Category: Atopic Dermatitis

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Atopic Dermatitis With Herbal Remedies


The skin is the outer shield of the body which plays many functions. It protects the whole body from external environmental changes and any external injuries and prevents any foreign particles from entering the body. It helps to maintain moisture and the body temperature, reducing harmful effects of UV and other radiations and most importantly working as a sensory organ which detects touch and temperature. Atopic Dermatitis is a skin disorder in which discoloration of the skin occurs. Rashes and itching occur on the skin in Atopic Dermatitis. In this article, we are going to learn a detailed study of Atopic Dermatitis, its causes, signs and symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis. Let’s start.

Atopic Dermatitis


Atopic Dermatitis is a common type of Eczema, in which skin is involved. In Atopic Dermatitis skin becomes itchy and dry and scales are formed on the skin. In this condition, chronic inflammation occurs on the skin tissues which involves mainly the face, arms and legs. Location of rashes also depends on age factor. In infants it occurs mainly at the face, scalp, arms and legs. In older children it occurs at elbows, knees, wrist and ankles. In adults it occurs at hands, neck, elbows and knees. This condition occurs in people whose skin lacks a protein which helps in maintaining a barrier to the water. Due to this, their skin becomes more sensitive and they are more prone to the condition of Atopic Dermatitis. This is a non-contagious disease which means it does not spread from one person to another person by physical touch. People with Atopic Dermatitis are more prone to other skin problems like cold sores and warts. This condition causes skin inflammation, itching and redness. The condition of Atopic Dermatitis can be triggered which means it flares up according to the conditions. Remission of this disease occurs again when there are favourable conditions for Atopic Dermatitis. Let’s start a detailed study about Atopic Dermatitis and its Ayurvedic treatment to cure Atopic Dermatitis and also herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda to manage conditions of Atopic Dermatitis.


Causes of Atopic Dermatitis may vary from one person to another person. The common causes of Atopic Dermatitis are as follows

  • Gene variation
  • Microorganisms like bacteria (staphylococcus aureus)
  • Weak skin barrier functions

Atopic Dermatitis is a multi-factor disease that depends on many factors. This condition can be triggered by various factors and allergens. When the patient comes in contact with that factor or allergens, his condition flares up. The factors that trigger this condition are as follows

  • Irritants like perfumes, soaps, detergents and shampoos
  • Various allergens like dust, pollens and animals
  • Dry and hot weather, sweat, hot or cold air, excessive exposure to the water etc
  • Any food like peanuts, eggs and cow milk
  • Stress factors

According to Ayurveda, causes (निदान) of Atopic Dermatitis are as follows

विरोधीन्यन्नपानानि द्रवस्निग्धगुरुणी च |
भजतामगताम् छर्दिम् वेगाश्चान्यान्प्रतिघ्न्ताम् ||
व्यायाममतिसन्तापमतिभुक्तवोपसेविनाम् |
शीतोष्णलङ्घनाहारान क्रमं मुक्त्वा निषेविणाम् ||
घर्मश्रमभयार्तानाम् द्रुतं शीताम्बुसेविनाम् |
अजीर्णाध्यशिनाम् चेव पञ्चकर्मापचारिणम् ||
नवान्नदधिमत्स्यातिलवणाम्लानिषेविणाम् |
माषमूलकपिष्टान्नतिलक्षीरगुदाशिनाम् ||
व्यवायम् चाप्याजिर्णअन्ने निद्राम् च भजताम् दिवा |
विप्रान् गुरुन् धर्षयताम् पापं कर्म च कुर्वताम् ||
(चरक संहिता चिकित्सास्थान 7/4-8)
  • Consuming food like unctuous (Snigdha), heavy (guru) ahara(food)
  • Suppression of natural urge to vomit and other
  • Exercise after eating food
  • Excess consumption of cold and hot food
  • Excess consumption of sunlight
  • Consuming cold water in conditions of exhaustion and fear
  • Consuming food that is not properly cooked
  • Eating before digestion of previous food
  • Complication of Panchkarma
  • Excess consumption of New grains, curd, fish, salty (Lavana) and amla (sour) items
  • Consumption of items made up of milk, jaggery, Pishtanna (recipes made up of grinding rice), black gram and radish
  • Coitus in indigestion condition
  • Sleep in the daytime


