Category: Piles

Piles or Haemorrhoids Treatment in Ayurveda


As we listen about piles, people usually hesitate to discuss this topic because most people don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable as well. But piles have become the most highlighted problem nowadays and are increasing day by day. People in today’s scenario take too many risks with their health, whether that is physical or mental. It is not like piles only affect older people, they can and are affecting people of all age groups.We are all born with piles, or we can say haemorrhoids, but at the base levels, they don’t bother us at all. It’s all only when they become swollen and irritate us. Now here the question arises: why and what are the factors that are responsible for piles? Piles have different stages, or we can say degrees which get worse stage by stage. Many people take this problem very lightly, as the stage of piles at that point is the beginning  of piles. People even do not consult with any doctor because of hesitation. So in this article, we will discuss all about piles in both modern and ayurvedic aspects to help people so that they can cope up with this worldwide problem. This article includes all the causes, symptoms, stages, risk factors, management do’s and don’ts of piles.

Herbal Remedies for Piles


Piles are also known as Haemorrhoids. The word hemorrhoid is derived from the Greek word “haemorrhoids, meaning veins liable to discharge blood. Haemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower part of the anus and rectum. When the walls of these vessels stretch, they can become irritated. This causes painful defecation, itching, and rectal bleeding. The rectum is the last part of the bowel, which leads to the anus, where the faecal matter leaves the body. There are hemorrhoidal tissues in this area, made up of blood vessels, connective tissues, and some muscles. These tissues act like cushions that protect the walls of the rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids are associated with various conditions but oftenly it is thought that it is related to straining for bowel movements.

Haemorrhoids are also caused by lifting heavy objects and being overweight. Increased straining during pregnancy also leads to piles. Haemorrhoids are painful if they are recurrent. The early stages of piles are less harmful, but if they are avoided for a long time, they can be problematic and serious. At the initial stages, the piles are manageable by themselves, but in the later stages, one should consult the doctor.  Late management may also lead to further diseases like fistula in anus fibroids, etc. So one should not avoid or take this problem lightly.

Types of Haemorrhoids

  1. Internal Hemorrhoids.
  2. External Haemorrhoids.

Internal Haemorrhoids

These haemorrhoids develop inside the rectum. These are usually not visible to the naked eye. They have a feature of protrusion (bulging out) through the anal opening while defecating. If they are prolapsed, they cannot be refigured to their normal positions in any mode, either by any instrument or manually. This also causes bleeding during defecation. The blood is bright red in colour, and the pattern of blood is drop by drop. It is caused by excessive straining during defecation, constipation, or passing hard stools.

External Haemorrhoids

These haemorrhoids develop under the skin around the anus externally. These are the most uncomfortable haemorrhoids. These haemorrhoids cause itching, discomfort, swelling around the anus, and bleeding. Also they are painful and sometimes feel lumpy. Sometimes blood gets clots within the external hemorrhoid, this condition is known as thrombosed hemorrhoid which can also lead to pain also.Usually this clot gets dissolved on its own but if not, the doctor removes that clot.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

There are many causes of haemorrhoids but some main causes are as follows:

  • The main cause of piles/haemorrhoids is straining during defecation or bowel movements. Attaining pressure during defecation leads to friction in the muscles of the anus, which is the starting point of haemorrhoids.
  • The second main cause of piles, which people don’t even consider to be a factor in developing haemorrhoids, is sitting for a long period of time on the toilet seat. People even do not think that this can lead them to the starting stage of haemorrhoids. But this is the most common factor that is responsible for piles.
  • Having chronic diarrhoea and constipation. Constipation results in the tearing of muscles around the skin of the anus, which leads to the hard stools finally resulting in piles and excessive pain during defecation.
  • Obesity: Haemorrhoids are more common in obese people because of their heavy weight, prolonged sitting, low or inadequate intake of fibre in their diet and decreased physical activity. These all factors lead to piles.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women are more affected by haemorrhoids as the growing baby puts pressure on the large veins present behind the uterus.
  • Having anal intercourse:- It also leads to discomfort and makes you more likely to have haemorrhoids.
  • Eating a low fibre diet: Low fibre rich diet leads to constipation which finally results in hard stool and due to straining during bowel movements it causes piles.
  • Regularly lifting heavy weights: Lifting heavy weights like dumbbells in gym leads to pressure in the abdominal region which causes straining during defecations finally leads to haemorrhoids.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids/Piles

Generally symptoms of haemorrhoids depend upon the type of hemorrhoid (internal, external or thrombosed hemorrhoid).  There are different symptoms of different haemorrhoids. Some common symptoms of haemorrhoids are:

  • Constipation
  • Bleeding during defecation.
  •  Pain sometimes becomes severe.
  •  Discomfort.
  •  Itching.
  •  Swelling around anus.
  •  Inflammation.
  • Hard and discoloured lump near anus.

