Category: Ovarian Cysts

How to Treat Nabothian Cyst Through Ayurveda


A cyst is a lumpy growth filled with fluid or semisolid substances in it. Nabothian Cyst is found in females in their cervix, which is located at the lower end of the uterus, above the vagina. Cysts are non-cancerous and are not much harmful but still need to be removed soon from the body to prevent future complications and health problems. In this article, we will get to know the causes of its occurrence and associated symptoms with it. We will also discuss why cysts are so common these days and what can we do to prevent it and what are ayurvedic measures to cure the cyst problems.


Nabothian Cyst is a cyst on the surface of the cervix also called the cervical canal. They are tiny bumps filled with mucous. These cysts are non-cancerous and are very commonly found nowadays in people. Nabothian cysts are small in size up to 4 millimeters in diameter. They are generally smooth and whitish in color. These are not painful but show some abnormal symptoms.

Why are cysts formed?

Cysts can grow anywhere in the body and they differ in appearance according to the location of their formation. They can be on the skin surface- sebaceous, epidermoid cyst, or inside body in any organ like- the breast, kidney, ovary, cervix, etc. Cysts are needed to be differentiated from pseudocysts. Cysts are not harmful until they are infectious and very large. Cysts are formed when the excess protein is trapped under the skin or a hair follicle. Nabothian Cyst is formed due to the irregular production of mucus that covers the healthy glands in the cervix, creating a barrier that traps the mucous inside the gland.

Causes of Nabothian Cyst

Why is it becoming common these days?

Due to excess unhealthy diet intake and living a sedentary life, unhealthy life and unhygienic intercourse habits had increased the chances of infections and diseases like Nabothian Cysts these days.

Ayurvedic aspect

Nabothian Cyst can be correlated to “Yoni Kanda”. Yoni Kanda is a swelling filled with pus and blood in the cervical region due to an imbalance of doshas and physical trauma. Trauma can be due to various reasons in the Yoni. Vata and Pitta Dosha’s aggravation leads to the formation of Kanda. The Kanda is described as irregularly shaped but with a rounded structure that is filled with fluid that contains pus and traces of infected blood. The ayurvedic treatment focuses on the pacification of doshas and treating the disease naturally.


The cause of mucous trap in the glands of the cervical canal is-

  • Growth of excessive skin cells
  • Trauma to the cervix
  • Childbirth
  • Chronic Cervicitis
  • Neoplasia
  • Cases after menopause
  • Infection

Ayurveda texts describe the causes of cyst formation as

  • Due to unhealthy food intake
  • Inadequate Lifestyle
  • Unhygienic and excessive intercourse
  • Trauma in yoni with nails, teeth, or other sharp objects


Symptoms of Nabothian Cyst are

  • Unusual bleeding between periods
  • Discharge from vagina
  • Pelvic pain
  • Discomfort
  • Symptoms of infection


Diagnosis is confirmed with

  • Physical examination
  • Medical history of childbirth or trauma
  • Per vagina examination
  • USG-vagina
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan
  • Colposcopy
  • Cyst biopsy


  • The treatment of Nabothian Cyst is not recommended in modern pathy. Regular visits for the examination and check on the cyst size and growth are done.
  • Cysts with no growth signs are not recommended for treatment, and
  • Cysts expected to grow are removed Surgically- Cystectomy.
  • Electrocautery and Cryotherapy are also recommended in some cases

General medications are continued-

  • Antibiotics
  • Analgesics

Herbal Remedies for Nabothian cysts by Planet Ayurveda

Ayurveda focuses on the removal of cyst whether it is small or large. The cystic goal is to reduce the size of the cyst and not let the cyst grow more than its size and also recover the diseases and abnormalities caused by cystic swelling. Planet Ayurveda provides many herbal medications that are effective in doing so. It is a herbal company that manufactures herbal drugs and is a GMP-certified ayurvedic company. We prepare natural medicines by using those authentic ways. The herbal medicines prepared by the company are prescribed throughout the world for the treatment of acute and chronic disorders. Their medicines are pure and do not cause any side effects. Also while formulating these remedies, experts take care of not adding any sort of harmful chemical.

Planet Ayurveda provides a Nabothian Cyst Care Pack for the management of Nabothian Cysts.

