Category: Yoga Poses

Radio Taiso Exercises and Herbal Remedies for Maintaining Good Health


Radio Taiso is the most famous exercise program in Japan. It serves as an accessible and sustainable intervention for the care of older adults in society. Every age group can perform these exercises. Performing these exercises leads to a good health-related quality of life. The impact of these exercises is directly on the lifestyle of the individual. A fit lifestyle can prevent many physical and mental diseases which are associated with ageing and unhealthy habits. It is played every day at 6:30 Am at public NHK radio. As per the Ayurveda, various yoga asana and vyayam techniques are mentioned. Everyone has their choice as to how to keep themselves fit. Let’s discuss it in detail!

Radio Taiso Exercises


Radio Taiso exercises are the basic callisthenics that is performed over the instructions provided by radio broadcasts. It provides exercises for all age groups and usually lasts for 10 to 15 minutes. This has lasted since the second world war. The objective was to keep soldiers active during the war. It was for both deployed and stationed units of the army. This is the longest-running broadcast program in Japan. This was also implemented by other countries in Asia like Indonesia, Taiwan, and Hong kong. People of Japan continued these exercises as they are available on all mediums like radio, television, and the internet. Moreover, this is performed daily in schools in Japan. According to the book Ikigai, the Japanese secret to a long and healthy life is Radio Taiso which is followed by the entire country.


These exercises are performed in crowds such as in schools and workplaces. It diminishes the stigma of exercising without fear of judgement. It also promotes unity among the people in society. Individuals in this environment will become more open and develop connections among themselves. The main purpose of these exercises is to stimulate activity. On average, every human should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and this has led to Japan having the lowest obesity rate as compared to other countries in the world. Radio Taiso encourages everyone to do exercises irrespective of fitness level.


The benefits that Radio Taiso exercises bring to the body are:-

  • It allows the brain and muscles to relax.
  • Enhance most of the organs of the body system by promoting blood circulation.
  • Enhances coordination and rhythm.
  • Performing Radio Taiso to any sort of music is good for mental well-being.
  • It makes you feel energetic and relieves fatigue.
  • Improves posture and makes muscles stronger.
  • As stress relieves it promotes a night of good sleep.
  • Muscle strains are cured by doing these exercises.
  • Doing Radio Taiso just after completing the work leads to relief from mental fatigue.
  • Suppresses the symptoms associated with old age.


Radio Taiso is performed in two sets. Each set is about 4 minutes. Two sets are known as Radio Taiso 1 and Radio Taiso 2.

Radio Taiso 1

Radio Taiso 1 focuses on the exercises that people of all ages, that is from very young to very old, can try. Along with a light rhythm, you can move muscles and articulate your whole body in a good balance. Radio Taiso 1 consists of 13 steps:-

  • With feet together stretch your whole body, then back down while keeping your back straight.
  • Raise arms to the side, and bend knees up and down, while keeping the heels raised.
  • With arms outstretched, revolve one way and then the other.
  • Stretch out your chest muscles by swinging the arms to the side and then slowly up again.
  • Bend to the left with the arm stretched and back again. Then to the right and back again.
  • With rhythmic bounces, bend forward three times then stand upright. Bend backward slowly and up again.
  • Swing your arms and twisting your body. First left, right, left, and right, then diagonally to back (twice). Do the same way.
  • First, put feet together and then put feet apart and extend arms up and down with sharp and strong moves.
  • Put feet apart. Bend forward twice to the left feet then up and stretch out the chest. Next down to the right foot then up and stretch again.
  • Stretch arms to full length, making a full circle and the same way to the other way.
  • Jump with both feet put together and then open (with arms lifted horizontally), close, open, close.
  • Raise arms to the side and bend knees up and down, while keeping heels raised.
  • Finish it with a deep breath.

