Category: Bad Breath

Oromandibular Dystonia with Its Ayurvedic Correlation


Oromandibular is a rare neuromuscular disorder of oromandibular region  characterised by involuntary repetitive muscular contraction of oromandibular region. Its various physical manifestations can be dangerous for patient health and it can make patients socially disabled. Sometimes this can be misdiagnosed and patients get wrong treatment  There is no specific diagnostic criteria and treatment for this in modern medicine. In ayurveda there is proper treatment mentioned for diseases related to neuromuscular conditions. This can be correlated with the vata vyadhi as per Ayurveda and treatment of vata vyadhi is explained properly in ayurvedic medicinal textbooks. Ayurvedic medicine is helpful in detoxifying the body and it has the potency to treat this disease properly.


Dystonia is the involuntary muscle contractions of different parts of the body.  Based on the anatomical  site of the dystonia, it can be categorised as focal, segmental, multifocal and generalised. It can also be categorised on the basis of causes. Primary dystonia is idiopathic and secondary dystonia mostly occurs due to trauma and medications. It is important to not ignore dystonia and treat well

Oromandibular dystonia is a focal dystonia in which masticatory spasm &  lingual muscles result in involuntary movement and pain in the jaw when opened, closed or deflected. It is sometimes referred to as cranial dystonia. Cranial dystonia is a condition in which the dystonia affects the region of the face and mouth. The symptoms come in later life after mid age (50 years and above) and appear to be more common in women.

Oromandibular Dystonia


The specific reason for oro mandibular is unknown. After much discussion on the organic cause for this syndrome it is sometimes placed under adult onset torsion dystonia. However there is no significant sign for the pathogenesis of this disease. Because of this some scientist suggest that it is “psychogenic”


To diagnose oromandibular dystonia is difficult because its symptoms mimic other dental problems. Misdiagnosis can lead to harm to the patient and the progression of symptoms.

1. Dental mimics

Omd is present with dysfunction of both oral and facial musculature. It can be mimicked with the Temporo mandibular joint because in both the cases pain is present and bone dislocation occurs.

2. Medical Mimics

Neurological movement disorders can also be mimicked from omd if jaw tremor is present. There are many conditions like this for example parkinson’s disease  when tremor affects the jaw, chin and mouth. In progressive stages can also include depression & stress and because of this it can be misdiagnosed as a psychiatric disorder. Drugs like dopamine can induce omd and tardive dyskinesia so it is difficult to differentiate


  1. Involuntary opening of mouth
  2. Jaw shifting towards one side or the back
  3. Involuntary movements in the face or lip
  4. Involuntary movements of tongue
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Difficulty in chewing
  7. Muscle contraction of jaw and face
  8. Pain in jaw and oral cavity


It is considered to be vata vyadhi in Ayurveda which means this is occurred due to the vitiation of dosha (vata)  in the specific region oromandibular.  Vata vyadhi has some specific characteristic symptoms like: asthi bhanga (dislocation of bones), shotha (swelling), stambha (stiffness), gaatra suptataa (numbness of body), bheda(spitting pain).

For treating vata vyadhi several ayurvedic therapies and drugs work magnificently. Among them some therapies are as follows: Sneha, Sweda, Mridu shodhnam, Snigdhoshana vasti and seka etc.


Planet ayurveda herbal medications are one of the certified medicines which are tested in the lab and they are ISO certified. These products are not using any additives, flavours or preservatives and they have no side effects. Planet ayurveda products are pure herbal medications in this disease many products can be used some of them are as follows: Dhanwantharam capsules, Boswelia curcumin and  yograj guggul etc


This formulation was used by many ayurvedic practitioners in treating disease. In ayurveda there is mentioned that not only a single substance on this earth which can not be used as drugs that’s why in ayurveda along with herbal medication minerals are also used in treating different diseases. The main ingredients are Parada (Purified mercury), Abhraka (Mica), Swarna (purified gold) etc.