Diagnosis of Piles/ Hemorrhoids

Digital Examination of  external haemorrhoids: These are diagnosed by checking the area around the anus whether there is inflammation, redness or not.

Physical examinations

Also eating habits, toilet habits ,enema, laxatives use will be asked by the doctor. These all are included in the history taking. These factors are important to know before the starting of any management

Visual Examination

For the diagnosis of  internal haemorrhoids there is visual rectal examination. Haemorrhoids in the internal part are seen on the 3 positions that are  3 o’clock, 7 o’clock and 11 o’clock positions of the rectum.

Management of Piles/Hemorrhoids

Mild pain, swelling, inflammation and itching of haemorrhoids can be relieved with some home remedies.

  1.  Eat high fibre food: Eat more food which is rich in fibre. This will help in softening the stool and increasing its bulk. This will help in avoiding straining as we discussed above that straining is the main  lead cause of piles.
  2. Take a sitz bath twice daily: By soaking the anal region in the plain water for 10 to 15 minutes thrice daily . Sitz baths are beneficial in reducing swelling and pain around the anus.
  3.  Use of laxatives: Laxatives like isabgol are beneficial in constipation as constipation leads to piles.
  4.  Use of topical oils and creams: Apply hemorrhoidal creams externally to avoid swelling and pain around the anus.
  5.  Use of pain relievers: Painkillers are used to avoid pain.

If the bleeding doesn’t stops then further procedures are performed which are as follows:

  1. Rubber band ligation.
  2. Sclerotherapy.
  3. Coagulation.

Some Surgical Procedures

  1. Hemorrhoidectomy/hemorrhoid removal.
  2. Hemorrhoidal stapling.

Surgeries are not the solution to get rid of haemorrhoids. In ayurveda, there are many ways which are explained to manage piles. These are the best managements given by different acharyas in different ways. Ayurveda has the best management of piles whether it is at initial stages or at their severity.

Ayurvedic View on Piles/Hemorrhoids

In ayurveda,  acharyas use  the term  arsha to explain  piles or haemorrhoids. As explained in ayurveda, the body is made of three doshas that are vaat, pitta, kapha and 7 dhatus that are rasa (plasma), rakta (blood), mansa (muscles), meda (fat), asthi (bones), majja (bone marrow), and shukra (sperm). The imbalance in one of these doshas and dhatu leads to various diseases in the body. However, arsha is a tridoshaj vikara (disease) in which all the doshas are predominant. Moreover vaat is mostly affected by dosha in arsha.

Types of Arsha

  1. Sehaj (which are inherited by birth).
  2. And some which are caused after birth.

According to the Doshas


These are dried, very hard, rough and dark in colour and also are very painful. Pain gets aggravated around the testicles, bladder, and ovaries. There is also difficulty in passing urine, and stools. Headache, rhinitis, inflammation, and dizziness are also symptoms of vataj arsha.


These are soft, loose, untouchable, red,  yellowish, black in colour. They  are sweaty and have a foul smell. There is yellow and red discharge from anus.


These types of arsha are largely spreaded, fatty, white in colour, inflamed.


These are the bleeding types of arsha.

Nidan of Arsha (Causative Factors)

गुरु मधुर शीताभिष्यन्दि विदाहि विरुद्धाजीर्ण प्रमिताशना सात्म्य भोजनाद्गव्

मात्स्य वाराह माहिषा जाविक पिशित भक्षणात् कृश शुष्क पूतिमांस ( Charaka chikitsa 14/9)

This means that heavy, sweet, cold, vidahi aahar (which results in burning sensations), abhishyandi aahar (which is heavy but also slimy in nature. It causes obstruction in the channels which leads to distractions in the secretions by the system of the body).  These all are some of the factors which are responsible for piles/arsha . Regular eating of meat of cattle, fish also leads to arsha.


