What is The Best Home Remedies to Treat Indigestion?
Your taste buds love your favorite foods, but sometimes you overeat that dish or eat it at a hectic pace, you might experience indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion can vary like sometimes you feel your stomach doesn’t have any space left that is empty or you might feel the pain or a burning sensation in your upper stomach.
It isn’t a disease but invites many gastrointestinal troubles like gastritis, acid reflux, and ulcers. Needless to say, it makes you totally full and you haven’t had anything to eat. Your stomach feels inflamed and the level of your irritation rises. It is caused by overeating, ulcers, infections, acidity, excessive drinking and smoking, thyroid, bowel movement changes, excessive consumption of fatty or spicy food and last but not the least, stress.
Most of the drugs which are prescribed work, but some don’t work at all. Many people reach for the need of a medical help, but many wish to try to control these symptoms with herbs that are present in their kitchen garden.
Now we will discuss some of the home remedies that can be quite beneficial for you.
What are the home remedies that aids digestion?
Apple Cider Vinegar:
- This is the perfect cure for indigestion. It contains lots of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium and many other minerals that help in soothing the digestion. It is a vinegar and acidic in nature, it breaks down the fats, thus preventing acid reflux. It’s one of the main ingredient is acetic acid which helps to cure indigestion because of its alkaline nature, making the digestive system in order. You can also dilute it with water or honey, but having it in raw organic style makes it more effective.
Fennel Seeds (Saunf)
- It has the compounds of an oil including estragole and fenchone that control the gas in the intestinal tract. These variable oils help to encourage the production of gastric juices, beginning a smooth digestive process. It also has the features that make the muscle cells relax, which are lingering on the respiratory, intestines, and stomach area. You can sip its fennel tea or eat its seeds with water.
Amla or Indian Gooseberry
- This is such an amazing herb that has aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial features that provide so many benefits that you lose the count. It cures indigestion, heartburn and acidity after encouraging the digestive process. Amle ka Muraba is thought to be an effective cure for indigestion.
- Because it can reduce acid formation in stomach, it is a natural remedy that helps in restoring the digestion. A little acid causes indigestion and too much acid also causes the same. Just drink a cup of ginger tea the moment you feel your stomach is upset.
How To Make
- You can also suck ginger candy or make your own ginger water. Put 2 pieces of ginger in 4 cups of water and boil. Add lemon or honey to it to get a sweet flavor before drinking.
- Restrict your ginger consumption to 3 or 4 grams a day.
- Ginger in excess can cause throat burn, gas and heartburn.
- Ginger has anti-oxidants including gingerols that relieve you from indigestion and nausea.
- It also lowers inflammation.
- Its phenolic compounds are famous for reducing gastric contractions and can get you the relief from gastrointestinal irritation.
Baking Soda:
- The main reason for indigestion is the presence of acid levels in its enhancement. Certain foods like onions, cabbage, beans, and milk products cause the acid level to rise and cause indigestion. Baking soda has the sodium bicarbonate that helps in neutralizing acid in stomach. Sodium bicarbonate reacts strongly with hydrochloric acid, which is present in the stomach. It also detoxifies the whole digestive system relieving you from heart burn and indigestion.
How To Make
- You can drink baking soda with water, lemon or honey, whichever suits your taste buds. The effects will not dilute.
Carom seed or ajwain
- It is quite famous for healing many digestive disorders including indigestion, flatulence, and acidity. It releases gastric acids that boosts the digestive system’s functioning.
How To Make
- Consume ajwain with water and you can feel the difference within a week. It is quite often that people take ajwain to keep their digestive system in order.
Coriander seeds or Dhania
- These seeds are famous for their anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory features. Thus they relieve you from your upset stomach or indigestion, and encouraging your digestive process to function normally. Coriander contains an essential oil called urandrol, which detoxifies the liver and enhance the appetite, healing indigestion.
How To Make
- Better drink Coriander infused water for a week and feel the difference it brings to your stomach.
The Lemon Water:
- Its alkaline effects of lemon water helps in neutralizing the stomach acids and thus enhance digestion. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in hot or warm water and drink it before you have your meals.
- Lemon water is quite rich in having vitamin C. Don’t drink it in excess, then it might remove tooth enamel and cause frequent urination.
How To Make
- Rinse your mouth with plain water after you have had the lemon water.
Chamomile tea
- It is famous for enhancing your sleep and reduce anxiety. This herb can ease gut upset and relieve indigestion by lessening stomach acid in the gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile tea also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to relieve your pain.
How To Make
- To make chamomile tea, get 1 or 2 teabags in boiling water for 10 minutes. Pour it in a cup after filtering it and add honey, its voluntary. Drink the tea as required to halt indigestion.
- All these herbs help you to Get Relief from Indigestion within a week.
- Better consult some doctor or a dietitian to know better, which herb is more suitable for you. Better be passionate as it will take about a week to get back to acquire normal digestive power.
- Give these remedies a last chance to show their benefits and are very cheap.
- If still you are not getting the desired results, better pay a visit to your doctor