Category: Ovarian Cysts

Effective Ayurvedic Formulations to Stop Excessive Bleeding


Excessive bleeding can affect people of all ages and sexes. Ayurveda holds the pitta dosha aggravation responsible for excessive bleeding in both men and women.  Usually excessive bleeding in women is caused by disturbed hormones due to aggravated pitta dosha and this bleeding may occur even between periods in addition to heavy and prolonged periods that last for seven or more days. Other underlying causes of excessive bleeding may be abnormalities in the platelets, or problems in normal coagulation of the blood, or deformities in blood vessels. All of these happen due to aggravated pitta and vata. This article lists the most beneficial ayurvedic formulations and pure herbs to decrease or stop excessive bleeding in both men and women.


Bleeding disorders are the occurrences of abnormal or excessive bleeding, indicated by many physical signs in a person. When the reason behind bleeding from the nose (called epistaxis), or extremely heavy menstruation for longer than normal duration (called menorrhagia), unstoppable bleeding from injuries, cuts and wounds, and bleeding even after usual activities such as brushing or flossing the teeth, such cases of bleeding are considered abnormal. Sometimes people even experience unexplained episodes of sudden bleeding from small punctures in the skin. Internal bleeding is also considered abnormal and it is called hemorrhage which happens due to bursting of the blood vessels.


Excessive Bleeding

If the bleeding is not related to uterine bleeding in women, excessive bleeding can be caused by a variety of factors which are all considered blood disorders. Examples of blood disorders resulting in excessive bleeding are

  • Low platelet count, decreased function of the platelets, extremely increased platelet count, etc., called platelet disorders.
  • Blood’s inability to coagulate, therefore bleeding is continuous and unable to stop, called coagulation disorder.
  • Ruptured or dilated blood vessels.
  • Thrombocytopenia i.e. platelets are either not produced, or attacked and destroyed by the body itself, or are diluted.
  • These disorders can be caused as side effects of certain blood thinning medications or as family history of blood disorders.

Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

Usually women have menstrual periods lasting between three to six days. Menstrual periods are considered abnormally heavy when they last for seven or more days, and the bleeding is heavy enough to stain the garments even while wearing sanitary pads. Bleeding when the periods are not around is also considered abnormal. Menorrhagia can cause severe blood loss and impair your normal activities.  Along with menorrhagia, conditions that require attention are:

  • Bleeding even after menopause
  • Bleeding on non-menstrual days i.e. between periods
  • Excessive bleeding with clots

Excessive uterine bleeding (also called vaginal bleeding) is caused by the imbalance of the hormones in women which is also seen as an imbalance of the doshas in ayurveda.

Ayurvedic remedies for excessive bleeding

1. Chandrakala Ras

Chandrakala Ras tablets are also known as chandanadi vati in some preparations. This medicinal formulation contains camphor, cardamom, pure mercury, Iron ash, Tin Ash, Semal tree extract, Amla prepared in giloy juice and honey. It is an ayurvedic remedy for all kinds of bleeding disorders. It is also used in the infections of the urinary tract in both males and females. It is indicated when blood is passed in bowels or urine, and also when any kind of bleeding becomes prolonged and heavy. Its secondary use is regulating blood sugar levels. It prevents the loss of red blood cells and iron from the body by increasing the coagulation and constricting the affected blood vessels.

2. Kamdudha Ras

Kamdudha ras is an ayurvedic formulation categorized as herbomineral preparation. It is used for heavy menstrual and non-menstrual bleeding, leucorrhea, bloody diarrhea, gastritis, gastric and colic ulcers and all bleeding disorders. It contains silica ash or Abhraka Bhasma, Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) sattva and red ochre.  It is also indicated in skin diseases which are accompanied by the symptoms such as burning sensation, blood discharge and other fluidic secretions. It primarily balances pitta. Therefore it is indicated in chronic fever and digestive ailments too. It is administered with cow’s milk and sugar and for specific conditions it is also administered with grass juice. It is prepared in the form of tablets.

