Category: Glaucoma

Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma with Herbal Remedies


Glaucoma, a group of eye conditions characterized by irreversible damage to the optic nerve, is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Affecting over 70 million people globally, Glaucoma is often referred to as the silent thief of sight due to its ability to progress undetected, causing permanent vision loss before symptoms become apparent. So in this article, we will discuss how Glaucoma is caused, its types, and symptoms, how to diagnose it, and how it is treated with Modern and Ayurvedic principles.

Glaucoma, Symptoms of Glaucoma, Signs of Glaucoma, Diagnosis of Glaucoma, Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma, Ayurvedic Approach, Herbal Remedies for Glaucoma, Treatment for Glaucoma, Causes of Glaucoma


Glaucoma is a group of conditions that have a characterized optic neuropathy associated with visual field defects and elevated intraocular pressure. It is not a single disease process but a group of disorders characterized by progressive optic neuropathy resulting in a characteristic appearance of the disc and a specific pattern of irreversible visual field defects that are associated frequently but not invariably with raised intraocular pressure (IOP). Thus IOP is the most common risk factor but not the only risk factor for the development of Glaucoma. So simply we can say that Increased intraocular pressure which is created by the solid, liquid content of the eye and the elasticity of its coats is known as Glaucoma. The normal Intraocular pressure is 16 to 23 mm Hg.


  • Increased aqueous production
  • Decreased aqueous outflow due to obstruction of its drainage
  • External pressure on the eyeball


Glaucoma is a complex condition and its causes can be multifactorial. Here are some risk factors of glaucoma:

  • Age: Glaucoma risk increases especially after 40.
  • High BP: Hypertension can increase glaucoma.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes can also increase the risk of glaucoma.
  • Myopia: People with high myopia (nearsightedness) are at higher risk.
  • Eye Injuries: Traumatic eye injuries.
  • Steroid Use: Long-term use of steroids.


  • IOP is increased
  • Optic nerve damage
  • Aqueous humor dynamics


There are several types of Glaucoma each with distinct characteristics and causes:


Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type, accounting for about 90% of all glaucoma cases. It is characterized by:

  • Gradual clogging of the drainage canal in the eye
  • Slow increase in IOP
  • Peripheral vision loss and blind spots in the advanced stages.


It is a less common but more severe type. It is characterized by:

  • Sudden blockage of the drainage canal in the eye
  • A rapid increase in IOP
  • Severe eye pain, Redness, and blurred vision.


Congenital glaucoma affects babies and is caused by:

  • Abnormal development of eye drainage
  • Increased IOP
  • Watering and sensitivity to light


  • Eye injuries or Surgeries
  • Abnormal Eye Anatomy
  • Certain Medication



  • Visual blurring
  • Haziness of vision
  • Rapid onset of severe eye pain
  • See halos around light
  • Headache
  • Vomiting


1. Primary Open-angle Glaucoma / Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma

  • Elevate IOP (>21mmHg)
  • Visual field defects
  • Optic disc cupping

2. Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

  • Red eyes and pupils may be large and non-reactive to light
  • High elevated IOP
  • Corneal swelling
  • Decrease visual acuity


  • Visual Acuity Test: To measure sharpness and clarity of vision.
  • Refraction Test: Determine the correct lens power for glasses or contact lenses.
  • Slit lamp Biomicroscopy: Examine the anterior segment of the eye including the cornea, iris, and lens.
  • Ophthalmoscopy: Examine the post segment of the eye including the Retina and Optic nerve.
  • Tonometry: To measure the IOP.
  • Gonioscopy: Examine the drainage angle of the eye.


Its treatment aims to reduce the IOP slow disease progression and prevent vision loss.

  • Medication: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  • Eye Drops: to reduce IOP
    • Prostaglandin analogs
    • Beta Blockers
    • Alpha agonist


According to Ayurveda, Glaucoma is correlated to ADHIMANTHA. According to Ayurveda, a severe pain in the eye is the prime symptom of Adhimantha. It is a disease of the eyes that mainly involves the vitiation of all doshas, with the dominance of Pitta and Rakta. It is characterized by symptoms such as itching, watering, and heaviness of the head which reflects the nature of the disease glaucoma. It is mainly caused by improper management or Neglect of the disease Abhishyanda which is mainly compared with ocular inflammation. This inflammation occurs due to the accumulation of Ama (Toxins) which mainly affects the channels of the eye.


