Category: Psoriasis

Psoriasis and Its Ayurvedic Treatment with Herbal Remedies


Skin serves to maintain and protect our body from the external environment. It regulates body temperature, reduces the harmful impact of UV rays, and acts as a sensory organ. Skin holds everything together. Without skin people’s muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place. Now you would have known how important the skin is and more important keeping skin healthy. Beautiful and healthy skin boosts your confidence. But what if it gets trapped in diseases? Psoriasis is one such pruritic (irritating) disease. According to WHO reports the prevalence of the disease has increased often and can occur at any age, even in children. Psoriasis not only affects the person physically but also mentally and emotionally. Through this article, you will get to know the causes, symptoms, Ayurvedic aspects of Psoriasis, and how it is treatable with Ayurvedic medicines.

Psoriasis, Treatment of Psoriasis in Ayurveda, Causes of Psoriasis, Symptoms of Psoriasis


Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease that leads to the rapid build-up of skin cells causing scaling. Typically over 24 hours, our body shed almost a million skin cells, which are replaced after about a month. Psoriasis occurs when skin cells are replaced more quickly than usual, within 3 to 4 days. It is caused by a problem in the immune system. The scales appear most commonly on knee joints, elbows, scalp, and trunk. However, scales may develop anywhere on the body including hands, feet, neck, scalp, face, and less commonly on nails, mouth, and around genitals. Typical psoriatic scales are thick, red patches covered with silvery-white plaques and tend to have a symmetric distribution. But they can differ according to severity and type of Psoriasis. These patches can crack and bleed on scratching and hence can be very painful. According to IPC (International Psoriasis Council), there are 5 types of Psoriasis-

  1. Chronic Psoriasis Plaque
  2. Psoriasis Guttate
  3. Psoriasis Pustular
  4. Psoriasis Erythrodermic
  5. Psoriasis Nail

Health conditions vary from normal to worse regarding the type of psoriasis the patient is suffering from. Autoimmune response leads to inflammation of the skin which can also have an immense impact on other organs of the body. Thus, it needs to be controlled as early as possible.

The Ayurvedic Aspect Of Psoriasis

As per the ayurvedic concept, psoriasis is known as ‘kitibha’ which are harsh skin patches, scabrous to touch (covered with something rough). Kitibha is classified under ‘kshudra kushtha’. It occurs due to unbalanced tridosha predominantly the Vata dosha and Kapha doshas. Furthermore, the acharyas have explained ‘mandal kushtha’ as a cluster of elevated skin patches which are adjacent to each other (connected according to the progress of the disease). They are red-colored patches with dry skin plaques same as psoriasis plaques. Mandal kushtha is classified under ‘maha kushtha’. Psoriasis can simply be termed as kushtha according to Ayurveda. Psoriasis in Ayurveda is managed by pacifying tridosha with herbal medicines described in detail further in the article.


The symptoms of the disease are the same in modern pathy as written in Ayurveda texts. The affected area can be small (in the beginning) or cover the majority of the body area (in severe cases). Following listed are the most found symptoms in psoriasis patients-

  1. Thick areas of discolored skin (can be adjacent to each other)
  2. Skin patches covered with white-silvery scales
  3. Skin harsh to touch
  4. Itchy skin
  5. Burning skin/skin pain
  6. Pitted, cracked nails
  7. Painful and swollen joints
  8. Dry skin may crack and bleed (on scratching)

Not every person will experience all these symptoms. The symptoms vary according to the severity of the disease which is assessed by the degree of scaling, redness, thickness, and size of skin lesions.


  • Immune System – Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition as a result of which the body attacks itself. In Psoriasis T-cells attack the body’s skin cells. An overactive immune response causes skin cells to produce new skin cells that develop too quickly. The attack on the skin cells also causes redness and swelling of the skin.
  • Genetics – National psoriasis foundation considers genetics to be a causative factor for psoriasis.

In addition to the above causes, some more causative factors in Ayurveda are mentioned as-

  1. Virudh Aahar [eg- (drinking milk with fish/salt/yogurt), (eating cold with hot simultaneously)
  2. Overeating, even on indigestion
  3. Suppress natural urges (eg-control urge to urine)
  4. Workout after heavy meals
  5. Daytime sleep

These unhealthy food habits and inadequate lifestyle practices only if done on a regular basis will tend to elevate doshas and cause ‘kushtha’ disease which is simply psoriasis.


