Natural Treatment for Physical and Mental Fatigue
Fatigue is not just tiredness. Fatigue can make it tough to get out of bed in the morning and avert a person from completing their daily activities. We know sportsmen are exhausted in many ways, but it’s not just physical tiredness that’s affecting their performance. As we study Fatigue Science, we discuss reduced alertness, effectiveness and reaction time – all of which evident in the form of sub-optimal athletic performance.
This mental fatigue results from improper sleep or when our daily routine activities fall outside of our biological need like sleep at night and be active in the day time – it is not considered under physical fatigue. Physical and mental fatigue are different but they can occur together, like repeated physical exertion can result in mental fatigue with time. Eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical exercise can help many people to reduce fatigue. Try to know about underlying causative factors and treating them helps to cure fatigue. In this article we will look at the types of fatigue, causes, treatment and know about the Ayurvedic aspect of fatigue.
Fatigue is a symptom not a particular health disease. Fatigue is associated with many health conditions and lifestyle factors. The majority of us have the same feeling after a prolonged physical or mental activity that completely resolves after rest. But if the feeling of tiredness is prolonged, progressive, severe and occurs without much exertion then it is a case of concern.
Fatigue is of two main types Physical and Mental fatigue. People with physical fatigue find it hard to do physical activity as they normally used to do due to muscle weakness. Mental fatigue makes you feel overwhelmed and drains you emotionally and it seems like your problems and responsibilities are impossible to overcome.
Classification of Fatigue
There are two main types of Fatigue
- Physical Fatigue
- Mental Fatigue
1. Physical Fatigue
The overall feeling of lack of energy and tiredness is termed as physical fatigue. When a person finds it hard to do the things they usually do in their daily activities like climbing stairs or walking. Then this is not just a feeling of tiredness or sleepiness but along with that one may feel lack of motivation or loss of energy. Various disease conditions ranging from mild to severe can cause the symptom of fatigue, while some of our lifestyle choices like improper diet or excessive exercise also naturally result in physical fatigue.
If the fatigue doesn’t reformed after a proper nutrition and diet. then you must notice any underlying medical condition, immediately and get yourself properly evaluated by a doctor. A doctor helps you in diagnosing the cause of the unexplained fatigue.
Mental Fatigue
Do you constantly feel emotionally and mentally drained and deluged most of the time? If yes, then you are said to be suffering from mental fatigue. Mental fatigue is mostly triggered by extended cognitive activity that leaves you exhausted, hampers your productivity and overall rational function. It most commonly presents itself as a mental block, irritability, and a lot of stress, loss of appetite and insomnia. Mental exertion has both short-term and long-term effects. If left untreated, it is responsible for a humongous variety of health issues that also includes anxiety and leaves you tired out. Various research have suggested that constant mental exertion poses a huge impact on your physical tolerance.
Fatigue is concerned with many health conditions and lifestyle factors. It can be a symptom of many underlying conditions, Some of them are
- Fatigue is a common symptom of lack of good quality sleep. There are many conditions which result in disturbing sleep such as restless leg syndrome, any consistent body pain, myalgic encephalomyelitis, any autoimmune disorder or sleep apnea.
- Fatigue can be a symptom of clinical depression, stress, anxiety, emotional exertion.
- Sudden change in daily lifestyle activities.
- Sudden withdrawal of any ongoing medication.
- Increased Intake of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.
- Shocking life changing incidents like marriage, divorce, sudden death of loved ones.
- Ongoing medications of antidepressants, antihypertensives, antihistamines, or steroids may affect the normal sleep
The main complaint of the patient is overexertion with physical and mental activities. And even after taking a full sleep of 8 hours, the patient doesn’t feel active or refreshed and is not able to carry out his daily routine activities
Some other symptoms are
- Body pains
- Feeling of Drowsiness
- Irritated behaviour
- Improper sleep
- Headache
- Lack of concentration
- Physical weakness
- Anxiety issues
- More prone for Seasonal diseases, digestive disorders
- Lack of interest in eating food leads to weakness.
Due to the non-specific and variety of symptoms and causes, it is very difficult to diagnose the condition. Some question may ask your physician to identify the condition
- Fatigue pattern – which time of the day do you feel more or less tired?
- Sleep grading – do you have a good quality of sleep? How many hours do you sleep? How often do you wake up during sleep?
- Emotional and family status
- Job status
- Any other stress increasing factors.
- Any undergoing medication
- Lifestyle and eating habits including (alcoholic beverages and use of drugs)
- Mental health issues
To get efficient treatment of fatigue your physician must find any underlying cause. Proper management of the underlying cause can help to eliminate fatigue.
- Sleep – It is a very important factor to manage fatigue in an efficient manner. Go to bed at a particular time and wake up after 7-8 hours by getting quality sleep. Avoid using mobiles or tv an hour before sleep.
- Change in lifestyle- do yoga or mild to moderate exercises to start and finish your day. Breathing regularities and meditation also shows positive results in condition.
- Balanced diet – eat small and frequent diets, low sugar consumption, avoidance of junk food, caffeine, alcoholic beverages. Have a proper and balanced diet to improve the condition very well.
Herbal Remedies For Fatigue by Planet Ayurveda
From the last 20 years Planet Ayurveda has developed an identity of giving the best results to suffering humanity in the best possible way. Planet Ayurveda is known for its quality products as all the herbal medicines are made from 100% natural herbs that are free from any preservatives and chemicals and that the method of preparation of medicines are based on pure Ayurvedic principles. These are pure vegetarian formulations and are free from chemicals, extra colours, additives, fillers and yeast, etc. It supports a healthy nervous system
This is a single herbal formulation produced by using extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha helps to calm the brain, reduces the blood pressure and enhances the immune system and in ayurveda classical texts ashwagandha is balya and brihaneeya in nature. Ashwagandha is specially used for aggravated vata and kapha dosha, and brings them in a balanced state.
Dosage – 1 Capsule twice daily after meals with Plain Water.
This is a single herbal formulation prepared by using extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). This is described as a Medhya Rasayana by our Acharyas, and is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and also helpful in preventing stress and anxiety related disorders. Brahmi is balya in nature by its properties and so it helps in preventing fatigue.
Dosage – 1 Capsule twice daily after meals with Plain Water.
This is a polyherbal formulation consisting of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)etc. This is prepared by using various formulations that are antioxidants, anti- inflammatory, and immune-boosters in nature. They are highly efficacious in relieving fatigue-like symptoms and give energetic feeling to do daily activities.
Dosage – 1 Teaspoonful twice daily after meals.
This is a classical ayurvedic formulation consisting of many herbs like Guggul (Commiphora mukul) etc. This is basically described for vata anulomana by ancient Acharyas. It pacifies body aches, GI disorders, infections and inflammations and nourishes and replenishes the body systems.
Dosage – 2 Tablets twice daily after meals with Plain Water.
It is a polyherbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda, 100% natural product consisting of many herbs like Jeevanti (Leptadenia reticulata), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), etc. as the name indicates of formulation it provides energy to do daily activities in life. The ingredients of this articulation have rasayana properties too.
Dosage – 1 teaspoons twice daily after meals with Plain Water.
A variety of health problems such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, insomnia, depression, stress and many other issues can result in fatigue. To get rid of these complaints and adapt day to day life activities in routine, medical intervention is needed. With the help of ayurveda medicines patients get relief from all their symptoms and don’t get any side effects and enhance their immunity by taking Rasayana formulations.