Low Sperm Count Treatment With Home Remedies
Low sperm count Worry not
If you are someone who’s thinking that a progenitive issue probably means a reproductive apocalypse, then let us happily lay it down for you as it is not. Because like everything else, a problem can be sorted out with a sensible approach. As the procreant urge of the world has been always going up and down every now and then, the tumors and wrong information regarding the same are numerous too. Filtering out the healthy information is a confusing task; nobody wants to risk it by accepting the false info. Especially when there is something bothering you about procreative abilities.
Just like the magazine’s layout glorifying information of women’s reproductive health and menstrual hygiene, there is a need for genuine documentation on men’s health and vitality as well.

Low sperm count
The fertilizing ability of a spermatozoa highly depends upon the semen quality in a man. Male infertility and problems on semen quality are rising globally these days and have been reported world wide in major continents hence it’s important to understand the issue at hand. Decline in semen quality is the underlying reason behind most male infertility cases.
The proactive mechanisms of a sperm is activated during their genesis and epididymal maturation but a number of factors result in their low quality. The reasons may vary from
- Poor nutrition
- Sedentary habits
- Oxidative stress resulting in free radical damage over sperm
- Genetic factors
- Other physiological differences
- Chemical exposure (Pesticides, heavy metals, certain industrial substances etc)
- Weight management issues
- Alcoholism
- Tobacco
These are mere postulated data but the reasons may vary from person to person.
We have easy diagnostic methods and treatments for male infertility with a known etiology but those without one might require a hard-nosed approach. And in the science of Ayurveda what matters isn’t just someone’s sexuality and physical wellness, the incredibly impressive psyche is the foundation for a healthy existence.
Normal sperm count
Normal sperm count is also known as normal sperm concentration and it is recorded as the semen with an average of 15 million sperm per millimeter and this is most likely to fertilize an egg.
Other factors determining quality of the semen includes, motility of sperm, and it’s morphology.
5 food items that will naturally boost your sperm count and sperm quality
1. Milk and Honey
Both of which have been advised by the ancient science of Ayurveda for its immunomodulatory and restorative actions. Milk is known for increasing vitality, nourishment of Dhatus (tissues) including reproductive tissues, it is a very well known aphrodisiac, and is regenerative in addition.
Honey curtails the solidified elements and fat along with its healing action and both milk and honey together work efficiently for sperm and semen quality.
2. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is rich with L- arginine HCL, which is an amino acid attributed to higher sperm count and quality when consumed in limited quantities. The researchers are of the opinion that “The darker the chocolate, the healthier the sperm will be.” These are known to help with better ejaculate, sperm count and motility all together.
3. Water
Water is that magical element which is more than hyped when it comes to clear skin, to lose weight, and even not to be left out in the case of reproductive health. Semen is highly liquid based and consumption of water helps in improved sperm production. But what needs to be taken care of is the diuretics you consume as well in a day like the caffeine. Diuretic food articles result in lower sperm counts hence it’s important to ensure that they are cut down while you maintain proper water consumption.
4. Pomegranates
Pomegranates are known for their antioxidant properties and ability to increase the blood circulation throughout the body. They reduce the inflammatory conditions and risks of cardiovascular diseases.
Pomegranates helps with the surge of testosterone, improves sperm quality and increases the sex drive. The antioxidants inside the pomegranate help the sperm fight against the oxidative radicals that cause damage.
5. Tomatoes
The most commonly available things like kitchen tomatoes have amazing health benefits. The cooked tomatoes possess an enriched lycopene content, which is a dietary supplement and the studies have proved that the same antioxidant significantly improves sperm motility, activity and structure helping with much better reproductive functions in men. Most common infertility issues like lower sperm count or erectile dysfunctions are taken care of by this commonly available red veggie.
Other food items that assists reproductive health in males include
Walnuts : Walnuts and similar nuts are a storehouse of healthy fats and proteins.
Omega-3 fatty acids and Arginine content inside the walnuts help to boost the volume of sperm and promote blood flow to the testicles. In addition, the antioxidants remove the toxins from the bloodstream as well.
Spinach and Asparagus : Folic acid content in green leafy vegetables helps in healthy fertilization. The rich vitamin C content in Asparagus helps protect the testicular cells which inturn will pave way to better sperm counts.
Banana : Vitamins A, B1 and C help the body in the manufacture of stronger and healthier sperm. Bromelain along with these vitamins helps in maintaining healthy sperm quality.
Zinc-rich food items : Milk products, red meat, grains, poultry, and barley are rich and help in maintaining reproductive health.
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So for all those men who are looking forward to a natural assistance for your overall virility, vitality and reproductive health, these are your easier ways to give a try which will naturally unriddle the flaws you are concerned about. In case of any query kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com