Category: Constipation

Herbal Remedies for Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome ! Schmidt’s syndrome


There are various types of conditions from which people are suffering these days. Some of the disease names are heard and some are never heard . Some of the diseases are even new for physicians and it makes us question the evolution of the human body. Is the human body evolving? The answer to this question is “Yes”.  But the evolution it is showing is not the one which makes it stronger but seems like evolution is making the human body more prone to develop unwanted changes which makes it more and more sick. There are around 3-4 new diseases which are discovered every year. In this article we will discuss one such disease and its name is Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome or schmidt’s syndrome. The Article also suggests some Ayurvedic formulations which can be used to manage this condition.


Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome has three types which are recognised as APS1, APS2 and APS3. This condition is a rare X- linked syndrome of immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy and enteropathy. The condition generally arises due to the mutation in FOXP3 gene which is also called as APS. All three types of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome are characterised by sequential or simultaneous deficiencies. These simultaneous deficiencies are in the Functioning of  several endocrine glands that have a common cause. The aetiology or cause of deficiencies is mostly autoimmune response of the body. As mentioned most cases are autoimmune but in certain cases the triggers can be virus or dietary supplements.

Symptoms of Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome

So, let’s discuss the Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome in detail

Types of Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrom

There are three types of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome

Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 is very rare and is a complex condition which is a recessively inherited disorder. In this condition there is an immune cell dysfunction with a lot of autoimmunities. This present with the group of life threatening endocrine gland and gastrointestinal dysfunction. The second type of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome due to multifactorial gene involvement. This results in adrenal insufficiency along with hypothyroidism and type 1 diabetes.

The third type of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome is an autoimmune condition which is typically present in middle aged females. This syndrome results in the failure of glands which are functioned for producing hormones.
Out of these three the second type is the most common one. This condition is called Schmidt syndrome. Now, moving further in the article let’s discuss Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2 or Schmidt syndrome in detail.

Symptoms of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome

Initially in case of Symptoms of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome, the patient presents with isolated endocrine dysfunction and later on tends to show non endocrine dysfunction as well. The patients with this condition have vague symptoms. Those symptoms are as following:

  1. Weight loss
  2. Fatigue
  3. Nausea followed by vomiting
  4. Generalised weakness
  5. Anorexia and pain in abdomen
  6. Polyuria and polydipsia
  7. May be diarrhoea
  8. Muscle along with joint pain is also observed
  9. In some cases psychiatric manifestations are also observed

Diagnosis of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome

The diagnosis of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome must full two out of following three criterias:

  1. Primary adrenal insufficiency also called as addison’s disease
  2. Autoimmune thyroid disease, known as grave’s disease as well
  3. Hypothyroidism along with Type 1 Diabetes mellitus

Treatment of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome

The treatment in this case is done symptomatically. If there is presence of hypothyroidism then the hypothyroidism will be treated accordingly. If there is presence of Type 1 diabetes then type 1 diabetes is treated  and so on as per patient test results along with the patient’s symptoms.

Ayurvedic aspect of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome/ Schmidt’s syndrome

Ayurveda, which is called the science of life, has many hidden gems. All we need to do is to search and imply. Conditions like Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome/ Schmidt’s syndrome are really well managed through AYurvedic herbs and the recurrent disturbance these types of conditions cause can be prevented.
Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome/ Schmidt’s syndrome is a condition in which there is imbalance in the bodily doshas and this imbalance results in the occurrence of this condition.

Ayurvedic herbs like Kanchnnar, Shallaki, haridra, haritaki, bibhitaki, amla, Giloy, gokshura can play a very important role in management of Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome/ Schmidt’s syndrome.

Herbal formulations by Planet Ayurveda for Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome

Planet Ayurveda is a leading herbal formulations manufacturing company which is dealing with more than 500 product ranges. The organisation also supplies its products to various parts of India and to many other countries as well. The products are approved by the FDA, US and have all types of certifications. All of the products are totally herbal and are manufactured with the best herbs. The herbs are collected from various regions of India. The herbal formulations are prepared according to the ancient ways explained in the Ayurvedic texts and give really impressive results. These formulations are manufactured and packed under the strict supervision and guidance of MD Ayurveda experts. The Ayurvedic formulations are advised in a combination, in many types of conditions and have very fruitful impact. The formulations which are given in Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome are as follows:

Product List


Herbal Remedies for Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome

Herbal Supplements for Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome

Product Description


Kanchnnar guggul is a classical preparation. The formulations work fantastically in controlling hypothyroidism in patients with Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2/ Schmidt syndrome. The formulation has ingredients like kanchnar (Bauhinia variegata), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Varuna Bark (Crataeva religiosa), Guggul (Commiphora mukul) and many others. All these ingredients help in the impressive pacification of kapha dosha in the body and due to presence of guggul microchannels (which are also called as srotas) are also cleared. Guggul also has healing properties and  helps in the elimination of endotoxins as well.

