Gokshura – Its uses and Benefits

Gokshura Plant

GokhshuraGokshura is also known as Tribulus Terrestris which is widely distributed in the world and only grows in a dry climate where only a few plants can survive. This plant can also thrive in poor soil conditions and desert climates. The stem of this plant grows around 10 centimeters in diameter and usually forms flat patches. The stem branch is usually hairy and the leaves are pinnately compound. The leaflets are around 3 mm long

Regional Names of Gokshura:

  • English – Caltrops fruit
  • Hindi – Gokhru
  • Sanskrit – Goksuraka, Traikatna, Svadamstra
  • Assamese – Gokhurkata, Gokshura
  • Bengali – Gokhri, Gokshura
  • Gujrati – Bethagokharu, Mithagokhru
  • Kannad – Neggilamullu, Neggilu, Sannaneggilu
  • Kashmiri – Pakhda, Michikand
  • Malayalam – Nerinjil
  • Marathi – Gokharu, Sarate,
  • Oriya – Gokhyura, Gukhura
  • Punjabi – Bhakhra, Gokhru
  • Tamil – Nerinjil, Nerunjil
  • Telugu – PalleruKaya
  • Urdu – Khar-e-KhasakKhurd.

General Description of Gokshura

Habitat – The plant is found throughout sub-tropical parts of India, ascending up to 1000 meters as a weed along roadsides and waste places.

Growth Pattern – The stems radiate from the crown to a diameter of about 10 cm (3.9 in) to over 1 m (3 ft 3 in), often branching. These may grow more upwards in shade or among taller plants.

Leaves: Leaves are stipulate, opposite usually unequal and around 3 mm long.

Part Used: Fruit, root

Botanical Classification of Gokshura

Scientific Name Tribulus Terrestris
Family Zygophyllaceae
Order Zygophyllales
Kingdom Plantae
Rank Species
Higher classification Puncture vine
Ayurvedic Name Gokshura

Nutritional Value of Gokshura

The active ingredients in Tribulus Terrestris include saponins, lignin amides, flavonoids, alkaloids, and glycosides potassium nitrate, resin, tannins, sugar, sterols, and essential oil. The steroidal Saponins, including protodioscin, are considered the most active components. Protodioscin is one of the precursors of the DHEA, Which is a marker for aging

Gokshura Ayurvedic Properties

Hindi/ Sanskrit English
Rasa Madhura Taste Sweet
Guna Guru, Snigdha Physical Property Heavy, Unctuous
Vipaka Madhura Metabolic Property (After Digestion) Sweet
Virya Sheeta Potency- Cold

Gokshura Uses and benefits

  • Gokshura is abundant in Saponins. One particular saponin that Gokshura has is Protodioscin. This is an active ingredient that helps in muscle strengthening as well as bodybuilding.
  • The consumption of Gokshura (Tribulus), Promotes the release of nitric oxide which increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles. This enables muscles to use the protein in our body to its fullest.
  • Component Protodioscin stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more testosterone. Testosterone is a key hormone that helps in muscle building.

Other Health Benefits of Gokshura

Gokshura is an amazing Rasayana that can be used for several health benefits listed below:

  • As a diuretic, it is useful in treating urinary infections and kidney stones.
  • Treating skin ailments like acne.
  • Useful for women suffering from PCOS. (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) It eliminates excess water and reduces the size of the cyst.
  • It regulates serotonin levels and improves brain function.
  • Gokshura can also be used as an Anti-Aging agent.
  • Good for Cardiac Health.
  • Gokshura is beneficial in various health issues such as water retention, hair fall, rheumatic pain, headache/stress, weak nervous system, obesity, menstruation, bedwetting, piles, and eye problem.

