September 12, 2018
Herbal Remedies for Esophageal Varices – Symptoms and Causes
Esophageal Varices are characterised by the abnormal and enlarged veins in the esophagus (the tube that connects throat and stomach). It is most commonly seen in people with serious liver diseases.
This disease takes place when the normal blood flow to the liver is blocked by a clot or a scar tissue in the liver. As a result, the blood flows into smaller blood vessels that are not designed to carry large volumes of blood. Therefore, the vessels can leak or get ruptured causing life-threatening bleeding.
What are the Symptoms of Esophageal Varices?
Esophageal varices generally do not cause any signs and symptoms until or unless they bleed. The signs and symptoms of bleeding Esophageal varices include :-
- Vomiting with significant amounts of blood in the vomiting
- Light-headedness
- Black, tarry and bloody stools
- In severe cases, there is a loss of consciousness
Signs of liver disease include which are helpful in diagnosing varices. These include:
- Jaundice which includes yellow colouration of skin as well as eyes.
- Ascites characterised by fluid build up in the abdomen.
- Easy bleeding or bruising
What are the Causes of Esophageal Varices?
Esophageal Varices form when the blood flow to the liver is blocked due to the scarring of the tissue caused by the liver disease. The blood flow begins to back up which increases the pressure within the portal vein that carries blood to the liver.
This pressure known as portal hypertension forces the blood to seek other pathways through the smaller veins such as those in the lowest part of the esophagus. As a result, the thin walled veins balloon with the added blood. Sometimes, the veins get rupture and start to bleed.
Causes of Esophageal Varices Include
- Liver Scarring (Cirrhosis):- The liver diseases such as hepatitis infection, liver disease, fatty liver disease, bile duct disorder can result in cirrhosis.
- Parasitic Infection :- A parasitic infection known as schistosomiasis found in parts of South America, Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. This parasite can damage the liver, lungs, intestine and bladder.
- Thrombosis :A blood clot in the portal vein or in a vein that feeds into the portal vein can cause esophageal varices.
Diagnosis and Treatment: The main tests that are used to diagnose esophageal varices include: endoscope exam, imaging tests and capsule endoscopy.
Modern treatment for esophageal varices includes medications to reduce pressure in the portal vein, using elastic bands to tie off the bleeding veins, certain medications to slow blood flow into the portal vein, diverting blood flow away from the portal vein, preventing infection and liver transplant.
Treatment of Esophageal Varices According to Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda offers various herbal remedies which are designed by renowned medical experts of Planet Ayurveda. These herbal remedies are extremely effective herbal formulations for managing esophageal varices. These herbal formulations are :-
- Pitta Balance Capsules
- Arjuna Capsules
- Digestion Support Capsules
- Punarnava Capsules
- Prawal Panchamrit Tablets
1. Pitta Balance Capsules
Pitta Balance of Planet Ayurveda is a wonderful formulation which is a combination of several unique ingredients which are cooling in nature as well as natural calcium compounds. These capsules are very useful in treating heart burn, ulcers, acidity, cold sores, inflamed rashes as well as cold sores. The bleeding associated with esophageal varices can be controlled by Pitta Balance Capsules.
Dosage :- 1-2 capsule twice daily.
2. Arjuna Capsules
Arjuna Capsules of Planet Ayurveda are prepared from the standardised extract of the herb Terminalia arjuna tree bark. In Ayurveda, Arjuna tree bark is a popular herbal remedy for heart problems and blood pressure. It is not only useful in heart ailments but also helps in clearing away the blockages in the arteries. Thus, these capsules are very useful in venous thrombosis.
Dosage :- 1-2 capsule twice daily.
3. Digestion Support Capsules
Digest Support Capsules by Planet Ayurveda contain the standardised extracts of various herbs that are known to keep the digestive system healthy. These capsules help in maintaining the natural pH of the stomach and helps in curing indigestion problems. It is a complete solution to all the digestive problems and works well for the intestinal processing of the food.
Dosage :-1-2 capsule twice a day.
4. Punarnava Capsules
Punarnava Capsules of Planet Ayurveda are prepared from the standardised extract of the herb Boerrhavia diffusa. This herb is considered as an excellent tonic for the heart as well as kidneys. It is also considered as a rejuvenative herb. It also increases the digestive fire and also absorbs fluids from the digestive system.
Dosage :-1-2 capsule twice daily.
5. Prawal Panchamrit Tablets
Prawal Panchamrit Ras is a classical Ayurvedic mineral formulation. As the name indicates, it is made of two words: Panch + Amrit. Panch means five and amrit means elixir. It is made of 5 bhasams which act together as elixir. They also help in longevity. Most of the ingredients of Prawal Panchamrit Ras are calcium compounds that help in calcium supplementation as well. This medicine is mainly used in the treatment of digestive disorders. Provides cooling effects.
Ingredients of Prawal Panchamrit Tablets are :-
- Praval Bhasma (incinerated form of coral): 2 parts.
- Mukta Bhasma (incinerated form of pearl): 1 part
- Shankha Bhasma (incinerated part of conch shell): 1 part
- Mukta Sukthi Bhasma (incinerated form of pearl oyster shell): 1 part
- Kapardhika Bhasma (incinerated form of cowry shell): 1 part
Dose: 1-2 tablet twice daily.