Category: Alzheimer’s Disease

Demyelinating Diseases – Causes, Symptoms, Types and Ayurvedic Treatment


The nervous system is the main commanding center for the body. It is responsible for the various processes of the body. One of which is the transmission of signals to and fro between the organs and brain. The proper functioning of the nervous system is very essential for the maintenance of the bodily systems. There can be numerous abnormal conditions related to the nervous system, one of which is the demyelinating disease. Demyelinating diseases is a category of diseases which affects the nervous system adversely. This condition along with its ayurvedic aspect will be discussed in detail in the following article.


Demyelinating diseases are a group of diseases that destroy the myelin sheath of the nerves. The myelin sheath is a protective covering around the nerve fibers. When this protective covering of the nerve fibers namely the myelin sheath gets destroyed, the nerve impulses are slowed down. When there is destruction of myelin sheath, the particular region gets scared. The nerve impulses or signals are unable to transfer through the scarred region and hence, the impulses are slowed down. In severe cases, it might even stop. This will result in a variety of neurological conditions. There are various types of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, etc. We will look into these conditions one by one, but let us first discuss the common causes and symptoms of the demyelinating diseases.


There can be numerous reasons lying beneath the condition of demyelinating diseases. Although there is no specific known cause yet, some of the causes believed to be responsible for these conditions can be a viral infection, autoimmunity, genetic conditions, ischemia of the brain i.e. lack of oxygen supply to the brain. The symptoms of demyelinating conditions will include various types of difficulties depending upon the region affected. Some of them could be vision loss, muscular weakness, stiffness in the muscles, etc. The person may also lose control or reduced control on the bladder. He/she may also experience sensory changes. Let us now discuss the types of demyelinating conditions as follows.

Demyelinating Diseases


As earlier said, demyelinating diseases are a group of conditions that are known to destroy the myelin sheath. The general causes and symptoms have already been discussed. There can be numerous types of demyelinating diseases, let us discuss a few of these as follows.

  1. Multiple Sclerosis – Multiple sclerosis is the one of the most common types of demyelinating disorders. It is a result of autoimmunity and targets the brain, optic nerve and spinal cord. The condition of multiple sclerosis usually presents with feelings of extreme fatigue, problems related to vision, etc. He/she may also face trouble in moving along with tingling or burning sensation sensations.
  2. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) – ADEM is usually observed in children. It is an inflammatory condition that leads to destruction of myelin sheath in the brain and spinal cord. It targets the optic nerve and is considered to be a result of autoimmunity. It presents with various features such as nausea, vomiting, confusion, reduced eyesight, headache, fever, etc. 
  3. Neuromyelitis Optica (Devic’s Disease) – The devic’s disease is a rare type of demyelinating disease, it is a result of autoimmunity. Devic’s disease usually targets the eyes, arms and legs. The person may face various difficulties related to the vision such as blurred vision, total loss of vision, pain in eyes, which may be accompanied with complaints of weakness or numbness in legs and arms, problems related to bladder and bowel movements, etc.
  4. MOGAD – The term MOGAD refers to Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease. It is an inflammatory condition. MOGAD is observed in patients suffering from recurrent inflammatory attacks of the nervous system. The patient suffering from Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease complains of blurred vision, loss of color vision, sensation loss, lost control on bladder functions, seizures, etc.
  5. Balo’s Disease (Concentric Sclerosis) – Balo’s disease is a rare type of demyelinating disease. There can be various symptoms such as high fever, headache, seizures, paralysis, memory loss, etc. The symptoms may appear suddenly and get worse in a short span of time.


The diagnosis of demyelinating diseases will require detailed history of the symptoms along with appropriate diagnostic tests such as EMG (Electromyography), Nerve conduction studies, Evoked potential, Lumbar puncture, etc. The line of management will vary from patient to patient and severity of the condition. The treatment modalities will help to deal with the symptoms and focus on stopping the demyelination process. The myelin is a covering that regenerates on its own. So, if the nerve damage is on a lower extent, it can resolve and recovery of the neurological condition is possible. So, the treatment of demyelinating disease will include immunosuppression, rehabilitation, and avoiding different types of toxins. After discussing the modern concept of these demyelinating conditions, let us now learn about the ayurvedic perspective of the same through the following article.


