August 14, 2023
Mast Cells Activation Syndrome Causes, Symptoms and Treatment in Ayurveda
Mast cells are known as allergy cells and their activation leads to the various allergies that is known as Mast cells activation syndrome. Allergy is considered as the reaction from the immune system against something that occurs in a person with sensitive and low immunity levels. Usually the immune system fights against the allergies when the defense mechanism of the body actively participates. But in case of low immunity the body’s defense mechanism does not respond actively and the person suffers from various kinds of allergic reactions such as runny nose, itching, rashes, sneezing, asthma and the anaphylaxis that occur in severe cases. Among these one is Mast cells activation syndrome that we are going to discuss in the below article.
Mast cells activation syndrome is a type of syndrome that is associated with allergic reactions. The mast cells are one of the cells of the body that are responsible for instant allergic reactions. They release mediators that are stored inside them and cause the allergic symptoms. The symptoms appear after the release of antibodies IgE that are lying on the surface of mast cells; they further bind to the proteins that are known as allergens and are responsible for allergic reactions. In case of Mast cells activation syndrome there is a defect in the mast cells and are sensitive to the activation thus leading to severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis. Below we are going to discuss the causes and symptoms of Mast cells activation syndrome.
The exact cause of mast cell activation syndrome is not well known. Usually it is considered as an idiopathic condition as it is not associated with a particular condition. The persons who are suffering from this condition are triggered with some specific things with the allergic reactions. The specific trigger factors are mentioned as below
- Medications
- Infections
- Insect venom
- Fragrances
- Reptile venom
- Exercise
- Stress
- Food
In this case mast cells release a huge amount of mediators that usually affects every part of the body. The primary areas are skin, heart, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms caused by the mediators of mast cells vary from mild to life-threatening.
The person affected with Mast cells activation syndrome may experience the following symptoms
- In Eyes: Itching, irritation, watering
- In Skin: Flushing, itching, sweating, rashes, swelling, hives
- In Nose: running nose, itching
- In Lungs: Wheezing, trouble breathing
- In Mouth and Throat: swelling in tongue, itching, swelling in lips, swelling in throat
- In Stomach and Intestines: Abdominal pain, Nausea, diarrhea, cramping
- In Heart and Blood vessels: Rapid heart rate, low blood pressure
- In Nervous system: Fatigue, confusion, headache
In case the condition is severe then it includes a drastic drop in blood pressure, narrowing of airways, weak pulse, and difficulty breathing. It leads to a life-threatening condition known as anaphylactic shock and also requires emergency management.
It is diagnosed with the presence of skin lesions and the biopsy shows an evaluation with clusters of mast cells. The Most preferred diagnostic method is via the bone marrow. The diagnosis shows dense infiltration of mast cells that is 15% and in severe cases the increase is more than 25%. mast cells. And if there is an increase of more than 25% it may lead to anaphylactic shock.
As we read earlier the condition is associated with low immunity levels that as per ayurveda is known as ojo kshaya. Before studying ojo kshaya let us know about what oja is? Oja is the end product of all dhatus such as rasa (plasma or circulatory fluid), rakta (blood tissue), mamsa (muscle tissue), meda (fat tissue), asthi (bone), majja (bone marrow) and shukra (semen). And oja is considered the immunity of the body, when it gets vitiated or lowers down the body suffers from various diseases. One of such diseases is mast cells activation syndrome in which there is ojo kshaya (depletion of immunity). The main symptoms of ojo kshaya are murcha (unconsciousness), moha (delusion) and other associated symptoms.
Planet Ayurveda provides a variety of herbal remedies for particular diseases. It is a GMP certified clinic that formulates various herbal remedies under the strict guidance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. The remedies are devoid of any kind of color, raisins, gums, fiber, synthetic materials and any kind of preservatives. For the management of Mast cells activation syndrome Planet Ayurveda provides a list of herbal remedies that we will discuss further. So let us discuss how each remedy helps in managing the symptoms of Mast cells activation syndrome.
- Aller-G Care
- Boswellia+curcumin
- Septrin Tablets
- Manjishtha Capsules
- Swarn Vasant Malti Ras
- Chitrak Haritaki
Aller-G Care is a herbal remedy formulated by Planet Ayurveda in capsule form. These herbal capsules consist of standardized extract of herbs like haridra (Curcuma longa), neem (Azadirachta indica), shirish (Albizia lebbeck) and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). All the herbs present in this remedy helps in alleviation of the symptoms of Mast cells activation syndrome. The herbal remedies prevent the release of mediators thus preventing the symptoms of allergy.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.
Boswellia curcumin by Planet Ayurveda is available in capsule form and consists of standardized extract of Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and curcumin (Curcuma longa). Both these extracts consist of miraculous antioxidant properties that help in boosting the immunity levels and work against the mediators released by mast cells thus preventing the allergic symptoms.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
Septrin tablets is a herbal remedy by Planet Ayurveda that is very effective in alleviating any type of infections or allergic reactions associated with low immunity levels. These tablets include ingredients like haldi (Curcuma longa), tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), marich (Piper nigrum) and some others. The herbs of septrin tablets include immune boosting, antioxidant, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. All these properties help in alleviating the allergic symptoms such as itching, runny nose, swelling, wheezing and the other associated symptoms.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water.
Manjishtha capsules consist of the pure herbal extract of manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia). This herbal remedy consists of detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, broncho-dilatory properties. These properties aid in detoxification of the body and aids in managing the symptoms such as any breathing difficulty, wheezing, fever, etc. So you can start taking these capsules for managing your condition.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.
This is a classical ayurvedic formulation that is considered as one of the best ayurvedic formulations for conditions associated with low immunity levels. It consists of various herbo-mineral ingredients such as swarna bhasma (calyx of gold), mukta bhasma (calyx of pearl), shuddha hingula (ore of sulphur and mercury), kali marich (Piper nigrum) and some other herbs and minerals. Swarn vasant malti ras is one of the abundantly used herbal remedies for boosting the immunity levels thus it is considered as effective in Mast Cells Activation Syndrome.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily to be chewed.
This is a classical ayurvedic formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda which consists of various ingredients such as chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), amla (Emblica officinalis), guduchi (Terminalia cordifolia) and various others. Chitrak haritaki is effective in alleviating any kind of respiratory pathway by pacifying vata and kapha dosha. It helps in clearing the respiratory pathway and alleviates any kind of allergy too thus it helps in managing such symptoms of Mast Cells Activation Syndrome.
Dosage: 1 tsp twice daily with lukewarm water.
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604
Mast cells are known as allergy cells and their activation leads to the various allergies that is known as Mast cells activation syndrome. The exact cause of mast cell activation syndrome is not well known. Usually it is considered as an idiopathic condition as it is not associated with a particular condition but here are some triggers that may worsen the condition. As per ayurveda the condition may be associated with ojo kshaya (low immunity). Most common symptoms faced by the patients with mast cells activation syndrome are itching, irritation, runny nose and various others and the severe case leads to anaphylactic shock. For this purpose Planet Ayurveda provides you with various herbal remedies that are mentioned in the given article. All these formulations are free from any kind of synthetic material and preservatives so feel free to consume these medications and get rid of your condition with herbal remedies.