Atopic Dermatitis is a skin disorder which is a chronic condition. Signs of Atopic Dermatitis are as follows

  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Oozing from affected area
  • Rashes


Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis may vary from person to person and depends on the condition of the disease and also depends on several factors that may be environmental or emotional. Common symptoms of this diseases are as follows

  • Itching is a common symptoms of this condition which may be vary from person to person that is from mild to severe
  • Small raised bumps
  • Inflammation on the affected area mainly on knees, elbows and trunk area
  • Red,brown, grey or purple rashes on all over the body
  • Oozing from the rashes occurs when they scattered
  • Darkening of skin tone around the eyes
  • Crusting of the rashes
  • Thickening of the skin

According to Ayurveda symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis are as follows

सकण्डु पिड्का श्यावा बहुस्त्रावा विचर्चिका |
(चरक संहिता चिकित्सास्थान 7/26)
  • Itchiness (सकण्डु )
  • Brown coloured rashes on the body
  • Profuse discharge from the rashes


For the diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis, physical examination of the patient can be done by asking Patient’s medical history of any allergies or disease, his symptoms that appear on his body, any environmental factors like allergen, dust, pollution and the patient’s psychological history of any stress or anxiety can be assessed. Other diagnostic tests that can help in assessing the Atopic Dermatitis are as follows

  • Blood test to check for any infection or inflammation
  • Skin biopsy to differentiate between Atopic Dermatitis and other skin conditions
  • Atopy Patch test (APT) for detection of specific types of allergies which causes Atopic Dermatitis


Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic condition which can be described by symptoms of inflammation, itching, red/ brown rashes, raised skin and oozing from the rashes. It may be due to any allergens, skin barrier, any environmental factor, food allergy, or may be genetic.. In Ayurveda, descriptions of all skin skin diseases are grouped under Kushta Roga. In Ayurveda it is correlated with Vicharchika which is a type of Kshudra Kushta. According to Ayurvedic point of view Atopic Dermatitis (Vicharchika) is skin disorder characterised by intense itchiness, brown coloured and profuse discharge from the rashes. Doshas involved in Vicharchika are Vata, Pitta and Kapha but here Kapha dosha is dominant. Dushyas in Vicharchika are Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa and Kleda. The Vitiation of the above-mentioned Doshas and Dushays leads to the formation of symptoms of Vicharchika.


लघुनि चन्नानि हितानि विद्यात् कुष्ठेषु शाकानि च त्तिक्तकानि |
भल्लातकेः सत्रिफलेः सनिम्बेर्युक्तानि चन्नानि घृतानि चेव ||
पुराणधान्यान्यथ् जाङ्गलानि माँसानि मुद्गाश्च् पटोलयुक्ताः |
शस्ता, न गुर्वम्लपयोदधिनि नानुपमत्स्या न गुडस्तिलाश्च् ||
(चरक संहिता चिकित्सास्थान 7/82-83)

According to above shloka, diet in Actopic Dermatitis or Vicharchika are as follows

  • Laghu Ahara which can be easily digestible like green gram
  • Wholesome food like whole grains including wheat, oats
  • Bitter taste (Tikta rasa) containing foods like broccoli, bitter gourd, kale etc
  • Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium), Triphala which consists of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Neem (Azadirachta indica) containing foods and Gritha medicated with these herbs
  • Old grains
  • Moong daal (mudga) with Patola (Trichosanthes dioica)
  • Avoid food which is not easy to digest
  • Avoid citrus fruits
  • Avoid milk, curd, fish, jaggery and tila (Sesamum indicum)


  • Decoction of Fennel, coriander and cumin
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) churna with Gomutra (cow urine)
  • Decoction of Triphala which consists of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Decoction of Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris)


The Ayurvedic line of treatment (chikitsa sutra) for Vicharchika (Kushta roga) is as follows

