Category: Prostate Health

Ayurvedic Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome or Prostatitis


Chronic pelvic pain syndrome or prostatitis is an all too common male genitourinary condition characterized by episodes of pain and discomfort, usually in an unpredictable manner. In the normal adult, the prostate weighs approximately 20gm. It is a retroperitoneal organ encircling the neck of the bladder and urethra and is devoid of different capsules. Classically, the prostate has been divided into five lobes, two of which are attributed distinctive significance in the development of tumors and benign enlargements.  The first five lobes include a posterior, middle, anterior and two lateral lobes. But some investigations show that these five lobes become fused into three distinct lobes, two major lateral lobes and a small median lobe which presumably includes the classic posterior lobe.  In this article we will discuss how an infection can affect the prostate and what symptoms it will cause. In addition we will also consider the ayurvedic aspect of prostatitis conditions and what formulations are best for its management.


Male chronic pelvic pain syndrome or chronic prostatitis is an urological disorder that can affect males in any age. If we understand in terms of chronic pelvic pain syndrome then prostatitis is termed as category 3 prostatitis or chronic prostatitis. The pain in the pelvis is associated in 90% of the cases and represents itself as the primary symptom of non bacterial prostatitis.the etiology for this condition is not fully understood so the treatment options vary according to age and severity of symptoms. Chronic prostatitis affects younger men aging upto 45 years. These patients can present with perineal and genital pain that can be of continuing nature. The prevalence of this condition in asia is estimated to be 2.7-8.7%. Prostatitis is termed as chronic when it is around 3 months or more.

Pelvic Pain


The chronic form of prostatitis can be due to bacterial invasion or can also present without bacterial invasion. In chronic pelvic pain syndrome the prostate is of non bacterial form. The reasons for the onset of this condition are not known but can be associated with the previous bacterial prostatitis. Other causes that can be included are psychological stress and damage to the urinary tract (can be the result of surgery or any blunt kind of physical injury). This abacterial type of prostatitis is sometimes termed as prostatosis.

Histological presentation of chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is a much more common condition than the acute form. When correctly diagnosed should be restricted to those cases of inflammatory reaction in the prostate characterized by the aggregation of numerous lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages as well as neutrophils within the prostatic substance. It should be pointed out that  in the normal senile chnages,  aggregations of lymphocytes are prone to appear in the fibromuscular stroma of this gland. All too often, such nonspecific aggregates are diagnosed as chronic prostatitis, even though the pathognomonic inflammatory cells, that is the macrophages and neutrophils are not present.

Symptoms of prostatitis

It can start with the local symptoms like low back pain, discomfort and then slowly will associate with frequent micturation especially at bedtimes, dysuria (pain during micturation), difficulty in urination, sense of urgency when you need to urinate, tenderness or pain in perineum, the space between scrotum and anus. Pateint may present with symptoms like sextual dysfunction and some systemic conditions like urine retention. Pain may also be present in penis or testicles, as mentioned earlier the condition is quite common in young males so difficulty in ejaculation is also a very important symptom. Either the patient will have above described symptoms or may just present with recurrent urinary tract infection.

Ayurvedic prospect

In Ashtanga hridaya acharya vagbhata mentioned that due to vitiated vata a glandular, hard, stone like, stable and predominant structure occurs between the passage of malamarga (rectum) and basti (urinary bladder). This results in obstruction of mala, mootra and apana vayu and thus symptoms like pain, dysuria, urgency, increased frequency occurs. (Ashtang hridaya nidaan sthana 9/23-24 ). Above mentioned stanza indicated towards enlargement of the prostate which can be noticed in benign prostate hypertrophy, prostatitis and prostatic cancer.


In local examination per rectal examination is done to check any swelling or inflammation in the prostate. Other test might include the following:

  1. Urine test
  2. Semen test
  3. Blood test
  4. Prostate biopsy
  5. Ultrasound of prostate and urethra
  6. Cystoscopy

Treatment of Chronic pelvic pain syndrome or prostatitis

In modern medicine a limited and varying medication is prescribed due to the non understandable cause of this condition. Prescriptions usually include non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, alpha blockers, muscle relaxants and psychological therapy for stress and anxiety. If nothing works then finally surgery is suggested. Ayurveda manages a condition according to its root cause. Generally vrishya and rasayan, shoothanashak, herbs that inhibit 5a reductase inhibiting activities (5a reductase are the enzymes that convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone which is important for the inflammation progression of the prostate) like saw palmetto, prunus africana etc. and diuretic drugs.

