Endometriosis Ayurvedic Treatment & Diet to Avoid Surgery


The female reproductive system is a group of organs that are responsible in reproduction, like ovulation and pregnancy. This system plays a vital part in keeping balance in the entire body through hormone production and communication. This system comprises of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and vagina. Female reproductive health is important to maintain the entire health of a woman and her potential children.


Endometriosis is one such disorder that can hamper fertility by obstructing the functioning of fallopian tubes, uterus, sperms, eggs and ovaries. This disorder happens when the uterine tissue embeds or sprouts outside the uterus. Below in this article we are going to learn about its causes, symptoms  & ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis.


  • Rearward menstruation.
  • Low immunity
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Unusual growth of embryonic cells
  • Family history of the disorder


    • Dyspareunia
    • Painful urination
    • Infertility
    • Dysmenorrhea
    • Metrorrhagia
  • Menorrhagia
  • Urinary frequency
  • Constipation


  • Laproscopy
  • Transvaginal USG

Herbal Remedies For Endometriosis

Endometriosis can be treated safely in Ayurveda. Here at Planet Ayurveda it can be treated with the Endometriosis Care Pack.

  1. Female Health Support
  2. Aloe Vitals
  3. Pradrantak Churna
  4. Shatavari
  5. Boswellia Curcumin

Endometriosis Care Pack


This herbal formulation consists of herbs which have miraculous effects on the female reproductive system. The herbs that this formulation contains aid in balancing pitta and vata. According to Ayurveda, annihilated vata is the prime cause of all gynecological ailments. Aggravated pitta leads to Menorrhagia, Irritant behavior, hot flushes.

This formulation contains extracts of Shatavari, Lodhra and Ashok.


Shatavari is principally a reproductive rejuvenator, laxative and has potent adaptogenic properties. It can be taken by women of any age. It can aid in overcoming the changes during pregnancy and delivery, menstrual disorders, promotes lactation, hot flashes etc. It also acts as a uterus cleanser. It has the ability to improve female fertility. Shatavari calms and provides nourishment of nerves, acts as a support system for the brain and the body to attain harmony from vata ailments.


The word Ashok literally means without sorrow. This herb helps in reducing excessive bleeding, including other gynecological ailments. It is known to calm the inflammation even with its aroma. It also has efficacious astringent properties. Its bark is an amazing cooling agent which heals a congested uterus, menstrual disorders. Also, it reduces any burning sensation.


The word Lodhra means which makes the body sturdy. This herb treats bleeding disorders because of its absorption enhancing property. It is very light and acts as a coolant and also acts as a pitta pacifier. Lodhra’s bark has anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Dosage : 2 Capsules every morning and evening after meals.


Aloe Vitals is a 100% natural formulation which consists of anti-oxidants that eradicate harmful toxins from our body. It boosts immunity and aids in pacifying the three doshas. It consists of pure aloe Vera extracts. Aloe Vera has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and also detoxifies the body.

Dosage : 1 capsule twice on a daily basis after meals.


Shatavari capsules is a herbal formulation and rejuvenates the female body including menstrual disorders. This herb helps the female in maintaining and improving her fertility. It consists of phytoestrogen that helps in balancing the hormones and alleviates the risk of endometriosis. It strengthens the female reproductive system. This formulation helps in treating all gynecological ailments like ovarian cysts, endometriosis, menstrual disorders to name a few.

Dosage : 2 Capsules two times a day after meals.


This formulation is an improvised form of Pushyanug Churna which consists of Lodhra, Ashok, Arjun and Udumbar. It is considered to be very helpful in curing female disorders. And Vata imbalance is said to be the root cause of all gynecological disorders and this herb calms the vitiated vata. Also it naturally equalizes female hormones. It improves the inflamed lining of uterus or the endometrium and treatment endometriosis.

Dosage : 5 grams with lukewarm water every day.


This herbal formulation is enriched with herbs that have anti- inflammatory properties. These do not cause any side effects and act as a pain killer.


Boswellia helps in decreasing and repairing the inflamed endometrium. It also consists of potent analgesic properties and also improves the blood circulation.


Curcumin or turmeric are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant in nature. Also this herb hinder the growth of the cells that cause inflammation.

Dosage : 2 capsules twice a day, with plain water after meals.


Our body responds to the foods we eat rapidly and this affects our overall health. Making healthy changes in your diet helps in reversing symptoms of Endometriosis. Patients with Endometriosis should consume a high fiber diet which comprises of fruits, vegetables, whole grains. These foods aid in controlling Endometriosis symptoms to some extent.

The main cause of some foods worsening the symptoms of Endometriosis depends on the reactions that occur due to ingesting these foods. Consuming a balanced diet in this disorder alleviates the harmful chemical reactions. The reversal in symptoms may include reduced pain and inflammation. Also, it helps in decreasing estrogen levels in the body and thus alleviates the chances of the disease growing further.

The prime focus of the special diet for endometriosis is to hinder the bad prostaglandins due to their negative effects on the body. Consuming a healthy diet helps in promoting the good Prostaglandins which help in reducing the uterine contractions, pain and inflammations. Changing the consumption of oils has a huge effect on your body. Good oils can be found in the Omega-3 group. The best sources are:

  • Fish oil or consuming fish on the whole.
  • Walnuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dark green leafy vegetables.

Avoid saturated fats, animal fats, butter etc.

Increasing your fiber consumption decreases the high levels of estrogen. As excess of everything is bad, fiber intake should be in moderation. Easily digestible fibers are found in fruits and vegetables as they improve digestion while providing a soothing effect. Fibers can be found in

  • Pulses
  • Beans and peas
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole grains

There are a few foods which need to be shunned for a faster improvement and they include, refined carbohydrates, dairy products, refined sugars, honey, chocolate, canned and preserved foods, saturated fats. Alcohol and smoking should also be avoided to promote faster healing.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit - www.planetayurveda.com, www.alwaysayurveda.com

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