparation of the Red Blood cells. Haridra contains antiprotozoal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and useful in anaemia, leprosy haemorrhage and diabetes etc.

Manjishtha (Rubia Cordifolia)

Manjishtha pacifies the vitiated rakta and contains properties like: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti protozoal. The herb is very effective in leprosy and in wound healing. It purifies the blood completely and acts as a rasanya and also gives relief from stress. The herb is very effective in female reproduction, contains diabetic properties, boosts the stamina and removes the toxins.

Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

Neem contains various properties and is helpful in many problems, it mainly pacifies the Pitta dosha due to its soothing and cooling effects. This herb is used in healing of the wound, abscess, blood disorders, alopecia, itching and greying of the hairs.

Sariva (Hemidesmus Indicus)

Sariva is useful in pacifying all tridoshas, has anti-inflammatory properties and contains a cooling effect. Sariva acts as a rasayana and is diuretic, it increases sexual activity and also increases fertility. The herb contains blood cleansing properties and is helpful in conditions like: syphilis, elephantiasis and leprosy etc. This herb is very useful in digestive problems and also acts as a diuretic.

Rakta Mokshana Therapy

Acharya Sushruta has described raktamokshana as a type of panchkarma. Rakta mokshana is used when there is a presence of high toxins and rakata shodhana is not enough. Some of the natural sources (ie. Instrumental and non-instrumental) used in this therapy are

Instrumental (Shastra)

Siravedha and Pracchan (Vein puncturing)
Non- instrumental (Anu-shastra): Alabu (Pitcher gourd), Jaloka (Leech therapy) and Shrunga (Cow’s horn method)

Siravedha (Venepuncture)

This procedure is very useful in destroying the disease from the root. Venepuncture in Shalya tantra is considered as the half complete therapy for numerous diseases as blood is the pathogenic factor in most of the diseases.

Prachana (Blood Letting by Puncturing)

In this procedure torniquet is applied slightly above the affected area and multiple incisions are made by using the sharp instrument and avoiding the vital structures. The incisions are not made very deep, superficial, should not be done transversally and are made very quickly in the upward direction.

Non- Instrumental

Alabu (Blood letting through pitcher guard)
The process is used in aggravated Kapha dosha and pacifies the aggravated Kapha dosha. In this procedure, small incisions are made on skin and after that the pitcher guard made hollow within, creating vacuum pressure by lighting the diya. Now the guard is kept at incised skin through blood is sucked by vacuum pressure, thus doing blood letting.

Jaloka (Leech Therapy)

This is the most important therapy in the raktamokshana and is a commonly followed procedure for blood letting. In aggravated Pitta vitiated rakta dosha this is very helpful as the leeches reside in the cold conditions. Jaloka is very useful in acne and skin disorders, the procedure is used in the patients who are scared from other bloodletting procedures.The saliva of leech contains the chemical Hirudin which is anticoagulant and prevents the blood from coagulation and inhibits the platelet aggregation and increase fluids and blood flow from the affected area. Leech only takes the blood which is vitiated and corrects microcirculation disorders. The therapeutic properties of this procedure are: it is immunostimulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and atherosclerotic.

Types of Leech

There are mainly two types of leeches are considered ie. Poisonous and non- poisonous. Poisonous is called Savish and has 6 more types, non- poisonous is known as Nirvish contains 6 types. These types are described in (Sushruta Sutrasthana chapter/13 Sloka 11/12)

Poisonous (Savish Jaloka)

  • Krishna
  • Karbura
  • Algarda
  • Indrayudha
  • Samudrika
  • Gochandana

Non-poisonous (Nirvish Jaloka)

  • Kapila
  • Pingla
  • Shankh Mukhi
  • Mushika
  • Pundrikmukhi
  • Saavrika

Shrunga (Blood Letting Using Cow’s Horn)

In this procedure the selected cow’s horn is collected which is open at both ends, this is mainly used in Vata vitiated rakta. Small and multiple incisions are made over the affected area. The one side of the horn is placed at the incised skin and from the other side suction is created by the mouth which leads to blood letting. This procedure can be compared with cupping therapy.


