Category: Migraine

Natural Treatment for Migraine with herbal remedies


Due to rising urbanisation, people’s way of life has altered in modern times. Stress is creating an increase in the frequency of both acute and chronic diseases as a result of altered work expectations for a better quality of life. One of the chronic illnesses that affects a large portion of the population and has a range of severity is migraine. A multitude of autonomic nervous system symptoms that interfere with daily life, including recurrent mild to severe headaches, describe this chronic neurological condition. There are numerous varieties of Shiro Rogas (head diseases) reported by Acharyas in Ayurvedic scriptures. The clinical characteristics of Ardhavabhedaka, among them, are strikingly similar to those of migraine. Millions of people suffer from the neurological pain disease known as migraine. It is the most prevalent neurological condition that significantly affects the brain and, as a result, the behaviours linked to recurrent migraine attacks. Premigraine, intermigraine, and post migraine processes are connected to migraine stress. Understanding migraine requires knowing how typically painless stimuli like light can make it worse and how a migraine headache can change how sensitive skin is (allodynia), which can affect the entire body. Advanced imaging methods have provided fresh insights into the disease’s causes by revealing changes in the brain’s structure and function. In addition to migraines with and without aura, childhood periodic syndromes, retinal migraine, consequences of migraine, and probable migraine, migraine headaches are a broad collection of illnesses.



A migraine is described as “an episodic headache associated with certain features, such as sensitivity to light, sound, or movement” or “a recurring syndrome of headache associated with other symptoms of neurologic dysfunction in varying admixtures”. Resistant migraines (defined as having tried at least three classes of preventatives and experiencing at least eight days of incapacitating headaches per month for at least three months without improvement) and refractory migraines (defined as having tried every preventative method and experiencing at least eight days of incapacitating headaches per month for at least six months) are the two types of migraines. Additionally, various syndromes that have variable clinical manifestations, durations, and prevalence, such as somnambulism, cyclic vomiting, abdominal migraine, benign paroxysmal vertigo, benign paroxysmal torticollis, and confusional migraine, can be connected to migraines. The premonitory phase, brief neurological symptoms (i.e., migraine aura), severe headache attack, and postdrome phase are some of the phases of the cyclical condition known as migraine. Additionally, migraine is a debilitating condition that affects a person’s ability to work, engage in academic and social activities, as well as their family and personal connections.


There are two primary forms of migraine

  1. A migraine without an aura is characterised by recurrent headache attacks that last 4 to 72 hours, are unilateral in location, have a pulsating character, are moderate to severe in severity, are aggravated by physical activity, are accompanied by nausea, and are sensitive to light and sound (photophobia and phonophobia).
  2. Attacks of migraine with aura that are recurrent and entirely reversible frequently involve one or more of the unilateral symptoms of vision, hearing, speech, motor function, brainstem, and retina. Other migraine symptoms including headaches are commonly present as well.
  3. A chronic migraine is a headache that lasts longer than three months and has at least eight days with symptoms resembling a migraine.

Causes And Triggers

  • Sudden changes in weather or environment
  • Too much or not enough sleep
  • Strong odors or fumes
  • Emotional Stress Overexertion
  • Loud or sudden noises
  • Motion sickness
  • Low blood sugar
  • Skipped meals
  • Tobacco
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Head trauma
  • Hangover
  • Some medications
  • Hormonal changes
  • Bright or flashing lights


  • The most common side of the head is frequently affected by sudden, sharp headache pain
  • Other symptoms include nausea, confusion, impaired vision, mood swings, exhaustion, and heightened sensitivity to light, sound, and commotion


  • A crippling migraine attack known as status migrainosus lasts longer than 72 hours.
  • An aura that lasts longer than a week without showing signs of infarction on neuroimaging is referred to as a persistent aura without infarction.
  • One or more of the aura symptoms that are linked to brain ischemia on neuroimaging during a typical migraine episode is known as migrainous infarction.
  • An attack of migraine with an aura can cause a seizure, which is known as a migraine aura-triggered seizure.


