Category: Kidney Health

How to Reduce the Swelling of Your Body During Pregnancy


The decision of having a baby is pivotal. At the stage when a child is born, the child’s mother is also born. A female exists before, but not as a mother. This feeling is something new and different. With this new experience, new problems are also felt and one of the problem is swelling of ankles, feet and sometimes of other parts. This problem of swelling can be reduced through natural and ayurvedic ways. These ways include the combination of home remedies and herbal remedies. But before this you should know about the conditions and reasons of this problem during pregnancy.


What exactly the pregnancy swelling is?

During pregnancy, you get a mild swelling all over your body but especially around your feet and ankles. The range of swelling can fluctuate according to the different conditions.

Why this swelling occurs?

This swelling is due to accumulation of body fluids in both, baby and mother. The body fluids increase to accumulate in the tissues which results in increase blood flow and pressure on the uterus, pelvic veins and vena cava, the large vein. This flow and pressure cause swelling of body parts, particularly of feet and ankles due to gravity. The hands also get swollen.

At what time you feel this condition of swelling?

This problem of swelling arises between the weeks of 22 to 27 of pregnancy. This condition remains as it is until a women gives birth to a child.

Risks that can be associated with this swelling

The mild swelling of feet and ankles is normal. But with this swelling, your hands and face also experience swelling and your face just looks like a puffy bean with other symptoms such as high weight, high blood pressure and high protein in urine, are a thing of concern.

The problem of swelling can be treated through natural ways and some lifestyle changes. Now, what do you mean by natural ways. The natural ways includes the things of nature. These are herbs, trees, natural minerals and nutrients. Plants play major role on earth, not only in providing oxygen but also to cure for various diseases. A medicinal system that uses these herbs as a remedy to treat ailments is known as Ayurveda.

AYURVEDA is an ancient medicinal form of India that treats the disorders by using the combination of herbs, body type and the disease type. This form is the treatment that provides relief in all aspects, body and mind. The basis on which this works is the five elements e.g. air, space, earth, fire and water. These elements combine to form three doshas that control body functioning.

Air and space – vata doshas, this controls nerve impulses, respiration and elimination.

Fire – pitta doshas, controls growth and protection.

Earth and water – kapha doshas, controls the metabolism.

Ayurvedic view of Swelling during pregnancy

In Ayurveda human conception is compared with germination and sprouting of a seed and its transformation into a plant. Same as a seed form and sprout, human’s male and female seeds unite and garbha (embryo) is created. In Ayurveda, there are around total nine diseases that originate in pregnancy. One of them is swelling of feet and ankles it develops in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy. This should be treated with mild herbal formulations that don’t harm fetus and mother.

Planet Ayurveda has herbal formulations for swelling during pregnancy.

Planet Ayurveda provides following formulations that consists of fruitful herbs which has significant effect in pregnancy swelling.

  1. Amla Saar
  2. Shatavari Capsules
  3. Spirulina Capsules
  4. Coral Calcium Complex

Herbal Formulations For Swelling During Pregnancy

Product Description


Amla saar is made up from a magnificent herb, amla that consists of properties like anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant etc. These properties help amla to cure the problem of swelling.

Regular consumption of amla saar reduces the swelling of hands and feet.

Dosage : 3 teaspoon two times a day with equal quantity of water.


Shatavari is known to treat the problems related to reproductive system. This helps to boost up the immunity, tones uterus and helps to increase the flow of vaginal fluids. These overall functions helps to remove extra fluid from the tissues and lowers the swelling during pregnancy.

Dosage : 2 capsules two times a day.


Spirulina is enriched with various properties like anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, vitamins and minerals that helps to lower down the swelling, fights with free radicals and stress (mental and physical).

So these are given in the case of pregnancy swelling.

Dosage : 2 capsules two times a day.


Coral calcium complex is a natural formulation hat is rich with calcium component that helps to maintain body health, immunity and muscle health during pregnancy. This provides way to fight against infections and inflammation or swelling problems. So this is very beneficial in case of pregnancy swelling.

Dosage : 1 capsule two times a day after meal with plain water.

Expect these, there are some home remedies that can be acquired to treat the problem of pregnancy swelling

1. Use contrast hydrotherapy

  • Fill two to three foot tubs, one with cold and other with hot.
  • Soak the feet in warm for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then immediately after in cold for one minute.
  • Continue the process for 15 minutes, two times a day.

2. Do massage regularly with ginger oil, mustard or olive oil.

3. Consume some ginger tea every day.

4. Take coriander seeds. Soak them in one glass of water and then boil. Drain and cool it down. Consume this once in a day.

5. Relax yourself and put your legs and feet slightly elevated in an anti-gravity mode. This helps to provide relief from swelling in the pregnancy.

