Category: Hypothyroidism

How to Treat Sialadenitis & Sialadenosis Through Ayurveda


The inflammation of salivary glands is known as sialadenitis. Mostly viral and bacterial cause is the reason behind acute form of sialadenitis. Whereas, sialadenosis is a non-inflammatory condition of salivary glands associated with hypertrophy and ductal atrophy. Common inflammation of the parotid gland is more common than that of sub mandibular gland. If the inflammation is not treated it may land into chronic conditions where there is more recurrence rate. In chronic conditions there is usually obstruction due to strictures. This obstructed gland leads to reduced salivary secretion and results in swelling. The exact prevalence of salivary gland inflammation is not known but sub mandibular involvement occurs in 10% of the population. There is no age or gender prediction as it occurs equally in both males and females but it is common in older ones above 50 years of age. History and clinical examination plays an important role in diagnosis of sialadenitis. In this article we will know about clinical features, causes, treatment of sialadenitis and sialadenosis and its management according to Ayurvedic classical texts.


Sialadenitis is a medical condition when the salivary gland’s parenchyma get inflamed and swollen. The function of the salivary gland is to secrete salivary secretions which helps in digestion of food. It can be confused with sialodochitis inflammation of the ductal system of salivary glands. Sailadenitis usually involves a parotid gland which shows recurrent bacterial infection. During acute exacerbation, the parotid is enlarged, tender and pus can be expressed from its duct. There is a rapid onset of pain and swelling in particular glands. Sialadenosis is non neoplastic swelling of salivary glands, there is no inflammation. The swelling is non tender, bilateral and symmetric. Mostly it is associated with systemic disorders. Salivary gland plays a very important role in keeping our oral cavity healthy and protecting from any viral or bacterial infections. These both diseases  (sialadenitis and sialadenosis) are common causes for submandibular gland infection.

Sialadenitis and Sialadenosis


Salivary glands are exocrine glands present in the oral cavity, their function is to secrete saliva which helps in swallowing and digestion of food.

Basically there are three types of salivary glands

  1. Parotid glands ( largest, maximum secretion)
  2. Sub mandibular glands
  3. Sublingual glands

Salivary glands consist of serous cells, myoepithelial cells and mucus cells. The function of salivary glands are as follows-

  • Swallowing and mastication
  • Electrolytes present protects enamel
  • Enzymes help in digestion
  • Proteins present protect from mouth infections.
  • Neutralizes acid
  • Antifungal property
  • Contains calcium and phosphorus
  • Protects from tooth decay


The main pathology behind sialadenitis is blockage of salivary glands. There are various causes but some of them are as follows-

Sialadenitis cause are

  • Infectious cause (viral, bacterial, etc.)
  • Obstructive cause ( stricture, foreign body)
  • Inflammatory
  • Drug induced ( intake of poly medicines)
  • Auto immune
  • Granulomatous
  • Others ( smoking, alcohol, tobacco

Sialadenosis causes are-

  • Metabolic disorders
  • Nutritional disorders ( vitamin deficiency)
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Drug induced
  • Auto immune


The signs and symptoms for sialadenitis and sialadenosis are given below

  • Swelling in cheek and neck
  • Tenderness and pain on chewing  ( in sialadenosis  there is no tenderness
  • Dry mouth (excessive)
  • Fever and chills
  • Pus discharge from mouth
  • Painful lump on the face
  • Redness on face
  • Generalized weakness
  • Hardened swelling and tissues
  • Salivary stones
  • Headache
  • Malaise


The risk factors for Sialadenitis are as following-

  • Dehydration
  • Liver disorders
  • Kidney disorders
  • HIV infection
  • Malnutrition
  • Infants during first weeks of life
  • Unhygienic oral cavity
  • Excessive spicy or sweet food
  • Avoid coffee, tea, soda, etc.
  • Immuno suppression


There are various methods of diagnosis of salivary gland inflammation, some of them are as following-

  • According to Ayurveda darshan, prashan and sparshan ( Medical history and clinical examination)
  • Examining face and neck area
  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Culture and sensitivity test
  • Sialendoscopy
  • Dental x rays
  • Biopsy
  • MRI and CT scans


The line of treatment of sialadenitis and sialadenitis are as follows-

  • Antibiotics (to prevents bacterial infection)
  • Hydration
  • Gland massage therapy
  • NSAIDS ( Non steroids anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Hot compress
  • Good oral hygiene
  • Balanced diet, with plenty of fluids


According to classical Ayurveda texts mukh roga (buccal cavity disorders) has explained in detail and counted 65 disorders in number. Acharya did not particularly mention salivary glands, as we know this disease is caused due to obstruction of salivary glands which leads to decreased secretion and causes dry mouth. So in Ayurveda text it can be correlated with “trishna” excessive thirst due to mouth dryness. It is tridosha disorder when there is predominance of vata and pitta dosha, which causes excessive thirst.