  • The goal of migraine treatment is to lessen symptoms and prevent new attacks. There are expedient treatments for symptoms, including
  • Putting your eyes closed and finding a calm, dark area to sleep
  • Applying a cool cloth or an ice pack to the forehead
  • Consuming lots of drinks, especially if your migraine is causing you to vomit
  • Small doses of caffeine may help ease migraine symptoms in the early stages
  • Acute and preventative pharmacological therapies are available for migraines. Acute or “abortive” medications are administered as soon as symptoms start to show in order to alleviate pain and restore function. Preventive treatment aims to minimise the severity of impending attacks or stop them altogether.

Ayurvedic View

It is correlated with Ardhavbhedak in Ayurveda. Ardhavabhedaka is one of the Shiroroga (head disorders) that has symptoms similar to migraine, including paroxysmal unilateral (half cranial) headaches that can occasionally be accompanied by vertigo, nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia. According to Acharya Sushruta, Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) vitiation is the cause of Ardhavabhedaka. While Acharya Vagbhatta thought that vitiated Vata caused Ardhavabhedaka to occur, Acharya Charaka stated that vitiated Vata and Vata-Kapha are involved in the manifestation of Ardhavabhedaka.


The second and third decades of life are when migraines most frequently occur, and women are more prone than males to experience them. The aetiology of migraines is unknown. But it is believed that both hereditary and environmental factors play a role.

The first is Aaharaja Nidana (dietary causes)

  • Overeating Ruksha Bhojana (dry, coarse food)
  • Overeating Adhyashan (eating when indigestion is present)
  • Skipping meals/Fasting/Hunger
  • Ati ambupana (excessive hydration) and Ati madyapana (overdrinking) are two examples.
  • Viharaja Nidana (causes related to habits and employment)
  • Pragavata (easterly wind) affliction, extreme exposure to frost, high altitude, and fluctuations in barometric pressure
  • Controlling natural inclinations, particularly those of Mutravega, Purishavega, Kshavathuvega, and Nidravega
  • Diva Swapna (day sleeping) after eating or Ratri Jagran (overnight awakening) are examples of changes in sleep patterns
  • Other examples include Ati Maithuna (excessive coitus) and Atibhashya (overtalking).
  • Staying in unsanitary surroundings; excessive exposure to sunlight or bright light
  • Hormonal (changes in the menstrual cycle, oral contraceptive pills, etc.)

Cardinal Symptoms

In the Ardhavabhedaka Roga, all the Acharyas have referred to the Vedana (pain) in the Ardheshirsha (the lower half of the head). Therefore, the Ardhavabhedaka Pratyatma Linga must cause “pain in the half of the region of the head.

General Symptoms

The following are lakshanas, according to several acharyas

  • Half of the Manya (cervical region), Bhru (eye brows), Shankha (temporal region), Karna (ears), Akshi (eyes), and Lalata (frontal head) regions are in excruciating pain.
  • Intense pain that is burning and throbbing, together with vertigo and bewilderment (brahma),
  • The illness begins to manifest every 15 days, every 10 days, or every month, and then goes away on its own. Chakshu-Virajyata (Redness of Eyes), Gandashotha (Swelling over the Zygomatic Area), and Shankhamoola Darana (Tearing Pain in Temporal Regions)
  • The sun’s ascent elevates Ardhashirsha Vikara.
  • The condition may eventually impair both sight and hearing if it progresses.


Avoiding Causative Factors (Nidana Parivarjana)

The first and most effective treatment for preventing and treating Ardhavabhedaka is Nidana Parivarjana. Avoiding the things that are known to cause Ardhavabhedaka is advised.