The doctor can make a diagnosis directly through Physical examination. No lab test is required but sometimes a doctor can suggest a Skin Biopsy to determine the type of psoriasis and to rule out any skin infection along with it.

In Ayurveda, three main diagnostic factors together make diagnosis better, including- Darshan= by observing the patches and patient, Sparshan= by touching the affected areas, and Prashan= by asking and ruling out Prakriti of the person and taking personal and family history. The better the diagnosis (type, prakriti, and degree of psoriasis), the better will be the treatment.


The person with Psoriasis may also experience several other health conditions explained in modern and Ayurveda, including- diabetes mellitus (madhumeh), inflammatory bowel disease (dah, atisar), heart disease (hridya rog), psoriatic arthritis (angbhed in 20% patients), anxiety and depression (manh and sharir dorbalya).


In modern pathy treatment, there are few medications (steroids) that help to reduce symptoms of psoriasis. Topical corticosteroids, oral steroids, and light therapy are the line of treatment. Talking about their side effects, modern pathy itself claims that long-term steroid use can thin skin and over time they stop working. Light therapy can cause skin burns and make skin more itchy and inflamed. Most of these medications are unsafe during pregnancy. Moreover, few studies conclude that long-term use of steroids as well as light therapy can cause skin cancer. Unfortunately, people still depend on these medications and are unaware of the efficacy of ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda provides natural treatment to these patients without any side effects.

Ayurvedic chikitsa (treatment)

When patients reach out to our doctors, they treat the patient by working on various protocols including lifestyle changes, special diet plans, and taking herbal medicines altogether.

  • Nidan parivarjan – The very obvious treatment protocol says, by avoiding causative factors mentioned earlier in the article can help the body to recover better. These include both eating habits and lifestyle habits.
  • Pathya-apathya – Any ayurvedic treatment process is incomplete without this step. Your ayurvedic doctor will instruct you on what to eat according to the disease condition and herbal medications you are taking.

Herbal Medications For Psoriasis by Planet Ayurveda

Ayurveda medicines are very beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. Planet Ayurveda is a leading manufacturing company of various herbal medications with the best overall result for 20 years. Their products are 100% pure and vegetarian and are made from standardized extracts of various potential medicinal plants by expert ayurvedic physicians. This company is internationally certified and people worldwide are using its products and medicines. They strictly follow government guidelines for making their products the best. Planet Ayurveda provides a ‘Psora Care Pack’ to treat psoriasis. It is the best remedy to ease the symptoms of psoriasis with no side effects. Here are the further details about the working and efficacy of the product-

Products List

  1. Navkarshik Churna
  2. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula
  3. Neem Capsules
  4. Manjishtha Capsules
  5. Pitta Balance
  6. Gandhak Rasayan
  7. Recumin Gel
  8. Jatyadi Tailam

Products Description

1. Navkarshik Churna

It is a herbal ayurvedic formulation in powder form. It is a combination of natural herbs such as – Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitki (Terminalia bellerica), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Neem (Azadirachta indica), etc. It helps in cleaning the blood that keeps the skin healthy and eases symptoms of the disease.

Dosage: 1 tablespoon full twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

2. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula

This wonderful acting ayurvedic formulation contains Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Pit papad (Fumaria officinalis), Chirayata (Swertia chirata), Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis). This formulation capsule very effectively balances tridosha. Also supports the healthy pH of the skin which maintains skin health and treats skin disorders like psoriasis.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day after meals, with lukewarm water.

3. Neem Capsules

These capsules are made up of natural extracts of a single herb, Neem (Azadirachta indica). This herb is used in several skin conditions due to its anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It cleans the blood and skin which reduces the chances of skin infections which are high in case of deep and cracking psoriasis plaques.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day after meals, with lukewarm water.

4. Manjishtha Capsules

It is an ayurvedic formulation that contains a standardized extract of Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia). It controls over activation of the immune system which eases rapid skin production. Therefore, it is beneficial in managing psoriasis.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals, with lukewarm water.

5. Pitta Balance

It is a polyherbal formulation prepared from JaharMohara (natural calcium compound), Kharava pishti (natural calcium compound), Akik, Mukta, Giloy satv (Tinospora cordifolia). This formulation helps to balance pitta dosha which ultimately balances tridosha. It regulates Agni and treats burning sensation in the skin and is advantageous in kushth rog.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily after meals, with lukewarm water.

