Ayurvedic Perspective of Glanzmann Thrombasthenia – Platelet Disorders
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia is a bleeding syndrome type of rare autosomal recessive and characterised by platelet aggregation. GT is associated with clinical variability: some of them mild bruising but sometimes it occurred large blood vessels haemorrhage. Haematuria and gastrointestinal bleeding are less common but some of the characteristic sites of the bleeding are purpura, epistasis, gingival haemorrhage etc. In most cases, bleeding symptoms present afterlife but GT is diagnosed in later life. In the modern system of medicine full cure for treating this disease is not available; they, at last, transfuse platelets when no other option is left. This is not the proper way to treat any disease because after some time the platelets count decreased again. Ayurveda has many herbs indicating bleeding disorders that will definitely increase platelet count in a restorative way.
Platelets are a very important component in stopping any kind of bleeding as in the case of hemostasis. In Hemostasis damaged sub endothelium releases adhesive proteins and fibrinogen which are attached to the site of injury with platelets and form a platelet plug. Platelets provide a surface for the attachment of coagulation factors. Then this will activate platelets to form a thrombus. Any kind of defect in this mechanism or process can cause bleeding disorders.
Glanzmann first described this in the year 1918 and called it “hereditary hemorrhagic thrombasthenia”. Its main characteristic features for diagnosis are prolonged bleeding time, clumped platelets and the appearance of platelets on a peripheral blood smear.

Platelet aggregation defects which are mainly due to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or collagen can mimic Glanzmann thrombasthenia. But GT has one specific feature of clot retraction. It is also sometimes misdiagnosed as Bernard- souler syndrome and vonwillebrand disease due to the involvement of platelet aggregation in both
Megakaryocytes are present in the bone marrow and on maturity, they liberate large no. of platelets into the blood. In GT platelets can’t be aggregated in response to natural agonists while they are present in their normal shape. The genes which are defected in this disease are present on chromosome 17 of DNA. This is an autosomal recessive condition which means it occurs only if both parents are having this disease
- Nose bleeding(Epistasis)
- Bruising easily
- Bleeding gums
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Bleeding during or after surgery
- Mucocutaneous bleeding
The clinical manifestation of some diseases is the same sometimes as in the case of GT and other cases of platelet aggregation. The main diagnostic test for GT are:
- Normal platelet count
- Bleeding time
- Light transmission aggregometry
- Platelet function analyser
- Flow cytometry
- Mutation analysis
In Ayurveda the body depends on anna(food) and other four factors namely vat, pitta, kapha and rakta . The rakta is considered to be the most important in it because any type of injury internal or external or any coagulation disorder leads to morbidity or mortality. This Glanzman thrombasthenia can be correlated with the rakta pitta it is said to be mahavega or mahagada by acharya charak mentioned in the classical medicinal textbooks of Ayurveda. In this disorder vitiation of pitta is the main cause of the disorder. Pitta is also called lohit pitta because it comes into touch with blood and can cause disease in the blood.
The treatment of bleeding disorder in Ayurveda can be done by shudha dravya varga which is highly composed of calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, calcium fluoride etc. calcium helps in the coagulation of bleed; it is the important factor in the stoppage of blood. Thus shudha vargiya dravya helps in the coagulation of blood and pacifies the pitta and rakta dushti. Many kinds of animal origin, herbal origin and mineral origin are mentioned in Ayurveda for use as calcium supplements and help in raktapitta chikitsa.
Some of the shuddha vargiya dravya are as follows: Muktashukti(pearl), Shudha(lime), Godanti(gypsum) and pravala(coral) etc. All these are calcium compounds and are helpful in treating many diseases.
Planet Ayurveda provides one of the most trusted herbal products and formulations for better treatment of diseases. The positive point of using these drugs is that they have no side effects and they are also Iso-certified herbal products which means these products are tested in the laboratory under various high technologies so that they can be trusted. Planet Ayurveda products do not contain any additives, flavours or preservatives which makes them more trustworthy.