Radio Taiso 2

Radio Taiso 2 focuses on body training and exercises designed to strengthen the muscle. Dynamic movements make muscles flexible and stimulate blood circulation and make internal organs active. It consists of 13 steps:-

  • With feet together, jump gently on the spot and loosen up[ the whole body.
  • Raise arms up to the sides, with heels up; behind the arms and legs twice with bouncing motions then cross arms at the front.
  • Both arms forward. Open, down, and lift with backward motion.
  • With feet apart, open your arms wide and stretch out your chest, then cross the arms at the front. Breathe in and out in motion slowly.
  • With your left hand under the arm, bend twice to the right then slap your sides twice and the same way to the other way.
  • With your arms swinging, bend forward twice, then all the way back with both arms up.
  • Swing your arms and twisting your body. First left, right, left, right with face looking in the front.
  • Hop on the right leg twice, with the left leg lifting high. And the same way, to the other way, then little hops on each leg.
  • Put feet apart. Twist to the left and bend down twice to the right. Then as lifting the body up, the same way to the other way.
  • Bend from the waist and swing your arms back and forth. First a big swing and then smaller swings. Then swing your arms back and forth with the upright posture.
  • Jumping jacks with arms lifted horizontally open, close, together; open, close, together.
  • Raise arms to the front, then to the side while bending knees up and down. Control your breathing.
  • Finish it with a deep breath.


Word Ayurveda is made up of two words Ayur and Veda which means the science of life. Dincharya is the practice of all those activities which start from waking up in the early morning which leads to health promotion and disease prevention. As per Ayurveda, vyayam (exercises) is an integral part of daily routine (Dincharya). Ayurveda recommends vyayam as a means to maintain health and also treat some diseases. Vyayam has a direct impact on tridoshas. It involves the movement of the body, movement is influenced by vata dosha, so exercise increases vata dosha. While performing exercises we start sweating as our body temperature increases. As sweating is influenced by pitta dosha. Hence workout increases Pitta dosha. Vyayam helps to burn fat. Fat is related to Kapha. Hence exercises tend to decrease Kapha in the body.


Planet Ayurveda is a GMP Certified company providing pure herbal products worldwide. All the products are based on Ayurvedic texts and under the guidance of MD Ayurveda experts. All the products are devoid of any kind of preservatives, dyes, and harmful chemicals. Here are a few herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda for promoting health:-



Herbal Remedies For LongevityHerbal Remedies For Central Pontine Myelinolysis



Musli Strength Capsules by Planet Ayurveda is a 100% pure veg supplement. It contains two ingredients Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) and Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Both herbs are present in equal amounts. It is the best nutrition supplement for all athletes and also for people who do daily work out. It helps in building up muscle strength and provides overall health support to the body.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily.


Telomere Boostup by Planet Ayurveda is prepared by using ingredients like Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera), Amla (Emblica officinale), etc. It acts as an amazing Vajikarana (Aphrophidasic) and ojovardhak (immunity booster). As the name suggests, it boosts up energy levels and is helpful during the workout.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily.


Planet Ayurveda’s Tribulus Power is made with the standardised extract of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). It has immense health benefits. This herb balances all three doshas. It increases the libido in both men and women. It enhances the energy and boosts your vitality.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily.

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Radio Taiso exercises are found to be very useful not only in maintaining good health but also leads to having good social bonding. It is one of the longest-serving broadcasts on radio. As per the Ayurveda, vyayam is considered as one of the best workouts. There are some herbal remedies that could be taken along with workouts. It also prevents many life-threatening diseases. Everyone should follow these practices.

Top Health Benefits of Yoga and Ayurveda


The hectic schedule of the modern lifestyle has made harder for individuals to live an active as well as a healthy lifestyle. In recent years, Scientists have invented so many techniques with the help of which individuals can perform multiple tasks with a single click. Basically, these things were invented to improve people’s way of living but such advancements lead to a negative impact on individuals’ lifestyles. The people are becoming lazy day by day. Most of the people do not like to cook food at their homes. They prefer packed food over Home-made food and it is readily available everywhere in the market.

