Category: Breast Cancer

Natural Breast Cancer Treatments – The Role of Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies


One cannot imagine a disease more devastating than cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women globally. WHO (World Health Organization) states that more than 20 lakh females were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. In 2020, in India, breast cancer accounted for 13.5% of all types of cancer. Its incidence is increasing in younger women. Epidemiological data shows that more than 25 in every one lakh women develop breast cancer. In Ayurveda, cancer isn’t mentioned specifically but it can be correlated with a group of diseases like Arbuda (tumor or cancer), Granthi (glandular cyst), Galganda (goiter), Gulma (lump) etc. Breast cancer can be categorized under ‘Stanaroga’ or ‘Granthyarbudha’. In this article we will study the concept of breast cancer according to both Modern and Ayurveda viewpoint along with the motivating journey of Tahira kashyap; how she battled with this aggressive condition.

Breast Cancer


Cancer is the condition of abnormal cell growth which spreads to various parts of the body without any regulation. Breast carcinoma is the most common invasive cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. It is estimated that by 2030, breast cancer will cause more deaths among women than any other chronic disease in India. The risk of breast carcinoma increases with age. Non-cancerous breast lumps are also quite common; they increase the chances of developing cancer later on. Women with dense breasts are more likely to develop this disease. Women who consume alcohol regularly possess a higher risk than occasional drinkers. Breast carcinoma majorly originates in the upper and outer quadrant of the breast with the incidence of 38.5%. It may occur at any age after puberty but is usually seen after 40 years of age. Males also have small amounts of breast tissue but it is rare for males to develop breast cancer.


  • Lump or mass in the breast is usually painless
  • Pain or discomfort may be present if the mass is bigger in size. Only advanced stages or inflammatory carcinoma is painful in nature
  • Discolored, dry or flaky skin on the breast or nipple
  • Thickening of the breast area
  • Nipple discharge
  • Backache
  • Chest pain and dyspnoea
  • Jaundice or ascites
  • Coughing up blood (Haemoptysis)
  • Skin irritation or dimpling


  • Enlarged lymph nodes (axillary or left supraclavicular).
  • Retraction of nipple


There are numerous methods for the classification of breast cancer. Based on origin, it is of two types

1. Ductal Breast Carcinoma : It is the most common form of breast cancer. 85-90% cases detected are of ductal origin. It is of further ‘In-situ’ and ‘Invasive’ type. Cancers like mucinous carcinoma, papillary, tubular come under this category.

2. Lobular Breast Carcinoma : It is also subdivided into ‘In-situ’ and ‘Invasive’ form. It is not as common as ductal.


The exact cause of breast cancer is still unknown. There are certain aspects that increase the risk of breast cancer like hormonal changes and lifestyle choices. However, it is seen that many people who don’t possess any risk factors get cancer and others with risk factors never face this horrible disease.


Tumors don’t generally become palpable until they are more than 1 cm in diameter. It reflects on the importance of physical examination in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Here are some imaging tests for the detection of breast carcinoma

  • Ultrasound – It is only useful in differentiating between solid and cystic swelling.
  • Mammography – It is useful in older ladies with large and fatty breasts where palpation is not effective.
  • MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)
  • Xeroradiography – it is similar to mammography
  • Thermography – The skin over malignant tumors is usually warmer than the surrounding area. Hence, it is used to differentiate between benign and malignant tumors.
  • Biopsy – The detected mass is tested for malignancy.
  • FNAC (Fine needle aspiration cytology) – It is a routine investigation in all breast lump cases. It is used to detect malignancy.


  • Age : Incidence of breast cancer increases with advancing age.
  • Obesity : Being overweight increases the risk.
  • Nulliparity : Nulliparous women are at 1.5 times more risk than parous women.
  • Menstrual History : Girls who reached menarche at a younger age like before 12 years carry higher risk than the ones reaching at a later age.
  • Radiation exposure : Radiation can increase the risk.
  • Women who never breastfed have a higher risk.
  • Estrogen replacement therapy.
  • History of any other type of cancer.
  • Mutation of BRCA 1 and 2 gene


  • Cancer mass can put pressure on various body parts such as nerves which causes unbearable sharp pain in the body.
  • Breast cancer commonly spreads to the bones this can lead to an aching pain in the bones. Reabsorption rate of the bone increases resulting in thinning and weakening of bones.
  • It is rare but if the cancer cells are growing near the spine they can compress the associated nerves leading to numbness, difficulty walking etc.
  • Breast cancer cells can spread to lungs causing shortness of breath and chest pain or recurrent cough.
  • When cancer cells reach the liver they can affect liver functioning and lead to weight loss, jaundice etc.
  • Can least to brain metastases that can impair vision, memory and even behavior.


