Category: Foot and Mouth Disease

Alternative Treatment for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease


Viruses are microbes which contain genetic material, RNA or DNA and are coated with a layer of protein. The viral infection is the multiplication or proliferation of these microorganisms inside the body. Viral infections can be of various types which can hinder the health of the body. One such type of viral infection is the hand, mouth and foot disease. It is most commonly observed in children. It has been a topic of discussion in the medical fraternity and a matter of concern in the general public in recent times because of the rise in the number of cases. Let us know about the Hand, Mouth and Foot Disease in detail along with its symptoms, causes, management and the ayurvedic aspect through this article.


HAND, MOUTH AND FOOT DISEASE” is a distinct type of viral infection of the skin. It is also known as enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem. Hand, mouth and foot disease is a result of infection from a group of enterovirus. Hand, mouth and foot disease is most common in children below the age of ten years. It presents with sores or ulcers inside or around the mouth, rashes can also be observed.  The first case of hand, mouth and foot disease (HFMD) was reported in New zealand in the year 1957. This condition is a viral infection of self limiting nature. The causes, symptoms, etc. and more details will be provided as follows.

Hand, mouth and foot disease


As mentioned earlier, the hand, mouth and foot disease (HFMD) is a result of a viral infection. The causative virus underlying this condition belongs to the Picornaviridae family. Few of the most common ones are coxsackievirus, enterovirus, etc. The  hand, mouth and foot disease (HFMD) is very highly contagious and is known to transmit through direct contact, by fecal oral transmission and even by nasopharyngeal secretions such as saliva or nasal mucous. It usually spreads due to lack of proper sanitation and poor toilet hygiene. This will lead to presentation of different symptoms described as follows.


The symptoms will vary from patient to patient. The most common symptoms of hand, mouth and foot disease (HFMD) will include general malaise or weakness, generalized discomfort, fever, nausea, vomiting, etc. The child does not feel hungry leading to a decrease in appetite. He/ she may become easily irritated. Skin rashes can be observed. There can be blisters or lesions on the face, around the nose or mouth, soles of feet, or buttock region, etc. THis condition is usually self resolving i.e. the rash and infection will resolve itself after 7 to 10 days. The diagnosis and management of this condition is described as follows.


The incubation period ranges from 3 to 6 days. The diagnosis can be prepared by observing the clinical features itself. If still, a chance of confusion or doubt exists, the doctor may advise you to go for throat swab or stool sample for culture to detect virus if present.  As mentioned earlier, the hand, mouth and foot disease (HFMD) is a self limiting condition and does not necessarily need treatment. Symptomatic treatment may be given to provide relief.


The hand, mouth and foot disease (HFMD) can be correlated to the condition of bala graha. The graha are explained in the graha chikitsa. It describes graha as a consequence of ominous nature and can produce deadly diseases. The term graha presents similarity to various planets that are believed to affect the health of the body in  an unknown way. In the bala chikitsa branch of ayurveda, graha are mentioned in detail and are known to bother children as compared to adults. There are various types of graha mentioned in the ayurvedic literature. The condition of hand, mouth and foot disease can be seen to possess similarity with the shakuni graha. The presenting features of shakuni graha are repeated occurrence of sores or blisters on various parts of the body, accompanied with fever, fear or irritability, etc. So to manage these hindrances in the normal bodily functions, various ayurvedic formulations can be used to cope up with this condition. The details regarding these formulations useful for managing the hand, mouth and foot disease such as curcumin capsule, septrin tablet, etc.are described as follows.


Planet Ayurveda is providing various preparations of natural herbs such as septrin tablets, curcumin capsule, amritarishta, etc. which are prepared using authentic ways and provide great results in improving the immune system of the body. All the herbal products manufactured here are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors and fillers. These products are hundred percent natural and are formulated by MD Ayurvedic doctors with deep knowledge of Ayurveda and many years of experience. The formulations are prepared strictly according to the procedures described in the samhitas (classical texts) and therefore are very effective in promoting health and managing the diseased state. The ayurvedic formulations useful in the case of hand, mouth and foot disease is described as follows –

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

Herbal Remedies for Hand, Mouth and Foot Disease

1. Septrin Tablet

Septrin tablets prepared by planet ayurveda is a wonderful ayurvedic formulation which contains various medicinal properties. The herbal composition of septrin tablets include guggul (Commiphora mukul), sonth (Zingiber officinale), marich (Piper nigrum), pippali (Piper longum), etc. These help to balance the dosha i.s. vata, pitta and kapha in the body. It supports a healthy immune system and hence will help to fight off infections. Thus, septrin tablets help in improving the condition of hand, mouth and foot disease.

Dosage – One tablet two times a day, after meals with plain water.