3. Sheesham Swaras – Dalbergia sissoo

The juice of leaves of Sheesham tree is known as Sheesham Swaras and is an extremely effective remedy for bleeding disorders such as non-healing wounds, excessive and prolonged bleeding of the uterus, ulcers of the mouth, stomach, colon, etc., parasitic accumulation in the intestines, etc. It is widely used in the management of all pitta disorders. It also has pain relieving properties and also prevents bloody diarrhea and abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods. It heals the wounded tissues both inside and outside of the body. It is therefore able to reduce or stop uterine bleeding in women. It is also used in managing fever and liver diseases. It is also indicated in uterine disorders in both males and females.

5. Sphatika Bhasma Alum Ash- Alum Potash

Sphatika Bhasma or Shubhra Bhasma is the product obtained from oxidative combustion of alum. It is a medicinal compound used in menorrhagia, rectal bleeding, internal bleeding, irregular and prolonged uterine bleeding, pneumonia, body aches, leucoderma, bloody vomiting, and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. It primarily balances vata and pitta. It is recommended that this medication be taken only upon consultation from a competent physician. It is known for its haemostatic property. It is also antimicrobial and anti parasitic, and has a mild antipyretic effect. In addition to bleeding disorders it is also used in respiratory and skin diseases which are also related to blood disorders.

5. Mochras – Bombax ceiba

Mochras or semal tree is a deciduous tree the resin (gum) of which is used extensively in ayurveda, siddha and folk medicine. It is light and unctuous in nature and extremely cooling which is why it is used in raktapitta and similar disorders. It is indicated in blood purification and abnormal bleeding such as during ulcers, menorrhagia, skin eruptions, chronic inflammations of the heart and the digestive system such as coughing up blood and vomiting blood, enlargement of the spleen, gonorrhea and burning sensation in the body. This tree grows in the temperate regions of the earth such as the Andaman Islands, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.

6. Bol baddha Ras

Also spelled as Bol Baddha Ras, Bol Badh Ras is an ayurvedic herbomineral formulation prepared with giloy, sulphur and pure mercury which are known to suppress inflammation, reduce bleeding by controlling the related tissues and balance the aggravated tridosha. It is used in bleeding disorders such as excessive menstrual bleeding in women and bleeding piles. Its hemostatic i.e. the property to reduce blood flow by contracting the blood vessels makes it suitable for stopping bleeding. It is astringent in nature and therefore it is indicated in all bleeding disorders, such as blood vomiting, nasal bleeding, internal bleeding, leucorrhea, ulcers in the digestive system and abnormally prolonged menstrual periods as it is specifically strengthening for the uterus. It is available in the form of pills or tablets.

7. Mukta Pishti – Pearl Calcium

Mukta Pishti or Moti Pishti is a medicinal product obtained from pearls. It is primarily used for bleeding disorders and all conditions caused by the aggravation of pitta. It is sweet, light and cool in nature. It balances all the abnormalities related to blood.  It is used to balance the heat of the blood, the digestive system and the reproductive organs. It is used by milling pearls into fine particle sizes. It has anti inflammatory, analgesic, antidepressant, antipyretic properties to name a few. It also relieves cramps in women, associated with heavy menstrual bleeding. It is especially indicated in excessive uterine bleeding and menopause, ulcers, gastric problems, mental imbalances, heartburn and urinary disorders.

8. Rajat Bhasma – Silver Ash

Rajat is another name for silver metal. Rajat Bhasma is also known as Chaandi Bhasma or Calcined Silver Ash because it is made by oxidation reaction of silver metal. It is of great medicinal value in the traditional Indian medical treatment of various pitta disorders. The combustion of silver in presence of oxygen along with herbs and lime juice is followed by milling into particle sizes of the range 10-9m. It is used for its restorative properties in blood disorders. It pacifies the aggravated vata and the pitta which is why it is beneficial for excessive bleeding in both males and females.