सर्वं त्रिदोषजं कुष्ठम् तु बलाबलम् |
यथा स्वेर्लक्ष्णेर्बुध्वा कुष्ठानाम् क्रियते क्रिया ||
दोषस्य यस्य पश्येत् कुष्ठेषु विशेषलिङ्गमुद्रीतम् |
तस्येव शमम् कुर्याततः परम् चानुबन्धस्य ||
(चरक संहिता चिकित्सास्थान 7/31-32)

According to the above Shloka, all the Kushta including Vicharchika is Tridoshas ( all the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are involved ) but Kapha is dominant. So one should choose the line of treatment according to the symptoms and strength (Bala) of the patient. The Dosha which is increased more than others should be treated first. Then after this other doshas should be treated. Ayurvedic treatment for

Atopic Dermatitis/Vicharchika can be given in both external modes that are in the form of Lepa (application of medicated paste formed from herbs) or internal mode that is in the form of tablet, powder, capsule or decoction. Ayurvedic formulations that can be given for the treatment of Ayurvedic formulations that can be given for the treatment of Vicharchika are Mahakhadira ghrita, gomutra arka, Tiktaka ghrita, Panchatikta Ghrita, Madhvasava and many more.


वातोतरेषु सर्पिर्वमन् श्लेष्मोतरेषु कुष्ठेषु |
पितोतरेषु मोक्षो रक्तस्य विरेचनम् चाग्रे ||
वमनविरेचनयोगः कल्पोक्ताः कुष्ठिनाम् प्रयोक्तव्याः |
प्रच्छनमल्पे कुष्ठे महति च शस्तं सिराव्यधनम् ||
(चरक संहिता चिकित्सास्थान 7/39-40)
  • Oral administration of medicated Ghee in Vataj type of Kushta
  • Therapeutic emesis in Kapha type of Kushta
  • Raktamokshana (eliminating vitiated blood from the body by para-surgical methods) in the Pittaj type of Kushta
  • Prachana Karma (bloodletting therapy by making multiple pricks on the affected area which helps in oozing of vitiated blood) is done in the condition when Doshas vitiated in small amounts
  • Siravedha karma (surgical procedure in which vein is punctured for therapeutic purposes) is done in the conditions when Doshas are vitiated in large amounts
  • Asthapana and Anuvasna Basti (Therapeutic decoction enema)


Planet Ayurveda offers a wide range of natural herbal formulations which are present in many forms like capsules, powder, tablets, oils and many more. All these formulations are made up after several experiments and tests. Planet Ayurveda always promotes ancient Ayurveda through its best and highest quality of drugs. All the herbal supplements formed by Planet Ayurveda are made up of natural herbs. Planet Ayurveda manufactures a large scale of drugs which consist of ingredients that are highly efficient in nature. Here we are going to study such a highly efficient product of Planet Ayurveda that is Atopic Dermatitis Care Pack. This pack contains five products which are Gleaming skin, hair, nails formula, Navkarshik churna, Gandhak rasayan, Kushtha Rakshas tel and Royal honey shower gel. The product description of these products are as follows

  1. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula
  2. Navkarshik Churna
  3. Gandhak Rasayan
  4. Kustha Rakshas Tel
  5. Royal Honey Shower Gel

Atopic Dermatitis Care Pack



Gleaming skin, hair nails formula by Planet Ayurveda consists of many ingredients like Manjista (Rubia cordifolia), Chirayta (Swertia chirayita), Ghrit Kumari (Aloe barbadensis) and Pit Papad (Fumaria officinalis). It helps maintain all three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). This formula is best for the overall health of skin, hair and nails. This also helps in maintaining the pH of skin. This formula comes in the form of capsules. It is best known for its function in maintaining skin health, hair loss and nails health.

Dosage : 1 capsule twice daily with lukewarm water after the meals.


Navkarshik churna is a formulation made up of herbs that are Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) and Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) and many other. This churna helps to maintain the overall health of the skin. It supports healthy blood circulation as it functions as Raktashodhak (blood purifier). It helps in relieving pain and supports skin health.

Dosage : 1 tablespoon twice daily with warm water after meals.


