December 18, 2018
How to Relieve Insomnia without Medication?-Sleeping Disorder
Recently, it was discovered that due to high competition, stress has started spreading its wings; the one thing that is shortening is a nice sleep with sweet dreams. This lack of sleep process is called insomnia. Every individual comes under stress at one time or another during his/her lifetime. Don’t lose sleep over it; better handle the situation more tactfully. Just think
- There is a key to every problem
- A relief for every worry,
- A light for every shadow,
- A plan for every tomorrow
The moment you get out of bed, lack of sleep will certainly disturb your daily routine, making you more angry and irritable. The first thing that you think is run to a doctor and asks him/her to provide you a medicine that can make you go to sleep soundly. He/she might give you some tablets, which do make you go to sleep soundly initially, but their side effects are hazardous in the long run.
Insomnia happens due to depression and low quality of life. Insomnia further leads us to stress, frustration, exhaustion, hopelessness and cause Alzheimer’s disease. But don’t panic, today we are going to discuss some natural remedies, if followed precisely, these remedies will help you reduce your insomnia fever and ultimately you can enjoy a sound sleep.
What are the Reasons for Insomnia and how to cure them naturally?
Avoid Daytime Naps
- People usually rest a little after having lunch, if you take a rest on your bed, you are bound to go to sleep. Don’t think that you are catching the sleep you missed yesterday night. If you dodge your afternoon nap, it will make you fall asleep sooner than you usually go to sleep and will maintain the sleep in a better way.
Eradicate taking alcoholic, caffeine drinks and nicotine:
- Caffeine has long effects, say 24 hours, so the chance of getting sound sleep diminish. It not only decreases sleep but frequently wakes in the night many times and you don’t get a chance to enjoy a sound sleep again.
- Alcohol might be sedative for the first a few hours, but it awakes you in the middle of the night and you keep turning, but the sleep never returns. If you are suffering from asthma problems, better ask your doctor when to take the air through the inhaler, which will minimize any affect on your sleep. So avoid these things and you will get a sound sleep within a few days.
Embrace a daily schedule:
- Try to fix a time when you should hit the bed and at what time you have to wake up. It should be a precise time and don’t keep changing it every third day. Sometimes you don’t feel like waking up, due to one reason or another, but never give up this schedule. Initially, it may look difficult, but later on you will realize its virtues. Do not alter your precise schedule on weekends also, can change a little bit, not exceeding 1 hour. After a few days you will go to sleep soundly.
Begin Exercise Regularly:
- When you begin exercising regularly, your body releases endorphins that help in reducing stress. When stress escapes from your mind, it invites better quality and deep sleep. You must do the cardiovascular exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, such as walking, jogging, biking or swimming. Try doing it in the mornings as endorphins causes the brain stimulation, if these exercises are done within 3 hours of sleep.
Restrict your bedroom activities:
- Beds are made for your sleeping and having sex, don’t spoil their reputation by watching TV, working on your laptop or mobile, listening to the radio or any audio device or reading. Then it becomes difficult for the brain to shut down, by the time you are between the sheets. So, better do all these activities outside your bedroom and leave them over there when you return to your bedroom. It will make you sleep profusely.
Make Sleep Comfortable:
- Make the bedroom a comfortable zone that has a normal temperature, lighting that you are comfortable in and avoid noise. Control all these and you can have a nice and deep sleep, which makes you a smart person the next morning. If you are having a pet in your bedroom, better shift it in another corner of your house, because it can also disturb you while you are sleeping by making some noise.
Eradicate all worries:
- Get all your worries over before you hit the bed. Don’t make any plans about tomorrow. It will be better if you can fix a schedule to make plans for tomorrow only after the dinner, fix a permanent time. The idea is to stop worrying about tomorrow when you are about to fall asleep.
- It will be better to make a list of the jobs about tomorrow, right after you close your office. At least it eliminates some worries. These are very small things, but if taken care of in a précised manner, can reduce your worries to a great extent. You can enjoy having a nice sleep.
Decrease Stress:
- There are many stresses reducing therapies that are available in the market these days, which help in relaxing the mental and physical condition of the body. Some of them are the muscle relaxing with audio devices, deep breathing techniques, meditation and yoga etc. All these therapies make you fall sound sleep when you return to your bedroom.
Have the dinner earlier before you hit the bed:
- Eating right before you hit the bed or having snacks can delay your sleep time as it keeps the digestive system working. If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, avoid eating as it can deteriorate your condition.
- Even drinking lots of fluids, keeps your bladder busy, frequenting your visits to the toilet, interrupting your sleep.
All these home remedies are there to make you enjoy a sound sleep in a tranquilized environment. Better make these tips habitual, so that you need not worry about anything and enjoy your sleep. Don’t go to a doctor to get medical health in eradicating this insomnia. His/her medicine can have lots of side effects.