Category: Yoga Poses

Management of Osteoporosis in Ayurveda – Natural Treatment


Osteoporosis, which is also known as brittle bone disease is characterized by fragile, porous and easily breakable bones. According to WHO, osteoporosis holds the second place after heart diseases among the most popular diseases. October 20th is regarded as World Osteoporosis Day.

A bone mineral density less than – 2.5 is considered to be chronic osteoporosis.


  • Inadequate calcium intake
  • Menopause and ageing
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Alcoholism
  • Excess consumption of carbonated beverages & coffee, salt & chocolate
  • Inactivity
  • Prolonged use of anti inflammatory corticosteroids
  • Inherited factors
  • Health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism & Cushing’s syndrome



  • Osteoporosis is generally asymptomatic. Increased risk of fracture is the main characteristic due to low mineral density. Delayed union of fractures can also be noted.
  • Females are more at risk as compared to males. Estrogen (females) plays a crucial role in keeping bone mineral density. In males this role is taken care of by testosterone.
  • Towards menopause and aging, hormone levels decreases owing to bone demineralization.


Adequate calcium & vitamin D and optimum protein intake are the cornerstones of dietary management.

  • Milk & milk products – milk, paneer, curd, soymilk etc.
  • Lean chicken and eggs
  • Berries & cherries – strawberries and blue berries
  • Green leafy vegetables – spinach, water cress, spirulina, turnip greens, kale. Kale is regarded as the king of vitamins.
  • Green vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, green peas. Cabbage is abundant in vitamin k, vitamin c and calcium.
  • Sour fruits – orange, kiwi, grapes, plums. These are rich in vitamin c. Vitamin c aids in calcium absorption. Plums are best when used in dried form (prunes). Prunes have high concentration of polyphenols (anti-oxidants) which can prevent fractures and maintain adequate bone density.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids – fish oils, salmon, sardine, walnuts, hemp, chia seeds. Omega 3 fatty acids help to keep the bone strength.
  • Seeds – pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
  • Sesame seeds – high in calcium content. It contains magnesium, manganese, vitamin k and vitamin D. Snack on a handful of roasted sesame seeds anytime a day.
  • Apple & apple cedar vinegar – these are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids. These allow the body to retain calcium. Try to include the skin while eating apple.
  • Pineapple – rich in manganese, which is vital in preventing osteoporosis.
  • Virgin coconut oil – this brings magic to women with estrogen deficiency. Virgin coconut oil helps to reverse and stop the loss of bone density. Have 3 tsp of virgin coconut oil daily.
  • Almond milk – they are rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese and potassium. They are also rich in antioxidants. Keep 1 cup of almonds at water overnight. Peel off the skin and blend well with 2 cups of water. Add a dash of cinnamon and honey. It can be taken twice a day after staining.
  • Coriander – it is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. 2 tsp of coriander is boiled with 1 cup of water. This is cooled to room temperature. It can be taken twice daily with honey.
  • Green tea – rich in antioxidants and can be taken daily.
  • Food to avoid – sweets, carbonated beverages, alcohol, excessive salt, coffee, artificial colors, sweeteners and canned foods.


  • It is a fact that exercises increase bone density.
  • It is a natural process that bone density will decrease with age.
  • It is better to keep your bone density intact before old age.
  • As we all know, prevention is better than cure.
  • So start exercising from today.
  • Male bones are skilled to increase its bone mineral density till the age of 33 and for females it is 28.
  • Weight bearing exercises are best suited for osteoporosis. Aerobics, brisk walking, jogging, skipping, climbing stairs, hiking, tennis etc can be added to the account.
  • All exercises should be done in accordance to your strength and tolerance level.


Yoga Postures for Osteoporosis include

  • Padangusthasana
  • Adho mukha svanasana
  • Uttitha hastha padangusthasana
  • Uttitha parsvakonasana
  • Uttitha trikonasana
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Parivrtta parsvakonasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Urdhwa dhanurasana
  • Veerabhadrasana

Practice yoga under the strict supervision of a trained yoga instructor.

Soorya Namaskara

Ayurveda also mentions to practice soorya namaskara daily in the morning.Exposure to sunlight for at least 20 minutes a day is recommended for vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption in the body.


  • In Ayurveda view point, osteoporosis comes under the category of vatika roga. When the vata aggravates in the body (due to imbalanced life style and ama dosha), it accounts for the DHATU kshaya (asthi kshaya) in the body.
  • Santarpana therapy (nutritive therapy) is advised in these conditions. Also it is mentioned in Ashtanga Hrdaya sutra stana that decreased state of asthi dhatu is to be treated with vasthi (enema) using milk, ghee, and tikta rasa dravyas (bitter taste drugs)

Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

Medications Used Are

  • Bone Support – capsule consisting of boswellia serrata (asthishringala), laccifera lacca (laksha), moringa, arjuna (terminalia arjuna), and pravala pishti. Boswellia is an excellent choice of remedy for fractures. It is a natural pain killer and fastens the reunion of bones. It helps to inhibit the bone mineral density loss. Laksha is mainly used to increase the bone density.
  • Lakshadi Guggulu – it helps to calm down the aggravated vata and is excellent for fracture healing. It also helps to reverse the bone density loss and helps n the Management of Aches and Pains associated with osteoporosis.
  • Pravala pishti, akik pishti, Mukta pishti, giloy satwa, Jahar mohra pishti etc are also used. These can be used for Natural Calcium Supplement, which helps to strengthen the bones and joint.
  • Arjuna Capsules – terminalia arjuna bark extracts are used to prepare this capsule. 34% of calcium carbonate is present in arjuna. Also it contains sodium and magnesium. Arjuna has powerful healing properties.