  • Vataja: Pricking pain in eyes
  • Pitta: Burning pain in the eyes
  • Kaphaja: Heaviness and itching sensation in the eye
  • Rakhaja: Rakt prakopa vedna.


  • Severe pain in the eyes like scooping it from the orbit
  • Crushing type of pain or churning type of pain (Manthana vata shoola)
  • Half headache (Ardhav bhedk)
  • Vataja complication



  • It is a disease in which the patient has scooping type or breaking type or spastic type or pricking type or cutting type of pain in the eye.
  • Exudation
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Dirty appearance with Aadmana (increased tension in the eyeball)
  • Kampana (shivering)


  • Eye spread with red capillary net (Rakt rajechitham)
  • Watering of eyes (Netra srava)
  • Severe Burning sensation
  • Hyperemia of eyes like yakruth
  • Edema of eyelids (Varthma shopha)
  • Visualizes the things in yellow colour


  • Netra shoth (Oedema)
  • Srava (Lacrimation)
  • Kandu (Itching)
  • Shir ruja (Headache)
  • Difficulty in visualization and opening of eyelids


  • Eyes become red and discharge red secretion
  • Visualizes the objects in Red colour (Agnivath)
  • Severe pricking pain & burning sensation in eyes and head.

PROGNOSIS (According to Sushruta)

  • Vataj Adhimantha: Loss of vision in 6 Days
  • Pittaja Adhimantha: Loss of vision immediately
  • Kaphaj Adhimantha: Loss of vision in 7 days
  • Rakt Adhimantha: Loss of vision in 5 days



  • Snehpana with Acha ghrita, Purana ghrita
  • Nasya karma – Anutail, Ajadugdha boiled with mula, Kanda, and Patra of Erand used as eye drops
  • Swedana – Bashpa swedana


  • Snehpan – Ghee mixed with Sarkara
  • Sramsana – With the decoction of Triphala, Trivrut
  • Parseka – Decoction of Lodhra, Yastimadhu


  • Ashyotan – Eye drops made with Nagr, Nimb, Triphala, Vasa, and Lodhra are used.
  • Rakt ashyotan – Churan of Kaseru and madhuka are wrapped in cloth and soaked in rainwater used as eye drops.

PROGNOSIS (According to Sushruta)

  • Vataj Adhimantha: Loss of vision in 6 Days
  • Pittaja Adhimantha: Loss of vision immediately
  • Kaphaj Adhimantha: Loss of vision in 7 days
  • Rakt Adhimantha: Loss of vision in 5 days


Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified company that offers a wide range of herbal medicines and supplements that cater to various health conditions and needs. Their products are made from natural and organic ingredients that are free from chemicals, preservatives, and additives. For Glaucoma, Planet Ayurveda has various products out of which we will discuss the prime ones.

Glaucoma, Symptoms of Glaucoma, Signs of Glaucoma, Diagnosis of Glaucoma, Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma, Ayurvedic Approach, Herbal Remedies for Glaucoma, Treatment for Glaucoma, Causes of Glaucoma



Angel eye Vitale is a capsule formation formed by magical herbs which include Amla (Emblica officinalis), Gotukola (Centella asiatica), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba). The Amla acts as an anti-inflammatory and also relaxes the eye muscles to reduce the pressure on the optic nerves. Gotukola may help to improve blood flow to the body, promote healthy vision and also reduce the IOP, and Bhringraj helps to improve vision by enhancing the health of the retina and optic nerves.

Dosage: One capsule twice daily


Bilberry capsule is a capsule formation that is formed by a standardized extract of a single herb Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). It mainly contains flavonoids and anthocyanins which have anti-inflammatory properties. It also improves vision, particularly in low light conditions and also reduces eye fatigue, and improves eye health.

