October 7, 2020
Why Today’s Women Have More Fertility Issues As Compared To Earlier Times?
Infertility has become a very common issue nowadays more than even we think it is. Numerous couples throughout the globe are being unsuccessful in conceiving even after having unprotected sexual intercourse for one or two years. Infertility has increased a lot more than earlier times and the raising graph is to be concerned about. These cases have been increased dramatically creating a hopeless situation for many couples and these cases of infertility are estimated to rise leaps and bounds in the coming years. In this article, we will be learning about the causes of rising infertility and how Ayurveda can help in managing it.
As per the several kinds of research going on worldwide, there are many factors that are giving rise to this increasing infertility. But the “Age” is the main factor which lies behind most of the infertility cases and you must have heard this factor a million times. Earlier the women used to have their first child in their early twenties while nowadays the age has increased to the late twenties. Even many couples are waiting more for getting settled first and then have their first child. With the increasing age, several factors for infertility also rise like sexually transmitted diseases and exposure to environmental toxins.
As age increases, every individual is prone to have many other health problems which themselves or treatment for them are responsible for infertility. Before 30 both the partners are most likely to be healthy and can conceive easily while after 30s chances of getting pregnant if a woman drops with every passing day. The quality of the eggs produced in a woman’s ovaries declines along with the quantity with progressing age. Fertility is found to sharply decline after a woman crosses her 35 years of age and by 40 the chances of conceiving have fallen to a great extent.
Other than age there are several other factors that contribute to infertility.
Let’s learn about them
- Genetics– Just like in other areas of our health genes play an important role in conceiving or fertility as well. Your genes can be responsible for the age you will have your menopause depending upon the history of menopause of your mother, sisters, or grandmother. Our genes are also responsible for the level of hormones in our body so yes genetic also plays a marked role in the female’s reproductive cycle.
- Hormones– Hormones have a very important and crucial role in the conception and maintenance of the pregnancy. You must be knowing that these chemical messengers play a vital role in the functioning of the body and any change in their level can change the way your body functions. Hormones like Follicle stimulation hormone, Luteinizing hormone, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, progesterone, and estrogen which controls the process of ovulation and pregnancy. In order to one get pregnant all these hormones should be at the absolute proper level in the body.
- Medical history– Surgical treatment for certain diseases like endometriosis or ovarian cysts can damage the ovaries or its capacity to release eggs. Life-saving chemotherapy and radiotherapy also have a negative impact on the reproductive cycle of females and she can have early menopause. Other factors like sexually transmitted diseases resulting in pelvic inflammatory diseases also result in damaging the fertility of a woman.
- Lifestyle- Lifestyle might not be the greatest reason for infertility but certain habits can damage fertility like smoking. Smoking is known to cause damage to chromosomes of the female’s eggs and decreases ovarian reserve as well. Other lifestyle factors like improper sleep cycle, being underweight, or overweight also hampers the conception due to creating an imbalance in the hormones.
There may certain methods to overcome these issues like freezing the eggs in order to go for IVF afterward and hormone therapies. However, none is specific or sure to accomplish the goal of conceiving. IVF has also come as a great revolution for the infertile people but the success rate of that also varies and decreases with the increasing age
Ayurveda can also help in managing the condition and can help one in conceiving naturally. Ayurvedic herbs have specific therapeutic action on the reproductive system of a woman that helps in maintaining a hormonal balance and helps in treating other factors that are hampering the pregnancy.
Planet Ayurveda is a herbal pharmaceutical company that deals in herbs and herbal formulations that are specifically prescribed by Ayurveda MD doctors as per the disease and condition brought up by a patient. All the medicines which are manufacture here are devoid of preservatives, chemicals, additives, dye, colors, or additives which male them safer to consume and effective. Methods and information given in ancient Ayurvedic literature are used in the composition of the medicines and are prepared under the strict supervision of Ayurveda Experts.
For Infertility also Planet Ayurveda offers certain herbal formulations that help in treating infertility in women.
1. Female Health Support
This herbal formulation is composed of Ashok (Saraca asoca), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), and Shatavari (Asparagusracemosus) herbs. All these herbs are known for their therapeutic action on reproductive system of women. Female health support capsules help in balancing the hormones and their proper action.
Dosage- Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water
2. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar guggul is the polyherbal tablet that is prepared from medicinal herbs like Kanchnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia chebula), Black pepper (Piper nigrum), etc. These tablets detoxify the body and help in treating fibroids, cysts, or endometriosis.
Dosage- Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water
3. Shatavari Capsules
Asparagus racemosus or Shatavari in standardized extract form is used to prepare Shatavari capsules of Planet Ayurveda. Regular consumption of these capsules maintains a healthy hormonal balance, enhances libido, helps in giving a healthy reproductive life, etc.
Dosage- Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water
4. Naari Kalyan Churna
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), and Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) are used in preparation of Naari kalyan churna. As the name suggests this herbal churna helps in maintaining overall reproductive health of a woman. In infertility, it can help in a healthy menstrual cycle, maintain hormonal balance, and relieves mental stress as well.
Dosage- Take 1 teaspoon twice daily after meals with plain water
Everyone at some point in time wants to start their family and have kids but due to increasing instances of infertility have broken many dreams. However, Ayurveda can help in managing infertility that too by completely natural means not harming any other part of the body. Herbal Remedies for infertility by Planet Ayurveda can be that tiniest and wildest chance which can help you on not giving up.
However I just want to remind all the ladies out there with or without baby, you are valuable and whole and your existence does matter!
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