Category: Low Memory

The Magic Of Nature – Health Benefits of Pure Shilajit


  • Shilajit is also known as mineral pinch.
  • It is a wonderful gift given by the nature to human. Basically, shilajit is a tar like thick substance and most commonly found in the Himalayas, Tibet Mountains, Altai mountains, karakuram.
  • Ayurveda, the ancient and traditional system of medicine which uses shilajit in the treatment of several diseases. It consists of minimum 85 minerals(ionic form), humic acids and triterpines.
  • Shilajit is composed by 2 words i.e., shila and jit. Shila means having the properties of rock and jit means any tarry substance.
  • In its natural form, it is present as a bituminous substance. It is compost of gummy and organic matter.
  • In Sanskrit, it is known as shilajatu, silajatu or shilajit. It is also known as asphaltum(botanical name).


  • The shilajit is found in a huge amount in the Himalayan mountains.
  • Shilajit is rich in nutrients like humic acid and fulvic acid and minerals. That is why the humic acid and fulvic acid are added into soil so as to achieve better plantation.
  • Nowadays, it is also known as weakness destroyer. Shilajit contains dibenzo alpha pyrones in it which is a strong antioxidant and helps in the protection of brain as well as nerves from damage by free radicals.
  • According to some researches, it is proved that by adding shilajit, coenzyme Q10 levels got increased by 29% which helps in energy boosting.
  • Another study was done in which individuals were given a daily dosage of 200mg shilajit extract for 15 days. As a result of which individuals feels more energetic. Due to this reason, shilajit is considered as energizer bunny component.

What are the Health Benefits of Shilajit ?


Traditionally, it was believed that shilajit can be used as a medicine and  general restorative tonic as it helps in maintaining good health and in fighting against variety of diseases. It was also used as a medicine to cure common cold. It was also suggested to boost sexual performance and health. As per the Ayurveda, shilajit is considered as true rasayana which do not require any modifications and is already available in the healing form. The Major and Important Health Benefits Which You can not Ignore:-

Anti Inflammatory

  • In case of aches, sore, arthritis and rheumatism, shilajit is amazing and beneficial.

  • Daily usage will show better results.

Mind and Memory

  • It helps in increasing memory, ability to focus on a particular task and comprehension due to its nootropic properties.

  • The minerals present in the shilajit helps in conduction of nerve impulses and nerve signals in the body.


  • According to some researches and studies, it is believed to increase the male as well as female fertility. For females, it is good for qualitative egg formation as well as for better menstrual cycle regulation. It was noticed that after taking shilajit for 8 weeks regularly, sperm count and sperm quality got raised, in males. For human sexual sphere, it is helpful and can be used as a dietary supplement.

  • It also helps in raising vigor and stamina.

Reduction of Stress

  • It helps in balancing stress causing hormones because of its androgen-like properties.

  • It also helps in making easy for your mind and body to cope up with the stress signals in a calmer and healthier way.

  • It helps in keeping the mind and body relax.

  • It also acts as a stress buster.

As a Immunity Booster

  • In double-blind placebo tests against common cold, it is proved to be effective over and over again. It acts as immunity booster, as it helps in boosting the immune system and in this way helps in fighting and getting rid of many diseases.


  • Its antioxidative properties helps in flushing toxins out of the body and making our body healthy.
  • It is also used by some people as a dietary supplement because it is rich in anti-oxidants.
  • As it is rich in anti-oxidants, it is beneficial in rejuvenating cells of brain.
  • As shilajit is rich in anti-oxidants and minerals, it helps in keeping healthy mind as well as healthy body.


  • It helps in improving metabolism of the body due to the presence of trace minerals.
  • The active ingredients present in the shilajit helps in increasing metabolism as well as in cell rejuvenation.

Anti Diabetic

  • It helps the diabetic patients by lowering the increased blood sugar.

In arthritis

  • It helps to lower and decrease the joint inflammation as well as pain due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties.

Weight Loss

  • Shilajit helps in scrapping and removing the extra fat which is accumulated in the body. It is believed as an excellent herb in the obesity and weight loss.

Body Hydration

  • It helps in maintaing balance in body fluids as well as body electrolytes because of the presence of trace minerals in it.

Anti Aging

  • It can be used as a supplement due to its natural rejuvenating properties. It works as anti-aging by giving strength to bones and nourishment to the bones.


Shilajit, according to ancient ayurvedic system helps the body in several ways. It should be used in the form of dietary supplement. It has showed its support in memory, mood, vital nutrient’s absorption, energy, sharp intelligence, balanced blood sugar, optimal oxygenation and detoxification of the body for several years. As per Ayurveda, it is considered as king of herbs as it acts as anti-diabetic, anti-aging, anti stress, anti asthmatic and anti arthritis. It is considered as a wonderful agent in the weight loss. It also helps in increasing self confidence. It is used world wide due to its huge benefits.