The demyelinating conditions present similarities with various conditions described in ayurveda categorized under vata vyadhi. Therefore, it should not be correlated with one particular disease but can be associated with the dushti of the vata dosha. There are five types of vata dosha mentioned in the ayurvedic texts namely, prana vayu, udana vayu, samana vayu, vyana vayu and apana vayu. In the condition of demyelinating diseases, there is vitiation or dushti of the vata vaha srotas also. The vata is said to be responsible for numerous activities in the body such as utsaha (enthusiasm), uchwas & nichwas (breathing), cheshta (sensory & motor movements), vega pravarthana (releasing the natural urges from the body). These activities are carried out by the vata dosha when present in the natural form. The diseases of the nervous system are majorly a result of vitiation of the vata dosha which will hinder the normal activities of vata and ultimately resulting in diseased state. The treatment methodology will target the equilibrium of the vata dosha levels to restore the health of the body. The treatment can include sanshodhan chikitsa and sanshaman chikitsa. The shodhan chikitsa will aim at expelling the aggravated dosha out of the body while the shaman chikitsa targets the vitiated dosha by lowering their levels back to normal range. The most suitable sam shodhan chikitsa for aggravated vata dosha is the basti karma (Medicated enema). The samshodhan chikitsa will aim at decreasing the aggravated vata dosha through the administration of various vata pacifying ayurvedic components.This can be achieved by using various ayurvedic formulations such as vrihat vat chintamani ras, ashwagandha capsules, brahmi capsules, etc. These ayurvedic formulations beneficial for the patients of demyelinating diseases will be described as follows.


Planet Ayurveda prepares medicinal formulations that contain natural herbs beneficial for the health of the body. Planet Ayurveda is providing various preparations of natural herbs such as ashwagandha capsules, vrihat vat chintamani ras, musli strength, atirasadi churna, etc. which is prepared using authentic ways and provide great results in improving the condition of demyelinating disorders. All the herbal products manufactured here are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors and fillers. These products are hundred percent natural and are formulated by MD Ayurvedic doctors with deep knowledge of Ayurveda and many years of experience. The formulations are prepared strictly according to the procedures described in the samhitas (classical texts) and therefore are very effective in promoting the health of the patient and managing the diseased state effectively. The products beneficial for improving the condition of demyelinating disorders is described as follows.


  1. Brahmi Capsule
  2. Ashwagandha Capsule
  3. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
  4. Musli Strength
  5. Atirasadi Churna

Ayurvedic Treatment For Demyelinating DiseasesHerbal Supplements for Demyelinating Diseases

Product Description

1. Brahmi Capsules

The Brahmi capsules prepared by Planet ayurveda contain natural extracts of the ayurvedic herb namely brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Brahmi is known to be a very effective ayurvedic component for improving the health of the nervous system. Brahmi is a potent neurotonic as it is an excellent vata pacifier. Thus, brahmi capsules help to manage the various types of demyelinating diseases.

Dose – One to two capsules two times a day, after meals.

2. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha capsules are being prepared by planet Ayurveda. It contains natural extracts of a very beneficial ayurvedic herb known as ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha is very helpful in balancing the vata dosha and hence, also useful in improving the neurological condition of the body. Balancing the vata dosha will help to improve the condition of demyelinating diseases.

Dose -Two Capsules to be taken two times a day, after meals.

3. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras

Vrihat vat chintamani ras is a classical ayurvedic formulation which is very effective in managing the imbalanced levels of the vata dosha. It contains various beneficial ayurvedic components such as Swarna bhasma (Ash of gold), Abhrak Bhasma ( calcined mica ash), Pravala Bhasma (Coral calyx), etc. Hence, it is useful in managing various vata disorders such as demyelinating disease, paralysis, hemiplegia, etc.

Dosage – One tablet two times a day, to be chewed, after meals.

4. Musli Strength capsules

Musli Strength Capsules are prepared by planet ayurveda containing natural extracts of safed musli (Asparagus adscendens) and gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). These capsules help to pacify the vitiated vata dosha from the body. It is also known to increase the strength of the body. Thus, improving the condition of demyelinating disease.

Dose – One capsule to be taken two times a day, after meals.