Arsha/piles are caused by mandagni (low digestive fire). Due to mandagni  there is mala avrodh(obstruction in passing faecal matter) and gets accumulated. Due to these factors, accumulated mala enters the hemorrhoidal veins with the help of vata. This  accumulated mala pressurise  the veins which finally leads to arsha

Samprapti Ghataka

Dosha:- Vaat pradhan tridoshas.

Dushya:- Mansa (muscles), meda (fat), rakta (blood), twaka (skin).

Adhisthana:-guda (anus).

Symptoms of Arsha According to Ayurveda

  1.  Mal Badhta (constipation)
  2.  Daha and Shoola in guda (burning sensation and pain around the anal region).
  3.  Atisaar (Diarrhoea) specifically in piitaj arsha.
  4.  Rakt pravah (bleeding from anal region).
  5.  Atoopa and Adhmana (Flatulence).

Management of Arsha in Ayurveda

Arsha/piles are managed in different ways and with different medical herbs. In Ayurvedic Samhitas that are (Charaka and Shushruta) there is well explained management of piles/ arsha.

Management by Acharya Charaka

Acharya charaka has mentioned two types of chikitsa that are shaman and shodhan.

Shaman chikitsa

It means formulations which control the doshas of the body and bring them to their own places. For this acharya charaka has mentioned many such medications like arsha kuthara rasa (tablets), chandraprabha vati (tablets), some powdered churna like vijay churna and some decoctions like takrarishta etc.

Shodhan Chikitsa

Basti karma (medicated enema by various decoctions) Picha basti is the most effective management of arsha. This basti is prepared by some dravyas like yavasa, kusha, kasha, shalmali,nayogra, udumber etc. these all dravyas have the best effect on arsha. Likewise there are some other basti which can be given like anuvasana basti. Basti is considered as the best management of vata dosha. As arsha is a vata dominant disease, basti works excellently on it.

Kshar sutra

Some acharya considered it better to ligate the pile mass by a medicated thread called kshar sutra and cut it off. This thread is changed after 7 days with the new medicated thread.


This is done to shred the pile mass with the help of shalaka.

Herbal Remedies for Piles/Arsha by Planet Ayurveda

Planet ayurveda is an herbal pharmaceutical company which manufactures pure herbal medicines. Planet ayurveda is growing day by day and getting worldwide. The products and formulations manufactured here are totally pure without any additives and adulterants added to the product also they don’t have any side effects. The company has all certified products. Following are the list of the products which are manufactured for managing piles by Planet Ayurveda.

Products List

  1. Vara churna
  2.  Pile off capsules
  3. Triphala Guggul
  4. Arshkuthar Ras
  5.  Suran Vatak
  6.  Nirgundi Oil

Piles-care-packBuy Now: Piles Care Pack

Product Description

1. Vara Churna

Vara Churna is a combination of Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amalaki (Triphala). Bibhitaki (Terminalia billerica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). This churna benefits in the cleaning of the colon. It helps in constipation. Haritaki supports the vata dosha. It encourages bowel movements and also supports good health. Bibhitaki acts like a natural laxative which helps in relieving constipation. Whereas amalaki is rich in vitamin C and fibre which helps in easing constipation. It is also used in kapha, pitta roga, in detoxifications and is also beneficial in eye ailments.

Dosage:-1 teaspoon twice daily with warm water after a meal.

2. Pile Off Capsules

Pile off Capsules is a manufacturer of Planet Ayurveda. It is a natural supplement.This formulation is a pack in the form of combination of Haridra, Shunthi, Naagkesar, Choti Harad and Sajjikhsaar. Pile OFF capsules help in reducing the pile mass or to shrink it.

It is helpful in both bleeding and non bleeding piles.

It also acts on both internal and external piles.

Dosage:- 2 capsules twice daily with warm water after a meal.

3. Triphala Guggul

Tripahla Guggul is  manufactured by Planet Ayurveda. Tripahla Guggul includes the ingredients like Triphala and Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora mukul). It is a tridoshic rasayan. This  formulation does not have any type of side effects and gives very effective results after ingestion. Triphala guggul proves to be one of the finest herbs for piles. It is helpful in healing inflammation of the fistula, helps in relieving constipation by facilitating bowel movements as it contains triphala. These formulations also have anti-inflammatory benefits.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after a meal.

