Herbal Remedies for Water Retention, Fluid Retention & Edema treatment
It is rightly said that “Health is Wealth”, it is biggest fact of life. If some one not feel good that cannot enjoy their life and feel conscious in front of others. There are different factors like lifestyle, eating habits which are responsible for health complications. Here we will discuss about various aspects of edema or water retention.
What is water retention?
Water retention means accumulation of water or fluid in the body tissues which results in swelling. Swelling is a simple problem which denotes serious underlying pathology.
It is also called fluid retention or edema.
It can affect any part of body but it is most commonly seen in arms, legs, hands, feet and ankles. It affects the healing process that may cause skin infection and affect blood circulation. It is not considered as disease but it indicates that something went wrong in body.
It is characterized by symptoms such as swelling of body parts like hands, feet, legs, aching, increase the size of abdomen, dimpling of skin after pressing for few seconds, weight fluctuations. It can be caused by different factors like increase intake of sodium, heart problems, kidney problems, stress, lack of exercise, pregnancy, lifestyle, malnutrition, surgery, certain medications, and poor circulation.
As per Ayurveda, edema is Shvathuor Shotha roga. The cause of edema as per Ayurveda is vitiation of all three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. Accumulation of ama is also responsible for shotha which is caused due to obstruction of channels. These are categorized into different categories according to doshas involved- vataj edema, pittaj edema and kaphaj edema.
When causative factor attacks the body then vata, pitta, kapha and rakta (blood) are vitiated and then eneters into blood and enters the circulation. Due to defect in circulation it put negative effect on muscles (mamsa) and skin (twak) and which results in edema.
To cure this problem one should be careful and take a simple step towards such problems. Ayurveda offers herbal remedies for different disease condition without any side effects. As per Ayurveda one should get relief from problem with the help of healthy diet and lifestyle along with herbal medicines.
There are various effective herbal remedies which helps to reduce edema or swelling. These remedies not only help to reduce the swelling and also provide strength to body.
Planet Ayurveda is one of the best herbal manufacturing company which provides 100% pure and natural herbal medicines for many disease conditions. Some of herbal remedies for edema or water retention of Planet Ayurveda are explained below

Punarnava Capsules are prepared from pure extract of herb Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). This herbal formulation is free from any chemicals, preservatives, color and starch. This helps to manage the fluid retention in the body and also has ability to balance the three doshas in the body mainly kapha dosha because vitiation of kapha dosha results in severe edema.
Dosage : One capsule two times in a day with plain water.
Punarnava Mandur are classical Ayurvedic tablets which are useful in many health complications. These are diuretic in nature. It helps in management of fluid accumulation, swelling, renal failure, liver failure and many other problems related with accumulation of fluid in the body tissues.
These tablets are obtained from different herbs which are given below
- Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa)
- Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
- Pippali (Piper longum)
- Maricha (Piper nigrum)
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
- Piper chaba (Chavya)
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
- Chitrak mool (Plumbago zeylanica)
- Mandoor bhasma (Ferric oxide calx)
This herbal formulation helps provide the relief from the problems associated with edema like swelling in legs, hands, arms, ankle and feet.
Dosage : 2 tablets twice in a day with plain water
Trinpanchmool ghan vati is an amazing formulation by planet ayurveda to manage the problem of edema. This herbal formulation is available in the form of tablets and is an amazing blend of various herbs which are given below
- Kusha (Desmostachya bipinnata)
- Kasha (Saccharum spontaneum)
- Shara (Ceratophyllus submersum)
- Darbha (Cynodon dactylon)
- Ikshu (Saccharum officinarum)
It helps to manage the water retention in the body. It also helps to balance the tridoshas, mainly kapha dosha because vitiated kapha dosha leads to severe edema. This herbal formulation helps provide the relief in the problems associated with edema like swelling in legs, hands, arms, ankle and feet.
Dosage : 2 tablets twice in a day with plain water.
Diet & lifestyle recommendations
“Say no to these foods if you are suffering from edema”
Some of the diet tips are here which helps during edema
- Avoid intake of salt. Because high sodium level results in pittaj edema.
- Avoid processed food.
- Limit intake of carbohydrates.
- Take fibre rich diet.
- Avoid smoking and drinking.
- Do regular exercise.