Hemapheresis is the process used in vitiated blood, as our body grows the blood gets affected by various types of environmental factors and by toxins. In Hemapheresis one or more components are withdrawal to achieve the health of the patient. Vitiated blood causes in many blood disorders ie, Rakta pradosja vikara, in blood disorders it is very important to purify the blood. Ayurveda includes two main therapies ie. Rakta shodhana and Rakta mokshana and the bloodletting therapy by leech is one of the most easy and beneficial procedures in the Rakta mokshana. The procedures which are given in this article only remove the vitiated blood from the body. The herbs which are described here are used to pacify the blood and also provide strength to the immune system and have no side effects.

Alternative Treatment For Sticky Skin Syndrome With Herbal Remedies


Skin is the largest sense organ of the body. It is the first line of defense that helps to protect the body from various types of germs, infections, etc. Skin is the layer that helps us to experience the touch. But what if, whatever we touch, sticks to the skin? Even a thought like that makes us uncomfortable, isn’t it? But this is reality, there are people suffering from this condition. Sticky skin syndrome is one such condition that results in imparting stickiness in the skin. The sticky skin syndrome will be discussed in detail along with the symptoms, causes, and ayurvedic aspect, etc. in the following content.


Sticky skin syndrome is a syndrome that causes things to stick to the skin of your body. It is usually a side effect of a long term drug therapy. Most often in this condition, stickiness of the skin of hands is observed but skin of the other parts of the body may also be sticky. The skin may become dry, tight and flakey skin around the hands and other areas of the body. This condition is also known as acquired cutaneous adherence. Sticky skin syndrome is a chronic condition which can affect people of all ages and races. Individuals with this syndrome often suffer from itching, stinging, burning or tingling sensations on the skin, regular brown spots or patches on the body, burning sensations in the mouth after eating or drinking hot liquids such as coffee or tea and abdominal cramps mostly during bowel movements. Sticky skin may be a result of administration of various drugs such as retinoids, anti -fungals, etc. The causes underlying the condition of sticky skin syndrome will be described as follows.

Sticky Skin Syndrome


As the sticky skin syndrome is also known as idiopathic or acquired cutaneous adherence. In some cases, there can be no specific cause behind the condition of sticky skin syndrome. In some other cases, various causes can be estimated to result in the condition of Sticky skin syndrome, some of which can be even life threatening. The sticky skin syndrome can be present individually or along with some other medical condition. The isolated sticky skin syndrome i.e., when the condition is presented individually is mostly observed as a result of consumption of medications for a long term. Estimates are also made regarding the role of age related factors in contribution to the development of this condition.This will lead to presentation of different types of features which will be described as follows.


Sticky skin syndrome was first described by Elis and Voorhees. They described it as a subjective sensation of stickiness in the skin. Sticky skin syndrome is most commonly observed in patients already suffering from some skin disease and has undergone long term drug therapy including retinoids, etc. The main presenting feature of this condition of sticky skin syndrome is in accordance with its name, the skin becomes sticky. There is adherence of objects on the skin observed in this condition. There may be a presence of skiny patches with hypopigmentation. The condition of sticky skin syndrome will differ from patient to patient.


The physical examination and observing the clinical presentation will bring us halfway to the diagnosis of the sticky skin syndrome. The laboratory tests that can be advised will depend on the patient’s presentation of the features. Your doctor can advise you to get reports of skin biopsy, skin patch test, etc. In some cases, skin culture may also be required. The line of treatment for sticky skin syndrome will initially focus on eradicating the causative factors. The cases in which the condition of sticky skin syndrome arises due to prolonged use of drugs, the dose of those drugs should be decreased. If possible, the causative medicines should be totally stopped, the condition of sticky skin syndrome will resolve within a few months or years after the withdrawal of those medicines. Let’s discuss the ayurvedic perspective or the ayurvedic point of view regarding the condition of sticky skin syndrome.


The ayurvedic aspect of the sticky skin disorder can be correlated with the vitiation of the pitta dosha and rakta dhatu. There are five types of pitta dosha in the body and bhrajaka pitta is one of the types that is believed to be residing in the skin. So, vitiation of bhrajaka pitta can be considered in this scenario. Also, the rakta dushti is there. So, the line of management will include restoring the vitiated pitta dosha and rakta dhatu back in normal levels. This can be accomplished using a variety of herbal formulations such as neem capsules, mahamanjishthaghan vati, etc. THe details of these ayurvedic formulations beneficial for the condition of sticky skin syndrome will be described as follows.