2. Curcumin capsule

Curcumin Capsules are being prepared by planet ayurveda. It contains natural extracts of a very beneficial ayurvedic herb i.e. haldi (turmeric) (Curcuma longa). It improves the healing properties of the body. It has various antioxidative agents and helps to rejuvenate the cells of the body. Haridra helps to boost the immunity and metabolism of the body, hence useful in managing the condition of hand, mouth and foot disease.

Dose – Curcumin Capsule can be given one capsule two times a day, after meals with plain water.

3. Amritarisht

Amritarisht is being prepared by Planet Ayurveda. It contains a combination of numerous medicinal herbs such as bilva (Aegle marmelos), giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), brihati (Solanum indicum), etc. These are very beneficial in dealing with febrile conditions. It helps to improve the immune system of the body and hence will protect the child from any chance of infections. This further will prevent the child from bacterial and viral infections as the body’s strength to fight off infection increases.

Dosage – One teaspoon two times a day, after meals with plain water.

4. Mahamanjisthadi Kwath

Mahamanjisthadi Kwath is an ayurvedic formulation prepared by Planet ayurveda. The main component of mahamanjisthadi kwath is a very beneficial ayurvedic herb namely manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) along with various other medicinal components. It has various medicinal properties. Manjishtha is an excellent blood purifier and helps to balance pitta and kapha dosha. Mahamanjisthadi Kwathi is very helpful in managing inflammatory conditions and hence, helpful in improving the condition of the patient of hand, mouth and foot disease.

Dosage – One teaspoon two times a day, after meals with plain water.

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So, in a nutshell, all the above described information can be compiled and it can be concluded that the condition of hand, mouth and foot disease can be managed effectively with the appropriate use of ayurvedic formulations. The ayurvedic principles believe to rectify the disease right from its roots rather than just managing the symptoms. So, by restricting the causative or aggravating factors and following a healthy diet along with the administration of ayurvedic formulations such as septrin tablets, curcumin capsules, etc. the condition of hand, mouth and foot disease can be managed effectively.

Hand, Mouth & Foot Disease And Its Ayurvedic Treatment

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease


Bacteria and viral diseases are very common nowadays. These diseases easily spread from one person to another by common means such as sneezing, coughing and touching communicated things etc. Hand, foot and mouth is a viral illness in which sores are present in the hand, foot, mouth and other parts of the body also. This disease can spread with weakness, loss of appetite and low grade fever. Here in this article we will discuss this disease in detail and its ayurvedic management also.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease


Hand, foot and mouth is a contagious disease and is more common in children under the age of five. It occurs generally in summers. It can easily spread through direct contact with saliva, mucus, and faeces of an infected person. This disease was first reported by Robinsons and Rhodes in 1958. In initial stages this disease is mild but goes away on its own after some time. This disease is highly communicable and spreads very fast from one person to another. It is mainly caused by Coxsackievirus. This disease can spread from unwashed hands or contaminated faeces. The common symptoms shown by this disease are high-grade fever, sores, skin rashes and blisters. This disease can be preventable by some methods such as regularly washing hands, and avoiding close contact etc. Let’s discuss in detail.


Hand, foot and mouth diseases spread easily from one person to another by

  • Direct contact
  • Due to cough and sneezing
  • Contact with contaminated objects
  • Contact with secretions such as saliva or nasal mucus
  • Faeces
  • Fluid from blisters

Basically this disease is caused by viruses. These viruses belong to the enterovirus family. Most common viruses that cause this disease are as follows

  • Coxsackievirus A16
  • Coxsackievirus A6
  • Enterovirus 71


Fever and flu like symptoms

These symptoms appear after 3 to 5 days after transmission. Following are the symptoms shown by this disease are

  • High grade fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sore throat
  • Tiredness

Mouth sores

These sores are very painful. Firstly they are very small and red spots but after some time that blister comes painful. Due to formation of these sores following signs may appear

  • Difficulty in eating or drinking
  • Patient wanting only cold fluids
  • Excessive saliva

Skin rash

In this skin rashes may appear on the hands, feet and other parts of the body.


  • Physical examination
  • Throat swab culture and sensitivity
  • Stool sample culture and sensitivity
  • Blister fluid culture and sensitivity


  • Dehydration
  • Neurological complications
  • Viral meningitis
  • Encephalitis
  • Acute flaccid paralysis
  • Non neurological complications
  • Loss of finger and toe tails


Symptomatic treatment:- In this symptomatic treatment should be given to the patient

  • Analgesics
  • Antipyretics
  • Anti-itching creams
  • Cold therapy


Wash hands often

wash your hands after contact with any object or surface. People should wash their hands for a minimum of twenty seconds.