Dosage: One capsule twice daily


Green essential is a capsule formation which is formed by Grape seed (Vitis vinifera), Wheatgrass (Triticum sativum), Spirulina (Arthrospira), Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), and Amla (Emblica officinalis). Grape seeds contain Proanthocyanidins which provide protection against free radicals. It also slows down glaucoma progression and reduces the risk of vision loss. Wheatgrass has a high level of antioxidants including vitamin C and E which reduce oxidative stress and protects the eye. Spirulina has neuroprotective effects protecting the optic nerve and retina from glaucoma damage and also helps to improve vision by enhancing retina and optic nerve health. Green tea has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties catechin in it ameliorates retinal ganglion and degeneration in glaucoma. Amla also acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Dosage: One capsule twice daily


Amalaki rasayan is a capsule formulation and it is formed by the Standardized single herb Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). It gives numerous benefits to managing glaucoma like anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation in the eyes alleviating glaucoma symptoms and also relax ciliary muscles reducing IOP and alleviating glaucoma symptoms.

Dosage: One capsule twice daily


In this article, we have discussed glaucoma which is a multifactorial eye disorder, By understanding the disease its cause, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment through the lens of Modern and Ayurvedic principles. In which the Ayurveda can heal the disease from the root cause can reduce symptoms of the disease by its roots. By which the individual can adopt a holistic approach to reduce IOP, alleviate symptoms and promote eye health.

Treatment of Punctate Inner Choroidopathy Through Ayurveda


Punctate inner choroidopathy is a very rarely diagnosed condition. It is basically an inflammatory condition of the eye which generally affects the myopic women. The condition is characterized by presence of multiple, small and well defined yellow white fundus lesions and usually intraocular inflammation is not associated. Punctate inner choroidopathy is often called PIC and is one of the so-called white dot syndromes. Punctate inner choroidopathy is only recognized as a distinct condition as recently as 1984. In this article we will mainly discuss Punctate inner choroidopathy along with its causes and how it can be managed using Ayurvedic formulations.


Punctate inner choroidopathy is a specific form of posterior uveitis and most commonly affects myopic women. It is characterized by multifocal, well circumscribed yellow white choroidal lesions present at the posterior pole of retina. These lesions are present without anterior or vitreous inflammation. Sometimes subfoveal lesions can result in symptoms like blurred vision, scotoma, metamorphosis and photopsia. Due to punctate inner choroidopathy does not usually cause severe visual loss. But if there is development of choroidal neovascularization and it develops in around 70% of patients with PIC. In treatment generally oral corticosteroids are generally recommended along with several therapies.

Punctate inner choroidopathy

Causes of Punctate inner choroidopathy

  • There is some evidence that suggests that PIC is an Autoimmune condition which means the immune system starts attacking its own healthy cells.
  • Later due to significant inflammation, sometimes some new blood vessels also grow in through the inflamed spots thus may leak and cause central vision loss.

Signs and Symptoms of Punctate inner choroidopathy

As mentioned above the condition is quite common in myopic women (females who are short sighted). On an average the women with age between 27-30 years are at a risk of developing PIC. Patients are usually healthy, but still the autoimmune changes are triggered and precede.

The most common symptoms observed areas as follows

  • The inflammation is confined to the back of the eye or can be understood as the posterior part of the eye.
  • Generally both eyes are affected.
  • There is no inflammation in the anterior chamber or vitreous which is the clear jelly inside the eye. This is the most distinguishing feature of PIC.
  • Both of the eyes are affected.
  • There is the appearance of gray white or yellow punctuated or punched out areas. These areas can also be understood as the areas of lesion. These are present at the level of the inner choroid. These lesions are typically located centrally at the back of the eye which is called the posterior pole.

Symptoms of PIC

Symptoms include blurring of vision along with partial blind spots. These partial blind spots are called scotoma. These are basically the diminished or lost areas of the visual field and are typically near the centre of vision. But occasionally they can also be peripheral. These may be temporary or permanent. Even patients also complain about seeing flashing lights. The PIC lesions, which are responsible for scar formation, can be of  deep nature present  in the choroid layer of the eye. This  may result in new blood vessels forming. These can arise as the body’s attempts at repair, but these new blood vessels (neovascularization). If the neovascularization is observed then it is basically a sign that the situation has become difficult and the patient has landed in complications.

Diagnosis of PIC

The diagnosis of this condition is difficult and may appear similar to other conditions like posterior uveitis and other forms of so-called white dot syndromes. Mostly the tests which are performed in this condition includes:

  • Visual field testing
  • Fluorescein angiography, in which intravenous dye is used to show the blood vessels at the back of the eye. 