Planet Ayurveda provides various preparations of natural herbs such as  gotu kola capsules, gandhak rasayan, pitta balance, etc. which are prepared using authentic ways and provide great results in improving the condition of sticky skin syndrome. All the herbal products manufactured here are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colours and fillers. These products are hundred percent natural and are formulated by MD Ayurvedic doctors with deep knowledge of Ayurveda and many years of experience. The ayurvedic formulations beneficial for the condition of  sticky skin syndrome are described as follows.

  1. Gandhak Rasayan
  2. Arjuna Capsules
  3. Pitta Balance
  4. Mahamanjisthaghan Vati
  5. Gotu Kola Capsules
  6. Tea tree-aloe vera premium homemade bathing bar

Herbal Remedies for Sticky Skin Syndrome

Herbal Supplements for Sticky skin syndrome


1. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak Rasayan is presented by planet ayurveda. It is prepared using pure extract of a very beneficial ayurvedic component namely gandhak (Sulphur (purified)). It shows great results on the overall health of the body. It helps to detoxify the body. It acts as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent. Hence, will help to improve the condition of sticky skin syndrome. It is also beneficial in various other skin related disorders such as urticaria, acne etc.

Dosage: Two tablets two times a day with lukewarm water.

2. Arjuna capsules

Arjuna capsules prepared by planet ayurveda contain natural extracts of a very effective ayurvedic herb Arjun (Terminalia arjuna). It possesses a variety of health benefits such as improves blood circulation, acts as a cardiotonic, contains antidysenteric and anti hypertensive properties also. The use of arjun will help to alleviate the rakta (blood) and pitta dushti or vitiation. Hence arjuna capsules will help to deal with the condition of sticky skin syndrome effectively.

Dosage : One capsule two times a day with lukewarm water, after meals.

3. Mahamanjisthaghan Vati

Mahamanjisthaghan Vati is being prepared by planet ayurveda. It contains manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) as the main component of the formulation. Manjishtha is tikta (bitter), kshaya (astringent), madhur (taste) in rasa and hot in potency. It is known to be a very effective blood purifier. Hence, the use of Mahamanjisthaghan Vati in the condition of sticky skin syndrome will help to deal with the dushti or vitiation of  the rakta and hence, improve the body’s overall state of well being.

Dosage – Two tablets two times a day with lukewarm water.

4. Pitta Balance

Pitta Balance capsules are being prepared by planet Ayurveda. These capsules contain the following beneficial medicinal components such as Coral Calcium (Praval Pishti), Pearl Calcium (Mukta Pishti), Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) (Giloy Satva). As the name suggests, pitta balance capsules are helpful in balancing the pitta dosha of the body. Hence, will help to improve the condition of sticky skin syndrome.

Dose: One Capsule two times a day, with plain water.

5. Gotu kola capsules

Gotu kola capsules prepared by planet ayurveda contain natural extracts of herb gotu kola (Centella asiatica). Gotu kola is a miraculous herb with plenty of health benefits. It has a great effect on the skin also. The use of gotu kola capsules improves the texture of skin, making it firm and tight. It is also a very rich source of anti oxidants and hence reduces the free radicals in the body, thus improving the overall state of the body.

Dose : Gotu kola capsules can be given one Capsule two times a day, with plain water. These capsules are given after meals.

6. Tea tree-aloe vera premium handmade bathing bar

This ayurvedic bathing bar contains aloe vera (kumari) extract, tea tree oil, errand tail (Ricinus communis)(castor oil), coconut oil (Cocus nucifera), etc. It helps to keep the skin clean and prevents various types of pathogenic growth also. This will help to manage the stickiness in the sticky skin syndrome when used regularly.

How to use – Apply Tea tree-aloe vera premium handmade bathing bar on wet skin and massage to form lather and wash it with clean water. This bathing bar can be used two hours after the application of the above said oils (neem oil, manjishthadi oil).


Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.

It can be concluded that sticky skin syndrome may be a rare condition but the ones suffering with it, face difficulty in coping up with the daily activities also. As mentioned, the dose of medicinal drugs responsible for the condition should be reduced and necessary measures should be taken to manage the condition. The ayurvedic formulations such as neem capsules, gandhak rasayan, etc. described in the above article go a long way to manage the condition of sticky skin syndrome effectively. Along with the oral intake of herbal formulations, the herbal oils such as neem oil and manjishthadi oil will improve the healing process.