Planet Ayurveda Which Is An Herbal Manufacturing Company Offers Its Products For The Management Of Prostatitis. These Products Are Totally Herbal and Do Not Cause Any Side Effects. The Products That Offered By Planet Ayurveda For the Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Are

  1. Prostate support Tablets
  2. Mahashankh vati
  3. varunadi vati
  4. Boswellia curcumin
  5. Punarnava capsules

Herbal Remedies For Chronic Pelvic Pain And Prostatitis

Chronic Pelvic Pain And Prostatitis

1. Prostate support tablets

These  tablets are exclusively formulated to support the functioning of the prostate, reduce inflammation and prevent urine retention and dysuria. The herbs that are included in this formulation are gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), varuna (Crataeva nurvala), Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata), punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and saralghan (Pinus roxburghii). All of these herbs are potent to reduce prostate inflammation, reduce pain and prevent urine urgency frequency and retention.

Dose: Two capsules twice a day after meals.

2. Mahashankh vati

Mahashankh vati is formulated to help in the enhancement of digestion and also relieves symptoms like bloating and indigestion due to malaavrodha in prostatitis. It is a classical formulation and is manufactured using piper longum, chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), danti (Baliospermum montanum) and many more.

Dose: Two tablets twice a day after meals.

3. Varunadi Vati

It is a classical formulation which is formulated using shuddha guggul (Commiphora mukul), gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), varun (Crataeva nurvala), and punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa). Gokshur and punarnava are famous for their diuretic actions and varuna is having diuretic properties and also has laxative properties. Varunadi vatti is also used as a non hormonal preparation for managing benign hypertrophy of prostate and also for avoiding residual urine in void.

Dose: Two tablets twice a day after meals.

4. Boswellia curcumin

Boswellia curcumin capsules are manufactured using two potent and effective herbs which are Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Haridra (Curcuma longa). Both of these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that help in reduction of swelling and pain.

Dose: One capsule twice daily after meals.

5. Punarnava Capsules

Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa) is a very potent herb that helps in excretion of excess fluid in form of urine and also helps in enhancing bladder functions. These capsules are made from the standardized extract of punarnava.

Dose: One capsule twice daily after meals.


Prostatitis is very common in young males and the reasons for this condition are not clear. Ayurvedic management of this condition is very much possible using above mentioned formulations. Prostatitis should not be ignored for long otherwise hydronephrosis due to prolonged urine retention can be noticed and indigestion symptoms can exacerbate. In case of any query kindly visit

Best Ancient Herbs and Remedies for Restoring Healthy Prostate


Prostate is a small, walnut sized, muscular gland of the male reproductive system. This gland is situated around the urethra and its function is making the most of the seminal fluid. Further, the muscular action of this small gland helps in ejection of semen and fluid through penis at the end of the sexual intercourse. But, with advancing age and due to some other factors there is gradual enlargement of the prostate leading to various diseases such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostate cancer. Let’s know about the signs and symptoms of enlarged prostate and its possible causes along with some best Ayurvedic herbs to maintain the health of the prostate.

enlarged prostate disease


Clinical manifestations of enlarged prostate include the increased frequency and urgency to urinate especially during night hours, weakening of the urine stream, dribbling at the end of micturition and a constant feeling of incomplete evacuation of the bladder even after urination. These symptoms are often accompanied with recurrent urinary tract infections, anuria (inability to pass urine) or haematuria (blood in urine).


The enlargement of the prostate is considered as a normal process with the aging process and there is no exact explanation for this. But the hormonal theory is formulated to best suit the pathophysiology of enlarged prostate in an aged person. With the advancing age of the males, there is gradual increase in 5-alpha reductase type 2 enzymes, which is responsible for converting testosterone to dihysro-testosterone (DHT) which further acts an androgen receptors on stromal and epithelial cells resulting in the activation or enhanced secretion of growth factors like FGF and TGF-beta, that leads to the proliferation of stromal cells and reduced apoptosis of epithelial cells.