The full description of the pack is given below

Nabothian Cyst Care Pack

Ingredients list

  • Kanchnaar Guggul
  • Female Health Support
  • Sphatika Bhasma

Herbal Remedies for Nabothian CystHerbal Supplements Nabothian Cyst

 Ingredients Description

1. Kanchnaar Guggul

It is a classical combination of Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata) and Guggul (Commiphora mukul). They help in reducing cystic swelling by draining the excess Kapha from the body. They have beneficial effects in the treatment of liver cyst, polycystic ovarian disease, polycystic kidney disease, cervical canal cyst, and cysts in any part of the body.

Dosage – Take 2 tablets two times a day with water.

2. Female Health Support

It is an ayurvedic medicine prepared without adding any chemicals into it. It contains Ashoka (Saraca asoka), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). These herbs balance all three doshas in the female body. Irregular periods, painful periods, heavy bleeding, hot flushes, irritability, inflammation in genitals, and cyst in any body part, are the overall reproductive health of the females maintained by these herbs. They ease the symptoms of cervical infection and cysts.

Dosage-  Take 1 capsule twice daily.

3. Sphatika Bhasma

Sphatika has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that reduce swelling and infection in the cervical canal region. The Bhasma is a pure form of sphatika. Along with these actions, sphatika is also useful in respiratory problems, abnormal uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, leucoderma, eye diseases, and diseases of blood vessels.

Dosage- Add 2 pinch of Sphatika bhasma in warm water and sit in the water without your clothes and garments for 10-15 min. Your hip or pelvic region should submerge in water.


Nabothian Cysts are not life-threatening but completely ignoring and not taking preventive measures on time may cause some serious complications in the future. Ayurveda has a vast choice of herbs for treating cystic infections. Our patent medications are more effective that are prepared with a combination of various herbs, these herbs altogether prevent the further progression of the Cyst and treat the disease

Herbal Remedies For Paraovarian Cyst Treatment


A paraovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac found near the fallopian tubes and ovary. These cysts often dissolve on their own so their occurrence rate is unknown. In between the age of 30-40 small, paratubal cysts are most commonly seen and in girls and younger women enlarged cysts are commonly seen. Small cysts ranging from 2 to 20 millimetres in diameter are asymptomatic. Large, twisted or ruptured cysts cause pelvic or abdominal pain. This health topic is worthy to explore about paraovarian cyst and its Ayurvedic outlook.

paraovarian cyst


Paraovarian cyst grows close to your ovaries, these are sometimes erroneous for ovarian cysts but they often don’t cause symptoms. A paraovarian cyst is an encapsulated, epithelium-lined fluid-filled sac formed in the adnexa adjacent to the fallopian tube and ovaries. It might also be known as the hydatid cyst of Morgagni or paratubal cyst. These terms are used interchangeably and depend on the position of the cyst. These cysts are usually benign in nature and will go away on their own. But occasionally they do become malignant. Reported incidence of malignancy is 2-3%. Paraovarian cysts usually don’t cause any symptoms and often aren’t discovered unless you undergo any pelvic surgery.


  • Paraovarian cyst may form from the vestiges of wolffian duct and mullerian duct. Wolffian duct developed to form male sex organs and and mullerian duct developed to grow female sex organs like uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and vagina. Occasionally some parts of these ducts remain after babies are born and then they become paraovarian cysts.
  • These cysts are usually found between 30 and 40 years of age.


Symptoms of large paraovarian cysts can include

  • Exerts Pressure
  • Lower Abdominal pain (on and off)
  • Frequent urination
  • May cause constipation
  • Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen.


Occasionally, these paraovarian cysts grows uncontrollably and cause health problems

  • When a cyst twists on its stalk (Torsion) shows symptoms like cramps, severe abdominal pain, lower back pain, fever or vomiting.
  • When a cyst ruptures Haemorrhage can happen.
  • When a cyst becomes too large it ruptures the fallopian tube causing uncontrolled bleeding.
  • Paraovarian cyst Malignancy.


Diagnosis can be made through physical and pelvic examination-

  • These may be diagnosed in undergoing surgery or any imaging examination that is performed for any other reason.
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI scan
  • Laparoscopy


If the cyst is small and is asymptomatic then you must be held for wait and watch. If the cyst is large, lesions are growing or condition is symptomatic then the cyst should be surgically explored and removed.