Some Other Procedures

  1. Shiro Virechana Karma (Nasya Procedure) –
    The medicine is given through the nostrils during Nasya Karma treatment. Oils mixed with medications in the form of powder, liquid, or paste may have an irritating impact on the nasal mucosa and are utilised for this purpose. Depending on the severity and chronicity of the ailment, Nasya karma can be performed for 7–21 days.
  2. In Ardhavabhedaka, Niruha Basti prepared with Vatanashaka medications should be administered first, followed by Anuvasana Basti made of Ghrita, Taila, and other herbs.
  3. Shiro-Basti In Shiro Basti, a cranial pouch or cuff is made and filled with medicinal oil for around 1 muhurta (48 minutes). Medicated oils like Dashmool taila and four different varieties of Sneha, such as ghrita, taila vasa, majja, etc. are utilised in Ardhavabhedaka Vata or Vatakaphanashaka.

Herbal Remedies For Migraine By Planet Ayurveda

Pure herbal medications are created by the herbal pharmaceutical firm Planet Ayurveda. The business has GMP certification. Every preparation is carried out in a wholly Ayurvedic manner. Pure herbal formulations free of contaminants or adulterants are created by the company. The business offers several medications for various ailments.

  1. Brahmi Capsules
  2. Ashwagandha Capsules
  3. Pitta Balance
  4. Arogyavardhini vati
  5. Medhya Churna


Product Description

1. Brahmi Capsules

This is an amazing preparation of Planet Ayurveda, which consists only of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) as the main ingredient. In particular, headaches that begin in the temples and progress to the centre of the head might be relieved by massaging the head with Brahmi leaf paste or oil. This is due to Brahmi’s Sita (cold) potency. It lessens headaches and aids in removing things that aggravate Pitta.

Dosage : Twice daily, take 1-2 capsules with a glass of water after meals.

2. Ashwagandha Capsules

The primary ingredient in this Planet Ayurveda composition is Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).
Ashwagandha has potent rejuvenating effects that boost energy and vitality. It is well known for the characteristics of its herbal extract. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to be effective in the homoeopathic treatment of migraines. Stress, which can increase or even start migraines, can be reduced with the aid of this plant. Although ashwagandha pills can treat migraines, ayurvedic migraine medications like this one are the greatest way to utilise the medicinal benefits of this herb.

Dosage : Take 1-2 capsules with a glass of water after meals, twice daily.

3. Pitta Balance

This incredible Planet Ayurveda combination contains ingredients like Giloy Satva (Tinospora cordifolia), JaharMohra Pishti (a natural calcium compound), and many others. Giloy is a well-known anti-inflammatory agent for neurons. Additionally, it enhances learning and memory skills. The body receives strength and sustenance from it as well. The physiological functions of the muscles and nerves are normalised by giloy.

Dosage : Twice daily, take 1-2 capsules with a glass of water after meals.

4. Arogyavardhini Vati

This is the formulation of Planet Ayurveda which consists of many ingredients like Shuddha Parada (Herbal purified Mercury), Shuddha Gandhak (Herbal purified Sulphur), Loha Bhasma (Ash prepared from Iron), and some others also. It includes anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It also helps in boosting immunity. Therefore, it can be prescribed in migraine pain.

Dosage : With lukewarm water and 1-2 pills twice or three times each day

5. Medhya Churna

With constituents like Vacha (Acorus calamus), Ashwgandha (Withania somnifera), Ajmoda (Carum roxburghianum), and many others, it is a superb composition from Planet Ayurveda. Medhya churna is helpful for lowering anxiety and boosting confidence. It is an herbal medicine that helps the nervous system. Additionally, it enhances mental processes and memory abilities. Additionally, it helps with attention, concentration, and mental clarity.

Dosage : 1 spoon of cow ghee (clarified butter) and 1/4 teaspoon once daily.


The neurologic condition known as migraine, which is both highly common and incapacitating, causes recurrent attacks of intense headaches as well as the accompanying symptoms of activity interference, nausea or vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. This illness’s frequent pharmaceutical use may cause a condition known as medication overuse headache, in which headaches worsen and occur more frequently. Therefore, ayurvedic medication should be chosen in cases of migraine since it not only lessens symptoms but also stops additional negative effects.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)


Pelvic inflammatory disease is considered here because it begins in all vulva or its accessory glands, but usually, the infection spreads upward through the entire genital tract involving more or less all the structures in the female genital system. Despite the availability of effective antibiotics, gonococcus continues to be a common cause of PID, the most serious complication of gonorrhea in women. So, today we will read about pelvic inflammatory disease in brief.