  • In Ayurveda kawal and gandush (oil pulling and gargling) is done with medicated oils and decoction. Some medicinal drugs used are rare Acorus calamus, Aconitum heterophyllum, etc.
  • Nimbu swaras  (lemon juice)
  • Ginger (Zingier officinalis) stimulate salivation


Planet Ayurveda is a well-known herbal product producer company, it has been spread throughout the world. All products are manufactured as described by Acharya’s in Ayurveda texts. Planet Ayurveda provides the best herbal remedies for different diseases. All products are natural, free from chemicals, yeast, etc. There is no substitute for herbs added in the preparations. The best herbal combination provided for sialadenitis & sialadenosis by Planet Ayurveda are as following-

Product List

  1. Curcumin capsules
  2. Septrin tablets
  3. Kaishore guggul
  4. Digestion support
  5. Gum care powder


Remedies for Sialadenitis and Sialadenosis Herbal Remedies for Sialadenitis and Sialadenosis



1. Curcumin capsules

It is standardized capsule formulation prepared from extract of haridra (Curcuma longa), it has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant properties and balances tridosha (vata, pitta and kapha).These capsules help in wound healing, improve skin health and boosts the immune system. They correct body metabolism.

Dosage- One capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Septrin tablets

It is standardized tablet (vati) formulation prepared from extract of guggul (Commiphora mukul), haldi (Curcuma longa), tulsi    (Ocimum sanctum). These tablets work on the ENT disorders, respiratory system and act as an immune booster. It balances all vitiated doshas (vata, pita and kapha dosha). It acts as anti-inflammatory and treats various skin diseases.

Dosage– Two tablets twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

3. Kaishore guggul

Kaishor guggul is a vati preparation mentioned in Ayurveda classical texts. It mainly contains two ingredients triphala – Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and bibhitaki (Terminalia billerica) and guggul (Comiphora mukul). These tablets help in blood circulation and act as a defense mechanism. It has anti- inflammatory, anti – bacterial properties and is used in metabolic disorders. It reduces pain and swelling.

Dosage– two tablets twice a day after meals.

4. Digestion support

It is standardized capsule formulation prepared from extract of different herbal medicines. It contains extract of triphala (amalaki- Emblica officinalis, haritaki- Terminalia chebula, bibhitaki- Terminalia belerica), sounf (Foeniculum vulgerae), pipali (Piper longum), etc. these ingredients are best digestives, and they maintain natural ph balance in stomach and helps in digestion. It maintains pitta imbalance dosha disorders and reduces ama (toxin) formation.

Dosage- One capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Gum care powder

This powder is standardized churna formulation prepared from extract of sonth (Zingier officinalis), mustak (Cyprus rotundas), haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and khadir (Acacia catechu). It plays a very important role in oral hygiene and makes oral mucosa healthy. This powder helps in curing various dental disorders such as dental caries, gingivitis, bleeding gums, etc.

Dosage- Take 3-6 grams of powder and do gargling or apply locally inside the oral cavity and rinse it off after 2-3 minutes with lukewarm water


Sialadenitis and sialadenosis is a salivary gland disorder which can be easily corrected with Ayurveda medications. You can follow above guidelines for salivary gland inflammation but for any kind of adversity in condition you must concern doctors. The team of Planet Ayurveda is available for your problems as they are well qualified and experienced.

Treatment of Thyroid Disease in Ayurveda

Thyroid disorders are usually associated with the Thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that is present in the front of the neck. This gland plays an important role in the regulation of different types of metabolic processes in the human body. Basically, this gland is located in the human body under Adam’s apple and it also surrounds the windpipe present inside the neck. The middle area of the gland is known as Isthmus.


This Isthmus joins the two distinct thyroid lobes on different sides. Normally, this thyroid gland uses Iodine to produce thyroxine which is also known as the T4 hormone. This hormone is the primary hormone produced by the thyroid gland. After the delivery of the T4 hormone to various body tissues through the bloodstream, it gets converted to the T3 hormone which is one of the most active hormones present in the human body. The basic functions of the thyroid gland usually controlled by the feedback mechanism of the brain and also by the pituitary gland as well as the hypothalamus. In Ayurveda, Thyroid disorder is caused due to the change in physical as well as mental stress and lifestyle. In Thyroid disorder, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dusti happen. Any irregularity in these Doshas can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and also cause various types of thyroid disorders.

