April 21, 2023
How To Oil Pulling Can Help To Slow Down The Receding Gums
Oral health and overall health connect to each other. As with all body parts the oral cavity is prone to bacterial growth because it is the entry point of the digestive as well as respiratory tract and causes various diseases. In Ayurveda, there are many methods that help in the maintenance of oral health. Oil pulling is one of the ancient methods for removing bacteria and promoting oral hygiene.
Oil Pulling is an effective method for maintaining oral hygiene. It kills the harmful bacteria which is associated with gingivitis, bad breath, and other diseases. It is very helpful in removing plaque, whitening teeth, and removing toxins from the mouth. There are many oils described in Ayurveda that are used in oil pulling and show various benefits such as tooth weakness, relieving tingling sensation, dental caries, sore throat, and vataj disorders, etc. In this article, we will discuss how oil pulling can help slow down receding gums. First of all, we will discuss receding gums in detail.
Receding gums
Receding gums is a condition in which the gums surrounding the teeth wear off and expose the teeth up to the root. In this condition, there is the formation of gaps or pockets between the gum line and teeth which makes the bacteria build-up easier. If it is unmanaged then it will damage the tissue and bone structure that surrounds the teeth and at last lead to tooth loss.
- Bacterial infection
- Genetics
- Aggressive tooth brushing
- Hormonal changes
- Insufficient dental care
- Use of tobacco products
- Lack of vitamin C
- Lip or tongue piercing
- Sensitivity to hot and cold
- The tooth appears longer than normal
- Increased space in between teeth
- Losing teeth
- Tooth decay
- Bleeding gums
- Bad breath
- Pain at the gum line
- Red and swollen gums
Risk factors
- Smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Poor oral hygiene
- Genetic predisposition
- Patients who are living with diabetes
- Medications that cause dry mouth
- Certain diseases such as HIV
- Hormonal changes in females
- Physical examination
- Imaging- x-ray
- Topical antibiotic gel
- Antiseptic chips
- Antimicrobial mouthwash
- Enzyme suppressants
- Surgery:- It involves various surgeries such as
Flap surgery- It involves deep tissue cleaning and getting rid of bacteria. In this main gums are lifted up and put back in place.
Grafting- In this bone or tissue plays an important role to grow back gums.
- Regeneration
- Soft tissue graft
- Brush your teeth twice a day
- Quit smoking
- Eat a well-balanced and healthy diet
- Monitor changes that may occur in your mouth
- Floss once daily
- Use of antimicrobial mouthwash twice daily
- Use of soft bristle toothbrush
Ayurvedic overview
Ayurveda simply means knowledge of life which deals with humans as well as animals. Ayurveda mainly works on the principle of three doshas i.e. vata, pitta, and kapha. In Ayurveda oil pulling can be correlated with gandush and kawal. According to Ayurveda, there are two methods of oil pulling i.e. Gandusha and Kavala. Acharya Charak explains only one method of oil pulling i.e. Kavala. According to acharya shushrut and acharya vagbhata there are two methods of oil pulling i.e. gandusha and Kavala.
Reference:- ashtanga sutrasthana. Chapter 22
Gandush: In this method, the patient holds the medicated oil or liquid in his mouth. The quantity of liquid is so much that the patient cannot move the oil in his mouth. So in this procedure, the patient has to hold liquid in his mouth for some time and spit it off.
Kavala: In this method, the patient easily rotates the medicated oil in his mouth. After rotating the medicated oil for some time then spit it off.
Types of Oil Pulling
1. Snehana- In this oil pulling is done with the help of oils and fats and oils are processed with sweet herbs, salty and sour.
2. Prasadan- This type of oil pulling is done with the help of oil and oil is processed with bitter and sweet herbs.
3. Shodhan- This oil pulling is especially practiced in kapha disorders. The oil is processed with pungent, bitter, salty, and sour which have a hot potency.
4. Ropana- In this oil is processed with bitter and astringent quality.
Liquids used for Oil Pulling
- Dhanyamla
- Animal urine
- Meat soup
- Wine
- Fermented gruel
- Honey
- Water
- Fats
Mostly used liquids for oil pulling in practical use
1. Sesame seed paste and water
Take 1 tsp of sesame seed paste and add 1 cup of warm water to it. This mixture can be used for gargling.
- Tooth weakness
- Relieving tingling sensation
- Vataj disorders
2. Sesame oil
This oil is very effective for a good taste of food, depth of voice, flabbiness of the face and strengthening the jaws, etc. If a person uses this oil on a regular basis then the person never faces problems such as toothache, dental caries, sore throat, and cracked lips.
3. Ghee along with milk
The persons who are suffering from mouth ulcers, burning sensations, and poisonous wounds then this remedy is very effective for them.
4. Honey
This is beneficial for patients who are suffering from burning sensations and mouth ulcers.
5. Dhanyamla
It is a fermented grain liquid that is used in case of bad smell and distaste.
6. Dhanyamla without salt
It is very effective for alleviating dryness of the mouth
7. Ksharambu (alkaline water)
It is very useful for removing kapha dosha from the mouth. So it can be used in kapha disorders.
Method of Oil Pulling
The person should follow the following steps as per ancient science
1. The person should sit in a place that is devoid of the breeze and with mild sunlight
2. Now massage the neck and shoulder of the patient with mahanarayan tail, ashwagandha tail, sesame oil, and ksheerabala taila for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
3. The second step is fomentation. In which washing of the neck and face with hot water and the face and the neck can be exposed to the steam. During this process eyes should be covered.
4. The last step is oil pulling. The patient should do oil pulling till kapha accumulated in the mouth or water secreting from the mouth and eyes. After this process, spit off the liquid.
Effects of the procedure
1. Samyak yoga lakshana (proper effects)
- Relief of symptoms
- Freshness in the oral cavity
- Cleaning of mouth
- Lightness of mouth
- Sense organs tend to their work
2. Heena yoga lakshana (inadequate effects)
- Excessive salivation
- Improper functioning of taste buds
- Anorexia
- Stiffness
3. Atiyoga lakshana (excessive effects)
- Mouth ulcers
- Dryness of mouth
- Thirst
- Feeling of exhaustion
In this article, we have learned about oral health and overall health are connected to each other. As with all body parts the oral cavity is prone to bacterial growth because it is the entry point of the digestive as well as respiratory tract and causes various diseases. In Ayurveda, there are many methods that help in the maintenance of oral health. Oil pulling is one of the ancient methods for removing bacteria and promoting oral hygiene. Here in this article, we have learned about oil pulling and its correlation with Ayurveda in detail.