  • Laparoscopic cystectomy
  • Laparotomy

Patients with Paraovarian cyst can be effectively treated with Ayurveda that includes herbal remedies, diet management. Ayurvedic treatment is a natural mode of treatment that provides excellent results and gives relief to the patient. Ayurveda, a holistic science, not only improves but also cures all the diseases.

Ayurveda View of Paraovarian Cyst

Now we are going to know about the Ayurveda correlation of Paraovarian cyst. This disorder is correlated as Garbhashyagath vyadhi in ancient samhitas. Garbhashya originates from rakta, mamsa and kapha and in this disease the dhatus are mainly affected such as Ras dhatu, rakta dhatu, mamsa dhatu. Vitiation of these dhatus is held due to aggravation of vata and pitta dosha.

Ayurveda treats patients from ancient times effectively.
The treatment of this disease in ayurveda involves medication to nourish the uterus . Sleeping properly and eating freshly cooked food and improvised lifestyle can be used to prevent the disease.

Treatment in Ayurveda

The treatment is decided according to the pathology. Ayurveda has proved to be having great potential in treating these kinds of incurable diseases in a natural and effective way. Ayurvedic medicines help in maintaining a good health. Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest healing systems and its treatment supports the patient’s health. According to Ayurveda paraovarian cysts develop due to vitiation of Rasa, Rakta, and Mamsa Dhatu. The medicines used for the treatment of paraovarian cysts have the property of ruksha, kashaya, lekhan, and laghu. Ayurvedic treatment is more effective without side effects and chances of surgery are reduced to minimal.

Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a certified herbal product manufacturing company and is effectively serving the society with its remarkably effective herbal remedies. Planet Ayurveda is being trusted by millions of people globally for its services and herbal products. Our products are prepared from 100% natural herbs, free from any additives, chemicals, and preservatives. Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified herbal supplements manufacturing company. Planet Ayurveda has herbal supplements which have very high and positive results.In the above condition we give many formulations to manage this disease very well. Anti-ovarian cyst Pack includes the following remedies-

Anti-Ovarian Cyst Pack

  1. Pradrantak Churna
  2. Chandraprabha Vati
  3. Kanchnaar Guggul
  4. Punarnava Mandur


Product’s Description

1. Pradrantak Churna

This is a polyherbal churna formulation consisting of lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Ashok (Saraca indica). It supports a healthy female reproductive system. Maintains hormonal system in females. It is particularly effective in uterine fibroids, ovarian  cysts, menstrual pains, and body aches.

Dosage – 1-2 teaspoons twice daily, with water after meals.

2. Chandraprabha Vati

This is a polyherbal formulation consisting of Shilajit (Asphaltum), Guggul (Commiphora mukul) etc. This is a classical formulation of Ayurveda and is very effective in relaxing the muscles, relieves pain and spasm. This formulation has antispasmodic properties and is a very efficient formulation for the female reproductive organs. 

Dosage –  1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.

3. Kanchnaar Guggul

This is a classical ayurvedic polyherbal formulation consisting of Kachnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) etc. This classical formulation is specially indicated in cancerous patients that helps to maintain the healthy cells and tissues. It purifies the blood, treats lipoma, cystic  swellings, cures swollen lymph nodes and is very effective in PCOS patients. It also reduces pain, bleeding and discomfort and restores balance in the body.

Dosage –  1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.

4. Punarnava Mandur

This is a classical ayurvedic polyherbal formulation mentioned in samhitas consisting of Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), shunti (Zingiber officinale) etc. This is a very effective medicine in blood disorders, purifies the blood and treats anaemia. It is also very useful in treating haemorrhoids, cervical polyps, ovarian cysts, tubal cysts and also used in inflammatory conditions.

Dosage –  1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.


Modern medicine has limited management for the disease and hence patients ultimately become dependent on others for the rest of their life. Ayurveda on the other hand provides effective management of the disease and gives symptomatic relief to the patient and improves the quality of life. Ayurvedic treatment emphasises on treating the root cause of the condition it is capable of eliminating the diseases permanently. In short,it can be concluded that with appropriate and effective management of tridosha present in our body, the quality of life of the patient can be improved efficiently. For more details of our products check out our website and for queries you can send your queries to our email id