9. Nagkesar – Mesua Ferrea

Nagkesar is a medicinal tree that has been a part of the traditional ayurvedic medicine for many years. It possesses very strong anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers of Nagkesar are used in medicines. It primarily deals with aggravated swelling, inflammation and bleeding. It is therefore indicated in many bleeding disorders such as menorrhagia, bleeding piles, etc. It has pain relieving properties which make it further suitable for heavy menstrual bleeding. It is also used in healing wounds because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also used for various skin disorders which are also related to aggravated pitta.

10. Lodhra – Symplocos

Lodhra is an ayurvedic herb of great medicinal value in all bleeding disorders. It contains significant amounts of Loturine, Loturidine, Colloturine and glycosides which are alkaloids known for their benefits in bleeding disorders. Commonly found in the north eastern states of India, Lodhra has a direct impact on the hormones regulating the female reproductive system. It is extensively indicated for individuals who are prone to frequent bleeding (raktapitta) such as from the nose and also those who have heavy menstrual periods. It also absorbs lethargy, sluggishness and heaviness from the body. It decreases inflammation and helps coagulation therefore stopping hemorrhage and menorrhagia. Therefore it is also used in the cases of inflammation in the uterus. It is used in regulating irregular menstruation. It prevents the dysfunction of the female reproductive system, especially the ovaries. It is therefore used in PCOS and infertility.


Ayurveda can accurately point out the root cause of many unrelated conditions. In case of bleeding disorders ayurveda holds the heating pitta dosha responsible for excessive bleeding from the nose, from the rectum, blood in vomiting, blood in sputum, excessive and irregular bleeding from the uterus in women, etc. It is correlated with excess blood heat and the herbs and herbal formulations listed here all effectively manage the blood pitta by pacifying the aggravated dosha. Even though ayurvedic herbs and medications have minimal side effects, any programme should be started upon due consultation from an expert. Self medication should be avoided in case you are pregnant or suffering from multiple disorders.

8 Natural Tips to Treat Cysts – Treatment At Home

Cysts have been affecting a large group of the population since antiquity in different forms. This problem is not something to be terrified of or scared to the death about but yes it is important to clear them off the surface. But hang on! Do not pop them off with bare hands if it is on your skin as this can increase the chances of infections. These cysts can be present in different parts of your body, filled with various substances. There are different treatment methods to kick these cysts out of your life but everyone wonders if anything can be done at home naturally to get rid of them. Cysts can be of several types like epidermoid cyst, sebaceous cysts, ovarian cysts, baker’s cyst, cystic acne, pilar cyst, breast cyst, pilonidal cyst, chalazia, mucous cyst, and branchial cyst.

ovarian cysts

This article will be about natural remedies for cysts which can help you to a certain extent to get rid of the cysts. However, the amount of help you get from these remedies depends upon the type of cyst you are having and how correctly you use these remedies.

So it’s a Time to Bid Adieu to your Cysts and Live a Healthy Life!

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that possesses antimicrobial properties which help to prevent infectious cysts formation at first and can also help in treating. Cysts many times are caused due to the infection of viruses, fungi, bacteria, or other pathogens that leads to the formation of pus at a particular site within a covering. It cannot help all the cysts but yes one caused by the ingrown hair and infections can be removed or prevented by using it correctly.

Direction– Dilute 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in one ounce of warm water and apply directly on the cyst with a clean cloth. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times daily.

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger is one remedy for several health problems and everybody around the world is appreciative of its medicinal properties. Ginger possesses anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties which help in treating any cystic growth in or on the body and prevent any further complications. Sipping ginger tea can be really therapeutic in case of cramps and pain originated from these cysts.

Direction- You can include ginger in your daily diet or can take it in the form of tea. Ginger tea bags can be brought from the market or you can even prepare the one at home, fresh!

Slice ginger in two-inch pieces (2 pieces will be enough), boil it in two cups of water for around 5-10 minutes and then strain it. The tea is ready! You can add some honey or lemon for taste.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is the rescuer for most of us! Be it skin, hair, or any other health-related problem, Aloe vera can be the answer for all. It possesses antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating the cysts and preventing infections.