Different kinds of Thyroid Disorders

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Thyroid nodules
  • Goiter


This thyroid disorder is linked with increased production of thyroid hormones. This condition is less common as compared to the hypothyroidism. Signs and Symptoms are mainly due to increased metabolism. At the early stages, symptoms are not apparent. Some common Signs and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism include

  • Increased heart rate
  • Increase in bowel movements
  • Nervousness
  • Intolerance for Heat
  • Problem in Concentrating
  • Excessive consumption of Iodine
  • Graves’ disease


This thyroid disorder is linked with insufficient or decreased production of thyroid hormones. This disorder is mainly associated with problems within the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, and thyroid gland.

Some Common Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism are

  • Retention of Fluid
  • Joint and Muscle aches
  • Dry Skin
  • Excessive or Prolonged Menstrual bleeding in females
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling “foggy” mentally
  • Poor concentration
  • Resistance of Thyroid hormone
  • Inflammation of the thyroid


Goiter disease is associated with enlargement of the thyroid gland without any cause. The disorder of goiter is associated with Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, or normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Thyroid Nodules

Basically nodules are abnormal masses and lumps that are formed inside the thyroid gland. The major reason behind the formation of nodules is benign tumors as well as benign cysts. These nodules are different in size either they are single or multiple. If the nodules are excessively large in size, then these nodules may cause symptoms that are related to compression of nearby structures.

Thyroid Cancer

Women are more prone to this disorder as compare to men. There are various types of thyroid cancer that usually depend upon the inflammation of a specific type of cell within the thyroid that has become carcinogenic.

Treatment of Thyroid Disorders

There are different types of allopathic medications that are used for the treatment of thyroid disorder but these medications only slow down the progression of diseases. Allopathic medicines do not treat these disorders permanently they also reduce their symptoms. But sometimes these medications also produce different types of side effects after their interactions with other medicines. Such side effects produce unwanted changes in the body of a person who is suffering from a thyroid disorder. However, in order to prevent the cases of adverse effects, doctors of Planet Ayurveda prepared various natural and herbal remedies for the permanent treatment of thyroid Diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. All the medicines are prepared after combining the principles of Ayurveda along with modern technology. All the remedies are 100% authentic and do not contain any type of preservative, chemical agents such as flavoring, coloring or sweetening agent and additives. They are prepared from pure and natural herbs. The two different types of packs offered by Planet Ayurveda for the management of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are as follows

For the treatment of Hypothyroidism

Plant Ayurveda recommended Hypothyroid Care Pack which is specially prepared by the doctors of Planet Ayurveda for the treatment of Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroid Care Pack contains the following products


1. Chanderprabha Vati

Chanderprabha Vati tablets are very useful for the treatment of signs and symptoms that are linked with Hypothyroidism such as Muscle stiffness, Joints inflammation and Dry skin, etc. These tablets are free from any side effects and they are effective against the treatment of Hypothyroidism

Dosage: 2 Tablets 2 times a day after meals.

2. Hakam Churna

This powder is a wonderful blend of different types of herbs such as Kalonji (Nigella sativa), Chandershoor (Lepidium sativum), Ajwain (Trachyspermum Ammi) and Methi (Trigonella foenum graecum). This churna promote the function of important thyroid hormones and prevent different kinds of symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Dosage: 1 teaspoonful powder 2 times a day with plain water after meals.

3. Gugullipid

These capsules are formulated from Guggual resin (Commiphora Mukul), Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum) and Pippali (Piper longum). All the herbs maintain a balance between thyroid hormones and reduce symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Dosage: 2 Capsules 2 times a day with plain water after meals.

4. Gotu Kola capsules

These capsules are formulated from the pure extract of Gotu kola (Centella Asiatica). These capsules are effective against mental stress, fatigue as well as lethargy which are the main symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Dosage: 2 Capsules 2 times a day with plain water after meals.

For the treatment of Hyperthyroidism


Planet Ayurveda provides Hyperthyroidism Care Pack for the Effective treatment of Hyperthyroidism. This care pack included the following products:

1. Immune Booster

Immune Booster capsules are prepared by combining four different types of herbs such as Grapeseed (Vitis vinifera), Cow colostrums (Bovine colostrums), Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri) and Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis). These capsules boost the immune system and protect the body from different types of infections that are common with hyperthyroidism.

Dosage: 2 Capsules 2 times a day

2. Weight Gain Formula

This remedy helps a patient to gain suitable weight and it is prepared from different kinds of herbs such as Ashwagandha, Vidang, Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, Amalaki, Saunf, Pippali as well as Zeerak.

Dosage: 2 Capsules 2 times a day.

3. Shatavari Capsules

This product is prepared is formulated from the standardized and pure extract of Shatavari herb. These capsules promote the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Moreover, it also helps to gain weight. Shatavari herb is used to prevent the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Dosage: 2 Capsules 2 times a day