Category: Superfoods

10 Fruits that Diabetes Patients should eat in daily lifestyle


Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions faced by millions of people across the world.

Managing diabetes is tough but it is not impossible. Diabetes is a condition that hinders the body’s ability to respond to insulin which leads to the abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates leading to spiked blood sugar level. There is abnormally high levels of blood sugar level in diabetes.

Top 10 Fruits for Diabetes Patient

What are the causes of Diabetes Mellitus?

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Unhealthy eating habits such as excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and sugar
  • Heredity
  • Excessive tension, stress and grief

Concept of Diabetes according to Ayurveda:

  • Diabetes is known as “Madhumeha” in Ayurveda. It arises due to aggravation of obstruction of channels through blockage by Kapha dosha and fatty tissue and aggravation of Vata dosha which causes tissue depletion.
  • Diabetes is considered as a lifestyle disease. Since a long time, Ayurveda has been emphasizing on the importance of diet and lifestyle in the maintenance of health, according to which a healthy man is referred as: “one who indulges daily in healthy diet and lifestyle activities, who discriminates between wholesome and unwholesome and acts accordingly.
  • It is also said in Ayurveda that in both health and disease, the wholesomeness and the unwholesomeness is a prime factor to be thought about, as without proper diet, the use of any drug is futile.

Symptoms of Diabetes

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

  • Constant feeling of hunger and thirst
  • Weakness
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Bad body odour
  • Sweet taste in the mouth
  • Palpitation
  • Quick exhaustion
  • Drowsiness
  • Possible anemia

There are some specific fruits that have been shown to produce effects on blood glucose level as these fruits have low glycemic index and high amount of fiber.

There is a lot of confusion while selecting fruits for a diabetic patient but moderation is the key here.

  • Fruits which are seasonal, fresh and low in glycemic index should be consumed by a diabetic patient.
  • Fruits should be enjoyed as a snack and not be eaten with main meals.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on fruits which is very useful in balancing blood sugar levels.

10 Fruits that Diabetes Patients should eat in daily lifestyle:

There is a false assumption that people suffering from diabetes should avoid fruits because there sugar present in fruits could push up their blood sugar level. But this is a false conception because sugar present in fruits is usually in the form of fructose and unlike other sugars such as sucrose, fructose has low glycemic index.

Less insulin is needed for the metabolism of fructose. Therefore, intake of fruits is not associated with sudden rise of the blood sugar level.


1.Apples(Malus pumila)

  • Apples can be eaten by diabetic patients because apples are a rich source of Vitamin C, fiber and several anti-oxidants. The fiber present in apples helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

They are the rich source of polyphenols as well.

  • The polyphenols present in apples slow down the digestion of carbohydrates and thus lower the blood sugar levels.
  • Apples also contain pectin which is a form of carbohydrate which helps in controlling blood sugar level by releasing it slowly into the bloodstream.

health benefits of pomegranate

2. Pomegranate (Punica gratum)

  • Pomegranates contain the richest combinations of anti-oxidants. Therefore, they can protect the body from free radicals.

They are a rich source of phytochemical compounds as well.


3.Guava (Psidium guajava):

  • Guava is very rich in dietary fiber and it has low glycemic index as well.
  • Therefore, eating guava reduces the sugar absorption in the blood.
  • It is also rich in dietary fiber which helps to ease constipation as well.
  • Eating guava lowers the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  • It also contains potassium which helps in regulating blood pressure.

health benefits of watermelon

4.Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus):

  • Watermelon is rich in potassium. The high potassium content in watermelon makes it one of the best fruits for proper kidney functioning which helps in lowering the blood uric acid levels.
  • Therefore, it helps in preventing kidney damage in diabetic patients.
  • Moreover, lycopene present in watermelon helps in reducing the nerve damage in diabetic patients.

health benefits of papaya juice

5. Papaya (Carica papaya):

  • Papaya is a rich source of natural anti-oxidants so this fruit should be consumed by diabetic patients.
  • The anti-oxidants present in Papaya prevent the cell damage because it contains essential minerals and nutrients.
  • Diabetic patients are prone to many ailments including nerve damage caused due to irregular blood sugar levels.
  • Papaya is useful in obstructing future cell damage and a longer life span.


6.Oranges (Citrus sinensis):

  • Oranges are a rich source of flavonones, flavonols and phenolic acid.
  • It has tremendous protective potential especially for the patients suffering with diabetes.

Health benefits of jamun

7.Jamun (Eugenia jambolana):

  • This fruit is regarded as a specific ayurvedic medicine because of its specific action on the pancreas.
  • The fruits, seeds and the whole fruit are useful in the treatment of diabetes. Due to the presence of compound known as jamboline in the seeds, it is used as a medicine in the treatment of diabetes.
  • This fruit has the ability to convert starch into sugar and has hypoglycemic effect that helps to reduce blood sugar levels.


8.Bael (Aegle marmelos):

  • Bael fruit is very famous due to its various medicinal properties but the leaves of this tree are scientifically proven to anti-diabetic.
  • Drink freshly prepared juice of its leaves along with the pinch of black pepper. This juice is very effective in controlling blood sugar.