Direction- Apply aloe vera gel or lotion directly on the cyst if the cyst is exposed to skin and if it is inside the body you can have a cup of aloe vera juice daily.

4. Honey

Honey is a sweet medicine for numerous health problems. It is a powerhouse of therapeutic properties like antibacterial, antioxidant, digestive, and antifungal. This array of amazing properties can help in treating cysts as well. Anti-inflammatory properties help in treating or preventing cysts formation and antimicrobial property helps in treating infection associated with it.

Direction- Locally you can apply using a dab of a cotton dip in honey on the cyst, leave it for some time and then wash it away. Apply several times daily.

For internal use take 1 teaspoon of honey add in one glass warm water and take it.

5. Adjust Your Diet Carefully

Whatever you eat affects your health and so does your cyst growth. Having things like fast food, junk food, refined sugars, too much or dairy products, a high level of spices and less intake of water affects your general metabolism and can create a condition and favorable environment for a cyst to form and grow. Hence you must take a diet that helps in maintaining a good internal environment in your body.

Direction- Avoid white bread, refined carbohydrates, white flour products, red meat, sugary food and all the processed food. All include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and drink plenty of water that will clear out the toxin from the body.

6. Yoga

Yoga can, directly and indirectly, help in maintaining the overall health of a person and help in treating certain types of cyst. In the case of ovarian cysts, the yoga has proved to be really helpful. It not only helps in easing out the pain of cyst but also deals with associated complaints of ovarian cysts like weight gain and anxiety. Certain Yoga postures like Butterfly pose, Cobra pose, Bharadvajasana, and Chakki chalanasana helps a lot. In other types of cysts also yoga can help by increasing blood circulation and relieving anxiety.

Direction- You can do one or two asanas daily early morning. However, consulting a Yoga teacher will be better in order to prevent any wrongdoing of postures.

7. Apple cider vinegar

It seems to shrink the size of the cysts when applied locally or taken internally. Packed with numerous health benefits, Apple cider vinegar has been used for decades to treat several health ailments. Owing to the antimicrobial property it also helps in treating the infectious cysts.

Direction- Locally- Mix apple cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and apply the dilution on cyst directly. Do this several times daily.

Internal- Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of warm water and have it twice daily.

8. Beetroot

Munching this healthy veggie raw or adding it in food can help you clear your liver from the lingering toxins and maintain an alkaline pH of your body. Both of these things are necessary to root out the cyst from your body. So go for it and add Beetroot in your daily diet, be it cooked vegetable, juice, or salad.

Direction- You can take it in any form like soup, juice, salad, or cooked form. Take half cup juice daily or 100 gm of raw salad.

These were some of the amazing helpful remedies that helped many people with obstinate cysts. However, this is not it. There is one more thing you can do at home for treating your cysts. Ayurveda! Yes, you heard me right, Ayurveda and herbs of this system can benefit a lot that too naturally. There are certain herbs that have shown their therapeutic effects in cysts and have been used in Ayurveda since ages to treat the cysts. Of them, I am sharing below. Have a look!

  1. Renuka (Vitex agnus-castus)– It is a carminative herb that helps in maintaining the hormonal balance and have been proving to be helpful in the treatment of PCOD or PCOS.
  2. Kanchanara (Bauhinia variegate)- Kanchanara is one of the most famous Ayurvedic herbs that is used to treat the overgrowths, cysts, and fibroids. Skin ailments are very well treated by this herb.
  3. Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)- Wild yam is a popular herb that is used to treat cysts, especially ovarian cysts. Owing to its anti-inflammatory and toxin-clearing properties this herb can help in treating the inflammation and flushes out the toxins from the body.
  4. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)- Owing to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it helps in detoxifying the body and cleansing the blood and liver. It protects the body against the effects of toxins.

However, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner before using any of the herbs will be safer.

So I hope this article will help you, people, out there in managing your cystic ailments. However, these remedies do not promises to cure to eradicate the problem completely so taking proper treatment along with these home remedies will be a good choice.

Stay natural, stay healthy!!