Depression in today’s working women-how can Ayurveda help get rid of it?


One of the basic factors that lead to depression is when we are not happy with the part of our self. While our natural body wants us to rest and take time for ourselves, we are only striving for reaching another goal, doing another big thing. The constant hustle and not giving oneself the time to breathe and feel the roses by living in that present moment have a deep impact on our emotions as well as physical health.

After a certain period, even our body gets so drained that the eight hours of good night sleep get ineffective in bringing rest to our body. Ever since the first-ever organized women’s rights movement in the small village of Seneca Falls, the United States in 1848, a lot has changed. While women are now working at par with their male counterparts in big corporate, participating in the policy matters, representing their nation at the international level in various sports, driving cars, planes, knocking off an opponent in the boxing ring but our social conditioning is still the same.

Herbs for Depression

Women are made to feel guilty by society and even in their intimate relationships for making time for themselves. They are judged by even the other women in the circles for not giving into the social conditioning that expects her to be active and attentive towards her household duty evens after all a long day at work. This constant juggle and striving to maintain balance in work-life along with fulfilling all the responsibilities of home life has torn women into two half.

Sometimes, women do that to themselves so that they don’t feel judged. Deep down they believe that in case they give up some of their responsibilities to work on their other commitments, their importance or place in the family dynamic might diminish with the time.

It’s a high time that we should start the discussion of women empowerment in various platforms in the sense of resting and recuperating and not only confined to opportunities in the corporate world.

The feminine energy that is predominant in females is all about creation, connecting to nature, self-love, and intuition that needed to be acknowledged and nurtured. We need to teach our daughters and friends that men and women are equal but still different. We should not strive to be men but our true authentic feminine self.

Our world is more in the need of a more caring and nurturing individual, not the technologies. Women are innate nurturers; it a matter of them understanding their powers and not wait for the world to confirm them.

Lack of self-love among women

The practice of self-love is what attracts the best things to us but many women who might seem very attractive and confident from the outside lack self-love. The only reason being not acknowledging one’s individuality and being oppressed with the social perception of perfect women.

Women need to understand that we are our being and have our strength and weakness and we all deserve love and respect. Putting you second and trying to be someone to be accepted by the immediate groups or society detaches one from their true self.

For instance, an all-night party might be an idea of fun for one individual but feel more like a nuisance for another. While the women all out there for reaching professional goals and making their mark in the industry, they should also try to know themselves. Their likes and dislikes.

Simple and Natural Ways to Overcome Such Depression

One does not need to spend bucks in an expensive salon or brands for feeling better, there some simple and effective ways we can adapt to practice self-love.

Taking a breather between work and home life

Taking time off for one even it’s half an hour can do a trick even between the busy work and home responsibilities even its spending time while having tea in your favorites spot.


Writing is considered one of the best ways of emotional outlet. It helps one to put to emotional clutters in our head into writing. Journaling is not only beneficial for one’s emotional well-being but also for increasing your creativity. This is also another way to meditate if you are not into the traditional method of meditations.


The act of cooking is among the creative expressions that the women have been practicing in their kitchen for ages. It is also an expression of love. Our mothers have been cooking healthy recipes in the kitchen with love and care. Practice cooking for yourself and also for your loved ones. It will heighten your nurturing abilities.


I know we have talked earlier about how women tend to stop caring for themselves while hustling between work and home but even a little saving can make them feel secure and grounded within themselves. The idea is not how much you earn but how you use your capital for feeling secure and grounded and stop living from paycheck to paycheck. It will help you to get rid of anxiety and fear of losing your job tomorrow and give the confidence to stand your ground.


It does not matter if you are a good dancer or not but dance especially the one with more hip movements can be proven to be beneficial for well being. Dancing increases one’s confidence, improves and removes any form of blockage. It helps you to live in the present movement while your body is in tune with the music and forgetting even it’s for sometimes the events of the past and fear of the unknown future.


Other than the depression, some ailments that have seen in the women include heart disease, autoimmune diseases, breast cancer, and osteoporosis due to unhealthy lifestyle, lack of self-care and lack of rest but can be easily cured through natural methods.


Sometimes making the changes in lifestyle are not enough as it is a never-ending process that may affect anyone anytime because of the natural behavior of humans. So, we need to go some steps further and take the help of some natural herbs that will help in reducing the effects of depression without causing any other complications. Hence, the most effective and trusted herbs for managing Depression are



Ashwagandha has been proven to be beneficial in curing stress and cutting down the anxiety levels. It also helps one to remain focused and to have more control over mood swings.


Brahmi is a herb is proven to effective in calming the brain and bringing relief from anxiety and stress


Peppermint or Pudina has a cooling effect on the nervous system and helps you to have good sleep.


It’s a herb that helps in curing insomnia. Jatamansi also works as a natural anti-depressant formula.

While all the above-mentioned steps and herbs are affected but if you are suffering from clinical depression, it is always advisable to consult the doctor.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit -,

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