Planet Ayurveda Herbal Formulation with Gokhshura

Tribulus Power

Tribulus Power is an effective herbal blend to enhance male sexual performance naturally without causing any side effects. Some Merits of using Tribulus Power capsules are-

  • It is beneficial in gaining muscle strength and improves the lean body mass therefore it is also popular in gyms to promote muscle mass and its capacity.
  • Very popular in the western world as ‘Alternative to Viagra’, enhance stamina, Pleasure, and strength
  • Helps to cure Erectile Dysfunction.
  • It increases sperm count and improves the quality of sperm.
  • Useful in Male Impotence and infertility
  • Tribulus Power is best for energy generation and to improve the blood circulation in the tissues of the penis

Dosage -1 to 2 Capsules Once or twice daily

Gokshura Powder

Gokshura Powder is good effective for improving men’s health. The churna has powerful spermatogenic properties that are extremely beneficial for treating hypothermia (low volume of semen), oligospermia (i.e. low sperm count), teratozoospermia (i.e. abnormal sperm shape) and enhances spermatogenesis (i.e. sperm production). Being a natural antioxidant, it improves the production of testosterone and luteinizing hormone. It also treats conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Dosage – 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after the meals.

Male Support Formula

Male support formula is a powerful combination of selected herbs to treat sexual weakness as well as generalize body weakness in men. The usage of Gokshur as the form of ingredient is 100 mg for making the Male support Formula

Advantage of using Male support Formula-

  • The herbs control Erectile Dysfunction, Low sperm count, Physical weakness including infertility in men.
  • Control Premature Ejaculation and low sperm count in men
  • Very much effective for men suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dosage – 1-2 Capsule, Once or twice daily

 Musli Strength Capsule

Musli strength enhances libido, stamina, and vigor. These capsules provide regenerative powers and also helpful in treating generalized body weakness. The contribution of Gokshura as one of the element is 250 mg for making the Musli strength capsules

Benefits of Musli Capsule

  • Musli capsule is an Ayurvedic formulation of Safed Musli powder which is synergistically processed with highly advanced technology at Planet Ayurveda.
  • The product is made out of the best quality and authentic Ayurvedic herbs, available in India.
  • These herbs are specially selected and manually graded to give the best products, contains active levels of Saponin along with which has adaptogenic, revitalizing, immuno-modulatory & antioxidant properties.

Dosage – 1-2 Capsules once or twice daily.

Atirasadi Churna

Atirasadi is one the formulation of Planet Ayurveda which is very much effective to improve stamina and increase male fertility

Usage: Gokshura is used as the component for making the Atirasadi Churna

Health Advantage of using Atirasadi Churna

  • Atirasadi churna is effective for treating male infertility. Safed Musli is one of the ingredients used in Atrasadi Churna that is basically used for premature ejaculation, low sperm count and loss of libido.
  • All the herbs used in the preparation of this product are meant to strengthen the male sexual health and enhance stamina.

Dosage – Consume 1 teaspoonful with plain water, after meals. Twice daily is recommended.

Water ex Tablets:

Water Ex is a natural remedy that is prepared using the herbs that have been used for treating water retention for ages. Role of Gokshura as the component is 100 mg for making the Water Ex tablets

Below are some advantages of Water Ex tablets:

  • The herb helps in preventing fluid retention in the body.
  • This helps to reduce swelling due to excess accumulation of fluid
  • Useful in water retention due to kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, congestive heart failure
  • Removes toxins from the body naturally

Planet Ayurveda Products Pack with Gokshura

Medicine is that which ends the disease. Medicines which cures the disease and does not produce any other disease or side effects should be considered as the best and Planet Ayurveda has different packs according to the patient illness where Gokshura has been used as basic components these packs are mention below:

  • Tribulus Power Pack
  • TRT Care Pack
  • Prostate Care Pack
  • Stone Crusher Pack
  • Bed Hercules Pack
  • Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack


This traditional herbal remedy blessed with countless health benefits holds high significance in treating urinary and kidney problems, improving male and female reproductive functioning, boosting stamina, improving cognitive abilities and promoting heart and skin health. The extensive health benefits of the various herbs used in this formulation also increase its therapeutic efficacy in treating infertility issues. If taken in the proper dosage, one can stay away from side effects and enjoy the countless health benefits.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit - www.planetayurveda.com, www.alwaysayurveda.com

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