January 31, 2023
Colon Polyps And Differentiating Colon Polyps From Haemorrhoids
Colon polyps are something which are something small as a clump of cells that forms on the lining of the colon. Most of the colon polyps are harmless but with time these polyps have the potential of developing into harmful cancer. These polyps if enlarged much in size can block the intestinal passage resulting in intestinal obstruction. The colon polyp has become really common in today’s community and people have them without even knowing that they are having such things which may be growing inside them. In this article we will be discussing details about colon polyps along with some differentiating features from haemorrhoids.

The colon polyps don’t cause any kind of symptoms in the people or population who are having them. Modern science often suggests having regular body screening which includes colonoscopy. This is recommended because its removal at early stages is easy and there are then less chances to develop anything cancerous or malignant. If we discuss the prevalence of this condition then its prevalence is more if you’re above the age of 50 years. But on the other hand the haemorrhoids can be noticed at any age even in children. So, that’s the first step to the differentiating criteria between colon polyp and haemorrhoids. Moreover, the colon polyp can be in a variety of shapes; they can be flat, slightly raised which is called as sessile or on a stalk which is called as the pedunculated. Usually the sessile type grows cancerous.
Causes of Colon Polyps or Who Usually Gets Them?
As mentioned earlier they are the cell overgrowth on the lining of the colon. Thus cell growth is the result of genetic changes in cells of the colon. There are certain factors which increase the risk of these genetic changes or accelerate the process of changes.
Factors or Causes Include
- Sudden changes in lifestyle and diet
- Older age
- Hereditary history of colon polyps
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Not exercising
- Being overweight
- Waiting a lot of food which is difficult to digest like red meat, processed meat items instead of vegetables and plant based products
There are some conditions too whose chronicity can be the reason for colon polyps. These are as following:
- Inflammatory bowel disease which includes ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease.
- Primary sclerosis cholangitis
- Personal history of colon polyps or colorectal cancer
Further lets discuss the most important thing and that is symptoms
Symptoms of Colon Polyps
- Bleeding per rectum which means you might have blood with stool or mixed with stool.
- The blood will be seen from naked eyes.
- Unexplained iron deficiency resulting in anaemia and weight loss too.
- Weakness in case of regular bleeding
- Observable changes in normal bowel movement
- Abdominal pain can also be present in certain aspects
Diagnosing Colon Polyps
The Colon Polyps can be Diagnosed using Following Screening test:
Colonoscopy: Helps in visualising rectum and large intestine.
Sigmoidoscopy: Last third part of the intestine that is sigmoid colon, is visualised using this screening test.
Computerised Tomography (CT scan): A radiology test that gives a clear picture of intestines.
Stool test: Lab test of stool is done which confirms the presence of blood.
Preventive Measures for Colon Polyps
One can reduce the chances for growing colon polyps by following the below mentioned tips:
- Avoid excess intake of alcohol
- Lose extra weight to fit in the body mass index
- Exercising on regular basis for at least an hour
- Eat fibre in your diet on regular basis
- Avoid food rich in processed meat and meat products
Treatment of Colon Polyps
Whenever a colon polyp is being diagnosed the doctor will recommend that it must be removed and is generally removed during a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy and the sample is given for biopsy as well. The purpose of biopsy is to rule out cancerous changes if present or not.
Ayurvedic Perspective of the Colon Polyps
The colon polyps is something which is related to the digestive system and such problems related to the digestion system basically arises when there are disturbances in the digestive process.
The digestive process can get hampered due to many reasons and some of the most commonest are:
Intake of Vishtambhi (Chillies): They are potent to cause constipation and hence hard passage of stool through colon thus creating tension in colon mucosa.
Excessive Consumption of Virudh aahar (Toxic Food Combinations): Toxic food combinations like milk with fish, salt with milk, imli with curd, tomato with paneer etc. are the most ingested toxic food combinations and their regular intake can even lead to autoimmune conditions. Virudha aahar is a reason for ama or endotoxin accumulation and then aggravation of tridosha.
Not Exercising: As it causes accumulation of kapha dosha in the body which is the main reason for overgrowths in the body which can be in any part even in the colon.
Other reasons like not sleeping on time, drinking excess amounts of alcohol, living a sedentary life and not giving your body time to relax.
Colon polyps are kept in the category of granthi. Granthi is something which is the result of aggravated tridosha in the body and is generally non-cancerous.
Now in Ayurveda the treatment of the colon Polyps is done with various herbs which are helpful in correcting digestion and balances all three dosha in the body especially the kapha dosha. Some effective formulations like kanchnaar guggul are also administrated or prescribed so that the overgrowth can be shrunken or stabilised to its present size. Certain panchakarma procedures like virechana (Purgation) might be preferred after going through the dosha aggravation.
Now differentiating points between colon polyps and Haemorrhoids
Differentiating Colon Polyps Grom Haemorrhoids
Classical Symptoms of Colon Polyps
- The classical symptom of the colon polyps is bleeding per rectum. But the bleeding will not be drop by drop.
- Change in stool color as due to internal bleeding the color of the stool changes to black tarry.
- Changes in bowel habits like increase in the stool frequency.
- Sometimes pain might be present.
- Unexplained iron deficiency or low Haemoglobin levels.
- Even on dietary changes the bleeding will not cease completely.
Classical Symptoms of Haemorrhoids
The classical symptoms of the haemorrhoids can be divided into two categories:
Symptoms of Internal Haemorrhoids
- Discomfort at the anal opening
- Itching in anus (often)
- Bleeding will be seen per rectum but the bleeding will be in a drop wise manner. The nature of blood is fresh.
- The haemorrhoids are painless and sometimes even feel like they don’t exist.
- Usually the symptoms subside on regulating diet and having a lot of water.
- They can not be seen until they prolapse.
- Even if they prolapse they can be differentiated from external piles as external piles have skin as their outer covering and internal piles have mucosa as their external covering or layering.
Symptoms of External Haemorrhoids
- The external piles can be painful and can be felt easily on the external opening of anus.
- Prolonged Sitting causes more discomfort in this case along with sharp pain in the anal region.
- They usually bleed even when you are not passing stool
- If bleeding, external piles can soil your garments
- This type usually makes even walking difficult sometimes
- They can cause swelling around the anus
The differentiating features are really important to note whenever you are
Discussing two different conditions with almost no symptoms because lack of differentiating features will result in a wrong diagnosis. Wrong diagnosis means opting for wrong treatment and hence the situation may get worse. So to save yourself from all that scenario it’s really important to gain some really impressive knowledge. The information in the article is authentic and is of clinical significance. In case of any queries related to the topic or even your own condition feel free to visit WWW.PlanetAyurveda.Com and drop your query.