Pelvic inflammatory disease


Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of a female’s pelvic organs in which inflammation of the pelvic takes place. The pelvic organs include the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, adjacent pelvic structures, and cervix. Besides, gonorrhea, infections following spontaneous or induced abortions and normal or abnormal deliveries are important in the production of PID. Post abortions and postpartum infections are caused by staphylococci, streptococci, coliform bacteria, etc.


  • A woman can get PID if bacteria move up from her vagina and infect her pelvic organs. Most cases of PID are caused by- gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • One can get PID without having a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Normal bacteria found in the vagina and on the cervix can sometimes cause PID.

Risk factors

Female is more likely to get pelvic inflammatory disease if

  • Have had an sexually transmitted infection
  • Are under 25 years of age and are having sex
  • Have more than 1 sex partner
  • Douching- can push bacteria into the pelvic organs and cause infection
  • Having an intrauterine device in situ


  • Abdominal pain (especially lower abdominal pain) or tenderness
  • Back pain
  • High grade fever
  • Vaginal discharge (foul smelling)
  • Dyspareunia (painful copulation)
  • Painful micturition
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen
  • Pelvic pain
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Disturbance in intestinal function
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Pelvic inflammatory disease can come on fast with extreme pain and fever, especially if it’s caused by Gonorrhea. PID symptoms may be worse at the end of a menstrual period and during the first several days following a period.


This will include a pelvic exam.

  • Abnormal discharge from vagina or cervix
  • Abscesses near ovaries and tubes
  • Tenderness or pain in pelvic organs


  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases- including HIV and syphilis, Chronic urethritis
  • Ultrasound
  • Endometrial biopsy
  • Elevated ESR and C reactive proteins
  • Tissue culture techniques
  • Leukocytosis
  • Laparoscopy – inserting a small, lighted tube through abdomen to look pelvic organs


In modern times, various types of antibiotics are used to treat this disease.


Without treatment, PID can lead to severe problems like

  • Infertility
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Peritonitis
  • Intestinal obstruction due to adhesions between the small bowel and the genital system
  • Bacteremia, which may potentially induce endocarditis, meningitis and suppurative arthritis

Ayurvedic overview

In ayurveda, this can be considered as pitta vata vriddhi in vata sthana that means vitiation of pitta and vata dosha. The symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease are closely related to pitta and vata dosha. When pitta and vata dosha is vitiated then the following symptoms arise

  • Burning sensation
  • Thirst
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Giddiness
  • Feeling of darkness
  • Aggravation of burning sensation by the use of pungent, sour, salty and hot things and desire for cold.

Herbal remedies for pelvic inflammatory disease by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda provides various kinds of herbal medicines which are formed from natural and effective herbs which have high efficacy. Planet Ayurveda has strictly followed all the principles of ayurveda which are described in ancient textbooks of ayurveda. All the herbal medicines are GMP certified and 100 % vegetarian. These are effective and safe for the human body. There are no additives, preservatives, chemicals, or yeast and no side effects. The planet ayurveda provides herbal remedies for pelvic inflammatory disease which are following

Product List

  1. Kaishore Guggul
  2. Female Health Support
  3. Boswellia+Curcumin
  4. Chandraprabha Vati
  5. Aloe Vitals

Herbal Remedies for Pelvic inflammatory disease

Buy: Now: Herbal Remedies for Pelvic inflammatory Disease


1. Kaishore Guggul

It is a herbal tablets made from amalaki (Emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), guggul (commiphora mukul), guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste and heavy, unctuous and hot in effect. It pacifies all the three doshas. It helps to protect from diseases and also keeps away manifestations of premature old age. It prevents recurring infections of the urinary tract. It is also an immuno-modulator, a rejuvenator, an antioxidant, and a restorative tonic. It is healer of wounds, antibacterial, antifungal and antipyretic. It is a booster for all physiological systems of the body. It helps in healing ulcers. It is effective in burning micturation. It is anti-inflammatory as well as anti-lipemic.