6. Gandhak Rasayan

Shudh gandhak (purified sulfur) is used to prepare gandhak rasayan. Gandhak being a rasayan has rejuvenating properties which promote health and nourishes the body from the inside out. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce swelling and pain in affected areas of the skin and its antibacterial properties reduce the chances of skin infections.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day after meals, with lukewarm water.

7. Recumin Gel

This patent herbal formulation manufactured by planet Ayurveda consists of herbs such as Haldi (Curcuma longa), Jasmine (Jasminum officinale), Neem (Azadirachta indica), etc. Its active ingredients maintain skin health when applied to bare skin and also subside the symptoms of various skin diseases. This is very effective in managing dry skin plaques in psoriasis patients.

Directions: Apply externally on affected skin areas twice daily after cleaning the area.

8. Jatyadi Tailam

This is a polyherbal ayurvedic formulation and contains various beneficial ayurvedic herbs such as Chameli (Jasmine officinale), Neem (Azadirachta indica), etc. Jatyadi tailam pacifies Vata dosha’s aggravation. Application of tailam on the affected area will improve the skin condition and ease symptoms of itching, swelling, pain, and irritation.

Directions: Apply externally on the patches/affected skin areas once or twice daily after cleaning the area.


Psoriasis is a long-term condition that hinders the quality of life. It requires side-effect-free effective management for better health status. These requirements can be fulfilled with the use of an ayurvedic ‘Psora Care Pack’. These herbs are efficient in maintaining psoriasis. Furthermore, these herbs also enhance skin luster and overall robustness. Our talented Ayurvedic doctors are constantly working on the management of such diseases and have been successful to a large extent. The efforts provide relief to the patients without any side effects. For a better ayurvedic experience or any queries contact us at

Stay Healthy!! Stay Alive!!

Get Rid of Scalp Infection and Severe Dandruff Naturally

The article discusses in detail the prevalence, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of dandruff including the etiopathology. The article also discusses in detail the various Treatment for Dandruff. The status of dandruff being amphibious – a disease/disorder, and relatively less medical intervention is sought after for the treatment, dandruff is the most commercially exploited skin and scalp disorder/disease by personal care industries. The scalp can become infected if fungus or bacteria enter the scalp through the hair follicles or damaged skin. Skin damage can result from common skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema.

What is Severe Dandruff and Scalp Infection?

Severe Dandruff

“Dandruff is a complex problem as per Ayurveda, and every case of dandruff may have a different cause. Regardless of its complexity, it is grouped under Kshudra rogas – diseases that can be easily cured,”

Scalp Infection

Most scalp conditions lead to hair loss or some type of skin rash. Many are hereditary. Malnutrition or infection can also cause scalp conditions. The treatment and your outlook depend on the condition that’s causing the scalp problems.

Alternative Treatment for Dandruff

How does Severe Dandruff and Scalp Infection occur?

Although the root cause of dandruff will always be the same, other factors can exacerbate the condition making it seem worse. Factors which can worsen dandruff include:

1. Irritated and oily skin

This can be caused by conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is marked by red and greasy skin that is covered in flaky white or yellow scales.

The condition can affect your scalp and other areas of the body which are rich in oil glands, such as the creases around your nostrils, the backs of your ears, the groin, and armpits.

2. Dry skin

If you suffer from dry skin or have a medical condition such as eczema, it is likely that your scalp will also become dry, flaky, and probably also very itchy. Flakes due to dry skin usually appear smaller and less oily.

Dry skin can be exacerbated in colder climates and during winter due to dry weather conditions.

3. Not shampooing enough

If you don’t wash your hair on a regular basis then oils and skin cells can build up on the scalp leading to dandruff. Male hormones also known as androgens can also cause greasy or oily skin which can lead to dandruff.

However, shampooing too often can dry out the scalp and cause dandruff, it is recommended that you shampoo every other day to maintain a healthy balance.

4. Brushing your hair irregularly

Brushing hair after long intervals can also increase your chances of having dandruff, as a build-up of dead skin occurs on the scalp.

5. Heat and dry air

Conversely, heat can dry the scalp and make dandruff appear worse.