4. Arshkuthar Ras

Arshkuthar Ras is a preparation by planet Ayurveda that is used in the  management of piles.  This is a herbo mineral product  that means it includes both herbal extract of plants and minerals like shunthi (Zingiber officinale),  pippali (Piper longum),  tankana (Borax),  kajjali (purified mercury and purified sulphur) etc. This is used in relieving constipation and softens the bowel to avoid hard stools. It also gives more power to jatharagni (digestive fire).

Dosage:- 1 tablet twice daily with warm water after a meal.

5. Suran Vatak

Suran Vatak is a  formulation which helps to manage piles. This formulation includes the  ingredients like Surana (Amorphophallus campanulatus), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Dhatri (Emblica officinalis) and many others.It is helpful in reducing the swelling present in the haemorrhoidal veins around anus. It balances vata and kapha doshas.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.

6. Nirgundi Oil

Nirgundi oil is also one of the classic and effective preparation by planet ayurveda which is known for its vatnashak properties.It also has antioxidant properties, antibacterial properties. Roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits of nirgundi are used in different ways to treat different diseases. It is katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) in taste. It is used in arsha/piles for swelling around the anus as it balances the vata and the kapha doshas. It is applied locally to the wound, inflammation etc.

Dosage:- For local application in the affected area.

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As in the whole article we can see that piles/haemorrhoids are now becoming very and very common. Also in the article all the causative factors by both aspects are discussed. After knowing all the risk factors about piles one should not compromise his/her health at any cost. So to provide best management of piles Planet Ayurveda provides different products to prevent and manage piles.

What is Arsha (Hemorrhoids/Piles) and Its Ayurvedic Management


Arsh, is the Sanskrit name for piles or hemorrhoids. Piles have become quite common and are affecting people at almost every age. Children and adults are equally suffering from this condition. Whether male or female both of the genders are getting affected and “why is this happening” is a very big question. The main credit for the occurrence of this condition goes to the lifestyle and diet style people are following these days. People nowadays are putting their bodies at risk by themselves to get prone for such conditions. In this article we discuss Arsh or piles in detail along with its best To best Ayurvedic management.

Arsha (Hemorrhoids)


So, let’s start with the definition of Piles. What are piles?

Arsh/ Piles/ Hemorrhoids are the swollen and inflamed veins which are present around the anus or inside your lower rectum. The veins in the anorectal region often get torturous when there is presence of extreme pressure like in case of difficult defecation, prolonged straining while sitting on the toilet or due to prolonged sitting hours. There are two types of the piles according to modern: External Piles and internal Piles. External piles are the ones which generally develop thrombosis and become too painful. On the other hand the internal piles are the ones which are above the dentate line and can prolapse. Their prolapse is understood in degrees and these types of piles are painless but can bleed.

If understood from the Ayurvedic view point then piles/ Haemorrhoids is termed as Arsh. Arsh is mentioned in ayurveda by various Aacharayas along with its types and symptoms. AYurveda also explains deep management of this condition. Now, Moving forward let us discuss details about arsh or piles according to both modern and Ayurveda.

Causes of Arsh or Piles

Modern science suggests some typical causes of piles. They are as listed below

  • The first one is constipation. Constipation is responsible for putting or enhancing the pressure on rectum and finally results in the torturous rectal veins. That’s how internal and external piles develop in an individual.
  • Secondly, The naturally increasing pressure on rectum is due to pregnancy. With the increasing fetus size, the uterus puts pressure on the rectum and thus can result in development of piles.
  • Thirdly, recurrent or severe diarrhea can also result in the same. This is most common with patients of Ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel disease and Crohn’s.
  • Straining for a long time, lifting weights, sitting for long times, having excessive spicy food, intake of alcohol and too much refined grains are also the reasons for this.