DOSE:- 2 Tablets twice daily with lukewarm water

2. Female Health Support

It is a polyherbal capsule containing ashoka (Saraca indica), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and shatavari (asparagus racemosus). It is astringent and bitter in taste and dry and light in effect. It is used mostly in gynecological problems. It is effective in uterine bleeding and menstrual disturbances without producing any side effects. Its effect on the ovarian tissue may produce an estrogen like activity that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding. It provides immense relief from painful menses, the premenstrual syndrome and non-specific white discharge. It nourishes and cleanses the female reproductive system. It maintains the hormonal balance and helps for a trouble free menopause. It allays many of the post hysterectomy problems also. It is very useful in vitalizing male reproductive system. It helps to increase the sperm count. It is used in acidity, hypertension, migraine, inflammation of urinary bladder and problems arising due from malnutrition and general debility.

DOSE:- 1 Capsule twice daily with plain water after meals

3. Boswellia+Curcumin

It is a polyherbal capsule made from shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and haridra (curcuma longa). It is bitter and pungent in taste and dry, light and hot in effect. It alleviates kapha and vata. It has anti-inflammatory features which stops the cytokines secretion and reduces inflammation or swelling. It has an antioxidant property which protects brain neurons and reduces the wrinkles on skin. It purifies the blood and helps in blood formation in the body. It is used in various diseases like acne, blemishes, burns, auto-immune disorders and liver diseases. It also applies on cuts and bruises because it is a natural antibiotic. It prevents colon and skin tumors. It is known as antibacterial, anti-allergic, carminative and diuretic medicine. It is an effective remedy for sprains, wounds and inflamed joints.

DOSE:- 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with plain water.

4. Chandraprabha Vati

It is a herbal tablet formed from shilajit (asphaltum), guggul (commiphora mukul), haridra (curcuma longa), guduchi (tinospora cordifolia) etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste and unctuous, heavy and hot in effect. It pacifies all the three doshas-vata, pitta and kapha. It contains fatty acids, volatile oils and glucosides. It is a choice of medicine in a number of other problems like the malfunctioning of the liver, urinary tract ailments, obesity, cellulitis, cough, dyspnea, gout, diabetes, and sexual diseases. It is an antioxidant and herbal rasayan that helps in expel excess toxins and body fat or waste products from the body. It is very useful in leucorrhoea and uterine swellings. It is helpful in reducing pain, swelling and tenderness. It is a digestive, carminative, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-allergic and antioxidant medicine.

DOSE:- 2 tablet twice daily with lukewarm water

5. Aloe Vitals

It is a single herbal capsule made from standardized extract of aloe vera (aloe barbadensis). It alleviates all the three doshas, according to its actions on human body, it has been classified as bhedaniya (accumulation breaking herb), netrarogaghna (alleviating ophthalmic diseases), and pleeharogaghna (ameliorating diseases of the spleen). It is a carminative, digestive, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It acts as a purgative and kills intestinal worms. It has rejuvenating properties, it also benefits if it is given in cases of liver and spleen disorders. It enhances the blood supply to the uterus and helps in its contraction. It also has antibacterial and antifungal action besides wound healing properties. It improves pelvic circulation and removes spasm.

DOSE:- 1 Capsule twice daily with plain water after the meal

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Pelvic inflammatory disease is an inflammatory disease which is caused by bacteria. In ayurveda it is considered under pittavata vriddhi that means the disease caused by vitiation of pitta and vata dosha. We can manage this disease in ayurveda by various herbs like aloe vera, guggul, shatavari, haridra, shilajit, boswellia, ashoka, amla etc which are very effective in this inflammatory condition. Herbal medicines like chandraprabha vati, kaishore guggul, aloe vitals etc are very good effective in such disease and provide strength to the body and fight against causative agents.