Category: Allergic Rhinitis

How to Treat Gustatory Rhinitis with Herbal Remedies


Every other person has experienced rhinitis in their lifetime, some have allergies to dust or some have seasonal common colds.  There is a special type of rhinitis arising after ingestion of food where people experience cold like symptoms. Sometimes it’s also embarrassing and discomforting for the person. As this is a common type of problem among the people, that’s why we are writing this article on gustatory rhinitis and its ayurvedic approach.


Rhinitis is a condition related to the respiratory tract and nasal mucosa in which symptoms include congestion of the nose, runny nose, headache, sneezing etc. It is due to inflammation or dysfunction of the nasal mucosa. Gustatory rhinitis is a kind of non allergic and non inflammatory rhinitis in which the symptoms of rhinorrhoea are produced after in taking of the food. Food can be of any category but foods which are spicy and hot produce more symptoms than the food which are not spicy and hot like breads. It is not related with the sex, age etc but mostly seen in the patients of the age 20-60 years of the age. In ayurveda, rhinitis can be correlated by pratishyaya . It is widely explained in ayurvedic texts. The elimination of the kapha  doshas through the nose is known as pratishyaya, which occurs due to imbalance in all the three doshas. The region above the clavicle is known to have dominant kapha dosha thus the predominant involved dosha is kapha dosha.

gustatory rhinitis


All the sub types can be unilateral or bilateral except one which is idiopathic gustatory rhinitis and is bilateral. The subtypes of gustatory rhinitis are as follows:-

  1. Idiopathic– Idiopathic gustatory mainly occurs due to the etiology of unknown origin.
  2. Post traumatic- this type of gustatory rhinitis occurs due to some kind of trauma to the related organs which has occurred in the past. The symptoms of rhinitis can aggravate on taking food, in a hot environment, during exercise, In cold, due to environmental irritants.
  3. Post-surgical- This Rhinitis occurs after having nose surgery or surgery of related organs.
  4. Gustatory rhinorrhoea associated with cranial nerve neuropathy- Imbalance in the stimulation of the cranial nerves leads to the gustatory rhinitis


Symptoms of gustatory rhinitis are similar to rhinitis without the symptoms of allergic rhinitis like itchy eyes etc.

  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Post nasal drip
  • Runny nose


The causes of gustatory rhinitis are as follows

  • Chilly
  • Spices
  • Garlic
  • Increase in kapha dosha
  • Increase in pitta dosha
  • Yuva avastha


  • Its diagnosis is usually clinical based when the patient tells the doctor about its conditions.
  • Sometimes it requires allergen antibody tests to eliminate the allergic type of rhinitis.
  • Nasal endoscopy which is usually a test for examining the nasal mucosa.


Sometimes it usually does not require any treatment if the symptoms are mild you can only avoid triggering foods. If the symptoms of gustatory rhinitis are bothering you then the following treatments should be taken which can be taken for the gustatory rhinitis these treatments you can take before in taking of food

  • Saline nasal spray
  • Corticosteroid nasal spray
  • Anti-drip anti- cholinergic  nasal sprays
  • Decongestants
  • Atropine has proven benefits for the gustatory rhinitis


Many modern treatments are present for the gustatory rhinitis but these all treatments are temporary and provide symptomatic relief for the problem but with the help of ayurvedic medications this disorder can be treated permanently as the ayurvedic medicine works on the root cause of the problem and treats the problem.

There are two stages of pratishyaya 1st is ama stage (can be correlated as acute stage) and pakwa pratishyaya (can be correlated with chronic pratishyaya) so in ayurveda treatment is done according to these stages

Treatment for Ama stage (Acute stage)

  • First fasting is done for 3-5 days
  • Then swedana (Sudation therapy)
  • Administration of deepan pachan drugs

Treatment for Pakwa stage (Chronic stage)

  • Taking ghrit (clarified butter)
  • Sudation with sour herbs
  • Vaman and virechana
  • Inhalation of medicated smoke through nose
  • Covering the head with thick and hot clothes

Oral intake of herbs like- chitra mool  (Plumbago Indica), Adrak (Zingiber officinale), shunthi (Zingiber Officinale),  yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) , ajmoda (Apium graveolens) , pudina (Mentha spicata) and some formulations like triphala, trijata, panchkol, etc


Herbal Remedies for Gustatory rhinitis

Herbal Remedies for Gustatory rhinitis

Planet Ayurveda has medicines which can be used for the treatment of gustatory rhinitis. These medicines are made using pure herbs which are made with the combination of the herbs made under the supervision of expert guidance and under a pure and hygienic environment. These medicines are free from preservatives, fillers and gelatin capsules.