Dosage: 1 tablet to be chewed with little milk after meals.


It contain many useful ingredient like: Guggul (commiphora mukul), Nagarmotha (cyperus rotundus), Chitrak (plumbago zeylanica) and Amla (emblica officinalis) etc They are very helpful in balancing the vitiation of vata disease. Many properties like antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti thrombotic which are useful in treating oromandibular dystonia.

Dosage: 2 tablets should be taken twice daily after meals.


It is highly recommended in the treatment of vata dosha vitiation disease such as paralysis, hemiplegia, facial palsy, tremors etc. It has excellent properties like anti ageing and rejuvenating properties.

Dosage: 1 tablet should be taken twice daily after meals


Its main ingredients are Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (Curcuma longa) They together give a very beneficial result in anti inflammation. In oromandibular dystonia, shallaki works as a painkiller and specifically acts on muscular pain. Curcumin is the principal ingredient of  haridra which have antioxidant properties and useful for quick healing of wounds

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with plain water.


These are basically a soft gel capsule of oil form which are derived from dhanwantaram tailam. It can be used for neurological disorders such as paralysis, tinnitus etc. Its indications are given for many diseases like: hemiplegia, paraplegia, neuromuscular disorder, trigeminal neuralgia etc. It can be mainly used in vatika disorder i.e it is recommended in oromandibular dystonia.

Dosage: 1 capsule should be taken two times daily.

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Oromandibular dystonia as described earlier in focal dystonia involving the masticatory and tongue muscles. It can be suspected in people with involuntary repetitive muscular contractions of the oromandibular. Due to its presentation it is difficult to diagnose and sometimes patients can be misdiagnosed with other diseases. For proper management it should be diagnosed  correctly and treatment should be started according to that. In ayurveda there is proper mention of management of vatika disorders and they are treated well.

How to Treat Gum Recession Naturally Through Ayurveda


It is the common dental problem seen among individuals. It occurs gradually, that’s why most people don’t know about it. It should not be ignored. It is just a type of periodontal disease. Various treatments are present for this and in ayurveda the herbal medicines are included which works in making gum stronger and they are effective. It is highly prevalent worldwide. It can cause root caries and discomfort to the patient. For proper  intervention it should be evaluated in early times so that it did not cause any severe damage. The orthodontist is not sure about whether periodontal surgery is helpful in this or not. Ayurveda is providing different drugs for this and patients are getting beneficial results.


It is represented as atrophic periodontal changes. Atrophy means  all processes of cell lesion characterized by decrease in volume and cell population of given tissue or organ . Atrophic cells decrease in volume and also eat themselves; it causes their structural component to be changed.

Gingival recession presence before any orthodontic treatment is a real problem. Patients suffered from sensitivity in teeth and unpleasant appearance. Gingival recession is the condition where the root surface is exposed because gum pulls back from the tooth surface.This is also a main characteristic feature of the recession. It is generally found in most of the patients and the most common is the buccal one.

Gum Recession


The pathophysiology can be divided into Direct cause and predisposing causes. The first cause due to which a gingival recession occurred is loss of bone support. As the time passes normal or inflamed gingival soft tissues tend to be on the level of cervical bone levels, this is the reason for gingival recession.

Primary Causes

  1. Low level and long lasting trauma
  2. Chronic inflammatory periodontal disease
  3. Periodontal treatment
  4. Occlusal trauma

Predisposing factor of gingival recession

  • Decreased alveolar bone crest
  • Dehiscence
  • Frenulum insertion


  • Bad Breath and bad taste
  • Space developed between the redness of gums
  • Swelling and ease of blood bleeding (especially while brushing)
  • Pus formation noticed in morning
  • Sensitivity to cold and heat
  • Pain while chewing
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Bright red, dusky red or purplish gums


Factors that can increase the incidence of periodontitis include

  • Tobacco chewing
  • Oral health habits
  •  Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Gingivitis
  • Deficiency of vitamin C
  • Decreased immunity conditions like: HIV/AIDS and cancer treatment
  • Certain diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and crohn’s disease.