On the other hand Ayurveda suggests following as the causes for developing piles. Referring Charak Samhita Chikitsa sthana chapter 14 verse 9, Following are considered to be the causes

गुरु मधुर शीताभिष्यन्दि विदाहि विरुद्धाजीर्ण प्रमिताशना सात्म्य भोजनाद्गव्य

Take of heavy, sweet, cold, abhishyandi aahar (food which is heavy and slimy) , vidahi aahar (Results in burning sensation in stomach) along with mutually contraindicated food, having food before the digestion of previous meals, eating small meals along with unwholesome food articles

मात्स्य वाराह माहिषा जाविक पिशित भक्षणात् कृश शुष्क पूतिमांस

Intake of excessive meat of cattle, fish, pig, buffalo, goat and sheep along with dried and putrefied meat

पैष्टिक परमान्न क्षीर दधि मण्ड तिलगुड विकृति –

Excessive intake of milk, rice and sugar preparations, along with milk and whey, preparations of sesame seed and jaggery products

सेवनान्माषयूषेक्षुरस पिण्याक पिण्डालुक शुष्क शाक- शुक्तल शुन किलाट तक्र पिण्डक बिस मृणाल शालूक क्रौञ्चादन कशेरुक शृङ्गाटकतरूट विरूढ नव शूक शमी- धान्याममूलकोपयोगाद्गुरु फल शाक राग हरितक मर्दक वसा शिरस्पद पर्युषित पूति शीत सङ्कीर्णान्नाभ्यवहारान्मन्द – कातिक्रान्त मद्यपानाद्व्यापन्न

Excessive intake of masha, sugarcane juice, pindaluka (oil cake), dry vegetables, vinegar, garlic, milk cream, cream of curd, thin lotus stalk, legumes of mucuna pruriens, keshruk, shringataka, target, germinated corms and pulses, freshly harvested corns, cereals and tender radish

Along with this intake of heavy fruits, vegetables, pickles, uncooked vegetables , muscle fat, meat of head and legs of animals, food prepared with the mixture of different items like rice and meat. In addition, intake of wrongly fermented wines.

Above mentioned along with intake of heavy and polluted water, excess of oleation therapy, never performing panchkarma that is elimination therapies and improper enema therapy. Plus lack of exercise, lack of sexual activity and sl;eeping during day time can also cause it.

Symptoms of Piles/Arsh/Haemorrhoids

Both of the sciences have explained almost similar symptoms for this condition. These are as following

  • Constipation (Mal badhta)
  • Pain and burning in anal region (daha/ shoola in gudda)
  • Diarrhea (atisaar/ excessive , mala pravruti)
  • Sometimes even bleeding per anus is also observed (rakta sarava from gudda dawara)
  • Flatulence (aatop and aadhmaan)

Types of Piles/Arsh/ Haemorrhoids

In Ayurveda, the types of arsh are explained according to the predominance of dosha. Types are as following

  • Vataj Arsh (having predominance of vata dosha)
  • Piitaj Arsh (having predominance of pitta dosha)
  • Kaphaj Arsh (having predominance of kapha dosha)
  • Raktaj Arsh (bleeding piles)

In modern Science there are two types of piles. The modern types are as below

  • Internal Piles
  • External piles

Internal Piles

They are having a typical feature of protrusion through anal opening while defecation. If prolapsed, then can not be retired to their position even manually. Otherwise manual reduction is possible. This type causes bleeding during bowel movements sometimes. Blood is bright red in color and comes drop by drop. It is mostly due to excessive pressure in the rectal area due to constipation or hard stools.

External Piles

They cause itching and irritation in anal region. Also result in discomfort along with pain, bleeding and swelling around anus region. Likely to get thrombosed and become extremely painful. Thrombosed pile is a hard lump near the anus.

Criteria for treating piles/ Arsha in Ayurveda

Krich Sadhya (treatable with difficulty)

  • Has dominance of two doshas.
  • Located above the dentate line.
  • One year or older pilous mass.

Asadhya pile (non treatable piles)

  • The patient experiences swelling over feet, face, mouth, umbilicus, anus and heart. Pain in ribs can also be observed.
  • Patients suffering from vomiting, pain in body, fever, thirst and pus in anal region.
  • Sejah arsh (present from birth)
  • Arsh with dominance of tridosha
  • Present above the dentate line.

Diagnosis of Piles/Arsha

The diagnosis of piles is done by the following ways in modern science

Digital examination

This is done by inserting a lubricated finger into the rectum for inspecting the location of overgrowth Like on 3 o’clock position or 7 o’clock position etc.