Gandhak is a purified sulphur which is a solo ingredient of Gandhak rasayan. It comes in the tablet form. It helps in removing harmful toxins from the skin. It works as a detoxification of blood. It improves the immune system and increases the glow of the skin. It helps maintain skin health and also detoxifies the entire circulatory system. It helps in the formation of healthy skin cells. That’s how it works best in maintaining the overall health of the body.

Dosage : 2 tablets twice a day with warm water after the meals.


Kushtha Rakshas Tel by Planet Ayurveda is oil formulation which contain many ingredients like Parada, Gandhak, Kutha (Dolomiaea costus), Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris), Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica) and many more. This herbal oil is very useful in all types of skin disorders. It helps in alleviation of itching, swelling and redness. It reduces the burning sensation of skin of affected areas. It is very useful in Pitta pacification.

Dosage : 3 ml twice daily for local application.


The Royal Honey Shower Gel contains ingredients like Honey, Aloe vera extract (Aloe barbadensis), Tea tree extract (Melaleuca alternifolia), glycerin and many more. It contains goodness of Vitamin E. It helps in maintaining healthy skin and it is suitable for all skin types.

Dosage : Use a small amount of shower gel on your wet body.


Atopic dermatitis is a disorder characterised by erythematous rashes which may be minor or may be severe. It involves the skin of the whole body but mainly occurs at the areas where skin is flexed. Location of rashes also depends on age factor. Location of rashes also depends on age factor. In infants it occurs mainly at the face, scalp, arms and legs. In older children it occurs at elbows, knees, wrist and ankles. In adults it occurs at hands, neck, elbows and knees. Vicharchika is a complex disorder which affects quality of life. Ayurvedic herbal formulations are very helpful in the treatment of such conditions. When a proper treatment is given after analysing the signs and symptoms of the patients, it helps in relieving conditions of Actopic Dermatitis.

What Is Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease?- Is It Manageable?


Infections are very common health issues as the spread rate of infections is very high. As the infection-causing agents spreads through the contamination of air, water and soil as well. Infection occurs when an infection-causing agent enters the body via any route. The source may be any surface like skin, doors, mats, etc, the other thing is transmission via which infection causes agent transfer from one thing to the other, especially transmission occurs from living things. The infection may sometimes lead to a very big health concern so it is must to manage it in the initial stage. In this stage we are going to discuss one such infection that is known as Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Below we will discuss all about this disease along with its Ayurvedic management.


Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD) is considered as a very common infection among children that leads to sore formation known as ulceration. This viral infection occurs during the summers. Among all the strains A 16 strain of Coxsackievirus causes this infection among all the strains. In this condition the sores occur inside the mouth and on hands and feet. It is a kind of contagious infection that is caused by a virus named the coxsackie virus. Among all the strains A 16 strain of Coxsackievirus causes this infection among all the strains. This condition is generally mild and can remain for several days. This virus spreads from one another via direct contact with infected hands and surfaces that are contaminated with faeces. This condition can occur at any age but commonly under the age of 5 years. Further we will discuss more about this infection in detail.

What is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease


As we read earlier it is coxsackievirus which is one of the viruses of group enterovirus. As viruses can spread easily from one person  to the other, the following are the ways by which someone can be affected by this infection:

  1. Saliva
  2. Faeces
  3. Fluid from blisters
  4. Respiratory droplets via coughing and sneezing
  5. Direct spread through unwashed surfaces and hands

The above mentioned are some of the ways by which this infection can spread. Now let’s talk about who is at the risk of developing this infection. So the answer is young children. The risk of an infection developing in young children usually occurs while they go to daycare or the school premises. If once a child suffers from this infection then an immunity develops in the child so after that the one may not get the infection again. So the chance of developing this condition decreases in children more than 10 years. But if the immune system weakens then this virus may affect older children and adults too.


When the infection occurs the symptoms develop after 3-6 days. This is the incubation period for Hand, Foot and Mouth infections. Following symptoms are usually experienced by the infected person:

  1. Red blisters in the mouth
  2. Rash on hands and foot soles
  3. Decreased appetite
  4. Fever
  5. Sore throat
  6. Irritability
  7. Headache
  8. Malaise
  9. Drooling

The first symptom of this infection is fever and the sores and blisters will appear after 1-2 days as the fever arrives. The rashes first look like red flat spots that are hardly visualised on the dark skin tone. In the case of dark skin, these posts can be seen on the soles of hands and feet. After this, the lesions can be seen on the surfaces of hands and feet that are easy to identify. Mostly painful blisters occur in the mouth and it is a must to check the throat, tongue and sides of the mouth too.


