October 15, 2018
How to Treat Neurasthenia in Ayurveda ?
The word ‘change’ means prosperity is coming, due to the ever changing world people mostly come under pressure to do the needful for your families. People started migrating from villages to the big cities to earn better and make life more comfortable. Earlier people used to live in the farms, close to the nature and eat what they grew themselves and had a life without much worries. The modern world saw a drastic change, from farms they shifted to multi-storey buildings. A new arena got opened by various magazines, consumer goods, TV, radio and movies. They felt the world in a vibrating mode outside their respective doors. They seemed to acquire everything, as ‘everybody wants to rule the world’, but couldn’t lay their hands on most of the things. So the troubles brewed up. Lots of experts made people suggest different ways to find vim, vigor and vitality back. Many people were cheated by many leading to depression and neurasthenia getting famous in the public.
People felt that this hectic schedule was making them sick with symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, depression, frequent headaches, females experienced a pain in their menstrual system and males felt getting impotent and feeling weak etc. All these multiple symptoms were given a particular name, "neurasthenia". Some people didn’t get used to these symptoms, they were living in a world of illusions. They too did lose their passion and felt lazy or lethargic and did get agitated and anxious at little happenings.
While its cause could not be traced and nobody considers it as an officially recognized disease, but the fact is that this psycho-physical condition does exist. In modern neurasthenia mostly the patients just complain about the weakness and fatigue, further deteriorating the efforts to reach a conclusion. Mostly such people are seen getting the tonics to make them come out of this tiredness. Instead of psychiatric ward they can be seen roaming in the general wards, making the life of psychiatric doctors miserable.
There are various different causes for the outbreak of neurasthenia
- If you work a little too hard physically
- If you put more pressure on your brains
- If you indulge in having sex more than necessary
- When you become fanatically possessive
- If you get sick for a long time
- Negative thinking and consuming the wrong food
- If your food lacks minerals and vitamins, can make you a nervous disorder.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Neurasthenia
Ayurveda has a long history of terminating many ailments. The herb called Brahmi is famous for being a brain booster. It can be found in any part of the globe, from sea level to 4400ft above sea level. Mostly it mushrooms in wetlands, marshes and land having shallow water. It has a mixture of bitter cum sweet taste, but it cools down the body impartially. Mostly it is used as a memory booster, stimulates the sexual desires and is a tonic for staying healthy. It has a feature that makes you cool and not lose the temperament and makes you think smartly and radically.
When your brains are relaxed you don’t show any symptom of neurasthenia. Now you have the sound sleep in your hands. That means you have found a cure. Brahmi can prove to be a boost for your healthy living.
1. Ashwaghanda Capsules
Ashwaghanda Capsules is another herbal remedy, which heals you from a dreaded disease called neurasthenia. You might not feel the effects of this disease, but if you are ready to heal it quickly, it is much better. You might feel lethargic, lazy and get tired soon while performing a physical task. It is famous for reducing stress of any kind. Better opt for Ashwaghanda Capsules, Ashwaghanda Powder and Medhya Churna. It has been found that it hinders the path of stress in the brains by a chemical reaction. It is helpful in eliminating the effects of stress and anxiety by 69%, a study was conducted and the results are the facts. It diminishes the anxiety and stress of both humans and animals.
It can also eradicate the depression phenomena. It also stimulates the aphrodisiac feeling in men. After experimenting with a few men it did help in enhancing the testosterone and anti-oxidant levels of the blood. Their sperm quality also improved manifold. Now they can become proud fathers, because their fertility shows an upward trend.
2. Stress Support
Stress Support is another remedy for people who falls under tension, the reason can be anything. It contains adaptogens, nutrients and herbal extracts, which help you reach a wise decision, even if you are under some stress, in your daily chores. If you find your mood not acting in a positive manner, whether you are in school, home or office, Stress Support is the best remedy for you.
Stress support can encourage a man for reacting instantly. In modern times no one has the time to wait. Stress Support is just made like that, it boosts your reaction time as it makes the brain bright, best, blazing, sparkling and shiny. It begins reacting instantly and because it is bright, it takes the right decisions that are suitable for all. Thus it can make you popular in the public. Its ingredients makes the whole body totally alert all the time and you feel proud to have Stress Support in your diet schedule.
Stress Support makes you passionate enough that it will take a lot of time to get you infuriated, so it just keeps you calm and take all the decisions in a radical way. Ayurveda takes the chance to make it a remedy which has natural formula that pays off in the long run. It has the ingredients that keeps you fit 100% fine all your life.
It will be much better to see life with a positive attitude, as goes a saying ‘think positive and you have won half the battle.’ If you still need a medicine or anything that makes you feel better, Stress Support is a natural answer for all your problems. Include it in your diet and see the world around you alter.