  1. Aller-G care capsules
  2. Pitta balance capsules
  3. Chitrak haritaki


1. Aller-G care capsules

It has herbs like haridra (Curcuma longa),  Neem (Azadirachta Indica), shirish (albizialubbock), Ashwagandha (withania Somnifera) these herbs are known to have effects on the symptoms like allergy and treatment for the symptoms of respiratory tract like nasal decongestant, asthma, flu rhinitis, bronchitis  etc.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals

2. Pitta balance capsules

It has ingredients like praval pishti (coral calcium), akik pishti (agate calcium), jahar mohra pishti (an ayurvedic calcium compound),  kamdudha ras (an ayurvedic calcium compound),  Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), mukta pishti (pearl calcium) all these drugs are very effective for balancing pitta dosha as the name suggests,  these will act on the increased pitta dosha in body and will balance it.

Dosage– 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

3. Chitrak haritaki

It is a medicine which is available in avleh form which has a jam-like consistency. This is made using 11 ingredients and the main ingredients are chitrak (Plumbago Zeylanica), haritaki (Terminalia Chebula).

Dosage– 1 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.


Diet of the patient should be well balanced and it should not be too spicy or hot nor too cold. It should not aggravate the kapha dosha or pitta doshas. The diet should be balanced for three doshas and according to the prakriti of the patient , taking care of the kaa (time /weather), and according to desha( place where the patient is residing).

Some tips for dieting are

  • Use of pomegranate
  • Use of ghee (clarified butter)
  • Use of split black lentils
  • Taking balanced diet
  • Use of fox nuts etc


  • Taking bath in cold water
  • Coitus
  • Excess sleep
  • Taking stress
  • Suppression of natural urges
  • Intake of alcohol
  • Anger
  • Exposure to dust and cold
  • Cold food or food which is kept in fridge
  • Anger


We can conclude that gustatory rhinitis is a condition which arises due to eating hot and spicy food. There are modern treatments available for it but these are temporary treatments. There are many ayurvedic treatments also which are very effective. Planet ayurveda has a wide variety of medicines for gustatory rhinitis to treat the symptoms and eliminate the disease.

Ayurvedic View On Gustatory Rhinitis With Herbal Remedies!

Gustatory Rhinitis

How often have you been suffering from constant episodes of sneezing when in contact with certain food or while experimenting with a new flavor?? Here is your ayurvedic way to tackle this situation!

There are a few among us who get a sudden gush of nasal discharge or immediate sneezing while eating certain food items or those who sneeze when consuming peppered meals, this condition is called gustatory rhinitis, ie, the rhinitis that is non-allergic and triggered with food articles. Unlike any other food allergy, itching and choking are not seen here, just nasal sniffles and often watery eyes for a few individuals. The disease can be spurred on over almost any food. When you quit eating the trigger meal, the effects typically go away in a few minutes.

While This reaction could be associated with several other factors, It is more common among elderly citizens who have compromised digestion. It frequently occurs in conjunction with senile rhinitis, another kind of nonallergic rhinitis.

Gustatory Rhinitis

A Deeper Peep

The symptomatology faced by the greater proportion of individuals suffering from gustatory rhinitis shows violent sneezing associated with watery eyes. Rhinitis is a term that refers to a variety of illnesses that produce swelling and inflammation in the nose. While allergies are a common cause of rhinitis, some varieties are caused by an immunological response that is completely distinct.

Non-allergic rhinitis is triggered with infections. Nonallergic rhinitis can, however, be caused by irritants. An irritant in the case of gustatory rhinitis is a specific meal or a component of a meal. While any cuisine can be to blame, spicy foods like black pepper, hot sauce, chili powder, horseradish, onions and others are frequently involved.

