September 27, 2016
Top 10 Health Benefits of Ashwagandha Powder -Withania somnifera
Ashwagandha is considered as the one of most potent herb in Ayurveda. It is comprised of two sanskrit words (Ashwa – horse and Gandha – smell because its roots smell like horse urine). This describes that herb has strength of a stallion and traditionally given to strengthen immune system of people after illness. Ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng because of its rejuvenating properties though there is no co relation between ginseng and Ashwagandha. Benefits of Ashwagandha are countless for human health.
Geographic distribution – This herb is found in all over parts of country. Ashwagandha is also cultivated in various botanical gardens of India due to its medical importance.
- Size : This herb is small woody shrub which can grow from 150-200 cm in height.
- Leaves : Leaves are simple, alternate or sub opposite and ovate, up to 10 cm long.
- Flowers : Flowers are greenish- yellow, found in flowered clustered in axils and 4-6mm in diameter.
- Fruits : Red berries enclosed in a green enlarged calyx.
- Roots : Roots are stout, long tuberous, fleshy, whitish brown and aromatic.
- Sanskrit names : Ashwagandha, Balada, Kamrupini, Gandhpatri , Vajini
- Common names : Winter cherry, Indian ginseng
- Scientific name : Withania somnifera
- Family : Solanaceae
- Plant parts used : Whole plant parts
Ashwaganhda benefits : Ashwaganhda is loaded with amazing properties which are quite useful to treat the various health complication. In ayurveda, Ashwagandha helps to pacify the vata dosha and also considered as the brain tonic. By knowing health benefits of Ashwagandha this herb is used in formulation of Ashwagandha powder. Ashwagandha powder is an amazing formulation of Planet Ayurveda. This herbal powder is completely safe for use and free from any color, preservatives, starch and chemicals.
Health Benefits of Ashwagandha Powder
1. Anti – cancerous properties
Ashwagandha is considered as the anti-cancer herb. Component present in the Ashwagandha helps to slow down growth of several type of cancer cells. Use of this herb is good in the treatment of breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia and sarcoma. It is good to reduce the adverse effects of radiation and chemotherapy without interference with tumor cell killing activities. It helps to stop the angiogenesis – in which there is formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer. It also protects the normal cells from damage of conventional cancer therapy.
2. Anti-stress properties
Aswagandha is considered as nerve tonic. It helps to maintain the both physical health and mental health. According to Ayurveda, Ashwagandha helps to pacify the the vata dosha which is related to brain health. It helps to calm the nervous system thus provides the relief in anxiety, stress, depression and various other mental disorders. It is good to treat the insomnia and sleeping disorders in people.
3. Increases the body’s stamina and strength
Ashwagandha helps to enhance the body’s stamina as it helps to balance the adrenal hormones which are involved in the physical activities. These hormones help to reduce muscles and joints pains while doing physical activities so as it helps to maintain the same energy levels. This is reason use of Ashwagandha is quite good for athletes.
4. Antimicrobial activities
Ashwagandha is a loaded with antimicrobial activities. It helps to increase the body’s immunity to fight against the foreign bacteria, viruses and fungal infections. It is quite good in the treatment of various infections like respiratory tract infections, skin infections, gastrointestinal and urogenital infections.
5. Cardio – protective properties
This herb is known to be quite good to support the good heart heath due its cardiovascular properties. It helps to strengthen the heart muscles. It helps to maintain the healthy blood pressure and good cholesterol levels in body. Moreover Ashwagandha helps to dilate the vessels and maintain the proper blood flow in body.
6. Anti-diabetic properties
Ashwagandha also packed the anti-diabetic properties because its helps to maintain the good blood sugar levels. It has been found that regular use of Ashwagandha is quite effective to manage the problem of diabetes.
7. Anti-inflammatory properties
Ashwagandha possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to provide the relief in all type of joint, muscles and various other body pains. Ashwagandha is loaded with phytochemical compounds like alkaloids, saponins and steroidal lactones which have anti-inflammatory properties.
8. Healthy hair
Ashwagandha offers its benefits for good hair health. It provides the strength to hair and also improves the blood circulation in scalp. It helps in production of melanin pigment that is responsible for hair color. Use of this herb is also effective to get rid from dandruff.
9. Aphrodisiac properties
Aphrodisiac properties of Ashwagandha help to improve the vitality and fertility and. This help is known to be quite beneficial to enhance sexual desire. In the case of men it helps to improve the quality and production of semen. Where as in case of women it helps to balance the hormonal imbalances.
10. Stimulation of thyroid gland
Benefits of Ashwagandha are also very useful to improve the thyroid health. Being an adptogenic herb it helps to manage the both hypo and hyper thyroid complications. Furthermore it is helpful in the proper functioning of thyroid hormones.
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