Dosage: Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Boswellia Curcumin is a patent Planet Ayurveda’s formulation which has Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) & Haridra (Curcumin longa). Both of these herbs have  a very great effect in the pacification of Vata and Kapha dosha. Thus the formulation has a great impact on pains which are present in this case. These capsules by Planet Ayurveda have a very great effect on purification of Srotas or micro channels as well. Boswellia curcumin also works to enhance and balance the digestion process which in turns results in less accumulation of endotoxins in the body. The capsules are completely vegetarian and do not have any type of side effects.

Dosage: One Capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Navkarshik Churna is a powderous preparation which has a blend of various herbs.  Formulation has a combination of herbs like Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminelia Chebula), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) and many others. The Churn is especially prepared to scrape out the toxins from the body. All of the herbs or ingredients in this formulation are used in pure form and the formulation has no side effects. Navkarshik churna is a n excellent ama expellent and also clears the channels which are clogged due to accumulation of ama. The powder gives wonderful results in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome or Schmidt’s syndrome.

Dosage: One tsp twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Panchtiktaghrit guggul is a very impressive Cow’s ghrit based preparation which has an impressive effect in various kinds of conditions. As its name suggest “Panchtikta” which means it has five ingredients and these five ingredients are astringent in taste.The ingredients  are  Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Patola patra (Trichosanthes dioica) and kantkari (Solanum xanthocarpum) along which guggul (Commiphora mukul) and Cow’s ghrit (Clarified butter prepared from Cow’s milk). It is a formulation that has an impact on the entire body and works by enhancing the body’s metabolism. The panchtiktaghrit guggul is  known to maintain the overall health of the person.

Dosage: Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Mahamanjisthaghan vati is an impressive formulation which has only one ingredient and that is manjistha (Rubia cordifolia). The role of this formulation is in blood purification and it also acts as a brilliant immunomodulator. The formulation works for many symptoms related to Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome type 2 or Schmidt syndrome. Due to its immunomodulatory effect it has its impact on the body’s metabolism and also results in pacification of doshas. The herb is very well known for its blood purification effect and has its positive impact on the liver as well. The tablets are having impressive results in this condition and prepared under the strict guidance of MD Ayurveda Experts

Dosage: Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Tribulus power capsule is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda that has only one herb as its ingredient and it is Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris). Gokshur has an amazing effect in this condition as it has a great impact by lowering blood sugar levels. Not just blood sugar or glucose, this also has a positive impact on high blood pressure as well. Tribulus power helps in eliminating toxins from the body as it is having antioxidant effects. Tribulus power is a very impressive product and it gives great results in boosting physical stamina as well. It is totally vegetarian and has no side effects.

Dosage: One Capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Autoimmune polyglandular Syndrome/ Schmidt’s syndrome is a condition which is difficult to diagnose as a patient must develop symptoms related to multiple systems. But with Ayurvedic formulations the situation is quite manageable and patients get relief gradually. But of course one has to follow the diet completely as diet plays an important role in our body’s working. Body’s metabolism and body’s health depends on the food we eat and also on the lifestyle we are living. Ayurveda is a natural way of healing and one must opt to follow the natural ways so that recurrent flare up of the situations can be avoided or prevented.

All About Farts as Per Medical View – Treatment of Digestive Disorders


Indigestion – known as dyspepsia or an disturbed stomach- is discomfort in the human abdomen.  Indigestion defines various symptoms such as smelly farts, lower abdominal pain, acid reflux, heartburn, constipation and bleeding. In this article we will discuss all about farts, its possible symptoms, causes, why do we have these,  ayurvedic point of view on farts and herbal formulations which are proposed by Planet Ayurveda  for the treatment of smelly farts The average person forms 0.6 – 1.8 liters of intestinal gas per day. Various scientific studies have found that there is no significant difference between the concentration that younger and older people fart. In addition, there is no remarkable difference between the sexes.


A fart, generally known as flatulence or gas, is an accumulation of gasses within the small intestine from respiration and digestion. It is considered a normal part of how the body functions and oftentimes not a health concern. Normally, farts are noiseless and considerable. Apart from this, they can be smelly and loud. A person may experience some pressure and bloating before discharging gas. A typical fart is buildup of various gasses, most are not smelly. The smell is caused by sulfur compounds, which are present in eggs and some vegetables. There are various other foods and medications that can affect how much and how foul-  smelly gas is in the digestive tract.


What are the symptoms of farts or flatulence?

Releasing wind is common, but the concentration varies between individuals and based on a number of different factors including diet. Some people release wind only a few times per day, others up to 35 to 40 times, while the average quantity seems to be about 15. Symptoms of overmuch flatulence or farts may include:

  1. Foul smell of flatus
  2. Discomfort and abdominal distension
  3. Loud farts
  4. Releasing wind often
  5. Rumbles in the lower abdomen

Why do we fart?

The body forms intestinal gas as part of the performance of digestion. Once this gas is inside in the body, it requires to be released by anyhow. Farts are mostly thrown out from the anus or passed through the mouth as a burp. Some intestinal gases come about from the air that people swallow when they are drinking through a straw, smoking, chewing or eating. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are external gases that are found inside the body and are known as exogenous air. On the other hand, intestinal gas forms in the body when bacteria in the colon disrupt the food and is called endogenous gas. Undigested food items are the main cause of foul-smelling flatulence.