It consists of many useful ingredients i.e it is used in treating Glanzmann thrombasthenia the main ingredients in it are Grape seed(Vitis vinifera std. ext.), Go-Piyush(Bovine colostrums std. ext.), Bhumi amla(Phyllanthus niruri std. ext.) and Amalaki(Emblica officinalis). In bleeding disorders like Glanzman thrombasthenia in this patient’s immunity is very weak and in this condition, if any other disease occurs it may be the worst condition for the patient. For protecting against any other disease and fighting with this disease.
Dosage: 2 capsules should be taken twice daily after meals
Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia )has many beneficial properties in it which can be helpful in treating autoimmune diseases. It is also helpful in treating diseases like fever, diabetes, anaemia and jaundice etc. it is best to know treating raktapitta due to its rasa (taste) kashaya (astringent) is helpful in stopping the blood. It is also known to be balya(improves strength), dahahara (relieves burning sensation), vayasthapana (anti ageing) etc.
Dosage: 2 tablets should be taken daily two times
Its main ingredients are Ras sindura (formulation of pure mercury), Shudhha Mukta bhasma (purified pearl), Shuddha Swarna bhasma(purified gold) and Shuddha Loh bhasma (purified iron)etc. As discussed above ayurvedic medicine also mentioned the herbs made up through mineral sources also benefitting in many diseases like bleeding disorders, digestive disorders, cold and cough also they provide immune boosting through their actions.
Dosage: 1 tablet to be chewed daily two times
The main ingredients of this formulation are Swarna bhasma (purified gold), Mukta bhasma (pure pearl), Maricha (Piper nigrum) and Gandhak (pure sulphur)etc. This contains zinc and from research, it is stated that it can be helpful in the formation of RBC i.e the reason it can be used in the patient of Raktapitta. This formulation can be given in treating diseases like fever, cold and cough, asthma etc.
Dosage: 1 tablet to be chewed daily after meals two times
It is given to patients for increasing immunity. It has many useful ingredients in it like Grape seed (Vitis Vinifera), Wheatgrass (Triticulum Aestivum), and Spirulina (Spirulina Platensis), Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) and Amla (Embllica Officinalis). The green herbs contain chlorophyll which plays a critical role in increasing the blood oxygen as we know the brain and every tissue works properly if oxygen is sufficiently present.
Dosage: One capsule should be given to the patient twice daily after meals
This formulation is made up of some beneficial ingredients some of them are listed: Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa ), Shunti (Zingiber officinale), Pipali (Piper longum) and Chavya (Piper chaba) etc. It is a very effective iron supplement which is mentioned in Ayurveda Samhitas. The principal ingredient is punarnava which is very effective as an anti-inflammatory, blood purifier and hematinic activities(an agent that tends to increase the production of red cell formation so that increases haemoglobin)
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily after meals
Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) capsules are highly recommended sources to increase vitamins, minerals and ions. It is a very wonderful herb for maintaining good health. Spirulina is very rich in specific proteins which are superior to other forms of proteins obtained from plants. It contains essential 22 amino acids which even some legumes are not able to provide. Spirulina therapeutic indications: allergic conditions, cholesterol level maintenance, anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties etc.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals
Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214040 Or Check Website – www.PlanetAyurveda.com
In the present era, we will know about many diseases which can not be treated by allopathic medicine and that are not well described in them. In the modern system of medicine whenever they do not find any particular symptoms or particular diagnostic features they get confused. On another side, ayurvedic medicine is recognised with great results in these diseases. Ayurvedic medicine is nowadays present with evidence-based approaches that are scientifically proven. In Ayurveda, most of the diseases occur due to variations of Vata, pitta and Kapha which are called Doshas. In this disease pitta dosha is imbalanced and to maintain it different herbs can be used which are mentioned in the medicinal textbooks of Ayurveda and they are able to treat well.