Visual examination

It is done by using a proctoscope. Proctoscope is inserted as internal piles are soft to feel. It only visualizes lower portion of rectum

Treatment of Arsha/Piles, According to Modern and Ayurveda

Modern science suggests many procedures which can be done in Arsha or piles. They are as below

  • Rubber ligation: Done for Bleeding piles or prolapsed internal piles
  • Coagulation: Helps in the treatment of internal bleeding piles
  • Sclerotherapy: For internal piles
  • Hemorrhoidectomy: In both types of piles and is a surgical procedure performed by expert surgeon
  • Hemorrhoid stapling: Only in the internal piles

Ayurvedic treatment for Piles

Ayurveda has many ways which can be used in the treatment of piles. Aacharya Charak and Acharya Sushruta have mentioned various things especially for the treatment of piles. So, let’s move forward to know about the Chikitsa as described by Acharyas

According to Acharya Charak

He has mentioned shodhan and san shaman chikitsa. Shodhan chikitsa includes various panchakarma procedures. Panchkarma procedures includes the following

  • Vaman karma (vomiting induced by administration of emetic drugs)
  • Virechan karma (Purgation induced by administration of laxative drugs)
  • Basti (Asthappan and anuvasana basti): Medicated enema using unctuous decoction and non unctuous decoction.
  • Picha basti (Enema prepared using milk and effective herbs)

On the other hand san shaman Chikitsa includes effective formulations which includes various rasa aushadhiya like arsh kuthar ras, some tablet preparations like chandra prabha vati, jatiphaladi vati, powdered formulation such as vijay churna, decoctions like takraisht, drakshasava, chirbilvadi kasahaya and some ghrit preprations like chavya and pippalyadi ghrita

According to Accharya Sushruta

Acharya sushruta has mentioned a total of four sidhanta according to which treatment of arsha can be done. These siddhanta are as follows

  • Bheshaj (Internal medicine): In Arsha with less aggravation of dosha and least complications
  • Kshar karma (In soft or bleeding Arsha or in pittaj Arsha)
  • Agni karma (Vataj Arsha/Kaphaj arsha)
  • Shstra karma (In Arsha having soft root and presence of all three dosha)

Sidhant 1- Bheshaj (Internal medication)

Generally done in recently developed arsha, which are internally located in the lowermost part of the rectum. The medication given in this case mostly involves the ones with constipation, control of bleeding, Treatment of diarrhea, improvement of digestion, appetite and irregular bowel habits

Sidhant 2- Kshar karma (Application of high potency Alkali)

Internal piles masses are cauterized by application of Tikshana kshara (High potency alkali).

Sidhant 3- Agni karma (Cauterization)

It is indicated in chronic piles, which protrudes at anal orifice. Such piles are large in size and do not have regular surfaces. They are hard due to the chronic inflammation and fibrosis.

Sidhant 4 – Shstra karma

This includes surgical removal of hemorrhoids. It is indicated in the ones which have mucoid discharge and then cauterization is done.

According to Acharya Sushruta there is one more thing which is mentioned under the treatment of Arsha and that is using Kshar sutra in piles.
Kshar sutra is a medicated thread which is coated or smeared in latex of snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia) and powder of haridra (Curcuma longa). The thread is coated or smeared repeatedly, then is dried and collected in a sterile glass tube.

Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda for Piles

Planet Ayurveda is a manufacturing company which has its outlets in many parts of the world. In India, Planet Ayurveda is working with an agenda to enlighten every Indian about Ayurveda and how it can work better with hybrid technology. In addition, The products and formulations Manufactured by Planet Ayurveda are completely herbal and do not have any type of side effects. The products manufactured by Planet Ayurveda are having various certifications and are free from any type of adulterants or additives.

The formulation which is mentioned below regarding the Piles or haemorrhoids gave great results in their management. These formulations have an impact on digestion thus results in enhancement of digestive functions and also helps in reduction of the Haemorrhoidal mass present. The formulations are as below

Products List

  1. Vara Churna
  2. Pile-Off Capsules
  3. Suran Vatak
  4. Arshkuthar Ras
  5. Triphala Guggul
  6. Nirgundi Oil

Piles Care PackBuy Now: Piles Care Pack

Product Description


Vara churna is an Ayurvedic Preparation which is manufactured by Planet Ayurveda but the composition of this formulation is according to the triphala Churna mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. The vara churna has ingredients like Haritaki (Terminelia chebula), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Bhibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica). All these three ingredients work really better in making a patient’s digestion better and also makes it easy to pass stools. A person with piles mostly has chronic incomplete evacuation and sometimes has constipation as well. That’s why Vara churna is suggested in this case because it is having purgative or laxative properties.