These types of food contain different types of harmful additives and flavoring agents which are mainly used to enhance the taste. These chemical agents have a harmful impact on health. Therefore, a significant proportion of individuals in this generation is unhealthy and unwell. However, people often opine that it is very expensive to maintain a healthy body with a natural lifestyle. But this thinking of people is completely wrong, each and every individual can live a natural and healthy life with the help of Yoga and Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the most Ancient Medicine System used to live a healthy and natural life. Whereas, Yoga is a part of Ayurveda which is basically used for decreasing the physical stress and calming of the mind. Some people also consider Ayurveda as ‘Sister Science’ of Yoga. A person can achieve the goal of a healthy body with the help of Ayurveda practitioner through Ayurvedic methods such as Herbal medicines, Yoga, Massage, and Medication.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Following are the Top Benefits of Yoga:(فوائد اليوغا)

1.Improves Flexibility:

The first and foremost benefit of Yoga is that it improves the flexibility of the body. It is often seen that on the first day of Yoga, a person can’t touch his or her toes. But if a person keeps on doing Yoga regularly then he or she can assume gradual loosening. He or She can also notice that pains and aches start disappearing.

2.Helps in Building muscle strength:

Strong muscles not only protect us from many health disorders like back pain and arthritis but strong muscles also look good. Some people also think that Gym is the best way for the building of muscle strength. But such flexibility is not long-lasting. However, the flexibility gained by Yoga is long-lasting and it also prevents falls in older individuals.

3.Prevention of cartilage and joint breakdown:

When a person is doing Yoga then he or she is moving his or her joints in full motion. By doing this a person moves his or her body’s those cartilages that normally do not move, all these movements prevent arthritis problems.

4.Improve the flow of Blood:

Yoga improves blood flow, especially in hands and feet. It also supplies more amount of oxygen to body cells. There are so many types of Yoga exercises that are characterized by inverted poses. These poses encourage venous blood to flow back to the heat from the pelvis and legs.

5.Boosts immunity:

Yoga increases contracting as well as stretching the power of the muscles. When a person is doing Yoga he or she moves his organs which enhances the drainage of the viscous fluid that is present in immune cells. This helps the body to fight against various types of infection. It also destroys carcinogenic cells and disposes of toxin products that are present inside the body. It also helps in improving heart rate.

Following are the Top Benefits of Ayurveda(الفوائد الصحية للأيورفيدا)

1.Natural Approach:

Ayurveda wants to make people understand that anyone can stay healthy with natural methods of living. If a person is facing any type of health issue then it is due to the imbalance between three basic energies of life. This unbalancing is not a one-night occurrence. When a person understands the real reason behind these imbalances he or she can maintain it with the help of a properly balanced diet and by avoiding junk food such as burgers, pizza and so on.

2.Reduce toxins amount in the body:

According to Ayurveda, there are three different types of toxins present in the human body. The most common toxin present in the body is known as Ama that is mainly produced due to the improper digestion of the wrong food. These toxins keep on generating for a long time and after some time they start regulating throughout the body and cause various types of diseases. However, different types of practices of Ayurveda like eating the largest meal during day time when the sun is at its highest will prevent the formation of toxins.

3.Reduce Stress :

If a person is not eating properly then its digestive fire (Agni) starts decreasing and after some time a person starts feeling tired and uncomfortable which causes different types of health disorders. Whereas, with the help of diet and practices suggested by Ayurveda person can reduce the overall stress of the mind.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Ayurveda

Ayurveda Encourage to love Yourself:

It encourages people to love themselves. Ayurveda believes that each and every individual is unique in their own. There are three different types of Doshas present in the Human body and every individual is a unique mixture of these doshas with 1 dosha being more prominent than the others. While Ayurveda helps to maintain these Doshas because each dosha has its own merits.


This dosha is responsible for the quick learning of knowledge but it is also responsible for quick forgetting. The individuals in which this dosha is more their skin and hair are dry. When this dosha is in balance in a person then he or she is full of enthusiasm and joy. But when it is not balanced then it causes stress and anxiety.


This Dosha is responsible for the sharp mind and good concentration. A person becomes more aggressive, pushy, and demanding when this dosha is not balanced. The affected person feels uncomfortable in the hot weather. Excessive heat makes him or her more tired. The main symptoms of the unbalancing of this dosha are Acne, Ulcers, Rashes, Heartburn, and boils.


This dosha is responsible for the immunity of the body against different types of infections. But people with an excess amount of this dosha are more prone to depression and they do not like cold weather. Due to the unbalancing of this dosha in the body, a person may suffer from many physical conditions like Cold, Sinus, Asthma, and other respiratory problems.


Ayurveda plays a great role in the balancing of these doshas and protects people from many diseases.