This process of hormonal changes can be delayed or prevented by following the adequate diet pattern and lifestyle and use of certain Ayurvedic herbs. These are:


Best Ayurvedic herbs for aiding the maintenance of a healthy prostate includes the group of best herbal diuretics and the medicines for strengthening the urinary tract including the prostate gland and improving the functions of the prostate. These herbs include the best herbal diuretics such as varun, gokshura and punarnava along with shilajit, guggul, and kachnaar that play an efficient role in strengthening the urinary tract and regulating the normal growth of cells of the prostate, also maintaining the hormonal balance. Beneficial properties of these herbs in prostate health is as-

1. Varun-(Crataeva nurvala)


(Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu Vatadivargah 65-66)

Varun is pungent, and bitter in taste, dry, lite, having properties to balance pitta, laxative, and appetizer in qualities. Also it helps in relieving the dysuria conditions, urolithiasis, abdominal tumours or other overgrowths, gout and worm infestations. Out of these qualities, the property of varun is to relieve mutrakrichta (difficulty in urination) along with anti-inflammatory properties due to which it helps in gulma (overgrowths or tumours). It can help in improving the prostate condition.

2. Gokshura-(Tribulus terrestris)


(Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu Guduchyadi Varga 44-46)

In this phrase, the word vastishodhanah means the primary action of the herb is promoting the purification of vasti (bladder and urinary tract including urethra and prostate), also vrishya word means it is aphrodisiac by its direct action on the seminal fluid and its route, also it helps in maintaining the good levels of testosterone and thus preventing BPH or other prostate enlargements, and krichanut word signifies the diuretic action of this herb.

3. Guggul-(Commiphora mukul)


(Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu Karpuradi Varga 38-41)
Here, Sarvadoshha in this phrase is the significance of the multi-purpose use of this herbal extract. This word means that guggul is beneficial in maintaining the adequate balance of tridosha also, its vrishya action is useful in maintaining the proper health of prostate cells for promoting the aphrodisiac property, it is balya which aids strengthening of bladder and prostate gland. Further, its anti-inflammatory action in various inflammatory disorders is elicited by the word granthishothanjiyet.

4. Punarnava-(Boerhavia Diffusa)


(Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu Guduchyadi Varga 234-235)

Punarnava is also a herbal diuretic like varun and gokshura, along with it is used for its anti-inflammatory action. Regular use of this herb promotes the free secretion of excessive amounts of fluid in the body. It helps in the formation of a good stream of urine by clearing the obstruction offered by an enlarged prostate.

5. Shilajit (Asphaltum)


(Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu Dhatvadi Varga 78-81)

Apart from these herbs, Shilajit is also a well known Ayurvedic mineral obtained from rocks which is purified and used for medicinal purposes. Shilajit plays a key role in clearing the tracts of seminal fluids and maintaining sexual wellness in males.

Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda being a globally emerging herbal production unit manufactures the herbal or herbomineral formulations in strict adherence to the ayurvedic texts. These formulations that are made with ancient time tested formulas.

The Planet Ayurveda’s experts on the basis of their experience suggested the best combination of classical formulations and self formulated drugs included under the Prostate Care Pack for the better restoration of healthy prostate. The pack consist of four herbal or herbomineral formulations.

  1. Shilajit Capsules
  2. Varunadi Vati
  3. Kachnaar Guggul
  4. Tribulus Power

These products contain all the herbs and minerals mentioned above like Shilajit capsules are made from the standardised extract of Asphaltum. Varunadi vati ingredients include punarnava, varun, guggul etc. and Tribulus Power is the standardised extract of Tribulus terrestris. Kachnaar guggul is the best classical formulation for the various inflammatory conditions. Old age in males is generally associated with prostate enlargement (Prostatitis, BPH, prostate cancer etc.) this formulation helps in reducing the excess swelling and promoting the free passage of urine . The contents of kanchnar guggul include kachnar bark, amalaki (Emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), ginger and guggul etc. These ingredients not only reduce swelling but promote the strengthening of cells of the prostate gland.


Regular use of these above mentioned herbs or formulation along with some diet and lifestyle alterations will help in preventing the various consequences of enlargement of the prostate. Maintain and restore the health of the prostate with Ayurvedic herbs and stay happy.For further information kindly visit