Five Yoga Poses for Healthy Body and Mind

Just like Ayurveda, yoga too is a pride of India. It has origin from the divine land, India. Today, even the modern world has accepted and adapted Yoga as one of the effective healing modalities. It is basically a science of self-realisation.

Yoga is a big science by itself and a trend of the modern-day world. It is a comprehensive method of psycho-somatic healing, an answer for many physical and mental problems and a unique way of balancing and maintaining a rhythm between body and mind.

The practices of yoga were elaborated and given a philosophical foundation of Yoga Sutra of the Indian scholar Patanjali, who is traditionally regarded as the ‘founder of Yoga’. The period of this work dates back to 3rd century B.C.

Five Yoga Poses for Healthy Body and Mind

Om Mantra:

om mantra

  • The practice of chanting “OM” cures high blood pressure, migraine, tension, constipation, heart attack and all digestion problems. The chanting of Om Mantra provides internal relaxation as well. Chanting of Om is considered as a powerful yogic exercise. It relaxes mind as well as body. The problem of stammering is also cured by chanting Om Mantra. Chanting of Om Mantra purifies the environment and creates positive vibrations so it relaxes the mind as well.
  • For practising Om Mantra, take a position in Padamasana and close your eyes and bring both hands in Gyan Mudra
  • Touch the tip of the thumb with the tip of index finger.
  • Back and neck should be kept straight.
  • Keep all the muscles of the relaxed.
  • Body should be in a still position
  • Take deep breath and without giving a pause, say ‘Om’.
  • First, practice it for 5 minutes and then increase it from 25 minutes.

Surya Namaskar:


  • Surya Namaskar is one of the most complete methods to bring about health and vigour while at the same time preparing an adept for the deeper processes of yoga. This yogic exercise is based on the 3 elements: rhythm, energy and form. This yogic exercise thus becomes strong, supple, agile and healthy. Some experts, including Ayurvedic physicians, consider surya namaskar as the crest of jewel exercises. This yogic exercise is the best way to relax and rejuvenate the body and also help to tide over a hectic day with ease.

The 12 poses of Surya Namsakar or Sun Salutation include:

  • Pranamasana
  • Hastauttanasana
  • Hasta Padasana
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana
  • Dandasana
  • Ashtanga Namaskara
  • Bhujangasana
  • Parvatasana
  • Ashwa Sanchalasana
  • Hasta Padamasana
  • Hastauttanasana
  • Pranama asana

Dhanurasana (Bow pose):

bow pose

  • In Ayurveda, it is said that abdominal problems are the root cause of all the problems. So, it is necessary to keep the stomach healthy. This asana provides relief from all the abdominal problems and therefor, helpful in keeping body and mind healthy. This asana helps to improve digestion by stimulating gastric secretions. By doing this asana, the muscles of the vital organ liver are massaged. This asana is also recommended for the management of diabetes, back pain and neck pain.

Steps of Dhanurasana are:

  • Start the asana by lying flat on the stomach with legs and feet together and the arms and hands beside the body.
  • Bend the knees and bring heels close to the buttocks.
  • Place the chin on the floor and clasp the hand around the ankles.
  • Now, take a deep breath and raise the head trunk and legs above the ground in order to lift legs and pull hands and legs in the opposite direction.
  • Support the entire body on the floor. Hold the position for as long on the floor.
  • The last step of this asana is holding the position for as long as is comfortable and then slowly relax the leg muscles, lower the legs, chest and head to the starting position. Do it minimum 3 times daily.



  • Halasana is an inversion asana and it is important for the beginner to do sufficient warm up poses before attempting this pose. This pose gives flexibility to the spine as well as strengthens the back muscles, improves digestion and appetite, effective in weight loss, strengthens the abdominal muscles, helps to reduce stress, normalises the blood-glucose level and stimulates the internal organs.

Steps of Halasana are

  • Start the asana by lying on the back with the arm besides and palm downwards.
  • As you inhale, use the abdominal muscles to lift the feet off the floor, raising the legs vertically at a 90 -degree angle.
  • Continue to breathe normally and supporting the hips and back with the hands, lift them off the ground.
  • Allow the legs to sweep in a 180-degree angle over the head until the toes touch the floor.
  • The back should be perpendicular to the floor. This may be difficult initially, but make an attempt after a few seconds.
  • Do this slowly and gently but it must be ensured that there should be no strain on neck or you may push it into the ground.
  • Hold this pose and let the body relax more and more with each steady breath.

Shavasana(Corpse pose):

Corpse pose

  • This yoga pose is practiced after an active yoga session. It provides deep healing and completely relaxes the body. This pose can also be practiced whenever a person is extremely tired and need to get back to work quickly as it is refreshing and rejuvenating. The body and mind relax which in turn helps in repairing the cells and tissues and releases stress. The body relaxes and calms down, the blood pressure also drops and this helps in relaxing heart also. As a result, anxiety is in control.

Steps of Shavasana are:

  • Lie down on the back and keep the legs straight on the floor, with both the feet apart as shoulder width.
  • Toes should be turned outward as possible and let the fingers curl up slightly.
  • The head and spine should be in a straight line.
  • Relax the whole body and stop all the physical movements.
  • Close the eyes gently.
  • Now, mentally watch the breathing and allow it to become rhythmic and relaxed.
  • Duration should be minimum 5 minutes.

So, here are these effective Five Yoga Poses for a healthy body and mind, practice them and stay fit!!