Treatment of PIC

Treatment firstly includes observation. Observation is very appropriate for the lesions, when they are found in the mom sight threatening areas which means they are not present centrally. But in case the patient lands in complications like CNV (choroidal neovascularization). Then the following treatment is generally guided:

  • Corticosteroids which can be  systemic or intraocular.
  • Secondly Immunosuppressants are recommended as there is evidence that combined therapies of steroids and second line immunosuppressants may be helpful.
  • Surgical excision can also be done of the affected area in well selected cases.
  • Intravitreal anti-VEGF agents. For Examples Bevacizumb (avastin) and ranibizumab. These relatively new drugs which are injected into the eye.
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT) which is a  photosensitive drug and is ‘activated’ by strong light. Generally it is advised to give combined therapy of PDT and anti VEGF.
  • Laser photocoagulation: This is occasionally used unless the CNV is subfoveal (affecting the central or macular part of the vision). The laser treatment can damage the vision.

Herbal Formulations for Punctate Inner Choroidopathy by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a leading Ayurvedic firm which deals with the manufacturing of herbal formulations. These formulations are prepared using potent herbs who are really effective in managing many conditions related to eyes. The formulations prepared by Planet Ayurveda do not contain any kind of adulterants, dyes, additives, fillers etc. These medications are really potent to manage various conditions related to eyes especially and are very fruitful hence giving positive noticeable results. The medication or formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda for the management of Punctate inner choroidopathy is as follows

  1. Angel Eye Vitale
  2. Kaishore Guggul
  3. Bilberry Capsules
  4. Triphala Ghrit
  5. Saptamrit loha
  6. Curcumin Capsules


1. Angel Eye Vitale

Angel eye vitale capsules have ingredients like pure extract of vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, marigold, corn, carrot seed and bilberry. The formulation is very effective in various eye related disorders and also helps in enhancement of eye sight. In case of any irritation due to PIC the formulation can be given and is very effective in managing such conditions.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

2. Kaishore Guggul

Kaishore guggul has many ingredients like amalaki (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), black pepper (Piper nigrum) and many others. It is a classical preparation which is being used to remove toxins from the body and also supports healthy blood circulation. The formulation tends to show a rejuvenating effect on the body. This formulation is very popular for its fantastic effects.

Dosage: Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

3. Bilberry Capsules

Bilberry which is also called Vaccinium myrtillus.. This is a single herb formulation and is one of the best medications which is used in the treatment of eye disorders. These capsules are made from pure extract of bilberry.  It has antioxidant properties and is successfully used in treatment of disorders related to retina, cataracts, nearsightedness and glaucoma. Bilberry is also used to enhance night vision.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day after a meal with plain water.

4. Triphala Ghrit

The formulation is prepared using Amalaki (Emblica officinale), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), madhuka (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Katukarohini (Picrorhiza kurroa), etc. This formulation relieves itching, discharge, strain or pains of eyes. This ayurvedic formulation is tridoshghan and is loaded with rasaynik properties of triphala for eyes. It helps in preventing onset of neovascularization.

Dosage: One tsp with warm water twice a day

5. Saptamrit loha

The saptamrit loha is also having Triphala as its main content along with Iron calx (Bhasma) and Licorice which boosts immunity by increasing the blood cells. This makes it an efficient anti pathogenic formulation and improves systemic wellbeing. It helps in enhancing the immunity and protects eyes against the damage.

Dosage: One  tablet twice a day with plain water after meals

6. Curcumin Capsules

Curcumin capsules contain standardized extract of Curcumin longa which is having anti bacterial, anti inflammatory and analgesic properties. It helps in  reducing the inflammation present in the PIC and also enhances overall immunity of the body.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals.

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In Ayurveda the chikitsa of each and every disorder or disease is possible whether it is systematic or pathological.  All we need to do is gather knowledge and have belief. A proper understanding of condition and body according to Ayurveda can help you in understanding the situation really well and can do miracles in managing a condition. After a deep understanding choosing Ayurvedic herbs wisely helps in treating disorders really well. Above mentioned products by Planet Ayurveda are totally herbal and organic. In addition they do not cause any kind of side effects.