Usually, this infection can be examined via performing a physical examination. The Doctor will check the whole mouth from the outside and inside for blisters. If these seem to be positive for this infection then the Doctor will ask questions about the other symptoms like fever, malaise, sore throat, etc. For clearing the diagnosis the doctor may collect a stool sample and a throat swab, which will confirm the presence of the virus in the body.


There is no direct correlation of this condition that has been mentioned in the classical texts. But this doesn’t mean that such symptoms can not be diagnosed in ancient times. There are eight branches of Ayurveda among which one is Graha chikitsa. Graha chikitsa includes the treatment of such diseases that are caused by invisible entities like viruses, bacterias, fungi and many others. These all are known as Grahas that generally affects the children most and the chikitsa for children is taken under Bala Graha. The correlation of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease is considered under the Shakuni Graha. As per Ayurveda to alleviate this condition it is necessary to increase the immunity of the patient and to eliminate the virus from the body. For this purpose let’s see the formulations provided by Planet Ayurveda.


Planet Ayurveda is an ISO and GMP certified company which formulated its own herbal and herbo-mineral remedies. These remedies are formulated under the strict observance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. The formulations are free from any kind of added synthetic materials and preservatives and things like fibres, resins, gums, colours, etc. The purpose of Planet Ayurveda is to deal with all sorts of diseases and prevent all such diseases. Also these supplements help in promoting and maintaining the overall health of a healthy person so that they will not be susceptible to any kind of disease in future.


Ayurvedic Treatment for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease



Septrin Tablets by Planet Ayurveda is a poly herbal remedy. This remedy consists of ingredients such as guggul (Commiphora mukul), tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), haldi (Curcuma longa) and various others. All the herbs present in these tablets help in boosting immunity as well as preventing all kinds of infections. It alleviates the symptoms of HFMD such as fever, sore throat, etc by providing immunomodulatory effects.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals.


Curcumin Capsules is a single herbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda with the standardised extract of curcumin (Curcuma longa). Curcumin possesses the best antioxidant properties and rejuvenating properties. It boosts immunity as well which assists the body to fight against infections. As HFMD is caused by the inflammatory changes in the body by the virus curcumin alleviates the symptoms of this disease by suppressing the inflammatory responses in the body.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Amritarisht is a classical Ayurvedic formulation which has been used for many types of fevers since ancient times. This is a syrup formulation and is prepared by Planet Ayurveda under the observance of M.D Ayurveda practitioners. This formulation consists of various ingredients such as giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), patla (Stereospermum suaveolens), agnimanth (Clerodendrum phlomidis) and various others. As fever is the first symptom in HFMD thus this remedy acts as best in alleviating fever.

Dosage: 5 ml twice daily with plain water after meals.


Mahamanjishthadi Kwath is a syrup formulation which is prepared by Planet Ayurveda as mentioned in classical texts. This formulation consists of various ingredients such as Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) and various others. This syrup formulation helps in cleansing the blood and promotes detoxification. By detoxification it helps in eliminating virus from the body thus assisting the management of HFMD.   

Dosage: 1 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.


Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD) is considered as a very common infection among children that leads to sore formation known as ulceration. It occurs commonly in children and the main cause behind this infection is Coxsackievirus. The symptoms experienced by the affected person are fever, sore throat, malaise, blisters inside and outside the mouth, sores on hands and feet.

As per Ayurveda there is no direct correlation between this disease but it can be taken under Graha chikitsa as shakuni graha. For this Planet Ayurveda provides various remedies that help in alleviating HFMD. These remedies boost immunity and by detoxification assist in the management of this disease. The herbal remedies are free from any kind of added preservatives and synthetic material so there is no side effect of these medications you can give your child without worrying under the advice of Ayurvedic practitioners.