Health Benefits of Moringa & How to Use in Various Conditions


There are many herbs in Ayurveda which are known to be magical or are known because of their magical effect. These herbs, many of them, are found in the kitchen gardens of many homes. These herbs not only make the food delicious but also helps in maintaining various systems of the body. Most importantly these herbs are carminative and digestive which means they can keep the digestive fire ignited. Such herbs can keep you far away from many diseases and one of such herbs is moringa. In this article we are going to discuss one such herb which is Moringa. So, let’s discuss more about moringa and how it is a superfood.



Moringa which is also known as shigru or drumstick or sahjan is a graceful, small and evergreen deciduous tree. The tree grows faster up to the height of 10-12 metres with 45 cm in diameter. Bark of moringa is smooth, dark greyish in colour and surrounded by thick cork. This tree is native to India and widely grows in subtropical areas in north india. Now, it is grown in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. It is also found in ethiopia, sudan, Philippines, America, tropical Asia and Florida. It can grow on any kind of soil and requires very little water for its growth. The flowers of moringa are very fragrant and are surrounded by five unequal thinly veiled and yellow whitish petals. Fruits are green and look like long drumsticks. They are hanging and hold numerous dark brown and globular seeds. Fruits, leaves and seeds all can be used for eating except for the root. The shigru has three varieties black, white and red.

More & More Facts About Moringa

  • The tree is rich in antioxidants and several bioactive compounds. The leaves are an excellent source of B vitamins, iron, minerals and proteins.
  • It has been used traditionally in treatment and prevention of a range of disorders like diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterol etc.
  • The Ayurvedic energetics of moringa are as follows:
    1. Taste— pungent (Katu), bitter (tikta)
    2. Potency—- Hot
    3. Quality—- Light and Dry
    4. Post digestive effect—- Pungent
    5. Effects on humours— Pacifies vata and kapha
    6. Therapeutic effect— Anti inflammatory
  • Part used of shigru are leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers.
  • It is a nutritional supplement. It is used to combat malnutrition among infants and nursing mothers. It may provide a versatil nutritious food throughout the year in various regions.
  • Moringa is known to control blood sugar levels. The herb is known to possess anti diabetic properties thus controls blood sugar and also some complications related to high levels of blood sugar like retinopathy, neuropathy and diabetic foot.
  • The herb also helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels in the body. Moringa stimulates excretion of fatty acids. It also helps in preventing myocardial infarction and brain stroke type of diseases.
  • It is also known for its muscle building effect. The shigru is known to have 9.8gm of protein in 100 gm thus helps in muscle building.
  • The sperm count is also enhanced using moringa. Moreover, it helps in increasing the quality and quantity of sperm, giving strength to male reproductive system.
  • In addition, this herb is known to control blood pressure levels by controlling the thickening of arteries or deposition of fat or by-products in the arteries.
  • Shigru is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent as well. The leaves, seed pods are known for reducing the swelling as well as targeting the  enzymes that facilitate the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the joints, thus helping suppress inflammation and pain. It also improves blood circulation in the joints.
  • This herb is a Calcium supplement as well. It gives strength to teeth and bones and prevents osteoporosis and various types of bone disorders.
  • The skin and hair are also benefited by using moringa. Moringa seed oil is beneficial for protecting hairs against free radicals and keeps them clean and healthy. It also contains proteins which are helpful in protecting skin cells from the extreme damage.
  • It also has an impact in enhancing liver health. Moringa works to protect the liver against damage caused by certain medications and can quicken its repair process.

Now that we know what are the health benefits of moringa, then it’s time to know how these benefits can be availed. So, discussing further, let’s check how to use moringa in different scenarios.

How to use Moringa in various conditions

Leaf Decoction

The leaf decoction of moringa can be used for painful menses or dysmenorrhea. Drinking 50-60 ml of leaf decoction twice daily will definitely serve the purpose.

Leaf Paste

The leaf paste of moringa is an excellent remedy for almost all types of headaches. The paste is to be applied over the forehead for relieving headaches. It can be applied during headache and also on a regular basis (For around 15-20 minutes) to prevent further attack.

Leaf paste or juice as face pack

The paste of moringa leaves along with lemon juice or juice of moringa leaves along with lemon juice can be applied over the face as a face pack twice in a week. It will help in overcoming extensive acne. This is also beneficial for cleaning the skin pores thus preventing the formation of black heads.

Leaf juice or paste for Conjunctivitis

Leaf juice is instilled in the eyes or pate is applied around the eyes. It will reduce the swelling, redness and itching over the eyes. In some cases conjunctivitis is associated with discharge, in that case also moringa leaf juice or paste is beneficial.

Moringa is a traditional medicine which is used over thousands of years to alleviate various types of diseased conditions. Even modern studies have shown that its high antioxidant property makes it a brilliant anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, it is a superfood as well due to its nutritious properties. Moringa is a source of many vitamins and minerals.

Cautions regarding use of Moringa

  • Moringa’s internal use is to be avoided by ladies who are pregnant. It can lead to misccarriage or early abortion.
  • People with sensitive stomach or gastritis or hyperacidity also should avoid its use. 


The moringa is a superfood and it is proved in the above information provided. As mentioned before it is a great source of nutrients and minerals. The plant is available in various parts of the world and bears antioxidant properties as well. The flowers of moringa are edible and are a rich source of vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium. They are generally picked when they are young and cooked. So that’s all about Moringa. A superfood. In case of any query do visit

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit

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