6. Air pollution

Can also contribute to dandruff as chemicals that are circulating in the air can affect the skin and cause irritation or allergic reactions on the skin and scalp which can cause dandruff.

7. Alkaline Shampoos

Individuals who suffer from dandruff should opt for a neutral or slightly acidic pH shampoo. If you use a product that is unsuitable for you, your scalp may react causing an itchy and flaky scalp.

Hair products that contain certain oils can also worsen dandruff as yeast can feed off these lipids and grow in their presence. Styling products can also build-up on the scalp and cause greasiness.

8. An unbalanced diet

However eating foods that are rich in zinc, vitamin B and fats can help you prevent dandruff from developing.

9. Stress

Can worsen any skin condition and impair your immune system. Although the microbe Malassezia is already present on everyone’s scalp, it can thrive once the immune system becomes compromised or impaired leading to the development of dandruff.

Stress can cause an itch-scratch cycle where the more you scratch the itchier your scalp becomes.

Therefore it is important to incorporate some relaxation methods into your daily routine to reduce stress levels and improve scalp health.

What Ayurveda says about these problems

According to Ayurveda, darunak or dandruff is categorized as a Shudra Roga, one which is caused by an imbalance of all three doshas (Ayurvedic biohumors). The primary doshas that cause this problem are Kapha and Vata. While Kapha represents softness and stickiness, Vata can be dry and rough. In an aggravated state, Vata-Kapha causes impurities to accumulate in the deep tissues of the scalp leading to this issue which is dry and sticky in nature. Contamination of the deep tissues and heightened Vata-Kapha causes the scalp to shed a higher amount of dead epidermal cells than is normal, which is dandruff.

Complications of Scalp infection and severe dandruff

Dandruff usually does not cause any significant complications and is not life-threatening. Extreme cases can result in:

Hair loss

Extreme cases may lead to itching, scratchiness in the scalp. This may cause further scalp infection and subsequent hair loss.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Dandruff is considered a mild form of Seborrheic dermatitis. Extreme cases of Dandruff may lead to this condition which is characterized by extremely red, flaky, greasy, skin patches. It extends beyond the scalp.

Depression and Social Withdrawal

Some individuals get so affected by the social embarrassment caused by Dandruff that they socially isolate themselves and can even fall into Depression.

Natural Dandruff Treatment


1.Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum)

Methi or fenugreek seeds are one of the top natural remedies for dandruff. There are multiple ways of using fenugreek for an itch- and scale-free scalp.

How to Use

Use these seeds by soaking them overnight so the next morning they can be easily made into a paste. You can also use fenugreek seed powder to make a paste. The fenugreek seed paste can then be mixed with other antifungal herbs and oils like henna, yogurt, lime juice, etc. Another way to use the seeds is to heat them with some coconut oil. Strain and use this oil to massage onto your scalp once it cools.

2. Lemon (Citrus Limon)

Lemon makes a great homemade dandruff treatment due to its high antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Lemon contains citric acid, vitamin C, flavonoids, and trace amounts of zinc, which makes lemon juice a great addition to hair masks to zap dandruff.

How to Use

Mix equal quantities of fresh ginger juice, fresh lemon juice, and olive oil. Gently massage into the scalp. Wash off after an hour. Another great hair mask can be made by combining equal parts of Multani mitti, sandalwood powder, and lemon peel powder. Make it into a paste and apply it on the scalp. Leave on for an hour and wash off for deeply nourished and clean hair.

3. Green Gram (Vigna Radiata)

How to Use

The mung bean or green gram for dandruff can be used to wash the hair as an herbal alternative to dandruff shampoo. To treat dandruff with green gram, apply on your hair paste made of green gram powder. Apply and let it rest on your scalp for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. If your hair is very oily, add curd to the green gram and then wash off with a mild shampoo.

4. Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina)

How to Use

To use snake gourd as a natural dandruff remedy, simply massage the juice to your scalp. After half an hour, wash it off using a mild shampoo. This will help hydrate and detoxify the scalp to prevent dandruff from reoccurring.

5. Neem (Azadiracta Indica)

How to Use

Neem oil can be used as a hair oil to eliminate dandruff, on its own, or along with tea tree and rosemary essential oils. Neem paste or neem powder added to hair masks can be potent dandruff destroyers. The best and the easiest way to use neem for dandruff is by chewing a few fresh leaves every morning on an empty stomach. As the taste is extremely bitter and astringent, you can also take neem tablets/capsules. Make a neem rinse by boiling the leaves in water and using it as a final wash post shampooing.