Health Benefits

9.Strawberries (Fragaria ananassa):

  • Strawberries have low glycemic index so they are very beneficial for patients suffering with diabetes.
  • The sugar present in strawberries is slowly  released in the blood stream as glucose.
  • Intake of strawberries also increase metabolism which helps in weight loss also.

Health Benefits of Cherries

10.Cherries(Prunus avium):

  • Cherries are considered as the rich source of anthocyanins which is responsible for its bright red colour and cherries are the rich sources of enzymes as well.
  • This red colour helps to protect the heart.
  • The enzymes present in cherries are known to boost insulin levels that helps to control blood sugar levels.


  1. What is the role of diet and lifestyle change in diabetic patients?
  2. Can diabetic patient take fruits?
  3. What type of sugar is found in fruits?
  4. Why apples are considered good for diabetic patients?

Top 7 Superfoods That Fight Allergy


Allergy – can be defined as an exaggerated/ hypersensitive response of our immune system to an allergen (the common substances that cause allergy such as dust mites, pollen, mold spores, pet dander, insect sting, certain medicines or foods etc.).

Some people show hyper-reactive response to some of the allergens due to biological difference of each individual. Their immune system reacts against allergen by producing Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies which in return travel to the cells which release histamine and other chemicals.

Symptoms of Allergy

  • Allergies are associated with a variety of symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, swelling, wet eyes, red eyes, itching and rashes.
  • The symptoms can range from mild to severe. The severity of symptoms can vary from person to person.

Top 7 Superfoods That Fight Allergy

Top 7 Superfoods That Fight Allergy

  • Allergies can be treated with super-foods naturally.

Here we are going to discuss some Foods which can Help us During or in Preventing Allergies.


  • As we all know “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”.  Because an apple a day can keep your immune system healthy and can keep allergies at bay.
  • Apples are having Quercetin (a flavonoid) as its active ingredient. It is known to effectively protect against allergic reactions. It stabilizes the cell membranes of mast cells and prevents the release of excess histamine in your body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most powerful natural remedies for allergies. The anti-inflammatory property of Apple cider vinegar makes it a wonderful remedy for treating allergic reactions.

How to Take

  • Apples can be taken as raw apple or as juice.


  • Apart from being a common spice in Indian foods, Turmeric is a natural healing super food.
  • It’s an anti-allergy herb. Turmeric helps to extensively treat the allergies.It can treat both chronic as well as acute allergies.
  • It has an active ingredient called Cur-cumin, which is known for its anti-allergic and anti-oxidant properties. It is a potent immune booster.

How to Take

  • Turmeric can be taken in hot milk; it will relieve the seasonal allergies and provides immediate relief.
  • Turmeric can be taken with food as a spice.
  • It can be taken along with raw honey. It will help one to recover from congestion, cough, dry mouth and sneezing.


  • Lemon are natural antihistamines in nature and are a great source of anti-oxidants and vitamin-C. They boost our immunity and prevent allergic reactions.
  • Apart from this, lemon is also very effective in detoxification of our body.
  • All these qualities of lemon make it a superfood to fight against allergies.

How to Take

  • Squeeze one lemon and obtain its fresh juice, add it to warm water.
  • Mix it well and add one spoon of honey. Have this mixture early morning on an empty stomach every day.


  • Flax seeds are very well known for their health benefiting properties. These are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for treating inflammation, thus calm your allergies.
  • They can also fight against the harmful bacteria and give relief from allergy.


  • Pineapples are also needed to Include in your diet to prevent or cure allergy because of its unique active component.
  • Bromelain can ward off allergies and gives you relief from discomfort caused by allergic reactions.


  • As we know Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants and increases our metabolism rate.
  • It also provides strength to our immune system to fight against diseases.
  • By adding green tea to your diet can subsides the presenting symptoms of allergy and can prevent them getting worse.

How to Take

  • Add one or two spoons of good quality green tea to warm water, you can also use dip packs.
  • Allow it to steep well. Strain it into a cup and have the same 3-4 times till your symptoms of allergies are gone.


  • A well known spice used in India. Garlic also possesses anti-biotic and anti-rheumatic properties.
  • Moreover garlic has ability to inhibit the activity of certain enzymes, which are responsible for the production of inflammatory compounds in our body, thus helpful in relieving the symptoms of allergies.

How to Take

  • You can have fresh cloves of garlic at empty stomach in the morning.
  • This can help your body to fight off the allergy causing bacteria and provide strength to your immune system.

Prevention & Tips

  • There are some people who are sensitive to some foods too.
  • They can substitute those Superfoods with other one.
  • There are few more foods in the list which are also good for the treatment of allergies. They are:- Walnuts, fatty fish like salmons, berries, ginger, onion, collard green, broccoli, cabbage, yogurt, cashew nuts etc.
  • If symptoms get severe then you must consult the doctor. The information may be helpful to you to fight against the discomfort caused by allergic diseases.