Causes of farts

Causes of smelly farts can vary from harmless to serious illness. It may not be easier to determine what is behind foul smelling flatulence due to the number of probable causes. Various reasons for this condition revolve around medication and food. Moreover, some causes may represent an underlying health issue. The following are most common cause of smelly farts:

1. Heavy consumption of fiber rich food

High fiber food is difficult to digest. Despite the fact that it is good for people’s overall health. Gradual digesting foods breakdown and ferment in the digestive system. The fermentation process forms odor gas. Some high fiber food contains sulfur compounds which may affect odor. Foods which may cause odors are

  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic

2. Intolerance to food

Food tolerance is the most general cause of stink odor farts. Average conditions that can affect smelly farts include gluten and lactose intolerances. In these conditions, the body’s inability to disintegrate gluten or lactose causes foul gas to create and immediately be passed. There are various people who may have food intolerance due to disorders such as celiac disease.

3. Constipation

It is produced when stool accumulates in the colon or large intestine and can have no way out. This happens due to taking some medications, unhealthy diet and other biological factors.  The formation of stool in the  colon often causes smelly gases. This excessive gas may cause discomfort and bloating. When ultimately passed, the gas is sometimes smelly.

4. Medications

One of the most culprits is antibiotics which may destroy some of the healthy or good bacteria in the digestive system while they work to demolish an infection. The discharging of good bacteria  affects an imbalance in the digestive system. These imbalances can cause a person to form bad smelly gas. It is also causing constipation and bloating

5. Colon cancer

Although not as usual, a person may undergo excessive smelly flatulence due to the presence of cancer in the colon. Cancerous polyps or tumors can create blockages that cause gas to form in the intestine.

6. Infections and Bacteria

The digestive tract manages the breakdown of foods into essential nutrients,  which are involved in the blood. It also forms waste, which is released through the colon. The digestive tract depends on various components to do this, including its native good bacteria. Sometimes, the levels of bacteria in the digestive system may become damaged, leading to an infection.

The infection will sometimes cause

  1. Nausea
  2. Fatigue
  3. Vomiting
  4. Foul smelly gas
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Pain in the abdomen
  7. Fever

Here are some healthy tips which are helpful to avoid excessive gas may include:

  1. Stop eating naturally smelly foods
  2. Avoid carbonated drinks
  3. Eat in smaller portions
  4. Avoid trigger foods
  5. Drink plenty of water
  6. Limit yoghurt and foods with probiotics.
  7. Less consume high fiber rich foods
  8. Limit consumption of apple,pear, peach apricot
  9. Avoid consuming legumes such as soybeans, nuts, peas, beans and chickpeas.

Ayurvedic Aspects of flatulence or farts

As per ayurveda, farts or flatulence are known as Anaha. This condition is produced due to imbalance of Vata dosha which is characterized by scanty defecation, occasional breathing disorders and stiffness in the lower abdomen. Planet ayurveda is an ayurvedic company which provides various  herbal remedies which are helpful for the treatment of smelly farts and other digestive disorders. These products are prepared under the guidance of MD experts by following proper guidelines and principles of ayurveda. These  herbal products are pure or vegetarian and safer for use. Here we are discussing about herbal products by Planet Ayurveda:

1. Agnitundi Vati

-It is a digestion pack offered by planet ayurveda  which is helpful in indigestion. These herbal capsules are formulated by using pure extracts of Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum), Ginger (zingiber officinale), Triphala ( Emblica officinalis, terminalia chebula and terminalia bellirica) which are advantageous to lower acidity problems and some other  stomach issues. These excellent herbs are controlling flatulence and heartburn.

Dosage- 2 capsules three times daily with warm water, after meals.

2. Draksha Avaleha

Planet Ayurveda Draksha Avaleha (Grape saffron jam) beneficial to cure all stomach disorders and is prepared with the help of various herbs like Draksha (Vitis vinifera), Shunthi (zingiber officinale), pippali (Piper longum), Yasthimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and many more.

Dosage – One teaspoonful of draksha avaleha two times  everyday, it can be taken with warm milk.

3. Digestion support

This herbal remedy contains excellent properties which are helpful for the treatment of digestive disorders It improves the appetite, digestion, constipation, balance pH level and improves digestion. Digestion support is prepared by using natural ingredients such as bahera(Terminalia billerica), dhania (coriander sativum), jeerak (cyminum cuminum),sounf(Foeniculum vulgare) and many others. Planet Ayurveda offers these herbal capsules to treat flatulence, gas, reduce gastric acid and constipation.

Dosage – 2 capsules 2 times a day with warm water, after meals.


Indigestion is a common health condition which can be characterized by hyperacidity, pain in abdomen, discomfort, constipation, burps and heartburn. Planet Ayurveda provides the best herbal remedy for the treatment of these health issues as we discussed previously. As per ayurveda, a healthy diet plays an essential role to keep us healthy and active. Our body needs healthy nutrients because they help to protect us from serious illness. Try to follow Planet Ayurveda’s healthy diet tips and above mentioned products to cure smelly farts and other stomach problems.