  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Chemotherapy

Anticancer drugs cause numerous side-effects that decrease the patient’s quality of life. Here, Ayurveda can be of enormous help by aiding in the reduction of tumor growth without any side effects.


Acharya Charaka states that sometimes it becomes difficult to label a particular disease so a doctor should treat the symptom complex. Diseases like Arbuda, Granthi, Gulma, Vranashotha etc show signs and symptoms similar to tumors. Breast cancer is closely related to arbuda and can be called Stana arbuda. When vitiated Doshas localize, it produces a swelling which is rounded, fixed, painless or slightly painful, big in size, broad at the base, slow growing and does not suppurate. It is deep seated and takes place by Mamsa (muscle tissues) and Medo Dhatu (adipose tissues) dushti. This tumor or neoplasm is called Arbuda. Formation of such mass in the breast is called Stana arbuda.


  • Drinking cold water when hungry.
  • Vata aggravating foods.
  • Due to weakness caused by fever, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Performing shodhan karma (purification process) without poorvakarma (preparation/pre-procedures) like snehana (oleation) and swedana (sudation).
  • Suppression of natural urges like urine, feces etc.
  • Excessive grief, anxiety, fear.


Acharya Sushruta explains the etiopathogenesis of arbuda

‘‘गात्रप्रदेशे क्वचिदेव दोषा: सम्मूर्च्छिता मांसमभिप्रदूष्य |
वृत्तं स्थिरं मन्दरुजं चिरवृद्धय्पाकम् ||
कुर्वन्ति मांसोपचयं तु शोफं तदर्बुदं शास्त्रविदो वदन्ति |
वातेन पित्तेन कफेन चापि रक्त्तेन मांसेन च मेदसा च ||
तज्जायते तस्य च लक्षणानि ग्रन्थे: समानानि सदा भवन्ति ||’’
(Sushruta Samhita, Nidanasthana 11/13-15)

Acharya Sushruta says that the vitiated Doshas in the body badly inflict the mamsa dhatu (muscle tissues) that gives rise to growth which is swollen, circular, immobile, slightly painful, big, spread towards other tissues, slow growing and never suppurates. This growth resembles Granthi and is formed due to vitiated tridoshas, mamsa and meda dhatu.


Tridosha with Kapha dosha predominance.


The line of treatment Breast Cancer is

  • Nidana Parivarjan (Prevention of Causative Factors)
  • Shodhan Chikitsa (Purification methods i.e. Panchkarma) such as Vaman (emesis) and Virechan (purgation).
  • Shaman Chikitsa (Medicinal Treatment) with herbs and minerals like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Tulsi (ocimum sanctum), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Ras Manikya etc.
  • Rasayana Chikitsa (Rejuvenative Treatment) with formulations like Brahm Rasayana, Ashwagandha Rasayama, Amritaprasham, etc


Tahira Kashyap is a writer, filmmaker and the wife of Ayushmann Khurranna. In 2018, Tahira was 35 and was diagnosed in Mumbai with breast cancer when she realized that her right breast became heavy. As any other normal person she tried to research about her condition on the internet. After the imaging tests, her condition was confirmed. She was suffering from in-situ ductal carcinoma. There are no familial factors in her case. Earlier she was in a pre-cancerous stage but soon reached stage 1A. Tahira with her family decided to fight this terrifying disease. She has her mastectomy (removal of breast tissue) done. Tashira endured all her pains like a brave soldier. But this wasn’t enough, she had to go through chemotherapy also. After 6 sittings of chemotherapy, she started experiencing extreme hairfall and fatigue. She kept her fans updated through social media in her journey. After a total of 12 chemo sittings Tahira was liberated from cancer. She is extremely happy and proud of her courage and strength.


Planet Ayurveda offers numerous herbal supplements and medicinal products formulated using traditional Ayurvedic principles and potent herbs. Planet Ayurveda provides you with these herbal remedies in order to treat Breast Cancer. These remedies also help curb the distressing symptoms of the condition

  1. Kanchnaar Guggul
  2. Chandraprabha Vati
  3. Curcumin Capsules
  4. Guggul Capsules
  5. Tulsi Capsules
  6. Ashwagandha Capsules

Crab Care Pack


1. Kanchnaar Guggul

This is an ancient Ayurveda medicine famous for its use in treating abnormal growth in the body. It has a cytotoxic effect on cell division. It also inhibits the growth of unwanted mass in the body. The ingredients in Kanchnaar Guggul are Kanchnar Bark (Bauhinia Variegata), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis) etc.