Herbal Treatment for Scalp infection & severe dandruff

Treatment for Dandruff

Herbal Remedies for Dandruff

Planet Ayurveda is serving the society for years to help them get rid of their various health disorders. Likewise, it has the best herbal treatment available to combat the situation of severe dandruff and scalp infection without any adverse effects.

The Treatment Includes the Following Herbal Supplements

1.Neem Capsules

How to Use

Neem has wonderful disinfectant and cleaning action on the body systems. It works very well on infections, allergies, and inflammations. People in India use Neem herb on a daily basis owing to its rich medicinal effects on the health. Neem works wonder in medical conditions like bee stings, conjunctivitis, hemorrhoids, and ulcers, and even in cases of bronchitis and epilepsy.

2. Radiant Skin Hair Nail Formula

Everyone aims towards looking at their best and wants to be fit at the same time. Everybody dreams of having beautiful hair, strong nails, and flawless skin. Did you know that this dream could easily become a reality?

A healthy body needs a wide range of nutrients. These nutrients are essential in order to maintain glowing skin, silky smooth hair, and perfect nails. Good nutrition must be included in the diet for maintaining the proper skin texture as well as moisture.

Many nutrients are not given to the body in food. That is why Planet Ayurveda has made these special capsules so that they can work from the inside. This special formula helps to build collagen and keratin. Which might decrease as a person grows in age.

3. Gandhak Rasayan

The commonly heard element sulfur acts as a wonderful remedy when used in its best form.

It is best known for its moisture-absorbing properties and it, therefore, a great hydrant. It helps to generate fresher and younger-looking skin.

It can also be used as an excellent topical exfoliate. It removes the dead surface of the skin and reveals the healthy and glowing looking skin from underneath.

These qualities make it an excellent rejuvenating herb. It is an excellent remedy to flush out toxins from the body. It is used to prepare Gandhak Rasayan.

4.Triphala Guggul

This classic Ayurvedic preparation combines the detoxifying and rejuvenating actions of triphala with the deeply penetrating and cleansing actions of guggulu. Triphala Guggulu effectively decongests the channels of the body and scrapes away toxins held within the tissues. It is particularly useful for weight management as it enkindles the digestive fire, promotes a healthy metabolism, and releases excess kapha from the system. Used to maintain overall health, Triphala Guggulu minimizes the accumulation of toxins in the GI tract, blood, and joints by supporting proper digestion and elimination.*

5. Go Richh Hair-Oil

  • Supports healthy hair follicles
  • Maintains healthy hair and scalp
  • Purely natural formula
  • 100% natural product
  • Absolutely free from chemicals, additives, extra colors, fillers and yeast etc.


Self-care advice

The following steps can help prevent dandruff

  • Try not to scratch your scalp when using shampoo. Gently massage your scalp without scratching as this will not damage your scalp or your hair.
  • Brush your hair daily and wash it at least three times a week. After washing your hair, rinse it thoroughly to get all the shampoo out. Using a shampoo that contains tea tree oil daily may help reduce dandruff. It contains antifungal and antiseptic properties. Avoid using chemicals on your scalp, such as those used in hair coloring products. The chemicals reduce the number of bacteria on the scalp that are needed to fight against yeasts.
  • Using hair products, such as hair gels and hair sprays, can build up oils and can irritate the scalp in some people. You may want to stop using a product for a while to see if your dandruff improves, or change products completely.
  • Spending time outdoors can help reduce dandruff. However, ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun can damage your skin, as well as increasing your risk of developing skin cancer. Make sure you protect yourself from the sun by using a sunscreen with the appropriate skin protection factor (SPF) for your skin type.
  • Managing stress can reduce your risk of getting dandruff. Stress can have an adverse effect on your overall health and can increase your risk of becoming ill. Stress can also trigger dandruff or make existing dandruff worse. If you feel stressed or under pressure, your GP can recommend a variety of different ways to help treat your stress.


Hence, we have tried our best to explain all the necessary details about the scalp infection and severe dandruff, including the symptoms, causes, meaning as well as the natural treatment for the same. So, you can now choose the best alternative treatment for dandruff to combat your health disorder.

Have a Disease-free Life Ahead!!