5. Atirasadi Churna

Atirasadi churna is being prepared by planet Ayurveda. It contains a combination of a variety of beneficial ayurvedic components such as musli (Chlorophytum borivillianum), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum), etc. Atirasadi churna is very beneficial for improving the overall strength of the body. It contains a combination of excellent vata pacifiers, thus manages the condition of demyelinating disorders effectively.

Dosage – Take one teaspoon of atirasadi churna two times a day, after meals.


Putting the above provided information regarding the demyelinating diseases in a nutshell briefly, it can be concluded that although, it might not be a fatal or life threatening condition but if not medically managed timely and properly, may hinder the quality of life of the patient adversely, upto a great extent. The main aim of treatment of the demyelinating diseases will be to pacify the vitiated vata dosha. This will be achieved with the use of ayurvedic formulations such as ashwagandha capsules, vrihat vat chintamani ras, musli strength, atirasadi churna, etc. along with strictly following a healthy diet and lifestyle. So, it can be said that ayurveda can effectively manage the cases of demyelinating diseases and improve the health status of the patient through the above said ayurvedic formulations.

Transient Ischemic Attack ?-How can it be Treated with Ayurvedic Herbs?


There are various health conditions a person is prone to. With food that is contaminated and adulterated, health issues are inevitable to emerge. So it becomes a duty of a person to live a life by consuming a healthy diet. As the unhealthy diet is the mother of various diseases. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) is also a diseased condition that is directly linked to a junk diet a person has been consuming. In a Transient Ischemic Attack blood supply to the brain is hampered by microembolism (blood clots).

That results in temporary reduction of blood supply to the brain which results in some symptoms for a minute or a little longer. This is a low level stroke but can severely damage the brain. It is an emergency condition and thus requires immediate care. In the following text we shall see some details of  Transient Ischemic Attack and its management in the contemporary system of medicine as well as in the ayurvedic system of medicine. Let’s see!!

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)


Transient Ischemic Attack develops as a result of temporary blood supply to the brain. Blood supply is hindered by microemboli in the artery that supplies the brain. This is also known as ‘Ministroke’. It can be considered as a warning sign of a future stroke. Thus it becomes important to take immediate care of the condition as it is a medical emergency. Transient Ischemic Attack is associated with brain dysfunction in a circumscribed area that is caused by a regional decreased blood flow,thus oxygen supply to the part is hampered, which results in minor clinical symptoms. Symptoms persist for a shorter period of time. And it is fully resolved within twenty four hours. 80% of strokes after Transient Ischemic Attacks are preventable. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are essential to minimise the risk of getting an disabling attack of a stroke.

Causes of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

  • Carotid artery stenosis is the prime cause of transient ischemic attack.
  • Blockage of an artery by blood clots or some fatty substance.
  • Arteriosclerosis.
  • High blood pressure can lead to TIA.
  • High cholesterol levels is another causative factor.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to TIA.

Risk factors

  • TIA is usually occurs in obese persons beecaus fat accumulation around the arteries.
  • Tendency of TIA is increased in smokers.
  • Diabetes patients are prone to get TIA.
  • Atrial fibrillation.
  • Increased blood pressure on the arteries is another factor that can result in TIA.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Patients feel dizziness or loss of consciousness can occur.
  • Paralysis or weakness and numbness can be experienced in the face, arms or lower extremities, usually referring to only one side.
  • Blindness can occur.
  • Double vision can be there.
  • Slurring of speech. The patient’s speech is not clear generally.
  • Nonfocal neurological symptoms can emerge as generalised weakness, fainting, lightheadedness, blackouts or bladder or bowel symptoms.


  • Complete blood count on the necessary basis as it can indicate the level of haemoglobin used for anaemia screening. Platelet count is useful in detecting thrombocytosis as it is a cause of Transient Ischemic Attack.
  • Coagulogram is required to check partial thromboplastin time (PTI), international normalised ratio (INR). Further investigations regarding coagulopathies are advised according to the condition.
  • Blood glucose level needs to be monitored because hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can mimic Transient Ischemic Attack, particularly hypoglycemia.
  • Lipid profile is needed to check the lipid levels like cholesterol, triglycerides etc.
  • ECG and blood oxygen saturation is  useful to identify Transient Ischemic Attack and pulmonary embolism or myocardial infarction.
  • CT brain and CT angiography is usually needed in high risk patients who can develop recurrent strokes.