Top 7 Effective Natural Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

According to Ayurveda, Alzheimer’s disease is caused mainly due to imbalance of vata dosha in body. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder of brain that shows behavior changes and memory loss in an individual. It is also considered as a form of dementia. The symptoms like memory loss, language problem, decreased judgement, poor judgement, problems in terms of thinking, disorientation in relation to place and time, misplacing things, personality change, lack of initiative, frequent changes in mood and behavior.

Natural treatment is the best way to heal Alzheimer’s disease as it will improve strength, power, memory loss, endurance and will power in an affected person. This disease is more common in older age.

Here are some natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease:

1. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis):


This is an Ayurvedic herb used as a brain tonic, memory enhancer, anxiety, stress-related disorders, insomnia and numerous neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. This herb supports central nervous system in an individual. Shankhpushpi contains active ingredients like.

  1. Glycosides & flavonoids that strengthen immunity and act as an antioxidant.
  2. Alkaloids: This herb contains alkaloids that act as a muscle relaxant, serotonin-boosting and pain reducing agent.
  3. Coumarins: It acts as a natural chemical compound that helps in thinning of blood and have anti-fungal and anti-tumor activities. It rejuvenates the brain cells and act as a tranquilizer and psycho-stimulant.

Usage of herb Shankhpushpi:

  1. Consume one teaspoon of shankhpushpi herb powder with a glass of water daily.
  2. Use shankhpushpi in the form of decoction.

2. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)


:This is one of most common herbs used from ancient times for neurological disorders. It contains a mixture of phytochemicals that are very beneficial for the brain. This herb boosts up memory, protects neural system from damage and improves performance of neurons. Brahmi protects the neural system against neurotoxins like morphine, aluminum and cigarette smoke. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that remove heavy metals and amyloid from the brain. It suppresses neural oxidative stress, reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It is the best natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Usage of Brahmi herb:

  1. Consume one teaspoon of brahmi powder once daily with plain water.

3. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra):

Glycyrrhiza glabra

This is an amazing herb that enhances memory, enhances analytical abilities of the brain, increases blood circulation to central nervous system and balances sugar level in the blood. The antioxidant properties of this herb remove toxins. It helps to control fear, emotions and anger.

Usage of Licorice herb:

  1. You can consume licorice in powder form. Use one teaspoon of licorice once daily.
  2. Make a tea from licorice stick. Take one small stick of licorice boil it in two cups of water. Boil this until it one cup is left. Strain the mixture and drink this herbal tea daily.

4. Turmeric (Curcuma longa):


Turmeric is most common herb used in Ayurveda for its therapeutic value. Anti-oxidant properties of this herb reduces free radicals from the body that improves immunity and health. It is used to remove toxins, fights against allergies and infections. This herb treats associated symptoms and signs of Alzheimer’s disease. The presence of compound curcumin in it shows effective results in various problems.

Usage of Turmeric:

  1. Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder and consume it with a glass of lukewarm water daily.
  2. Use half teaspoon of pure turmeric powder in a glass of milk and consume this milk daily.
  3. Consume turmeric powder in cooking food items.

5. Sonth (Zingiber officinale):


This is most commonly used naturally for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. It works wonderfully on nervous system and emotional ailments. The herb maintains overall system of the body. Sonth boosts up appetite, makes brain sharper, increases memory and overcomes weakness. It makes the body and mind healthy, stress free, improves brain functions.

Usage of Sonth:

  1. Take a few pieces of dried ginger herb. Put it in two cups of water, boil it until it one cup is remaining and drink it.
  2. Use sonth powder in your food items as it’s very helpful.

6. Almonds:


These are used for overcoming signs and symptoms like loss of memory, poor judgment and various other problems associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Usage of almonds:

  1. Take 4-5 almonds and soak it overnight. Peel it off and eat it daily morning on empty stomach.
  2. You can powder the almonds and take it with a glass of milk daily.
  3. Use almond oil with a glass of milk. Drink this daily once.
  4. Massage your head with almond oil as it will overcome symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. It provides a soothing effect, relives stress and cures anxiety.

7. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera):


This is one of most effective herbs used to reduce anxiety and stress. It also helps to reduce fatigue, weak memory and anxiety associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The herb promotes overall well-being, nourishes strength and immunity.

Usage of Ashwagandha:

  1. Consume one teaspoon of ashwagandha powder once in a day with plain water or a glass of milk.