Diagnosis and Management

Inquiry about your health and history of any allergies is where the diagnosis begins. If your symptoms come and go, you may have allergic rhinitis rather than nonallergic types (such as gustatory). For better diagnosis and confirmation for the presence of gustatory rhinitis, the doctor might conduct a skin prick test and Immunoglobulin E test. As the condition of gustatory rhinitis is not allergic, an antihistamine is not used here, instead, immediate management for the symptoms is done. Usage of Nasal Atrovent can help to prevent and treat the symptoms. Retrieval from the trigger factor is most often used as management.

Ayurveda’s View On Gustatory Rhinitis

In the age-old science of life, Ayurveda understands and comprehends a disease with a different view, where the bodily entities of Doshas are given prime importance in any aspect of a disease. In the ayurvedic view, the eruption of any immediate allergy-like symptoms is due to a surge in the pitta entity with a compromised immune system or the factor of Ojas, the quantum of immunity. Other than the external exposure of an allergen which triggers the immune system for an extravagant response. Ayurveda roots every disease as an outcome of improper digestive fire or Agni and so is the same in this case.

Thus the treatment protocol adopted in ayurvedic systemic medicine begins with mild digestive and carminative therapy to normalize the digestive fire. Further, the aggravated bodily entities or toxins are eliminated using the rightful detox therapy according to the condition of the patient. Most often in the case of gustatory rhinitis, stipulated purgation is preferred as it offers to normalize the Pitta entity as well as improve the digestive capabilities. Further to optimize the immune mechanism, potent rejuvenates that enhance the immune responses are utilized.

Planet Ayurveda For Your Support

Ayurvedic Treatment For Gustatory Rhinitis

After much thought and research, we have come up with effective ayurvedic formulations that will help you overcome your constant trouble with rhinitis. They include:

1. Aller G Care

This is an effective herbal remedy for allergic and non-allergic rhinitis formulated using some of the best adaptogenic herbs in Ayurveda. It consists of the golden spice, turmeric (Curcuma longa) as the chief ingredient, which has exceptional properties to normalize the immune mechanism. Another potent drug used in this combination is Neem (Azadirachta indica), yet another herb that has antiinfective and immunogenic properties

Dosage: It is advised to consume 1 cap twice daily, after meals or as directed by your ayurvedic health care practitioner.

2. Chitrak Haritaki

An authentic formulation mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, an ayurvedic classic, for the treatment of any respiratory distress. This multi herbal combination has Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) as the main ingredients. Here Chitrak acts as the ultimate digestant that normalizes the digestive power while Haritaki has regenerative properties.

Dosage: It is advised to consume 1 tsp twice daily, after meals or as recommended by your ayurvedic physician for better relief.

3. Pitta Balance

Pitta, the fiery element needs to be balanced for its disruptions are seen as impaired digestion, exaggerated allergic reactions among others. This herbal-mineral combination helps to normalize this entity with the licit combination of herbs that have cooling properties. A key ingredient in this combination is Mukta Pishti, the ground form of incinerated sea pearl in Gulabi Arka or rose water. All the drugs used in this formulation have cold potency with sweet metabolic end effects that truly calm the aggravated Pitta and help to attain its normalcy.

Dosage: It is advised to consume 1 cap twice daily, after meals or as instructed by your ayurvedic physician for a whole person-centered approach.

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With the use of medications or dietary supplements that will help you attain your goal of health, it is also important to follow an ayurvedic life by incorporating dietary modifications and lifestyle adaptations that propel the homeostasis of the body. While undertaking ayurvedic medications, it is also vital to understand that results here are not magic, the time-tested formulations require their time to act and show positive results on the body. While doing so keep your body away from incompatible food combinations that further hamper the digestive power. The sword for your worries is in your own hands!

Follow this systemic medicine of Ayurveda to obtain the answers to all your concerns. From home remedies to herbal formulations, Ayurveda is always by your side to guide you and your health. Talk to your Ayurveda doctor to make your digestive functions right. Have good health and good food. In case of any query kindly visit For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id