Teach good hygiene

Teach good hygiene to your child

Disinfect common areas

Always clean high traffic areas and surfaces that are in direct contact with people such as door knobs, and playing items

Avoid close contact

hand, foot and mouth disease is highly contagious so avoid close contact with infected person

Ayurvedic overview

Ayurveda is a vedic science which deals with management and prevention of acute and chronic diseases. It is one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine. As we all know the entire universe is made up of five elements i.e. Aakash, Vayu, Agni, Jal and Prithvi. These five elements form the three basic humours of the human body i.e. vata, pitta and kapha. In ayurveda the concept of prakriti is mentioned which is based on the mental and physical constitution of a person. According to ayurveda hand, mouth and foot diseases cannot be correlated with any specific disease but its symptoms can be compared with shakuni graha explained by acharya sushrut. In shakuni greh children have painful sores in the mouth, sores all over the body, mouth sore and fever etc.(Reference:-sushrut utar sthan 27;10)

This disease can be managed by some ayurvedic therapies such as prishek, abhyanga, lepa, mukhpak, ghritpan, and dhupan etc. (reference sushrut utar sthan 30;3,ashtang sangrah 6;31)

As we have learnt that it is a communicable disease and spreads easily from one person to another. So In ayurveda it can be correlated with sankramak rog (as described in sushrut nidansthan 6;32-35).

The herbs which are useful in the management of this disease are guggul, haridra, giloy, vilav, tulsi and shyonak. These herbs mainly reduce the symptoms of this disease and boost the immunity of patients. Let’s discuss these herbs in detail.


It is an ayurvedic herb and has antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties. Paste of guggul is locally applied on skin diseases. It also reduces the redness and itching on the skin.


It is also called gauri and has many health benefits. According to charaka it is of five types. Its leaves are narrow at the base and bright yellow from inside. It is widely used for skin diseases. So it is a very important herb for the management of this disease.


This herb is very useful in itching or rashes. You can simply make it into paste and apply it over the skin. It also has antimicrobial effects and is helpful in the management of bacterial and viral disease.
Thus these herbs are very useful in the management of hand, foot and mouth disease. All these herbs are present in Plant Ayurveda’s product.

Herbal remedies for hand, mouth and foot diseases by Planet Ayurveda

Planet ayurveda is a worldwide company which treats humans as well as animals. This is a GMP certified company. All the medicnes made by this company are natural and free from side effects. This company makes medicines under the observation of MD ayurveda doctors. Planet Ayurveda makes medicine in the form of tablets, syrup and churna. All the products are gluten free. In case of hand, mouth and foot diseases following products are offered by Planet ayurveda.
Herbal Remedies for Hand, Mouth, and Foot DiseaseBuy Now

Product list

  1. Septrin tablet
  2. Curcumin capsules
  3. Amritarisht
  4. Mahamanjisthadi kwath

1. Septrin tablet

It is a herbal formulation manufactured by Planet Ayurveda consisting of natural herbs. The main ingredients of this tablet are guggul (Commiphora mukul), pippali (Piper longum), marich (Piper nigrum), sonth (Zingiber officinale), tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and haldi (Curcuma longa). This formulation has antimicrobial, analgesics, antiseptic and antipyretic properties which helps in fight against viruses. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and also promotes immunity. Thus septrin tablets are very useful in the management of skin disease.

Dose: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals

2. Curcumin capsules

These capsules consist of Standardised extract of haridra (Curcuma longa). Haridra has wonderful properties that help in the management of bacterial and viral disease. As we know this herb is traditionally famous in our homes and very helpful in all allergic reactions. It also heals the ulcers and rashes from the affected part. Thus this product is widely used in the management of skin disorders.

Dose:1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals

3. Amritarisht

It is a classical ayurvedic formulation which is made up of natural herbs in the form of syrup. The main ingredients of this syrup are giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), bilva (Aegle marmelos), shyonak (Oroxylum indicum), gambhiri (Gmelina arborea), patla (Sterespermum suaveolens) and agnimantha (Clerodendrum phlomidis) etc. This syrup is very useful to boost immunity therefore helps the body to fight against various infections. It is also very helpful in reducing the fever.

Dose: 5ml twice a day with an equal amount of water after meals

4. Mahamanjisthadi kwath

Mahamanjisthadi kwath is an ayurvedic syrup that is very helpful in the purification of blood. The main ingredients present in this kwath are haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica), tikta (Solanum indicum), vacha (Acorus calamus) and devadaru (Cedrus deodara). This formulation mainly purifies the blood and helps in the management of bacteria and viral infections. It also boosts up the immunity and gives strength to the body.

Dose: 5 ml twice a day after meals.


This disease mainly occurs due to low immunity in children. Bacteria and viral diseases are very common nowadays. These diseases easily spread from one person to another by common means such as sneezing, coughing and touching communicated things etc. Hand, foot and mouth is a viral illness in which sores are present in the hand, foot, mouth and other parts of the body also. According to Ayurveda, this disease can be correlated with shakuni greh and sankramak rog. Here in this article have discussed hand, foot and mouth disease in detail and its ayurvedic management also.