Dosages: One tsp twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Pile off capsules is also a patent formulation by Planet Ayurveda especially manufactured to be suggested for patients of piles or haemorrhoids. The formulation has ingredients like Haridra (Curcuma longa), Pippali (Piper longum), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Sajjikshar (Soda bi carb powder), etc. Pile-off capsules help with many symptoms which are present in this condition like pricking pain, bleeding, irritation, itching feeling of discomfort and many others. This formulation also has its effect on stool evacuation and hence facilitates easy bowel emptying. These capsules also help in vitiation of doshas involved and also help in reducing pressure in the Pile mass.

Dosages: One Cap twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Suran vatak is an excellent formulation which is mentioned in the classics and has an impressive effect in pIles. The formulation ahs ingredients like Surana (Amorphophallus campanulatus), Vriddhadaru (Argyrea speciosa), Mushali (Curculigo orchioides), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Shiva haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan), Vibhitaki (Belleric myrobalan), Dhatri (Emblica officinalis), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Nagara (Zingiber officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium) and many others. Along with other ingredients in this formulation, suran, which is commonly called as elephant yam or jimikand shows impressive effect in controlling and managing symptoms which are related to piles. It works by supporting digestion and also helps in reducing the swelling present in the hemorrhoidal veins.

Dosages: Two tab twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Arshkuthar ras is a classical preparation which is mentioned in the Ayurveda Sara Sangraha. Arsh as mentioned above is the Ayurvedic term for the Piles or haemorrhoids. The arshkuthar ras is having ingredients like purified form of mercury, Shuddha gandhak (Purified Gandhak), Loha bhasma (Calx of iron), tamra Bhasma (Calx of copper), Sonth (Zingiber officinalis), shuddh vatsnabh (Purified Aconitum ferox) and many others. The Arshkuthar ras is a formulation that works by correcting the digestion process and also helps in reducing the inflammation in the piles. It can be given in bleeding piles as well. This formulation also helps in shrinking the pile mass.

Dosages: One tab twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Tripahla guggul is also an Classical Ayurvedic preparation which has been manufactured by Planet Ayurveda. Tripahla Guggul has ingredients like Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Shuddh Guggulu (Commiphora mukul). The reference of this formulation is in Sharangdhar samhita. Due to the presence of triphala (Three mylobans) along with guggul (Commiphora mukul) the formulation has impressive effects in alleviation of doshas. The formulation does not have any type of side effects and gives very impressive results after ingestion. The ingredients it is having makes it a very great carminative agent, renal function enhancer and also has its brilliant impact on this case.

Dosages: Two tab twice a day after meals with lukewarm water


Nirgundi oil is also a classical preparation which is being guided in the classics especially in case of piles. The Nirgundi oil has ingredients like Tila Oil (Sesamum indicum), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) and Kalihari (Gloriosa superba). The formulation has impressive effects in case of painful piles or excessive swollen internal prolapsed piles. In case of external piles it works in the same way. Nirgundi is also called sarva roga nivarini which means it is a remedy for all types of diseases. The nirgundi oil is really effective as an analgesic, its impact on haemorrhoids is fantastic if applied locally.

How to Apply: Apply nirgundi oil locally over anal area


The Arsh or piles or Haemorrhoids, as mentioned above is a lifestyle disorder. Many people in the world have this condition but are ashamed to speak about it. But there is nothing to be ashamed about. For keeping yourself away from such conditions it’s better to take care of your digestion and also about what you eat. Such conditions are the result of excessive digestion system disturbances and conditions like piles occur. Even if it occurs its best to opt for Ayurveda as with Ayurveda herbs such disorders can be managed very excellently without causing any side effects. But with the Ayurvedic herbs or formulations it is really important to look after what you are eating. That is more important. Because if you do not change your diet habits and lifestyle then it becomes really difficult to see improvements or to sustain improvements. In case of any queries kindly visit