Best Home Remedies For Water Retention


Human body is made up of 70% of water. In the human body around 50% body fat contains water, also 75% of muscle tissues are made up of water. Due to any reason if there is increase in the water retention in the body, it can be alarm to many health problems. This condition is also named as edema, in which a medical term given to the excessive water retention. This water retention can be removed by various techniques, but the best thing we can do to use home remedies for the reduction in water retention.

Water Retention


There may be many reasons for the water retention, some are as below

  • Unbalanced diet
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Overuse of drugs
  • Dehydration
  • Menopause
  • Many diseases like Thyroid, Arthritis etc.
  • Liver diseases
  • Kidney disorders
  • Excessive use of salt and sugar in diet
  • Lack of potassium, vitamins, calcium, proteins and amino acids in diet


To analyze the condition of water retention, we can correlate the following symptoms

  • Puffy face
  • Problem in opening eyes, due to swelling during wakeup time in the morning
  • Bloated feeling
  • Swelling in the body like face and other parts of the body
  • Swelling in joints and adjacent area, like ankles, hands, wrists and feet

Home cures for water retention treatment

1. Garlic to address water retention

The use of garlic can help in getting rid of water retention, as it is the effective natural diuretic food. It is known for removing toxins and excess water from the body. It is known for breaking down the fat molecules as well, which helps in reducing the fat content and hence fights against obesity.

2. Consume more water

To remove water retention from the body, you need to drink lots of water. In routine life a person should at least drink 8 glasses of water per day. Also the consumption of water should be even over the day. The proper time gap should be there in between the water intake. If a person does not maintain this gap and drink too much water in the short period of time, he/she can suffer of water poisoning or hyper hydration. If a person can take water which is purified of dehydrating salt or minerals, can be more effective.

3. Reduce salt intake

The water retention is more in those people who use to consume more salt. Salt attributes to the high level of water retention and leads to the clogging in the water tissue. If you will avoid salt for few days there will be decrease in the water retention in the body. If a person can reduce salt consumption to as less as 0.5 grams for a few days, can help him to get rid of the water retention. If you are avoiding salt, you can use herbs and spices instead of it.

4. Reduction in the sugar intake

Sugar is a big factor behind the most common metabolic disorder named diabetes, due to which the body suffers a lot. It increases the general insulin level and results in the decrease of body’s ability to digest sodium. This leads to the accumulation of excessive salt in the body, which contributes to water retention. So we can say, sugar indirectly aggravate the in water retention. So getting rid of increase in the blood sugar the person should avoid excessive sweet cakes, candies, soda, cookies and sugary cereals.

5. Use of natural diuretic

Naturally available diuretic can be used or consumed to reduce the water retention in the body. Diuretic medicines available in the market are helpful in reducing the water retention, but these possess lots of side-effects of these drugs and are often prescribed to those who are from excessive water retention. Natural diuretics can be used instead of diuretic medicines. Some natural diuretics are as below

Cranberry juice can be used as natural diuretic, it can be consumed anytime a day. It is very refreshing and can be used in liberal quantities to getting rid of water retention.

Cabbage is very effective natural diuretic. Leaves of cabbage can be used in salad or can be chew directly to get best result. It is the best home remedy to reduce the water retention. Some other natural diuretics are celery, celery seed, green tea, tea leaf, fennel, nettle, dandelion, apple cider vinegar, parsley and juniper berries, which are known as effective home remedies to reduce water retention.

6. Exercise or physical workout

To stay healthy, physical activity is very important to add in routine life. The excess water reduction can be easily done by exercising. Some exercises like or playing tennis, badminton, walking, running and cycling, increase the physical activity and results in the loss of excessive water accumulation in the body. Along with water, exercises expel all the toxins, salts and other wastes out from the body. Exercises can also help in reducing blood sugar, burn fats and balance the metabolic system.

7. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol though an initial diuretic, turns into a potent cause of dehydration. This forces the body to retain even more water. Replace alcohol intake it herbal teas or green tea, which are known diuretics without negative side effects.

8. Potassium rich food

Water retention can also be because of lack of potassium in the body. The use of some fruits or vegetables rich in potassium can be used to reduce the excess water from the body. The use of banana is the best to reduce the problem of water retention in the body, because it is the richest source of the potassium. Some other names are; strawberries, raisins, apricot, blackberries, peaches, spinach, fresh mushrooms, bell peppers, oranges, raspberries and apples.

9. Herbal tea

The regular use of herbal teas can be effective in reducing the water retention from the body. These are diuretic in nature and help in removing the excess water from the body. The use of herbal teas can prevent a person from many diseases and also are safe with no side-effects.

10. High water content foods

The consumption of foods with high water content can also be helpful in reducing water content from the body. The list of fruits or vegetables with high water content is as follows; cucumbers, artichokes, lettuce, watermelon, tomatoes, watercress, asparagus, cabbage, oats, sprouts and carrots. These fruits and vegetables are rich in water content and can be helpful in preventing many disorders in the body. The above mentioned home remedies can be effective to reduce the water content from the body. These are helpful in reducing swelling and other disorders related to the water retention.

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