In Ayurveda gum disorders are placed under danta moola vyadhi which have many different types some of them are as follows: Sheethada (scurvy and gingivitis), Dantha pupputaka (gingival abscess), Upakush (periodontitis) and dantha veshtak (periodontal abscess) etc. Gum recession can be correlated with the “Sheetada” ; its causal factors are vitiation of kapha and rakta in the gums because of this the firmness of the muscular tissue which ultimately leads to bleeding gums.

Oral health can be maintained with good oral habits. In ayurveda gandusha and kavala therapies were given in dincharya (daily regimens) for good oral health. They have both curative as well as preventive properties.

  1. Gandusha is the procedure in which medicated liquid, ghrita or oil is held inside the mouth for a specific time.
  2. Kavala is the procedure in which medication is held inside the oral cavity and moved after that spit quickly.
  3. The properties of triphala kwath  is tridosha ghana(vata kapha pitta ghana) and its pharmacodynamics properties like anti bacterial, antioxidant and anti inflammatory it can be used in oral problems.


As discussed above herbal medications are having good effects on oral cavity diseases. Planet Ayurveda provided many ayurvedic products for many diseases and they had no side effects on the patient. They are ISO certified and no additives were added to it. Planet Ayurveda has effective herbal products for gum recession that are GUM CARE PACK

It includes gum care powder, coral calcium complex, and arjuna saar. They all contributed together in making gums strong and keeping the oral cavity disease free. Let’s have a look at the formulations

Herbs for Gum Recession

Herbal Remedies for Gum Recession


It had many useful herbal medications in it like: Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Haritaki(Terminalia chebula), Mustak( Cyperus rotundus) and Khadir(Acacia catechu).  Haritaki is one of the contents of Triphala and triphala properties are mentioned earlier.

Usage: It can be used in the form of teeth and gums massage after that rinse it with lukewarm water after 2-3 minutes.


This is very useful in the gum recession due to its ingredients which are as follows: Praval pishti (Coral), Akik pishti (Agate) and Mukta pishti (Pearl). Mukta pishti is known to be balanced between rakta and pitta that’s why it is very useful in this. Whereas praval pishti provides vitamin c and calcium that is very beneficial for the bones, teeth and cell. It is helpful in absorbing and compensating the calcium requirement of the body. Its effects on doshas are also observed.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily after meal with plain water.


Arjun saar contains pure terminalia arjuna juice and pure amla juice. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) has sheeta virya (potency) and kashaya rasa i.e. it is helpful in bleeding disorders and also helpful in healing wounds. Amla (Emblica officinalis) is also known as dha triphala , this is tridosha pacifying. The amla juice is cold in potency, reduces fever and burning sensation. It is also beneficial in bleeding disorders.

Dosage: 20 ml of arjuna saar with equal amount of water


Irimedadi oil is a classical oil preparation. It contains two types of dravya that are kalka drava and kwatha dravya: Kalka dravya: Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Khadir (Senegalia catechu) etc. Kwath dravya: Irimeda chhal. It also includes til tail (Sesamum indicum). Til tail is a very good antioxidant and helps in fighting against any inflammation i.e it is beneficial in gum recession.

Usage: 5-10 ml of the oil is taken inside the mouth for gargling, then after spitting, rinse with warm water.


Periodontium which comprises gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. It works as a stem for the teeth because it gives strength to the teeth. When there is disease in this region it can affect the whole tooth. Gum recession is also a type of periodontal disease as discussed above. Most of the people are not aware about this disease and are delaying the treatment which can cause tooth loss. Shitada is the main disease which affects oral health. Ayurvedic management is able to provide beneficial results to the patients suffering from this gum recession by preventive and curative methods.