Approximately 90% of the patients who have experienced a ministroke, which is Transient Ischemic Attack, have a higher chance to experience a stroke in the next ninety days. Thus TIA is a medical emergency that needs sudden medical care.


  • Treatment includes revascularisation (that is restoring blood flow in blocked veins and arteries) in patients who have symptoms associated with carotid artery stenosis.
  • Anticoagulation in patients by atrial fibrillation and antiplatelet agents can be used. (Clopidogrel 75mg per day). Aspirin with 75 mg can be initiated.
  • Statins are used in hypertensive patients.
  • Lifestyle changing by avoiding alcohol, junk food and stopping smoking.

Herbal Remedies for Transient Ischemic Attack by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is an esteemed GMP certified, US-FDA registered and ISO 9001:2015 certified Ayurvedic Company, which observes the aim of manufacturing quality Ayurvedic medicines as described in the different ancient texts of Ayurveda. Medicines are manufactured without additives and preservatives and other kinds of chemicals or flavour enhancers which cause many side effects on the human body. Products prepared at Planet Ayurveda are pure and devoid of any adulteration. Planet Ayurveda has manufactured the following products using the herbs beneficial for cardiac muscle and heart health as well as for blood purification. Following is the list of formulations that is going to help in treating the Transient Ischemic Attack and its further complications which can result in a full blown disabling stroke.

Product List

  1. Ashwagandha capsules
  2. Brahmi capsules
  3. Arjuna capsules
  4. Punarnava capsules
  5. Curcumin capsules
  6. Gotu Kola capsules

herbal remedies for transient ischaemic attack

Herbal Supplements for Transient Ischemic Attack

1. Ashwagandha Capsules

It contains ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These capsules are filled with the robust properties of Ashwagandha. It improves the quality of blood. It also improves blood flow in the body.

Dosage : 2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Brahmi capsules

It is composed of a single herb namely brahmi (Bacopa monnieri).  It is beneficial in reducing blood pressure. This is beneficial in hypertensive patients. Brahmi calms the mind and relieves symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Dosage  :  2 capsules with plain water two times a day after meals.

3. Arjuna Capsules

It is a single herb capsule composed of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). It is the herb of choice in heart conditions. It is a herb that provides strength to the cardiac muscles.

Dosage: 2 capsules with plain water 2 times a day after 30 minutes of meals.

4. Punarnava Capsules

It contains punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) extract. It helps in maintaining a good cardiovascular system. It is beneficial in hypotensive patients. It also increases haemoglobin in anaemic patients. Punarnava is also advantageous in neurological problems that can arise due to Transient Ischemic Attack.

Dosage : 1 Capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Curcumin Capsules

It consists of Harida (Curcuma longa), which enhances blood circulation. It has anti-inflammatory properties thus alleviates inflammation anywhere in the body. Furthermore it pacifies all three doshas i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. As it improves the blood circulation in micro blood vessels, which makes it beneficial in Transient Ischemic Attack.

Dosage : 2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

6. Gotu Kola Capsules

These capsules are filled with Gotukola (Centella asiatica). Gotukola is known to be a ‘hridya’ which means cardiac health well being enhancer. It is useful in ‘raktapitta’, which is a bleeding disorder. Therefore it is beneficial in Transient Ischemic Attack.

Dosage :  2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or call at +91-172-5214040 Or Check Website –


As we have discussed, Transient Ischemic Attack is known as ‘ministroke’ which is less drastic than the full blown disabling stroke. As it is a warning sign of a stroke, it becomes essential to take immediate care about the condition. As mentioned above, the management plan in the contemporary medicine system and ayurvedic system. Ayurvedic management is based on treating the root cause of the disease as well as symptoms of a medical condition. Moreover, there are numerous health benefits of a single herb other than the main action. Therefore, the above mentioned herbal capsules act mainly on the cardiovascular system and improve its wellbeing.

Hence advantageous in curing and preventing the Transient Ischemic Attack and further stroke.  In conclusion, aforesaid herbal capsules prepared by Planet Ayurveda provide relief from Transient Ischemic Attack and provide other numerous benefits.