Dosage : 2 tablets thrice a day with water after meals.

2. Chandraprabha Vati

This tablet is quite famous in Ayurveda practice. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in altered Kapha metabolism and aids in breast cancer by shrinking malignant cells.

Dosage : 2 tablets thrice a day.

3. Curcumin Capsules

Curcumin Capsules contain potent extract of curcumin (Curcuma longa) which is known to have anticancer properties. It is more than capable of destroying cancerous cells. It also helps in drug resistance condition which is often found in cancer patients.

Dosage : 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Guggul Capsules

Guggul capsules contain the extract of an effective herb known as Guggul (Commiphora mukul). It has antioxidant properties that will help remove free radicals and reduce cancer proliferation. It is Kapha pacifying in nature which as we know is the main Dosha in all types of cancers. It will also help to reduce the side effects of chemical therapies in typical cancer treatment.

Dosage : 2 capsules twice a day with plain water after meals.

5. Tulsi Capsules

Tulsi capsules comprise the potent extract of Tulsi (Ocimum santum). Tulsi is analgesic and anti-inflammatory in nature which will help in all kinds of pains experienced by the patient. Tulsi is full of anti-cancer abilities and performs the process of apoptosis without harming the healthy cells.

Dosage : 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

6. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha Capsules contain standardized extract of Ashwagandha (Winthania somnifera). Ashwagandha also shows anti-cancer action by its anti-oxidant property. Due to this, the free radicals that are known to support cancer are removed by this herb. It also provides strength and immunity to the body in order to fight this terrifying condition.

Dosage : 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.


Breast cancer represents a significant global health challenge, it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world with an estimated 2.26 million cases recorded in 2020 and is the leading cause of cancer mortality among females. Being the most common cancer in women worldwide it is still preventable and treatable if detected at an early stage. This article has been focused on all the points related to breast cancer as per Ayurveda and Modern. The classical approach of Ayurveda supports internal healing, boosts immunity, promotes general health balance and speeds up recovery. In this journey Planet Ayurveda will help you greatly with its pack of herbal formulations.

Natural Treatment For Phyllodes Tumour With Herbal Remedies


Phyllode tumors in the breast are incredibly rare. They could be healthy or malignant. Cancerous phyllodes tumors vary from the more common types of breast cancer in that they form in your connective tissue. Even though they are less likely to spread, if they do, they are more difficult to treat. The majority of phyllode tumors are benign; however, 25% of them are malignant. 0.05% of all breast cancers are cancerous phyllode tumors. They are a specific type of connective tissue cancer known as sarcoma. Sarcoma is distinct from the more common types of breast cancer, which often affect your glandular tissues. Because they rarely infiltrate your lymphatic system, phyllode tumors have a lower propensity to spread. Through your blood, they can spread to different parts of your body.


A phyllodes tumor, a rare type of tumor, develops in the connective tissue of your breast. When you think of your breast tissue, you probably concentrate more on the fatty tissue that gives your breasts their weight or the glandular tissue that produces milk. These other tissues are held in position by the fibrous, supporting connective tissue. This is what phyllode tumors are made of. They are stiff and fibrous, like scar tissue. Under a microscope, you can see a pattern that resembles leaves on them. They are also referred to as “cystosarcoma phyllodes”. They are often benign but occasionally become malignant.


Phyllodes tumors’ exact origin is uncertain. Premenopausal women between the ages of 40 and 50 are more likely to encounter them, while they can affect anyone at any age. Furthermore, women are more likely to develop benign breast tumors called fibroadenomas. The majority of females who have fibroadenomas, however, do not develop phyllodes tumors.


You may notice a clear, smooth, hard lump in your breast. A phyllodes tumour is normally greater than 3 cm and may even be much bigger. It can grow quickly in a few weeks. When the skin is stretched, it may become uncomfortable, shiny, or transparent. For some reason, phyllodes tumors affect the left breast more commonly than the right. Malignant phyllodes tumors may show symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and bone discomfort.


  1. X-ray
  2. Mammography
  3. Ultrasound
  4. Biopsy
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging


  1. Mastectomy
  2. Chemotherapy
  3. Radiation therapy

Ayurvedic View

It is correlated to mamsa arbuda in many ayurvedic textbooks.

मुष्टिप्रहारादिभिरर्दितेेाँगे मासं प्रदुष्टं प्रकरोति शोफम
आवेदनम स्निग्धमंनन्यवर्णमपाकमशमोपममपरचाल्यम|| (सु नि ११/ १८ )

When a fist, log, or stick vitiates the mamsa (flesh), it results in a smooth, skin-colored, stony, hard, permanent swelling that never suppurates and is painless. People who have vitiation of mamsa (Flesh) by consuming too much meat are prone to this ailment. It cannot be cured.

Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda For Phyllodes Tumor

A multinational company called Planet Ayurveda treats both humans and animals. The company has a GMP certification. These natural medications from Planet Ayurveda don’t have any side effects. MD ayurvedic physicians oversee the manufacturing of these drugs. Tablets, syrup, and churna are all forms of medication that are produced by Planet Ayurveda. Planet Ayurveda provides the following products for Phyllodes tumors.

  1. Kanchnaar Guggul
  2. Vriddhivadhika Vati
  3. Female Health Support
  4. Chandraprabha Vati
  5. Tumotrim Capsules

 Phyllodes Tumour

Product Description

1. Kanchnaar Guggul

Kachnar Bark (Bauhinia variegata), Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Piper nigrum (Black Pepper), Pippali (Piper longum), and other herbs are used to create the polyherbal tablet known as Kanchnar Guggul. Kachnar bark effectively reduces the growth of cancer cells. This kanchnar possesses qualities that are antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiulcerative. Additionally, it adjusts immunity. This is how amla balances the vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. It has several therapeutic and remedial effects on the human body. In this way, ginger functions as a diaphoretic. It increases body temperature, circulation stimulation, and perspiration.

Dosage : 1 to 2 tablets daily.

2. Vriddhivadhika Vati

The multi-herbal formula known as Vriddhivadhika vati was created by Planet Ayurveda using components such as Shuddha parada (purified mercury), iron calx (Loha bhasma), copper calx (Tamra bhasma), Trikatu churna, and Triphala churna, among others. Triphala may help to reduce inflammation and may offer certain cancer patients protection. It may also aid with weight loss, dental issues, and constipation. Tumor growth is stopped with trikatu. It halts the expansion and division of cancer cells as well as their spread to other internal organs.

Dosage : two pills taken twice daily.

3. Female Health Support

Planet Ayurveda created Female Health Support, a polyherbal capsule containing Saraca indica (Ashoka), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), and Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari). Both benign and malignant cancers and tumors, notably those of the breast, ovary, and uterus, can be effectively treated with ashoka bark powder. It keeps women’s overall health up while regulating their hormones. Because of the way it affects ovarian tissue, more estrogen is produced, which promotes endometrial healing and lessens bleeding. Dysmenorrhea, generic white discharge, and premenstrual symptoms are all alleviated by it. It facilitates stress-free menopause.

Dosage : 1 capsule used twice daily.

4. Chandraprabha Vati

It is a polyherbal tablet created by Planet Ayurveda using Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Commiphora mukul (Guggul), Asphaltum (Shilajit), Sugar (Sharkara), Cinnamomum camphora (Karpoor), Curcuma longa (Haridra), Cyperus rotundus (Mustak), Acorus calamus (Vacha), and other ingredients. Shilajit stopped the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, which caused human breast cancer cells to induce apoptosis. Additionally, research on shilajit suggests that it may have chemotherapeutic effects on many malignancies. It is well known that Chandraprabha vati is a potent cleanser, anti-allergic, and systemic corrector. It is a recommended medication for a number of additional issues, including gout, cellulitis, diabetes, sexual illnesses, obesity, liver dysfunction, cough, and cellulitis.

Dosage : 2 pills taken twice daily.

5. Tumotrim Capsules

With the use of several herbs, including Curcuma longa (Haridra), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), and others, Planet Ayurveda created the multi-herbal formulations known as Tumotrim pills. It prevents the body’s tumor cells from proliferating. It improves cancer patients’ weakened immune systems and removes malignant development in the most all-natural manner conceivable. A highly helpful formulation for completely halting the progression of cancer.

Dosage : 1 capsule twice daily, as directed.


Phyllodes tumors in the breast are incredibly rare. They could be healthy or malignant. Cancerous phyllodes tumors vary from the more common types of breast cancer in that they form in your connective tissue. A phyllodes tumor, a rare type of tumor, develops in the connective tissue of your breast. When you think of your breast tissue, you probably concentrate more on the fatty tissue that gives your breasts their weight or the glandular tissue that produces milk. The phyllodes tumor and mamsa arbuda are connected in Ayurveda. When the mamsa (flesh) is traumatized by a fist, a log, or a stick, the swelling that results is painless, smooth, skin-colored, stony, hard, and fixed; it never suppurates. This article covered the phyllodes tumor as well as various natural management strategies for the phyllodes tumor.